Join Ferguson's Crossing!

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Well, with pretty much every server except us having such a thread and free transfers coming to a close very soon.. what better timing could there be?

Now, why transfer to Ferguson’s crossing?

1) For the challenge. We are not a “Green” server. However, we’re not a “Red” server either. We offer something significant to work with, while not offering complete domination. Nobody enjoys being constantly crushed by 50x your numbers, but does anybody really enjoy zerg PvDooring a single tower with 3-4 people in it and never having the risk of Stonemist having multiple wall breaches, or keeps ever flipped and epic struggles? We’ve always met challenging foes, typically are outnumbered significantly by at least one of our server partners at all times. This is accentuating the need for further growth, not just in population but in strategy as well. We’d love for any players, be they single or a guild or two to come be a part of that growth.

2) Room for growth. Ferguson’s Crossing has recently benefited from a Christmas population boom (hence the formation of my guild, formed to harness the dormant potential of the new players entering WvW during that period and beyond), but unfortunately when it comes to transfers we haven’t seen much in the way at all outside one or two guilds moving out. We have a unique balance of many up and coming guilds and players and a bunch of old Ferguson’s vets. Our score has been hurt badly from weeks of being paired with servers with mega populations. (The once mighty Devona’s Rest, and the now mighty Kain. And potentially now SF if its growth continues unmatched.) The good news in this is that it will give some time for new members of our community to adjust; to get to know the players, to get to know the strong and the weak points and to build relationships and teamwork that will enable competence in a higher tier when we eventually do move up. (Note that we don’t really want to pull a Kaineng. We simply want to move up to a more balanced tier where we meet equal if not identical resistance between our two partners so that we might enjoy WvW the way it was intended, and whatever partner servers we end up with alongside us.)

3) Well established WvW guilds. Guilds like Envy, TTA, Krak, Yarr, WZ and a few others I’m sure I’ve missed. My guild WZ, alongside I believe TTA and Krak also are pretty much full time WvW’rs. Sure, we’ve had our disagreements. I’m not gonna pretty up this post to sound like the perfect jelly donut bait for win-fattened fair weather transfers. Most of our WvW guilds have spent a lot more time in the past bickering than we have working together. While this is regrettable, it is an inevitable result when people start to become proud of their guilds and their accomplishments, or their potential. The arguing between guilds IS starting to settle down however. TTA and WZ are starting to make the first steps towards mending our damaged relationships. While it is a work in progress for both of us at best. However, server pride is strong on Ferguson’s, and stronger than all our guild pride I believe. It is likely an inevitability with time that we all will put aside our differences and work together in unison. I’ll be the first to admit as an officer of WZ, we’ve been defensive and many of us have said things we should not of. Nevertheless I am hopeful that one day all the arguments will be a completely behind our Ferguson guilds.

4) Large normal player base in WvW: Not a member of some super guild, or not interested in joining one? No problem! We have many players joining in on our commander’s operations in WvW. You will see many players from many different guilds, and some with no guilds at all. Such people need not feel intimidated by the presence of powerful guilds. There’s always room for more. New to WvW and looking to get participating? Come aboard! Many of our commanders are more than willing to accept new WvW players into our fold. Its not our goal to alienate anyone. Even those who place rams beside walls. Although we have yelled at a few players at this, but sometimes a point needs to get across fast if you catch my drift.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


5) Solid WvW foundation. As a server, I’m not gonna say with 100% certainty we don’t have our share of a few fair weather players here and there. However, time has proven that Ferguson’s Crossing has a certain base of players that never seem to vanish from the WvW scene, no matter the odds. WZ was pretty much formed even during the massive onslaught we endured from Kaineng. During this period it quickly jumped from 30 people to over 300 people with moments of having 40+ active in WvW. 85% of those were relatively new players who had fun in WvW despite the frustrations Kain’s 650+ ppt leads and overnight Taiwanese upgrade destroyer strikes. What this means, is that even DURING the mega-zerg assaults we, as a server had a positive WvW growth trend. We gained the most new WvW players during the worst. I wonder how many servers are in higher tiers where the same can be said? As a server, we endured the onslaught of both Devona’s Rest AND Kaineng with relative dignity and minimal forum poop slinging.

