Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC
Got ya I see the confusion…not sure I remember Syndicate Alliance on JQ either but I am sure they will be an asset on SoR. GG on filling in your coverage. Just a matter of time or server collapse before SoR is up in t1.
We want to do it slow and steady with the right people with the right attitudes. We aren’t in any rush for T1.
80k kills and counting
That will keep you guys there long term once there. It’s what our success is.
Man, we’re losing people left and right. I live in the EST timezone and during my 6PM-10PM period SBI is outmanned in every single map, and when I join WvW we’ve lost our garrison in EB and SoR is camping our spawn. We have like one commander that I still recognize from the days of old when we were doing well, and our zerg consists of a whopping 12-16 players. It’s so depressing. I’m not going to bail on my server because I’m genuinely loyal to SBI and always have been, but what do we have to do to get our numbers anywhere remotely meaningful? At this rate, we’re going to be crashing to T7-T8 in no time flat, especially given that free transfers ending will basically be sealing our fate.
It’s easy to say “Keep your chin up”, but from having been T1 so long you get used to a certain quality of combat, and now we just don’t even come remotely close to that. This is about as bad as a fall from grace can get. Good plays all around TC and SoR. We just don’t deserve to be in this tier, and sorry to be wasting your time.
That will keep you guys there long term once there. It’s what our success is.
I know, TW was one of the first guilds, if not the first, to get JQ organized in the beginning and get it rolling with the community TS and WvW. I’m being positive in assuming nothing has changed in that aspect.
I still remember how much heat and hassle Zagz and Daboss got in the beginning spamming the community TS everywhere we went. And how hard it was to get people into that TS for the very first time.
80k kills and counting
(edited by Indo.8629)
Wewt, saw a bunch of SBI guilds on SoR.
I guess it comes down to this again. Whoop-de-doo.
Scores as of noon EST.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
I R Now a commander of Caedas
Scores @ 5:00PM GMT
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
Finally I get to pain train MORD.
Until you go to JQ.
AND if you can get thru this Herd of SAHP/YAKI/NYS/SYN protecting me. Muwahhaha
Eh…I doubt many of us are thinking about T1 right now.
I troll because I care
yay for people hating on a server finally getting some recruitment after being in 5th place for…3-4months straight now? gg guys
Weve been trying to get a strong community and more strong guilds to be a part of the community and actually stay with us forever…it’s finally paying off…just because you haven’t gotten that doesn’t mean you need to hate.
Leader of FEAR – Sanctum of Rall
Wewt, saw a bunch of SBI guilds on SoR.
I guess it comes down to this again. Whoop-de-doo.
Teamstacking is to PvPers what bigotry is to the Tea Partiers. Every one of them will deny it, but a bunch of them do it.
People want to win to feel skilled, but when they’re not, they just join the winning team to make themselves feel skilled. Such the circular logic of being happy.
This isn’t a dig at SoR, but rather at the jokers who have and continue to join SoS. The need-to-fight-the-odds-to-feel-good masochists are a rare breed in PvP anywhere, even though almost everyone in any PvP game will claim that mantle with furious chest-thumps.
Anyways, we in TC should hunker down for a long bruising fight, since there are 4 T1 servers now. It’d be interesting to see how the next couple of months go.
Mists Soldier | Entrepreneur | Socialite
Tarnished Coast
yay for people hating on a server finally getting some recruitment after being in 5th place for…3-4months straight now? gg guys
Weve been trying to get a strong community and more strong guilds to be a part of the community and actually stay with us forever…it’s finally paying off…just because you haven’t gotten that doesn’t mean you need to hate.
Nobody from TC is hating on SoR for getting transfers, please read posts again. That’s just not our style. Some of us are bemused, however. SBI has been downright classy about this, in my opinion. They haven’t shown their aggravation much, if at all.
I suggest expanding your sentiment detector beyond just love or hate. Neither SBI nor TC have flamed SoR for this. If you think we’re ‘hating’, I have to wonder what you would call a server in T1 DDOSing another server’s voice comm server or sending their commanders/leaders hate messages and boasting about it.
