Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


You do realize though that everyone and everything under the sky since the beginning of time relied on the weather and decided what they will do according to the weather. With the Great Sky Lord Flame Ram’s guidance, we know the right moment of attack by showing us the conditions of the clouds and the stars….with a little help from our friendly quagans in the lake (and cross swords in the map).

According to the Great Sky Lord Flame Ram’s Celestial Book of Powa Volume 5000 Chapter 7 entitled FTF and the Echo of the Great Storm,

“We, my brethren, are not fishers of men but rather finishers of men and…….
women. Unsheathe your sword and hold your bright shield(it’s legendary) for we shall not turn our backs from our adversaries even if the tide of battle is against us…we shall gladly face death itself knowing that we protected our brothers and sisters of Ehmry Bay…

may the Great Sky Lord Flame Ram be with us…"

And in his name we give thanks for the battles to come. Amen.

I believe it was all fairly impromptu. We’d wiped a group of what seemed to be mostly FTF at the southern camp twice then got wiped ourselves because we underestimated how fast the main body of their forces would come back and got caught in a bad position.

Next time we arrived near the southern camp there was RegA ele trying (emphasis on that word, ice bow in a duel with a condition mesmer? lolwut) to duel a FTF mesmer and the whole thing kinda grew from there.

And no, nobody knows exactly when the update will hit. Though usually they seem to land at around 5 pm Pacific.

Haha yeah we had a lot of fun with you guys last night running our trainings. Not everyone is a stone cold kill machine of high coordinated proportions in FTF yet, but we’re trying to help all the guildies into advanced tactics. We get wiped. But we’ll keep coming back for more, trying something new, different, or better each time. We’re far from what we could be in the future. All it needs is some time, discipline, and kitten ton of training lol but we’ll be top notch.

As for the duels, Angry Unicorns (Mesmer) was the first to hop on the dueling going on and i joined in soon after (I was the purple hooded elementalist). Great fights all around. I fought a Char Elementalist from NoQQ for like 10min. A beasty AD guardian. And even had a 2v2 with NoQQ vs FTF Mesmer/Elementalist vs Memser/Elementalist.

Awesome battles. Thanks to everyone who came!

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

(edited by Wizardauz.3761)

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


According to the Great Sky Lord Flame Ram’s Celestial Book of Powa Volume 5000 Chapter 7 entitled FTF and the Echo of the Great Storm,

“We, my brethren, are not fishers of men but rather finishers of men and…….
women. Unsheathe your sword and hold your bright shield(it’s legendary) for we shall not turn our backs from our adversaries even if the tide of battle is against us…we shall gladly face death itself knowing that we protected our brothers and sisters of Ehmry Bay…

may the Great Sky Lord Flame Ram be with us…"

rofl.. finishers. .. hahaha finishers. you ain’t fishermen! stupid reading and sneaky letters…FTF is as fun on the forums as they are in the digital flesh.

Yak’s Bend.

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dr Acula.3496

Dr Acula.3496

I like you and your words Mr. Yorgy.

Depressed Unicorns – Necro [Agg]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I like you and your words Mr. Yorgy.

Why does that give me the same unsettled feeling that watching The Following does?

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Why does that give me the same unsettled feeling that watching The Following does?

Shhhhhh….. just accept it….

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


I like you and your words Mr. Yorgy.

And I got a chuckle out of your name not too long ago, when I caught a glimpse of it, as the “Most recent poster” to a thread when scanning the forum, Good-Doctor.

Yak’s Bend.

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Roberto.7190


According to the Great Sky Lord Flame Ram’s Celestial Book of Powa Volume 5000 Chapter 7 entitled FTF and the Echo of the Great Storm,

“We, my brethren, are not fishers of men but rather finishers of men and…….
women. Unsheathe your sword …

may the Great Sky Lord Flame Ram be with us…"

Noice… you really are trying to make us look like Porn Stars in our non gaming time huh?

Frisco – 80 D/D Thief

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dr Acula.3496

Dr Acula.3496

I like you and your words Mr. Yorgy.

Why does that give me the same unsettled feeling that watching The Following does?

Because it should….

Depressed Unicorns – Necro [Agg]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


Another enjoyable night of watching the IoJ and Ebay alliance in action. Looking forward to another week and a half of this. Next forum post can just be called IoJ & Ebay vs DR to save time. To whoever the Ebay commander was in DR BL that tried to take an un-upgraded hills for 5 hours and failing with 4 times DR numbers, you should probably work on your tactics a bit, especially the solo golem push that died before it got to the gate. And the golem build site that you guys didnt finish the push before linked below was way too funny.

Inb4 post gets flamed cause there isnt an alliance. Just gotta look at that map boys, it tells all.

Cya back there tmrw night for more 2v1 action!


Tarnished Coast

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

A match up thread without whining and drama? This can’t stand.