6) Positive server WvW growth. Having room to grow is one thing, but what meaning is there in it if you don’t grow? Despite having lost at least one major guild (NP.. miss you guys. Well aside from those that stayed and/or revisited temporarily.) during the entry of the Kaineng era, I’m pretty sure our WvW population is higher than before. It’s not growing from transfers alone. It’s had pretty much only the opposite from transfers thus far; a few people moving off here and there. And yet, we grow. What can I say? There seems to be some magical power at work that when people by GW2 for the first time, and begin to look through that server list.. that the name “Ferguson’s Crossing” seems to radiate some kind of mysterious attractive light.

7) Our server is not perfect. As I mentioned earlier, we’ve had our share of drama (The growing pains that accompany growth and a strong desire to be competent in WvW as a server, IMO. Which makes it a good sign in that sense.), our share wall jump exploiters(Never seen this myself but if it happens on so many servers, can’t see why not on ours.) and perhaps even hackers that we might not even know of. (Strongly encourage anyone from any server to report such people with screenshots.) And yes, we even do have a small share of people who /sit and /laugh on their 2 opponents when they win with 10+ people. I think half the appeal of our server is that it is filled with imperfection, which causes people to strive for more. Many here strive for more nobility in our actions (people that /bow or /salute when they kill their foes), more competency (Meilin has long worked at getting us together with the Vanguard project. I give a shoutout for all his crazy efforts. This fellow is a true Ferguson player, through and through. We also have many who have taken the effort to do the homework of finding better siege placements, and efficient methods of fighting off superior numbered enemies.), more cooperation between large guilds (Shoutout for the TTA officer that hopped into WZ teamspeak and spoke to us there. Rest assured, you have been heard [and by the majority of our commanding officers!], and I hope that we of WZ can echo the same sentiment now also.) The bottom line here is that despite our imperfections, we have a goal. We strive to improve. We strive for victory even in ridiculous odds, and we appreciate it when it comes. Although we hate playing the “Points game”, we do it when we have to. We know what it takes to stay afloat, and what it takes to win. I think as a whole, we acknowledge our strengths, but also our weaknesses.

Conclusion: That all said we go into combat expecting nothing but harsh resistance, and yet meet the challenge head on. We’re full of battle nuts who just can’t seem to get enough, even though WvW tends to cost many of us the precious few gold we can muster. And now, in the eyes of constantly facing the superior numbers of SF coupled with the generally inconvenient timings of ET trying to keep themselves on the map at our expense while we are occupied with SF, we still maintain our presence and position with all of our might and hold firmly onto the number 2 spot of this bracket at this time. (Btw not bashing ET for this, good tactics are good tactics. Ferguson did the same thing when DR and Kaineng were at each other’s throats. :P). Ferguson WvW players are tough, unyielding. Whether we get mauled by mega zergs or beaten by superior tactics we always come back for more. We love the thrill of the battle in the e-sport that GW2 WvW is rapidly becoming.

And one more time; why join Ferguson’s crossing? Simply said in the light of everything made known already; because it is an investment a WvW future.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


And for one final note, our server may be the one server that will likely never break if it hits a wall, be it population, time zone OR tactics. Unlike other servers, we’ve been constantly matched up against servers that have had us beaten on population, timezone coverage and when WM moved to Kaineng, we even lost the tactics department completely. And for a brief history lesson for those of you in higher tiers who think Kaineng went up due to transfers, it actually didn’t. It went up farther than it should have, that’s for sure. But long before WM and the various Asian guilds that hopped to it in its last 2 weeks against us, before its massive transfer population growth it was already mid tier 6- low tier 5 quality. Its population boomed after DR moved out from people invigorated from the hope of not being outnumbered and quickly itself out numbered us enough to easily hold 500-ish ppt BEFORE WM and other unfamiliar faces ever appeared there. Simply put thanks to the Glicko2 system, Ferguson’s Crossing for the past 2 and a half months or so has always been fighting opponent servers that are at the tier 6-5 level here in tier 8. Yet we never gave up, even in the last week against Kaineng in its post-WM era, we tried our hardest even if only to hold a tower or keep for a couple minutes here and there. And since general forum consensus seems to be that Kaineng will ascend to tier 3 and possibly tier 2 relatively quickly, the fact that we yielded anything at all against Kaineng in that final brutal week, and that we did managed to hold a few things briefly almost every day is a testament to the resistance and determination this server has always had.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: silverfire.2547


As a regular WvW player on SF, I support this 100%.