Mists Soldier | Entrepreneur | Socialite
Tarnished Coast
Wewt, saw a bunch of SBI guilds on SoR.
I guess it comes down to this again. Whoop-de-doo.
Teamstacking is to PvPers what bigotry is to the Tea Partiers. Every one of them will deny it, but a bunch of them do it.
People want to win to feel skilled, but when they’re not, they just join the winning team to make themselves feel skilled. Such the circular logic of being happy.
This isn’t a dig at SoR, but rather at the jokers who have and continue to join SoS. The need-to-fight-the-odds-to-feel-good masochists are a rare breed in PvP anywhere, even though almost everyone in any PvP game will claim that mantle with furious chest-thumps.
Anyways, we in TC should hunker down for a long bruising fight, since there are 4 T1 servers now. It’d be interesting to see how the next couple of months go.
I’m so confused at the rationale. The tier was shaping up to be amazing – yes, there was a clearly stronger server, but not overwhelmingly so. There was a fair balance and good fights to be had. What do we have now? An utterly broken tier with an incredibly stacked server, a completely dead server and one server in between. And for what? So people can move to the highest tier and then…what? Is that what WvW means? I always thought the game mode is about joining in to fight for your server against other servers of similar strength for enjoyment. I guess I’m wrong. It’s clearly about having the biggest number on a pie, and the highest placing in a meaningless ranking, even if all you do is jump around servers and beat on doors to do so…
Wewt, saw a bunch of SBI guilds on SoR.
I guess it comes down to this again. Whoop-de-doo.
Teamstacking is to PvPers what bigotry is to the Tea Partiers. Every one of them will deny it, but a bunch of them do it.
People want to win to feel skilled, but when they’re not, they just join the winning team to make themselves feel skilled. Such the circular logic of being happy.
This isn’t a dig at SoR, but rather at the jokers who have and continue to join SoS. The need-to-fight-the-odds-to-feel-good masochists are a rare breed in PvP anywhere, even though almost everyone in any PvP game will claim that mantle with furious chest-thumps.
Anyways, we in TC should hunker down for a long bruising fight, since there are 4 T1 servers now. It’d be interesting to see how the next couple of months go.
I’m so confused at the rationale. The tier was shaping up to be amazing – yes, there was a clearly stronger server, but not overwhelmingly so. There was a fair balance and good fights to be had. What do we have now? An utterly broken tier with an incredibly stacked server, a completely dead server and one server in between. And for what? So people can move to the highest tier and then…what? Is that what WvW means? I always thought the game mode is about joining in to fight for your server against other servers of similar strength for enjoyment. I guess I’m wrong. It’s clearly about having the biggest number on a pie, and the highest placing in a meaningless ranking, even if all you do is jump around servers and beat on doors to do so…
I really think it is more fun having good competition then moving to be in first. Like this first part of this week was really close and was some of the best WvW i’ve had so far in this game. Was a ton of fun.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
All servers recruit for coverage.
yay for people hating on a server finally getting some recruitment after being in 5th place for…3-4months straight now? gg guys
Weve been trying to get a strong community and more strong guilds to be a part of the community and actually stay with us forever…it’s finally paying off…just because you haven’t gotten that doesn’t mean you need to hate.
Nobody from TC is hating on SoR for getting transfers, please read posts again. That’s just not our style. Some of us are bemused, however. SBI has been downright classy about this, in my opinion. They haven’t shown their aggravation much, if at all.
I suggest expanding your sentiment detector beyond just love or hate. Neither SBI nor TC have flamed SoR for this. If you think we’re ‘hating’, I have to wonder what you would call a server in T1 DDOSing another server’s voice comm server or sending their commanders/leaders hate messages and boasting about it.
there’s two posts above mine basically sarcastically making fun of SoR for getting more guilds, its implied not said directly straight up.
