“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”
Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”
And now for something completely different…
The Lonely Island = GW2 WvW Community
Michael Bolton = TC Community
(language NSFW)
And now for something completely different…
The Lonely Island = GW2 WvW Community
Michael Bolton = TC Community
(language NSFW)
Haha, I knew the video before I even clicked the link. Has to be one of my favorite by lonely island.
EDIT: Btw, I love that you attribute yourself to the Michael Bolton solos. Tc just doin there own thing
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”
I’ve also seen commanders poo-poo the fact that there was any sort of voice channel where people could listen in to the over-all strategy going on.. I did wonder why anyone with a commander tag would ever discourage trying to let people have more information of overall strategy?
No one is against more information.
But some people can not have VOIP, so if you want to communicate to everyone you have to use communication channels that everyone has, like /t.
Your VOIP system excludes a portion of the community.
Now, if someone that is on VOIP would also repeat the major events on /t, that would be good.
But that is certainly not always happening at the moment, people on VOIP do not always talk in /t too.
Except when their plan fails because they didn’t have enough people ofcourse. Then you seem them in /t asking people where they were.
Bottom line: using VOIP exclusively excludes people from getting information.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.
And now for something completely different…
The Lonely Island = GW2 WvW Community
Michael Bolton = TC Community
(language NSFW)Haha, I knew the video before I even clicked the link. Has to be one of my favorite by lonely island.
EDIT: Btw, I love that you attribute yourself to the Michael Bolton solos. Tc just doin there own thing
TC – Fight Hard, Have Fun, Talk/Dress Up Like Pirates!
Do you like our rocks? Score update!
lol best one yet!
Speaking of cheer .. where’s Gwen? Gwen m’dear you’re slacking on my happy quota for this thread .. chop, chop.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
bittersweet victory for SoR this week. Even outnumbered we are holding our own. guess numbers dont equate into skill.
Tarnished Coast.
Simple fact. When things got rough for SoR, we didn’t bail en mass. We learned to respect each other, especially a solid core of our commanders, and we learned a lot about the strengths and weaknesses of our various guilds and how to turn that to our advantage. There are legitimate questions and concerns about the character of the guilds that have joined us en mass, how they will fit in with our style of play, and especially will they stick it out when the going gets rough. In a nutshell, if they want our respect they are going to have to earn it.
Yes many of you original SoR players did stick in there when the going got rough and that is quite admirable. I can say that as a prior SBI player from day 1, I also stuck in through many weeks of fighting against HoD, ET, and SoS when we were getting our tails kicked. I would still be at SBI if it weren’t for every WvW guild hopping off.
Part of the reason my guild decided on coming to SoR is the community values and the die-hard spirit that you guys have. It reminds me of the “old days” of SBI. Of the guilds that I am aware of that transferred from SBI to SoR, I think that the SoR community will benefit greatly from them. We have some experienced commanders in this group of people that know how to fight, know how to lead, and also know the pressures and tactics that are needed to compete in T1 (which is where SoR is headed). We are here to work with everyone in SoR now and hope to be embraced as part of your community.
We could have easily chosen SoS or JQ as they are undoubtedly the most stacked servers when it comes to T1, but I like that SoR will be sort of an underdog in this group and I know that you guys will fight your butts off. I don’t care if SoR spends most of it’s time in T2+ honestly, just as long as the community stays tough and holds together. I never want to go through what SBI is going through again.
Jayne, I must say I have always been intrigued with TC mainly due to the rp aspect. I would think that this alone would add a certain flavor to wvw. I personally do not, nor would not rp, but I can sense and have experienced a certain amount of hilarity due to rp alone.
Aye we’re known for our tongue-in-cheek humour. It’s one of the things I love about TC.
Bear in mind there’s some growing pains happening right now, and they’ll likely get resolved in a couple weeks, one way or another. Also bear in mind that some of the angst here is from new folks to our server. If you see the negative, check the posting history.
May be i will need to get a leftover cookie at the zombie coast soon in a week or two. Mind passing me that when im there? Next time we meet, will be with even more Thais imported from NSP :P
Oh bring it Thai guy …
I’ll have the arrow carts waiting!
I think Maladon should post that “Asura Defiant” pix again. We could all use the chuckle.
If there is one constant in all of the faction based pvp games I have played, it is not once did fighting someone I could dominate ever make me a better player. SoR is getting nothing from these matches other then getting fat and lazy. Most of the good players/guilds will be bored and doing other things, so you just end up with large zerg balls running around pretending they are becoming a better community.