So… Thanks for the loot bags yesterday too bad you guys have to zerg us all the time etcetc.

(J/k thanks for a fun match up so far, the current score doesn’t really do it justice because every server seems to outnumber the others during one time of the day each, but for the majority it has been great with good fighting and spirit from all servers.)

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


A match up thread without whining and drama? This can’t stand.

So… Thanks for the loot bags yesterday too bad you guys have to zerg us all the time etcetc.

(J/k thanks for a fun match up so far, the current score doesn’t really do it justice because every server seems to outnumber the others during one time of the day each, but for the majority it has been great with good fighting and spirit from all servers.)

Yepp Yepp.

It’s been really fun over in IoJ. Considering the population they currently have, they have made their map tremendous fun. Last night IoJ did a super job of leaning on the South. They kept DR and Ebay confined and it resulted in lots of 3 way matches.

Fighting in SE tower, IoJ close to kicking us out, Ebay shows up, kicked IoJ out, thinned themselves and gave us a chance to ninja some more supply into the tower to clean up what was left.

IoJ and Ebay fighting over SW tower, DR waits till the door is almost down, and ninja’s the tower from under them both.

Amazing battle up at the NW tower. almost had the North wall down, then next thing you know, IoJ is appearing like Agent Smith. over the hills, down from overlook, up from the Garrison, and more from the NW camp. Not Zergs, but small numbers that slowly trickled in and made the defensive mass grow, much like a puddle of mercury.

We were overwhelmed, wiped, and sent packing.

You could hear people smiling when they were talking in TS. A fun time was had by all. I’ve gotten to spend a lot of time killing with members of wD this week and it’s been a pleasure.

Killin’ Reds and makin’ Friends. The week long battle for IoJ.

Thanks again peeps!!

Yak’s Bend.

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Can’t get back onto IoJ until Thursday. I hear we have made a great push for #2 in the last few days. Score?

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


The reason we are mainly attacking in Devonas Rest borderlands is because we know we cant catch Emerhy Bay, and we figured securing second place would be a huge moral booster for our server!
Fight on IoJ!
We were very lucky to spot that attack at sunnyhill, didnt expect EB to have 3 catas up, got there just in time!
Loving the huge fights just over supply camps, been a great week in WvW!


Mr(s) Starkk

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


The reason we are mainly attacking in Devonas Rest borderlands is because we know we cant catch Emerhy Bay, and we figured securing second place would be a huge moral booster for our server!
Fight on IoJ!
We were very lucky to spot that attack at sunnyhill, didnt expect EB to have 3 catas up, got there just in time!
Loving the huge fights just over supply camps, been a great week in WvW!

Don’t worry about it. DR has been spending a lot of time in IoJ BL and picking the fight you have a chance of winning is the smart thing to do at the moment.

Again, I don’t care about the score. I care about fun and this has been a fun matchup.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Nice. Go get em boys. I’ll be joining you on Thursday night hopefully.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


I don’t care about the score. I care about fun and this has been a fun matchup.

It sure has been. Considering the beating we are taking in the score, I would expect the battles to be more one sided and the forums to be filled with Zerg complaints. Instead, most of the fights I have seen have been anyone’s fight up until the end, or whoever got the last minute support from their realm mates.

Win, lose or draw I hope to get this match up again.

Yak’s Bend.

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Borelex.1928


Im curious whats going on in ioj DR is getting hit by neally all of EBs men and ioj is still at the back lol

(edited by Borelex.1928)

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Another enjoyable night of watching the IoJ and Ebay alliance in action. Looking forward to another week and a half of this. Next forum post can just be called IoJ & Ebay vs DR to save time.

Lol i love it when people play victim.

Again, I don’t care about the score. I care about fun and this has been a fun matchup.

pretty much this. The only thing that been different for me is that there is alot less options on where to go. DR or IoJ BLs is where its at right now. Ehmry Bay BL and Eternal are usually pretty slow or zergy and spawn camping isnt usually my thing.

We all know the good roamers and squads hang out in borderlands, so thats where the funs at. Best place to get random 1v1s and small team fights. Even the zerg fights are good.

Lol if score meant much to us, we wouldnt of stayed on Ehmry Bay. Thanks to all those who stayed on IoJ and DR as well.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dr Acula.3496

Dr Acula.3496

Another enjoyable night of watching the IoJ and Ebay alliance in action. Looking forward to another week and a half of this. Next forum post can just be called IoJ & Ebay vs DR to save time.

Well looks like the jig is up everyone! Devona must have infiltrated one of our secret underground Axis of Evil bunker meetings and realized that we have a super secret Axis Of Evil alliance going. Way to go on ruining what would have been a super unstoppable force that would have taken over most of Europe, Devona…. Someone should go tell our small mustache having commander that we’ve been exposed!

Depressed Unicorns – Necro [Agg]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Well looks like the jig is up everyone! Devona must have infiltrated one of our secret underground Axis of Evil bunker meetings and realized that we have a super secret Axis Of Evil alliance going. Way to go on ruining what would have been a super unstoppable force that would have taken over most of Europe, Devona…. Someone should go tell our small mustache having commander that we’ve been exposed!


Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Another enjoyable night of watching the IoJ and Ebay alliance in action. Looking forward to another week and a half of this. Next forum post can just be called IoJ & Ebay vs DR to save time.

Well looks like the jig is up everyone! Devona must have infiltrated one of our secret underground Axis of Evil bunker meetings and realized that we have a super secret Axis Of Evil alliance going. Way to go on ruining what would have been a super unstoppable force that would have taken over most of Europe, Devona…. Someone should go tell our small mustache having commander that we’ve been exposed!


[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dr Acula.3496

Dr Acula.3496

hahahaha, <3

Depressed Unicorns – Necro [Agg]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761



Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Brando.1374


lol Its nice to see a fun WvW thread.

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Magi.8947

Dark Magi.8947

Update on the score please. Need to see how IOJ’s Day crew is holding up.

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Ebay: +545
IoJ: +145
DR: +5

Total Score
EB: 174,538
DR: 82,448
IoJ: 68,017

Updated an Hour Ago on http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA

lol Its nice to see a fun WvW thread.

Yea, isnt it. XD

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: trendal.8319


EB – 180,583/ +595
DR – 83,073/ +65
IoJ – 68,797/ +35

Updated at 2:23pm est

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Magi.8947

Dark Magi.8947

wow last night was a blast in EB’s borderlands. There was a 7 on 3 battle between IOJ and EB for lake. IOJ just started trolling ya. Took all your camps in under 10 minutes and started to knock on lake for the amusement to see how you would react. I give you props though, atleast you ungraded your towers/keeps some what. DR didn’t upgrade anything and left it all sitting wide open

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Phenona.9457


Just hopped off and we lost ALL the map to EBay, but a crew of 10 was able to get Sunny back as well as some of the camps. Whoever is the EBay thief chick that was guarding Red….. WOW! Great job, I was the sylvari Mesmer and because of you I started working on my build.

Phenona-Ranger, Somaina-Mes, Shaleo-Theif, Chrytheena-Ele, Milphina-Engi, Purpleppleater Yum- Mes.
Running [Lost] in IoJ

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


Another enjoyable night of watching the IoJ and Ebay alliance in action. Looking forward to another week and a half of this. Next forum post can just be called IoJ & Ebay vs DR to save time.

Well looks like the jig is up everyone! Devona must have infiltrated one of our secret underground Axis of Evil bunker meetings and realized that we have a super secret Axis Of Evil alliance going. Way to go on ruining what would have been a super unstoppable force that would have taken over most of Europe, Devona…. Someone should go tell our small mustache having commander that we’ve been exposed!

You make it sound like you were top secret. Ebay came to DR first for an alliance, don’t believe me? I have all the proof you need below. IoJ came to us, on their hands and knees. Begging for an alliance.

“Please”, they said, " we need DR’s protection from IoJ."
And we were all like, “What ever, Ebay. What’s in it for us?”
An’ you were all like, “hows about a month’s supply of delicious Newmans Own Coffee”.
An’ we were like, "Toss off IoJ, I drink a months worth of coffee in a weekend. "
‘n’ you were like, “Fine, Two months of Coffee and a plasma TV for your Overlook”
‘n’ we were like, “First off, plasma sucks now compared to newer technologies available, and how in the world will one TV get us full coverage at the outlook??”
Then you were like, “screw off, DR. We will go ask IoJ to Ally with us.”
We then laughed at you, and someone, I don’t know who, started throwing wet toilet paper at you while you were walking away.

I don’t know where you got this Spy Vs Spy story. As I was saying.



Yak’s Bend.

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


You make it sound like you were top secret. Ebay came to DR first for an alliance, don’t believe me? I have all the proof you need below. IoJ came to us, on their hands and knees. Begging for an alliance.

“Please”, they said, " we need DR’s protection from IoJ."
And we were all like, “What ever, Ebay. What’s in it for us?”
An’ you were all like, “hows about a month’s supply of delicious Newmans Own Coffee”.
An’ we were like, "Toss off IoJ, I drink a months worth of coffee in a weekend. "
‘n’ you were like, “Fine, Two months of Coffee and a plasma TV for your Overlook”
‘n’ we were like, “First off, plasma sucks now compared to newer technologies available, and how in the world will one TV get us full coverage at the outlook??”
Then you were like, “screw off, DR. We will go ask IoJ to Ally with us.”
We then laughed at you, and someone, I don’t know who, started throwing wet toilet paper at you while you were walking away.

I don’t know where you got this Spy Vs Spy story. As I was saying.



Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Kyskythyn.6471


Red vs. Blue?
Feel the love, IoJ.


Miss Kysie – S/F condi bunker ele
River of Tears – S/D glass ele
Solo and small group roamer

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dr Acula.3496

Dr Acula.3496

Again Mr. Yorgy, your mouth words please me greatly.

Depressed Unicorns – Necro [Agg]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


Why won’t you leave Hills alone, EBay? We were just about to finish renovating it when you guys just rudely broke down our door and started making a mess. Luckily we’ve been able to shoo you out, but no, you had to break the door down again, and again, even bugging our poor Keep Lord before we finally managed to kick you out again.

But you EBayers just couldn’t stay away, what with the catapults and then another attempt for the south gate, I felt like I was going to run supplies and be tossing around arrow carts all night if it wasn’t for ANet stepping in to add even more crafting dailies to annoy me or something.

Feh. Such persistent little -muttermutter-

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


Just hopped off and we lost ALL the map to EBay, but a crew of 10 was able to get Sunny back as well as some of the camps. Whoever is the EBay thief chick that was guarding Red….. WOW! Great job, I was the sylvari Mesmer and because of you I started working on my build.

U catch a guild tag so we can track em down for ya

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dr Acula.3496

Dr Acula.3496

Just hopped off and we lost ALL the map to EBay, but a crew of 10 was able to get Sunny back as well as some of the camps. Whoever is the EBay thief chick that was guarding Red….. WOW! Great job, I was the sylvari Mesmer and because of you I started working on my build.

Well i was on my thief and i was in fact hanging out around Red. norn female with a long pony tail. Doubt it was me though!

Depressed Unicorns – Necro [Agg]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Having some great fights in IoJ borderlands,
Getting wiped by a DR thief was a bit frustrating
But seeing EB players resort to this to survive…was a good laugh
Nice going guys


Mr(s) Starkk

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


Mmm i remember that White Dye’d Engi Commader from yesterday

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Luzano.6983


Been having a lot of fun in IOJ borderlands these past few days. Usually roaming solo or duo. Really great fights all around, whether it be 1v1s or small skirmishes. Glad to get away from the monster known as Kaineng haha.

Shout out to [KOR] for some good fights and partying up for chatting.

Ps. Tell Nudibranch I will get revenge for killing me at north supply earlier tonight!

[GF] / [Guam] Alaiii – Jackie Lautchang – Luzano

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Ps. Tell Nudibranch I will get revenge for killing me at north supply earlier tonight!

Youre the mesmer we had a moment of silence and cried for once nudi realised who you were? :P

Mr(s) Starkk

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Good luck Ehmry Bay, hopefully you can get back to tier 4 soon!

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Jinks.2057


I get a feeling you DR/IoJ guys hate thieves…..

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


I get a feeling you DR/IoJ guys hate thieves…..

Anyone who isn’t a thief, or friends with a really good thief, hates thieves. lol
It’s “cool” to hate thieves, duh.

Good luck Ehmry Bay, hopefully you can get back to tier 4 soon!

Careful what you wish for. This match up has been pleasant in game and on the forums. I would like another week of this before we roll the dice.

Yak’s Bend.

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I get a feeling you DR/IoJ guys hate thieves…..

Everyone hates good thieves when you are playing AGAINST them.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Brando.1374


Had a blast last night on Both DR and loj BL.

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


Oh, I rage against thieves all the time. However, it’s not that I think you’re overpowered in regards to killing ability, but rather how a thief can harass other players with seemingly no risk. (Of course I also loathed rogues and other stealth classes in other games, and especially rouges. People kept calling out there’s a rouge killing them, and yet I never see that overpowered murderous makeup.)

Oh good! Dreaming Bay still belongs to the DR. I was worried our night crew would lose it after all that hard work.

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


This match up has been pleasant in game and on the forums. I would like another week of this before we roll the dice.

Agree. While the scores aren’t all that close, the individual skirmishes have been competitive for the most part and the play has been respectful.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lothair.5280


This has been my favorite match up so far. I wouldn’t mind another week with you guys.

Good Fights[GF]
Tarnished Coast
“Excuse me this is wvw not candyland and why are you working with the enemy?” -Dangermouse

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sabu.9804


This has been my favorite match up so far. I wouldn’t mind another week with you guys.

I don’t mind either but I need one poi and one vista in the SW corner of EB for 100% map completion. EBay, with all due respect, could you please let my harmless little asura ranger take EB Valley and Langor Gulch? I will give it back, I promise.

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: syv.4372


Hey RegA… Can you guys please stop focusing me everytime you see me… I mean I totally feel the love, but jeeze =(

Yay, RegA was mentioned! And we cannot, for fear that we will feel the wrath of Angry Unicorns. I do not like hitting myself to death ;-;

Hi. I’m Rahge.