Leader of FEAR – Sanctum of Rall
I don’t think anybody is hating on SoR here…more of general disappointment at the last wave of transfers from a certain server that finally broke the tier in half. This matchup is going to be absolutely terrible next week, and likely for a few weeks to come. Considering the positive vibes and great spirit in all 3 servers just the beginning of this week…yes, disappointment about sums it up.
Its ok. It is what it is. Have fun when you’re on the next weeks and fight hard. Don’t worry about ppt. Much respect SBI and TC.
80k kills and counting
A lot of the guilds who have left their home servers for another, were looking for a good community of WvW guilds, players, communication, a never give up attitude among guild and non guilded people and so on. However they were not getting what they wanted on their servers to the extent which they were happy about.
Don’t fault people for wanting to be with others that have the like mindset which they do. Don’t fault a server which has worked for months building their WvW community, communication, teamwork, and everything.
I’ve spoken to many from the new guilds who have joined SoR, and none have said they wanted to come to go to tier 1, or to win.
However they have stated they wanted a community, teamwork, communication, people willing to fight even if pushed to spawn, ect..
All of which SoR has had for months.
Was SoR the only server to get transfers in the NA bracket? No. JQ got some and lost some guilds as well and many others this week alone.
Did it throw this tier off balance, yes.
Will it get better, yes.
Is SoR rushing into Tier 1, NO.
Honestly SoR could care less about getting to tier 1 fast. We would much rather go slowly, and allow more growth on our community.
Will SoR have an easy time now? NO
Maybe with points, but those aren’t the big deal.
SoR will have a while before all new guilds and old ones get accustomed to the SoR way of life together. (So to speak.) So this is not only a test to TC and SBI who are being put against SoR. However it is also a test to SoR as a server to hold onto our community, values, and way of daily Rallian life styles.
SoR still has respect for SBI and TC. I doubt we will ever lose it. Even with recent events.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
(edited by Mishi.7058)
Like i said before though, we have literally been in 5th place for atleast 4months straight if not more, i dont even remember the last time we took 1st place in t2…it’s about time we get some extra coverage especially considering just how long we HAVE been recruiting…
It’s not even bandwagoners, more so getting guilds that are dedicated and want to stick with us for a long time. Life can be a dissapointment at times, but there’s no need to sarcastically flame others for choosing to join us after so long of us trying to recruit.
what Silv said^ :P
Leader of FEAR – Sanctum of Rall
I really think it is more fun having good competition then moving to be in first. Like this first part of this week was really close and was some of the best WvW i’ve had so far in this game. Was a ton of fun.
You know honestly, I loved this tier’s battles up to this point. From the crazy close competition with SoS, to the month-long fight with BG, to the current situation, all of the fights have been challenging and fun!
Most importantly though is the amount of respect for each other this tier seems have in the forums. Sure, there is the occasional troll and sometimes heated rivalries, but I have yet to see this thread get shut down in a long time. Can’t really say that for T1, and I can’t speak for the other tiers but I really love this place.
If we keep T2 competitive and close, I personally would love just to stay here, whether we are green, blue, or red doesn’t matter. What matters is the fun along the way.
All this to say, I really hope you guys get some guilds as well to even out your coverage. You have worked hard as we have to get to this point and you deserve to be competitive here.
EDIT: And I won’t speak for all Rallians, but I feel that most of my friends here feel the same way. They are here for the battles, wherever they may be.
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”
(edited by Proumbro.1376)
Until they force players to log in to a server based on location, which would mean opening up servers for SEAsia/Oceanic players, there will never be balance. The mass exodus from good servers because the grass is greener elsewhere, just reinforces that people want to win everytime with no chance of losing, because a 10 or 20 to 1 fight means they will rank faster, always win, and sleep better at night.
I do not begrudge the guilds that have stuck it out on SoR all those weeks stuck behind BG (where everyone else bandwagoned to when they were outnumbering everyone in this tier – daily avg.), I have the greatest respect for them. They have fought long and hard, and I wish them the best of luck.
It’s just sad that A-net can’t see what they are doing to their own game.