The problem with that statement is that there’s a difference between dominating the scoreboard and dominating the battlefield. SoR doesn’t really dominate the battlefield unless their numbers are vastly greater than their opponents. Don’t take that statement the wrong way, I’m not trying to start any arguments…I’m just offering an honest assessment of what’s happening on the battlefield.
I think, if they’re being honest, your commanders would admit this as well. SoR is losing a lot of battles that shouldn’t even be close. It’s been that way since this matchup started last week so you shouldn’t chalk it up to certain guilds not being active in RvR the last few days. In fact, it was much worse last week than it’s been this week. I guess that can be partially attributed to the overall growth of the SoR zergs that can withstand heavy losses and still manage to gain ground. However, SoS zergs are considerably larger than what SoR is fielding currently so you won’t be able to rely on numbers alone in Tier 1.
Personally I think the blob tactics are probably the wrong way to go while you’re in Tier 2. I’d go with smaller groups and force your players to learn how to fight properly while you still have the chance.
I hope you know that you’ve ruined my dream of getting an “in b4 we beat you with even numbers and you only beat us when u have a zerg” post with your post.
And now for something completely different…
The Lonely Island = GW2 WvW Community
Michael Bolton = TC Community
(language NSFW)
But that’s precisely what gives TC its unique server flavor and an almost fanatical loyalty. Someone earlier was right in talking how TC’s eclectic mix of RP, PvE, and WvW in its identity as made it a stable and reputable server.
Despite being on the TC server since the few minutes of launch, I have not been doing WvW until recently. At first I was there for map completion – though I’m still not finished – but I think I’ll be staying in WvW for the fun. I don’t RP, but I wanted to be on the RP server, because they tend to be friendly PvE lore-enthusiasts. I love PvE, but I will definitely be looking at doing a lot more WvW with my future characters. I have been having a blast in WvW with TC. I was even part of the effort that withheld a SoR siege in Shadaran Hills of the SoR Borderlands and then re-captured TC Overlook and the SBI corner in the EB that happened last night. It was a highly reassuring feeling when I harassed the enemy at the gate and made kills with a catapult on the walls of the inner keep for 30 minutes until SoR gathered a group to focus fire me and the catapult. Mission successful.
There is certainly some frustration in TC chat, but it’s been fairly civil. I think most are just thrilled that they are holding up this well against SoR. TC has a lot of PuGs and soloists in WvW doing map completion and jumping puzzles, and some of these are not too thrilled about PvP. But this also tends to mean that TC has a lot of eyes and ears around the map of concerned PuGs/PvE soloists who report out of fear of zergs. And the commanders and guilds definitely appreciate these players. The commanders and guild players are very supportive and instructive with new players or non-guildies who help them out with sieges (whether besieging or being besieged) and other objectives.
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast
For the record, blob tactics only work against noobs.
I hope you know that you’ve ruined my dream of getting an “in b4 we beat you with even numbers and you only beat us when u have a zerg” post with your post.
Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
Dont worry guys, wvw is about to die, because they are coming out with quaggan backpacks.. everyone will be too busy modeling them for each other and wont be able to kill each other. I can see it now.. gets a far away look with a twinkle in the eye oh the beauty.. the majesty… swoons
Sanctum of Rall Currently guildless sniffle
(edited by Envi.2460)
Dont worry guys, wvw is about to die, because they are coming out with quaggan backpacks.. everyone will be too busy modeling them for each other and wont be able to kill each other. I can see it now.. gets a far away look with a twinkle in the eye oh the beauty.. the majesty… swoons
If they tweaked the character models so my quaggan tonic shows him wearing the quaggan back pack, I may never change…ever…
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”
Can’t we all agree to just keep our private server business on our community forums? Many of us from all sides go to great lengths to keep this forum a place to talk about the matchup, and I’m pretty sure SoR and Sbi really don’t care. Can’t wait till work is over, I’m ready to battle!
Does SoR not show up during the day, or is their lead just so huge that they don’t care? I was looking forward to attacking their stuff on EB but SBI took away that option.
Does SoR not show up during the day, or is their lead just so huge that they don’t care? I was looking forward to attacking their stuff on EB but SBI took away that option.
I imagine the SoR regulars are giving themselves a well-earned break.
Does SoR not show up during the day, or is their lead just so huge that they don’t care? I was looking forward to attacking their stuff on EB but SBI took away that option.
i think it has more to do with the fact that 1st place is already theirs and they do not wish to go to T1(yet). so many of them are tanking the mach from here on out.
Does SoR not show up during the day, or is their lead just so huge that they don’t care? I was looking forward to attacking their stuff on EB but SBI took away that option.
This guy has no idea what’s happening right now.
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
Ok. I didn’t know, that’s why I asked. I expected most of EB to be green when I logged on.
