Jan 18-25 | SoR vs SBI vs TC
All Aboard The Pain Train!
Notorious Nevermore – Guardian
Here’s a final score from the last one, and a reminder that the final score may not show it one week from now, but TC always brings it reset night, and you better bring your best stuff for NA PRIMETIMEEEEEEE!
Alright, rocking the last week on the necro hoping they don’t make us useless.
Rolling with a new theme song:
Te Nosce [TC]
Apparently HIRE from former IOJ and their 400+ members are coming to SoR.
Our oceanic presence is going to pick up by quite a bit. Welcome friends
I’d love to see how we compare to BG now.
That’s larger than PiNK. lol.
Only a few minutes into reset and SoR is already +400 having taken both TC and SBI garrisons >_>
I guess the transfers really boost morale.
lol. Boosting moral.
Only a few minutes into reset and SoR is already +400 having taken both TC and SBI garrisons >_>
I guess the transfers really boost morale.
I guess we’ll never get an opportunity to see what SBI was really like is all I’m getting out of the whole transfer thing.
It’s nothing against SoR or SBI or anything like that, I’m just disappointed that the guesting announcement came now instead of at the end of February or something. It sort of robbed us of what had the potential to be a great match-up.
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Yeah, with this timing on the paid transfers… this week’s matchup is over already. But at least one week was bound to be ruined by the announcement.
Sadly, there will be a lot of PVDoor this week for one team.
Te Nosce [TC]
Paid transfers are a mistake. Saying it now. Good luck everyone.
Apparently HIRE from former IOJ and their 400+ members are coming to SoR.
Our oceanic presence is going to pick up by quite a bit. Welcome friends
I’d love to see how we compare to BG now.
How you compare? Ummm …
Transfers to SoR (that I’ve heard about):
Plus others from SBI
Basically the bulk of SBI’s remaing SEA players, plus HIRE’s 100ish NA and 50ish Oceanic players.
Yeah I think you guys compare pretty good now hehe. Grats on your acquisitions and good luck in advance in T1 in a couple weeks.
[KnT] – Blackgate
Well now that this match up is pretty much lopsided .. just having face down a 40 to 1 zerg with members of FEAR Cds and oh who cares laughing an dancing on my body.. im a bit disappointed in a lack of showing in sportsmanship. As a great group of organised players .. i guess i expected more respect from your end .. guess i was wrong . Good luck in tier 1
Tarnish Coast Defender
Proud Member OF “TSF” The Shining Force.
Oh sweet~ We got Yaki as well? I would take this opportunity to welcome more fellow Singaporeans to the Sanctum of Rall then We finally have more players for our night shift to cover the lack of coverage we once had!
Sanctum of Rall, [choo] guild, council
Blood sucking Elementalist out to BITE people :d
Whatever. TC players can exploit a bug all they want. They are still going to lose by twice their score.
Well now that this match up is pretty much lopsided .. just having face down a 40 to 1 zerg with members of FEAR Cds and oh who cares laughing an dancing on my body.. im a bit disappointed in a lack of showing in sportsmanship. As a great group of organised players .. i guess i expected more respect from your end .. guess i was wrong . Good luck in tier 1
I’m really bummed that we didn’t get to hold onto the nice balance in the tier that we had the first half of last week. It was such a nice change to have a competitive bracket after BG left only to have it lopsided after 3 more days. I’m on SOR and I don’t care about getting to T1, I just want to have fun in challenging fights.
._. There does seem to be a lack of sportsmanship this time….was fun in the beginning of last week.
Before the reset in SoR BL, there was a thief and mesmer on TC who kept trying to exploit into the NW tower, I didn’t care much about it since the match was over. Sad to hear it happening on a fresh start though.
Anyways, it’s going to be a long week and I’m sure emotions will run high because of recent events. Lets try and have some fun and make the best of a situation no one can be blamed for, except the game creators.
Lets keep it civil and light hearted.
80k kills and counting
Wow SoR is just one massive zergball now.
With all those server-hoppers in all those time zones it will likely be like this 24/7 I suppose. Clearly TC and SBI will have nowhere near the numbers to compete this week. Sad really… the beginning of last week was nicely balanced for the most part and the most enjoyable matchup I had experienced in wvw yet.
I guess it is what it is. I hope they enjoy the roflstomping and late-night pvdoor. Here is hoping SoR gets into t1 sooner rather than later.
more organized groups of people would make for multiple smaller zergballs rather than lots of pugs trailing off the one or two that are actually organized
Maybe ANet should go ahead and lock this thread…such negativity already. Such a shame.
Negativity? People are exploiting. Are we suppose to be positive about this issue?
We are trying to make something of this so we can get it fixed.
TC is constantly porting zergs inside Lords room of SMC to take it over and over and it is IMPOSSIBLE for us to find the thief/mesmer to stop it from happening.
Edit: BTW they just did it for a 3rd time in 1 hour.
Edit: I just reported the Commander if ANET wants to look into this.
(edited by Pvp.2758)
This match-up doesn’t need a thread this week, really.
This type of match-up just attract lots of trolls. New transfers and old trolls beating their chest and repeatedly posting +650 ppt score updates, exploiters coming out and lots of whining about them, complaints about transfers, blah blah.
Maybe if we put a cowbell on them ….
Wasn’t talking about that…there was some other post that now seems to have been deleted that was really ugly. Sorry for any confusion Pvp.
Due to the inflammatory tone of this thread, it will be closed. Please keep in mind that if you want to discuss issues on our forums, you have to do it in a constructive way and stay on topic.
If you think you have encountered someone using an exploit, please submit your report by email to: exploits@arena.net.
Thank you.