Te Nosce [TC]
I just hope we do not get any more people during NA prime time hours. The queues are already borderline stupid in some BLs at peak hours. If a NA guild moves to SOR and thinks they are going to have an easy time playing together, they will be sorely disappointed. Unfortunately that is part of the problem when you transfer to a server that already has more than adequate coverage during your play hours.
Oceanics and others on the opposite side of the globe shouldnt have an issue though.
If I got a little testy, I apologize. Part of the reason of moving to SoR from JQ months ago for me personally outside of its community, was the fact that it was an underdog server providing challenging play and actually allowed me to play with my friends/guild members instead of sitting in queues all night.
I just hope we do not get any more people during NA prime time hours. The queues are already borderline stupid in some BLs at peak hours. If a NA guild moves to SOR and thinks they are going to have an easy time playing together, they will be sorely disappointed. Unfortunately that is part of the problem when you transfer to a server that already has more than adequate coverage during your play hours.
Oceanics and others on the opposite side of the globe shouldnt have an issue though.
Well SoR actually lost a possible guild due to our NA coverage, and them being a NA based guild. (JQ got ’em.)
However other servers like SoS lost possible guilds due to their oceanic coverage to SoR. (And the guilds being the same prime times.)
Many guilds have actually been taking the time to look and see what servers have what gaps in coverage prior to leaving their home server. Which is something many didnt do prior to the announcement for the 28th.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
The same is happening in many other tiers – as expected, the end of free transfers is going to massively shake up the ladder. I kind of expect all the servers with existing oceanic coverage to float to the top, such as CD, Dragonbrand, and the current IoJ-augmented FA. How long that process takes and how many weeks of terrible matches will result, on the other hand, is anyone’s guess.
Interesting to note that while IoJ also imploded this week, they took 3 weeks in tier 3 to do so, and they left for the losing server in the tier. SBI took about half a week to implode and they went to the winning server.
I’m a little worries about the next few weeks. With so much movement between servers, I foresee alot of turbulence across the board in WvW. It’ll be a bit until we see things balance out, but I expect alot of servers to move around in rankings.
It’s going to be an interesting couple of weeks.
Wewt, saw a bunch of SBI guilds on SoR.
I guess it comes down to this again. Whoop-de-doo.
Teamstacking is to PvPers what bigotry is to the Tea Partiers. Every one of them will deny it, but a bunch of them do it.
People want to win to feel skilled, but when they’re not, they just join the winning team to make themselves feel skilled. Such the circular logic of being happy.
This isn’t a dig at SoR, but rather at the jokers who have and continue to join SoS. The need-to-fight-the-odds-to-feel-good masochists are a rare breed in PvP anywhere, even though almost everyone in any PvP game will claim that mantle with furious chest-thumps.
Anyways, we in TC should hunker down for a long bruising fight, since there are 4 T1 servers now. It’d be interesting to see how the next couple of months go.
I’m so confused at the rationale. The tier was shaping up to be amazing – yes, there was a clearly stronger server, but not overwhelmingly so. There was a fair balance and good fights to be had. What do we have now? An utterly broken tier with an incredibly stacked server, a completely dead server and one server in between. And for what? So people can move to the highest tier and then…what? Is that what WvW means? I always thought the game mode is about joining in to fight for your server against other servers of similar strength for enjoyment. I guess I’m wrong. It’s clearly about having the biggest number on a pie, and the highest placing in a meaningless ranking, even if all you do is jump around servers and beat on doors to do so…
I really think it is more fun having good competition then moving to be in first. Like this first part of this week was really close and was some of the best WvW i’ve had so far in this game. Was a ton of fun.
It is what it is, unfortunately.
The thing is, WvW is still a blast, regardless of the server balances going helter-skelter because of the hopping.
I feel the hopping is fine, the ladder is fine too, we need some more volatility in servers moving up a tier or down a tier. SBI right now should get a feel for T3, win there, then move back up to T2 – this will buck up everyone there. SoR should get bumped up to T1 fast rather than going on playing in T2 for weeks. More volatility is bad for teamstackers – their psyche will keep getting damaged, they will either quit or pay real money which they should be putting money towards transfers which they should be spending on beers and steak IRL. More volatility isn’t damaging to the dedicated crowd, people who PvP for fun or for the challenge will PvP regardless of which tier they play in.