A lot of SoR is messing around on Alts/PvEing/Dungeons. We’ve been playing like mad for weeks and weeks.. It’s nice for the SoR regulars who have played all day/night for the past 11 weeks or whatever it may be now. Some folks are also catching up on their sleep finally! xD
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian
Can’t we all agree to just keep our private server business on our community forums? Many of us from all sides go to great lengths to keep this forum a place to talk about the matchup, and I’m pretty sure SoR and Sbi really don’t care. Can’t wait till work is over, I’m ready to battle!
That reminded me of Mel Brooks’ History of the World.
“Oy the agony!
Oy the shame!
To make my privates public for a game!”
I think its a great testament to our server wvw coordination that we are able to organize tanking a match.
I think its a great testament to our server wvw coordination that we are able to organize tanking a match.
You can’t tank a match when you still win.
Tanking rating however is a different story.
[KnT] – Blackgate
If we still didn’t have so many players waiting to transfer and wanting to talk with them all, it wouldnt be an issue. But we all know once we hit T1, SOR is going to be out 24/7 and getting any blackouts then will be next to impossible.
80k kills and counting
Speaking of, what is the score anyways.
This situation if it plays out is a win win win for all 3 servers imo.
80k kills and counting
Does SoR not show up during the day, or is their lead just so huge that they don’t care? I was looking forward to attacking their stuff on EB but SBI took away that option.
I imagine the SoR regulars are giving themselves a well-earned break.
Some of us are still out there having fun, I don’t see the point in us completely dominating you guys like other servers have done to us in the past. We’re here to have a fun and social experience first and foremost. Many of our late night commanders are from the US staying up for ridiculous amounts of time and deserve a well earned rest like you said.
Definitely had some great battles last night. Man I love those Pangloss battles. A TC member even saluted me last night after I put a ballista down their gullets, I wanted to return the salute but couldn’t find which bodypart belonged to which pirate, so many peglegs and eyepatches o.O
Does SoR not show up during the day, or is their lead just so huge that they don’t care? I was looking forward to attacking their stuff on EB but SBI took away that option.
I imagine the SoR regulars are giving themselves a well-earned break.
Some of us are still out there having fun, I don’t see the point in us completely dominating you guys like other servers have done to us in the past. We’re here to have a fun and social experience first and foremost. Many of our late night commanders are from the US staying up for ridiculous amounts of time and deserve a well earned rest like you said.
Definitely had some great battles last night. Man I love those Pangloss battles. A TC member even saluted me last night after I put a ballista down their gullets, I wanted to return the salute but couldn’t find which bodypart belonged to which pirate, so many peglegs and eyepatches o.O
With the influx of so many new guilds and personalities, I’m sure it’s also much easier to create a sense of cohesion when you’re winning over losing. Going up to tier 1 too early and getting stomped, I’d imagine, would cause some conflict, and likely see a few leave too.
I can appreciate you guys playing with the rating system to ensure you have enough feel good victories under your belt before you move up. It’s frankly the smart thing to do.
Do you like our rocks? Score update!
lol best one yet!
Speaking of cheer .. where’s Gwen? Gwen m’dear you’re slacking on my happy quota for this thread .. chop, chop.
Gwen .. was just a bit tied up ..
while this post was being issued .. i marched on stonemist an invaded the sentrys standing guard. Then i found my spare set of keys to the back door an made my way to the fridge…. YOU ARE NOW OUT OF MILK AND EGGS.. I started to solo cap it an destroy all within .. but then dragonkitten came on the tv an lost intrest in owning that castle . Besides the upkeep to that place is too expensive.. i’d rather rent Cliffside for a few days .
TO that skrit that keeps callin me on the stolen cell phone ..ima take that shiny piece an shove it straight up your yak . Just left arah an noticed a 40 man zerg headed for a supply yak ….i do believe you could use 20 more .. those yaks can be quite deadly ..Chuck norris trains our yaks so just be cautious .
Now on to a subject more near an dear to my heart , the continuing lack of saftey courses for the siege weapons. HOw many times have you found your self loading the treb with a sick cow and the guy firing the catapult 10 feet away from you slams a rock .. at you . This is very unaceptable. and seriously, arrowcart guy is gonna put a eye out …im tired of running back into a keep dodge rolling arrows im not sure are ours . Osha will be coming and they do hand out fines .
DBZ is almost over .. time to go storm SOR BL .. (just pick anything ) supplygarrikeeptoweryakjpbayhilllake.
Tarnish Coast Defender
Proud Member OF “TSF” The Shining Force.