I hope FC gets some great transfers so T8 can stay a relatively even matchup. One-sided roflstomps are no fun, and the recent transfers to SF threaten to make that a reality.

Mira Alluvion (Me) | Hanna Bulwark (W) | Sophie Dusthaven (Th)
[CoSA]/[WWGD] // Sorrow’s Furnace (since August 2012) US West Evening Shift

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: McViolin.8547


I’m going to thread hijack and say come to ET, just cause

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


I’m going to thread hijack and say come to ET, just cause

Hey, you have your own!


But yeah, ET definitely is definitely a great server to show some transfer love as well. I endorse them 100% in that. I’ll even bump that thread.

Edit: Oh wait, looking closer that’s not an Eredon thread at all! I found it through searching “Eredon” in forum tools and thought I had the real deal.

As a regular WvW player on SF, I support this 100%.

I hope FC gets some great transfers so T8 can stay a relatively even matchup. One-sided roflstomps are no fun, and the recent transfers to SF threaten to make that a reality.

Thanks for that sentiment. SF is quickly becoming to us, what Devona’s Rest was to Kaineng during the height of their rivalry. Fighing against you guys is always a blast and a privelage, so I hope to see it continue for some time.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Jarettellis.7813


I honestly would not mind some transfers. However, if we do get an influx, hopefully we do not forget some of the strategies that we do field.

1: our decent, almost unkillable siege placement (that can be argued by some people)
2: Some hit and run squads that some of our guilds have resorted to running.
3: The ability by many to fight an completely outnumbered fight/skirmish and still get respectable /bows from our opponents. If we do not wipe them

All in all i hope if we do get some new numbers we do not forget that we have been up against large numbers, seemingly unending zergs. And we do not become a server of just zerging.

Like someone said before in our WvW thread for our matches: FC can be like a pitbull when cornered hopefully we can keep that and show we do not go down without a fight.

And to those servers who always had us outnumbered, i bow to you for the lessons you taught me and the other roamers in my guild. Taught us how to deal with a 1v10, and how not to become roadkill right away when fighting your massive zergs

Vikings with Attitude (Zerk)

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Irate Platypus.9318

Irate Platypus.9318

Like a lot of lower-tier servers, our history has left us with a bunch of players that are

1) Stubborn
2) Emotionally stable
3) So kitten good they get bored with balanced matchups

Well, most of us are two out of the three, anyway.

Ferguson’s Crossing

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


After our early match up with Fergusson Crossing, I support this post.

FC is a server that never gave up, and never got mass transfer. Slowly, they are growing back, and this is the best way to become a force in WvW. During our match up, they have been respecful opponent and they did hold their own.

If you join them, know that they won’t let you down. They learned to lose, now they are ready to win. Once they raise in rank, they won’t fall back down.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: DaBleuberry.1780


Ferguson’s Crossing has a lot of potential and now that I have my commander tag I plan on using that potential to bring down our enemies and hopefully put a stop to Sorrow’s Furnace once and for all

Ássurance [ÆSS] ~Lablueberry

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


I support this thread. I have stated in chat (and elsewhere if I’m not mistaken) that all Ferguson needs is ppl to supplement the skilled old guard. Kudos to TTA (quite a few memorable fights), WZ (same), and all the rest of the WvW guilds that make FC a potent opponent. I daresay even the newer ones like TFM have great potential as well. Go to Ferguson Crossing; you won’t be sorry.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Thanks everyone for the support! Bumping this with a cool update.

TTA, Krak and WZ, and Yarr also I think are entering an alliance. Unfortunately Krak was absent for the meeting, but I’m sure they echo the same sentiment as all of us especially since they and TTA have worked hand in hand often in the past as I recall. We’re all willing to put the past behind us, and do what we need to improve ourselves, but especially all the more Ferguson’s Crossing as a server.

Expect to see much more joint operations between the guilds, training for the new WvW’rs and various new and useful movements coming to be as a result of all this.

Kudos to TTA for putting all of that into motion.

There’s a lot of work to be done, but we expect to do well. Yet another reason people should consider our server for a transfer.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


wow really? Because… I’m pretty sure we are evenly matched us and FC population wise right now if not you guys having a slight edge… you guys wanting easymode? If anything the small xfers should check both FC or ET

Honestly half the people I’ve seen in wvw have gone to T1 servers over this paid xfer thing :/

Edit: a night crew for either server wold be nice :p wouldn’t be an issue but SF seems to have one and us not having one is what really tilts the balance of the match

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


Bumping this just so a few more people can feel the Ferg love <3

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


wow really? Because… I’m pretty sure we are evenly matched us and FC population wise right now if not you guys having a slight edge… you guys wanting easymode? If anything the small xfers should check both FC or ET

Honestly half the people I’ve seen in wvw have gone to T1 servers over this paid xfer thing :/

Edit: a night crew for either server wold be nice :p wouldn’t be an issue but SF seems to have one and us not having one is what really tilts the balance of the match

I wouldn’t rush to say Eredon’s Terrace WvWvW population is on Ferguson’s level. ATM let’s be honest the only reason ET’s score is even close is from playing vulture on empty lands while Ferg and SF go at eachother’s throats. Which while we have certainly done, we’ve spent the vast majority of our time this week taking SF head-on. If Ferg were to shift focus on ET more and play “the points game” by striking empty lands for the whole week, the score would probably be drastically lopsided between SF, FC and Eredon’s Terrace being much further behind than it is now. Ie. 350k-220k-80k or something like that. No, we don’t want easy mode. But it should not be a surprise to you that we do to move up into a tier that has 2 severs with populations more around ours and enjoy WvW as it was intended to be balanced. Ferguson’s Crossing as it stands should already be able to hold its own in tier 7 IMO, and with all the transfers it got in tier 8 Sorrow’s Furnace should be easily able to handle tier 7 also, and possibly even push into tier 6 now.

Facts should be faced, neither of these severs belong in tier 8 anymore. But Eredon’s Terrace on the other hand is a perfect fit there, and will remain so unless it gets more transfers. Granted, more transfers to ET could help reduce SF’s advantage also. But asking for transfers to ET and making posts of such should be the duty of actual members of that server, no?

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


True, and I was making that post because I was enjoying the balance we had in WvW until about a week and a half ago where it became lop sided, but it looks like kwbh will remain farming those badges until we get more people. Honestly, I am not against what you’re doing and I do think the ranking system is pretty ineffective.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


True, and I was making that post because I was enjoying the balance we had in WvW until about a week and a half ago where it became lop sided, but it looks like kwbh will remain farming those badges until we get more people. Honestly, I am not against what you’re doing and I do think the ranking system is pretty ineffective.

My apologies if my previous post sounded rude btw. I think I, as well as some others have a bit of frustration building from how WvW can feel like a job at times, with the dedication it requires of us at this time to maintain scores and such. A job with little returns. :/

And yeah, I liked it a lot more when it was more balanced. It really is too bad that a few guilds or so transferred off of ET a while back. Ideally, we wouldn’t have a numbers advantage of either partner server, nor a timezone one if it were up to me. Many of us are frustrated with this pairing system. It feels like it rewards PvDoor zerging tactics too much. For Eredon’s Terrace or for Ferguson’s, there’s little benefit to fighting each other or Sorrow’s furnace head on in an epic war so to speak, from the points perspective. But epic battles are probably what most of us entered WvW expecting. We end up having to shift maps a lot when we have a good fight because 20 people will be capping our borderlands while we’re occupied in EB, etc.

To be fair though, I probably underestimated Eredon’s Terrace a bit as well. That reset push was pretty amazing on your part. Especially those members of KWBH and the mesmer portals bombs I witnessed. It may only be that Sorrow’s Furnace needs to rank up, rather than both of us to balance the tier, who knows. This past week has certainly given us all a lot to think about.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

Join Ferguson's Crossing!

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Totally agree with your post.

For ET, I think the key is to get more guilds participating instead of sitting in queensdale recruiting with their legendary and commander tag on :S

Both our servers have pretty large pve populations but its getting those guys into wpvp that’s an issue.

Overall though, I love it on ET and I think Fergs are pretty good as a server. I look forward to fighting you guys more. You take a lot of shots from SF’s larger numbers and manage to come out on top which is really impressive. If you’re on ferg you should check these guys [WZ] out.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)