Anyways, what is done is done. GW2 WvW still beats the pants off of mass PvP in any game for many, many years. With the paid transfers, at least things will settle down in the next few weeks.
The game’s fun.
Most PvPers on SoR have fought hard on that server for many months, as have most PvPers on any servers. I’m sure SBI got some teamstackers, as have TC when we moved up the ladder from way down. TC didn’t get any guild transfers, SoR got a few. Its all good.
I actually wish the paid transfers were implemented before TC started its (rather sharp) move up to T2. I hope SoR doesn’t end up wishing the same in the long run.
Again, to summarize, its not SoR’s fault what individual decisions guild leaders who server hop make or what some people on SoR do to solicit them. SoR vets can’t very well stop the hopping.
In all fairness, TC has a recruitment post up too. We cannot fault other servers for being more successful than us at something we are trying to do ourselves.
Sorry my post was not meant to say there was fault anywhere. I was just pointing out how much fun the balance was. I hope SoR does well and has good comptetive matches in T1, I have had a lot of fun the past few weeks fighting them. I think the paid transfers coming will even out the tiers and unfortunately create less volatility but I also thin it will lead to some great balance and some long term rivalries.
[TC] Tarnished Coast
Many guilds have actually been taking the time to look and see what servers have what gaps in coverage prior to leaving their home server. Which is something many didnt do prior to the announcement for the 28th.
Yeah. that is good for self balancing ourselves too.
I would love to have nearly every tier competitive week to week.
Many guilds have actually been taking the time to look and see what servers have what gaps in coverage prior to leaving their home server. Which is something many didnt do prior to the announcement for the 28th.
Yeah. that is good for self balancing ourselves too.
I would love to have nearly every tier competitive week to week.
This is why SF chose JQ over anyone else. They went for a competitive server with the need for NA guilds vs going to an NA heavy server.
I may have to finish leveling my engineer and guardian till the server shuffle settles down. Maybe I’ll roll a warrior and work on that since the pending aoe nerf is coming too.
Te Nosce [TC]
This is why SF chose JQ over anyone else. They went for a competitive server with the need for NA guilds vs going to an NA heavy server.
All guilds should do that before moving
No matta’ who be transferin’ ’ta ’dis server or ’dat server, it be not matter.
Even in ‘da face of ever increase o’ ‘da odds that be o’ ’gainst us.
We o’ TC be ready now more ’dan eva ’ta fight ’r battles.
Ye be needin’ ’ta watch yer wenches and ye booty, for I be comin for ’dem both.
Walks away singing “Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirate’s life ’fer me…”
Tarnished Coast [TC]
I may have to finish leveling my engineer and guardian till the server shuffle settles down. Maybe I’ll roll a warrior and work on that since the pending aoe nerf is coming too.
Don’t do that too soon. Honestly, wait and see a week before abandoning WvW. Last thing any server needs is people giving up until things balance out.
You guys may get some smaller moves. I’ve already seen people on reddit interested in both the RP community you have and the WvW community. I would push that a bit more, especially for EU / Oceanics who would want to RP.
No matta’ who be transferin’ ’ta ’dis server or ’dat server, it be not matter.
Even in ‘da face of ever increase o’ ‘da odds that be o’ ’gainst us.
We o’ TC be ready now more ’dan eva ’ta fight ’r battles.
Ye be needin’ ’ta watch yer wenches and ye booty, for I be comin for ’dem both.
Walks away singing “Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirate’s life ’fer me…”
Honestly, you are by far one of my favourite posters on this forum. Even if you’re on an opposing server.
Oh, they’ll be in WvW, I have leveled the engineer to 40 and the guardian to 52 just in WvW, so for sure I’ll be there. Not one to give up regardless of the odds, was just thinking with them most likely completely breaking my necro soon with the nerf bat (and I really don’t want to go back to my thief or mesmer) that I should get on the engineer or guardian to get some levels in during the transition. They are also the best 2 classes at spamming skills through doors at incoming rams, so it may come in handy.