Score update, before we took TC garrison. ^^
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
Do you like our rocks? Score update!
lol best one yet!
Speaking of cheer .. where’s Gwen? Gwen m’dear you’re slacking on my happy quota for this thread .. chop, chop.
Gwen .. was just a bit tied up ..
while this post was being issued .. i marched on stonemist an invaded the sentrys standing guard. Then i found my spare set of keys to the back door an made my way to the fridge…. YOU ARE NOW OUT OF MILK AND EGGS.. I started to solo cap it an destroy all within .. but then dragonkitten came on the tv an lost intrest in owning that castle . Besides the upkeep to that place is too expensive.. i’d rather rent Cliffside for a few days .
TO that skrit that keeps callin me on the stolen cell phone ..ima take that shiny piece an shove it straight up your yak . Just left arah an noticed a 40 man zerg headed for a supply yak ….i do believe you could use 20 more .. those yaks can be quite deadly ..Chuck norris trains our yaks so just be cautious .
Now on to a subject more near an dear to my heart , the continuing lack of saftey courses for the siege weapons. HOw many times have you found your self loading the treb with a sick cow and the guy firing the catapult 10 feet away from you slams a rock .. at you . This is very unaceptable. and seriously, arrowcart guy is gonna put a eye out …im tired of running back into a keep dodge rolling arrows im not sure are ours . Osha will be coming and they do hand out fines .
DBZ is almost over .. time to go storm SOR BL .. (just pick anything ) supplygarrikeeptoweryakjpbayhilllake.
Much <3!
Almost forgot to post pics from last nights fights! Pretty fun night overall, had a few more run-ins with TC than normal…they had quite a force out there.
Pic 1 – Leaving bags on the ground nearby is ok
Pic 2 – Leaving bags way over there is not ok
Pic 3 – Action shot from guild group vs zerg battle (I’m about to get smacked!)
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
Score update, before we took TC garrison. ^^
So you guys went over to SoR too eh?
Score update, before we took TC garrison. ^^
So you guys went over to SoR too eh?
My guild decided to let our members go whatever they feel confortable. So we got players all over. Some is staying on SBI. Some in JQ. Some in SoR. Some in Kaineng. A few members are trying to get everyone to go over to Kaineng because it still got space. Some players don’t want to move again. Others are in that 7 day lockdown, and Kaineng might be full by then. So we don’t know yet. It is a mess.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
My guild decided to let our members go whatever they feel confortable. So we got players all over. Some is staying on SBI. Some in JQ. Some in SoR. Some in Kaineng. A few members are trying to get everyone to go over to Kaineng because it still got space. Some players don’t want to move again. Others are in that 7 day lockdown, and Kaineng might be full by then. So we don’t know yet. It is a mess.
I agree, a complete mess. My guild is in a similar position.
We have 4 more blackout times planned in the next 3 days. If you need those times, please send me a PM.
We are trying hard to get everyone over, we transferred quite a few today, but it was not enough.
80k kills and counting
There is a lot to be gained from staying in T2 for another week.
It looks to me like Maguuma is going to be replacing SBI in Tier 2 next round, and probably Kaineng the round after, so Tier 2 is about to get very interesting.
I don’t think anyone knows for sure how those two servers are going to do in Tier 1 or 2 yet, but you might not want to count your chickens before they are hatched
-Djamonja (DC-SBI)
It’s possible but not probable. Maguuma is still 31 rating behind SBI and only 24 ahead of FA. And with SoR tanking and giving more points back to SBI and TC, it’ll probably stay that way give or take a few points.
80k kills and counting
It’s possible but not probable. Maguuma is still 31 rating behind SBI and only 24 ahead of FA. And with SoR tanking and giving more points back to SBI and TC, it’ll probably stay that way give or take a few points.
Agreed, fairly unlikely that the tier will change at this point. SoR either needs to come out in force (to secure T1) or exclusively focus SBI and hope TC does the same (to get Maguuma into T2). Since SoR has stated their intention to take time before moving on and TC isn’t going to stop attacking SoR (:D), the tier will most likely remain the same next week but with TC as blue.
Maguuma appears to consistently be getting about 600 ppt, and SBI will get maybe ~100-150 ppt the rest of this round. Less than 30k lead, so wouldn’t they pass SBI by Thursday?
It is beneficial for both SoR and TC to keep SBI up in tier 2 for 1 more week. I am sure neither wants Maguuma up in T2 yet.
The fact that FA, even with all their transfers, cannot dominate CD or DB speaks volumes on how tight the first 3 tiers can be in the near future.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrAjJ1N6hxs
I wouldn’t be so sure about TC wanting to keep SBI in tier 2, to be honest. A populated third server will make the tier much less lopsided and more competitive, which is probably exactly what TC wants. We’ll still lose in all likelihood, but it won’t be as bad as when SoR can sponge points off a depleted server unopposed.
SoR on the other hand will very much NOT want any third server into tier 2, because they will almost certainly tank in ratings if that happens especially after this week.
Lol I do NOT mean this as a taunt or anything like that …. But wouldn’t it be terrible if SoR wagers on the rating game, only to have another server come in (from several possibilities currently working their way up) and take their spot in tier 1, before they even get there themselves?
Lol I do NOT mean this as a taunt or anything like that …. But wouldn’t it be terrible if SoR wagers on the rating game, only to have another server come in (from several possibilities currently working their way up) and take their spot in tier 1?
The more likely scenario is, we don’t make it into T1, but TC gets kicked down to T3 and FA and Maguuma moves into T2.
Or we move into T1 and Blackgate takes T2 with FA and Maguuma.
Neither alternative has TC in the picture tbh.
It’s actually in your best interest also for things to play out as they are so you also gain rating and move to #2 T2 and get close to #1 T2. Quite frankly, your server follows ours upwards, we walk hand in hand for the time being.
But yes, it would be amusing for both our servers.
80k kills and counting
(edited by Indo.8629)
Lol I do NOT mean this as a taunt or anything like that …. But wouldn’t it be terrible if SoR wagers on the rating game, only to have another server come in (from several possibilities currently working their way up) and take their spot in tier 1?
The more likely scenario is, we don’t make it into T1, but TC gets kicked down to T3 and FA and Maguuma moves into T2.
Or we move into T1 and Blackgate takes T2 with FA and Maguuma.
Neither alternative has TC in the picture tbh.
It’s actually in your best interest also for things to play out as they are so you also gain rating and move to #2 T2 and get close to #1 T2.
But yes, it would be amusing for both our servers.
But that’s the thing. There’s a small group of players on TC that would hate to see us drop a tier, but the bulk of us are happy just putting out the best fight we can every week, regardless of which tier we are in.
I would suspect there are certain expectations with all of your transfers to hit tier 1. And if those expectations aren’t met, you’ll have attrition.
Conversely TC will likely always stay with the same population because of other mitigating factors.
It’s your call really, but there is something to be said for momentum.
It is beneficial for both SoR and TC to keep SBI up in tier 2 for 1 more week. I am sure neither wants Maguuma up in T2 yet.
The fact that FA, even with all their transfers, cannot dominate CD or DB speaks volumes on how tight the first 3 tiers can be in the near future.
Having a ghost server in a T2 matchup helps noone. You are forcing us to fight a 1v1 with a much harder opponent when we can’t even use opportunity attacks and have to either ninja or go full force on everything. Most of us would prefer to be third place in a real matchup, rather than second in a pretend one. Anyways, I realize it isn’t your fault, nor anyone elses for that matter, but we would truly welcome a third T2 server in this matchup.
Lol I do NOT mean this as a taunt or anything like that …. But wouldn’t it be terrible if SoR wagers on the rating game, only to have another server come in (from several possibilities currently working their way up) and take their spot in tier 1?
The more likely scenario is, we don’t make it into T1, but TC gets kicked down to T3 and FA and Maguuma moves into T2.
Or we move into T1 and Blackgate takes T2 with FA and Maguuma.
Neither alternative has TC in the picture tbh.
It’s actually in your best interest also for things to play out as they are so you also gain rating and move to #2 T2 and get close to #1 T2.
But yes, it would be amusing for both our servers.
But that’s the thing. There’s a small group of players on TC that would hate to see us drop a tier, but the bulk of us are happy just putting out the best fight we can every week, regardless of which tier we are in.
I would suspect there are certain expectations with all of your transfers to hit tier 1. And if those expectations aren’t met, you’ll have attrition.
Conversely TC will likely always stay with the same population because of other mitigating factors.
It’s your call really, but there is something to be said for momentum.
According to your own players, you guys have so much internal strife and conflict about remaining competitive. You’ve had 1 guild just up and leave with countless other original TC players. You have half your player base wanting an organized alliance, the other half wanting to keep TC true to its colors. Your biggest WvW guilds which are carrying your server are getting so much heat they are even thinking of transferring to other servers.
You seem to have a lot of opinions about the state of SoR and the mindset of its players peppered through all your posts in this thread. You should really worry about your own house before you try and help others.
Thank you for your kind consideration and sincere intentions in helping us though. It’s good to know there are opponents that are truly selfless and kind, really looking out for our community.
80k kills and counting
(edited by Indo.8629)