I have to admit, I love my necro, but flamethrowers through a door are a lot of fun. It’s what I did all last night at Hills.
Te Nosce [TC]
To be very fair about it all, all servers recruit for others. SoR has FINALLY gotten some oceanic guilds for coverage, whereas in the past we’ve just been losing lots of sleep/getting night capped.
This week (for the most part) we’ve been staying up a lot to keep hold of what we own. I personally welcome the new oceanic guilds.
As for SBI and TC, only respect out to you guys. This matchup has been great – lots of good fighting and strategy going on, and lots of shoutouts to the zerg commanders when a simple wrong turn can lead to a wipe. I have enjoyed this week immensely.
[Choo] PainTrainChoo
[Choo] PainTrainChoo
Oh, they’ll be in WvW, I have leveled the engineer to 40 and the guardian to 52 just in WvW, so for sure I’ll be there. Not one to give up regardless of the odds, was just thinking with them most likely completely breaking my necro soon with the nerf bat (and I really don’t want to go back to my thief or mesmer) that I should get on the engineer or guardian to get some levels in during the transition. They are also the best 2 classes at spamming skills through doors at incoming rams, so it may come in handy.
I have to admit, I love my necro, but flamethrowers through a door are a lot of fun. It’s what I did all last night at Hills.
Engies are alot of fun in WvW. I haven’t played mine for a bit recently, leveled my necro, but like you said, with the AOE nerf, I may end up going back to the engi.
You TC and SBI guys down for a repeat and have more duels at the windmill in a bit like last week?
80k kills and counting
there’s two posts above mine basically sarcastically making fun of SoR for getting more guilds, its implied not said directly straight up.
You think that a Toaster posting an image of Captain Haddock laughing and raising a toast (get it? a TOAST) to SoR was an insult making fun of SoR for ‘getting more guilds’ and not a congratulatory jab at opponents on the final day of the current round.
I hope you understand that if we wanted to flame you, we’d do it straight up. Just because we’re roleplayers doesn’t mean we’ll mince our words if we’re ever upset.
Its just that we don’t get upset.
I would ask you to watch ‘The Big Lebowski’ this weekend and chill a bit but you’d take that as an insult too, so I won’t.
But I just did.
No wait, I didn’t.
Mists Soldier | Entrepreneur | Socialite
Tarnished Coast
SoR BL at the windmill in an hour?
80k kills and counting
All them guys left SBI and are on other servers now.
Even in ‘da face of ever increase o’ ‘da odds that be o’ ’gainst us.
Have very much enjoyed fighting you, TC. I admire your spirit and your resolve!
Barsavi Locke
[Fate] Sanctum of Rall
Gotta love someone from TC or SBi wasting supply in SMC on a ton of rams.
edit: Also, love the 2 from the TC guild Memento Mori, sitting dead inside Anzalias Pass, but regaining health while dead, and popping up with no one there to rez them. It’s not a revive orb, as it doesn’t work in WvW.
Apparently, they do it often, as several people mentioned they do it whenever they can.
(edited by Fade.7658)
Man, we’re losing people left and right. I live in the EST timezone and during my 6PM-10PM period SBI is outmanned in every single map…
Nah, we’re fine…
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
Man, we’re losing people left and right. I live in the EST timezone and during my 6PM-10PM period SBI is outmanned in every single map…
Nah, we’re fine…
Picture of the week goes to Maladon for his photo titled “I’ve got this guys, don’t worry”
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”
Man, we’re losing people left and right. I live in the EST timezone and during my 6PM-10PM period SBI is outmanned in every single map…
Nah, we’re fine…
Picture of the week goes to Maladon for his photo titled “I’ve got this guys, don’t worry”
That’s one defiant Asura. Maladon, the fact that the Asura is staring them down vs hightailing it sells this picture.
Edited for comical effect
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA