Join New Vabbi WvW focused alliance !

Join New Vabbi WvW focused alliance !

in WvW

Posted by: Demannu.2805


Who are we:
We are Xaoc – a WvW focused Russian community with over 160 people actively participating in daily war activity, we also have an active Multinational part of the guild reborn like a phoenix on Vabbi. We originally coming from the Blacktide server, which sadly died being full for transfers due to inormous amounts of pve-crab-people,

What are we looking for:
We seeking for active WvW guilds, size & playstyle does not matter as long as your people devote all their time to WvW. Our goal is to forge pure WvW server and bring it as high as our dedication allow us to !

Why Vabbi:
Vabbi is perfect place because it always was black sheep of the family, with lowest population and standing from all Guild Wars 2 servers, there was no WvW alliance here and it is your move to forge one in battle. Coming from the lowest tier possible will give us time to prepare for the battles we are going to have in Tier 5 and higher, practice tactical moves, create the bonds between guilds on Vabbi. The low population will allow active WvW playes to join the realm without the pain of looking for a transfer window.

Why your guild should join:
If your guild is WvW oriented and you seek for glory in epic battles, fun in tactical maneurs, our community will provide you all that as well as friendly atmosphere, realm voice server and a chat conference to stay in touch 24/7 in order to coordinate our battle activities. We will stand back to back with your guild and never give up.

What we have at the moment:
Over 200 active WvW players from various guilds together with 30 casual players who were originally on Vabbi playing during EU peak hours. Our daily huge raids with over 50 people kicks-off at 2AM GMT+0 and continue through all day till about 10PM GMT+0. During off-peak hours we have dedicated groups of members fighting, we have commanders ready to coordinate and help on each WvW map.

How to join:
Whisper us in game or leave a message: Demannu.2805 , Bata.4091 , Araksa.5064
Leave us a message on forums and we will come back to you as well
For russian-speaking players please visit us at:

Cheers !

Champion of Khorne

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: fab.3298


You know, i could deal with the imbalance this sort of server hopping generates in the lower tiers. It’s a by-product of Anets flawed WvW system and as such no one is to blame but Anet. However, every time we see guilds from the higher ranks down here, inevitably there’s cheating. I don’t know if this is because cheating is rampant and accepted in the upper tiers or if the type of guilds who move down do so because they have been ostracized because of their cheating, but what i do know is that we don’t want it.

Unfortunately since your resurrection of vabbi, cheating has returned to the casual tiers, entire guild groups have been caught on fraps bypassing gates. The fact that this is so rampant and accepted amongst vabbi’s new playerbase is pretty astounding. Even more astounding however, is the fact that hardcore WvW guilds won’t face the casual servers in a fair and honest fight. So leet.

Fab The Guardian
[Re] Rerolled

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Posted by: Ironvos.9014


I feel sorry for the vabbi people.
say goodbye to your days of small scale wvw.
say hello to big zergs, lots of lag and culling and lots of metagaming.

And the added annoyance of having to deal with yet another rising tier server that will screw up matches in the lower tiers.
You’re probably trying to achieve a similar thing to what warmachine is doing with kaineng in the NA tiers.

Far Shiverpeaks
Luna Solares – Mesmer

(edited by Ironvos.9014)

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Dear fab, please do like we are doing if we see someone cheating in WvW – target the individual and click Report. In case you notice player to be from your Realm please inform the individual that he is breaking the CoC and then immediately report him providing his displayname and link to the screenshot taken by you / video frapped.

Dear Ironvos, the main reason why we came to Vabbi is due to fact that we love WvW but Blacktide got filled with too many PVE players and it’s status get locked to Full, so once we were approached by potential allies they gave up trying to transfer as they were afraid of loosing members due to inability to do so for a period of time.

We will be happy to see all dedicated players looking for a fair competitive fights in WvW together with us on Vabbi.

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Oh and just a heads up, The international Xaoc guild and it’s allies didn’t want to play together with hackers so they decided to transfer to Surmia instead. I don’t know how certain it is that they will really all transfer, but we’ve had a few transfers already.

So right now their alliance is split in 2 so Vabbi won’t be tiering up just yet lol.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Dear Elnore, we hope you will be fighting same good in game as you do on forums, yet spreading the half-false information will not give you any fame.

P.S. Good luck with your exam today.

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


As for the rest of ex-Blacktide guilds they have their own guild leaders and their own mindset so they will do what is best for their communities some will join higher tiers like Piken Square, others would probably like to join other servers. But it is their own choice and Vabbi alliance respect it, however we are happy to see all active WvW guilds and individuals to join us.

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Half-false , how so ?

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

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Posted by: Jedahs.2713


Best of luck to Demannu, Xaoc and Vabbi

Looks like a new T1 server is about to rise on the EU side.

Jedahs, Sea of Sorrow’s 1st WvW Commander
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Thank you Jedahs, and wish you all the best in your epic SOS vs JQ battle



Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Firebaall.5127


These abusive server hoppers need to be banned.

Let the server ranking/matchup system place servers where they need to be. There should be no tolerance shown to those that look to exploit the free transfer system.

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Posted by: Iavra.8510


I seem unable to share any arrows or fireballs on my guardian but i could serve sharing some slices of my greatsword if wished for. Unfortunately, Xaoc seems to play in the early morning so once our servers will meet it will be highly unlikely for us to ever cross swords or staves.

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Dear Iavra, fear not you will face us during German primetime as well and in the same numbers If i am not wrong you are GMT+1 – GMT+2 which means you will face our main force during your peak hours

See you on the battlefield

P.S. Hammer Guardians look the sexiest >.< but that is just because i like Mithrillx from RG

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Dear fab, please do like we are doing if we see someone cheating in WvW – target the individual and click Report.

Well, topic was deleted from this forums but if you look for “hackers on vabbi” on a certain site you will see entire zerg cheating, not like you have the time to report them all while they jump all over the walls.

That being said, i see only a bunch of people transferring to the last tire to have it easy, hopefully that will not happen and you’ll go away soon.

George Cosbuc [MR] Mint Rubbing
Ruins of Surmia

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Posted by: Krosan.2890


Yet another perfect reason why Anet needs to put a stop to free server transfers yet they have completely ignored that request every since they launched their game. Why? No idea as they don’t care enough to actually tell us.
Its a shame to see another guild thats hungry for internet glory wanting to push a low tier server. The tiers have finally settled into what is mostly nice and even matchups and your glory hungry guild decides to off balance it again. Why would anyone even want to join a server in where the first month you will have no honest competition and will just reduce the other servers WvW to a wasteland due to unbalanced matchups?

Join New Vabbi WvW focused alliance !

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Dear Leopoldina, yea i saw that video and we are as mad a you are over that reason, I kindly ask you to whisper me ingame on Demannu.2805 if you spot any cheater / hacker from Vabbi server. I promise that we will track the individual and will report him / her immediately with providing screenshots, displayname on forums and via support system ANet using.

Dear Krosan, i might be wrong but that is going to happen during February patch. And again the reason why we came to lower tier is pretty much the same you stated in your speech – free transfers ruined Blacktide WvW, the server turned into full because we took it to number 1 in Europe. It automatically attracked loads of PVE players since , i assume, they were looking for easy Balthazaar temple / karma trains

Vabbi Alliance invites you to join all active WvW players on newly reborn WvW server – Vabbi !

Cheers and have a good day


Champion Of Khorne

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: TheWizard.3719


My opinion, I think it is a cool move to get to Vabbi (even if the name of the server is …………….) and I absolutely understand why they did.

Good luck with your new Vabbi-Alliance :-)

Seafarer’s Rest [EXT] Exterminatus
Comatose Vigil (Ran) – Lysergamid (War)
Nunbarshegunu (Mes) – Abstract Genesis (Nec)

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Posted by: genowefapigwa.5769


Congratulation, nice video promo
“hackers on Vabbi”

Goraca Mariola
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Thanks for giving me an idea for my next WvW movie title i will name it upon your request ‘’Hackers on Vabbi’’

Dont forget you could report players breaking COC by right clicking their names and clicking Report button, also if you notice a player to be from your Realm dont hesitate to contact them and inform that they are breaking COC then immediately report then via in-game support system.

Vabbi WvW Alliance recruiting active and casual dedicated to WvW players and guilds, come join us let’s forge new WvW server together !

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Hyung.6140


This sounds like a great idea! I’d love to join you and have seven/eight weeks of boring one-sided matches as we tier up from tier 9 to the high tiers. It’s especially good that for those two months no-one from any of the three servers in our tier will be able to enjoy a nice balanced match.

I think it’s great when massive guilds from the top tiers get bored and play with the server balance for their own entertainment, and I wish you massive success with this endeavour! I bet in years to come we’ll tell stories about how awesome this will turn out to be.

Everyone knows the most fun in Starcraft is to get to Grandmaster then tank your account down to Bronze and kill noobs forever, and I’m glad this mentality is coming to the GW2 WvW ladder. Look out Fissure of Woe, the former Blacktide alliance is going to teach you a serious lesson down in tier 9!

Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia

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Posted by: Topslob.8043


Yet another perfect reason why Anet needs to put a stop to free server transfers yet they have completely ignored that request every since they launched their game. Why? No idea as they don’t care enough to actually tell us.
Its a shame to see another guild thats hungry for internet glory wanting to push a low tier server. The tiers have finally settled into what is mostly nice and even matchups and your glory hungry guild decides to off balance it again. Why would anyone even want to join a server in where the first month you will have no honest competition and will just reduce the other servers WvW to a wasteland due to unbalanced matchups?

I have to agree, the matches are finaly normal in de lower tiers, atleast now Dzagonur is buggering off back to the top.

I see how much servers are reluctant to see this happen again, and I can see on Far Shiverpeaks we are also not looking forward to going through this progress again. However, since Arenanet still has free transfers open, bring it on and fight with honour.

I hope to meet you lads in our tier soon.

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Posted by: kabO.1629


I thought I saw Xaoc on Far Shiverpeaks back in the launch days?

Good luck Xaoc to you and your journey to t1.
We liked the fights vs. the russians from FS, we loved the fights when you were on BT and we had to change our morning raids because otherwise you would have beaten us…
We are looking forward to meeting you again!
Good luck, good fights, good loot from Vizu

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Posted by: killimandros.5087


First of all, I want to pass out respects to a top tier guild jumping down to bottom ladder. That move increased my respect for you guys a lot. It takes a lot of self esteem to do that, knowing it will litterally take months to get such a low server up the ladder (if that is your intention), and I will follow with interest.
Second of all, there is the cheat reports. I seriously hope they are all false claims. I am inclined to believe they are, and that they will soon be forgotten. Best of luck.

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Posted by: wezlaar.7285


Funny that they move to vabbi and people start seeing hacking there and that now they’ve left black tide you don’t see it there, no respect for this guild or it’s allies.

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Posted by: Hyung.6140


I don’t see why there’s any respect at all for jumping to the lowest tier. Vabbi have a WvW population of around 50 (or less) at any one time.

Adding 500 active players to that and of course they’re going to win. You haven’t proved anything, you haven’t earned anything, all you’ve done is ruin the matchup for all three servers – one server gets an easy win, the other two get stomped.

Repeat this seven times and you get back to T1, and the whole time you’ve proved absolutely nothing except massive numbers beats less numbers. Gratz!

Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Dear all thank you for your support and we hope to see you soon either as our new WvW allies or as our honorable WvW enemies we are sure it will be fun either way!

Dear wezlaar, if you catch any Vabbi playes cheating or using any sort of hacking disregard of guild – tag or untagged please whisper their display name to me on Demannu.2805. I can promise that we will identify the indivitual and report him immediately. Newly forget alliance is here on Vabbi and is against any sort of unfair play. Please keep in mind that due to game issues you might by mistake miss mesmer inside a keep, meet an invisible – culling melee traing, ANet are aware of those issues and are working to solve them with the best of what they can.

Dear Hyung, thank you for your valuable feedback, the reason why we came to Vabbi was that we already been top Euro server and despite your pity words we have proven that several times. So…

The main reason for the transfer is the low population and abscense of WvW alliance on Vabbi so that we could create a new WvW community dedicated to our favourite aspect of Guild Wars 2 !

If you are interested in joining our alliance please leave a message here, or whisper us in game on Demannu.2805 , Bata.4091 , Araksa.5064

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Ivano.2604


I am happy for vabbi being repopulated in a way, even tho i wouldn t like to see so much cheating going around..

We are FoW, we ve been the real underdog among all server but our community is somewhat growing and WvW has never been so fun as in these last weeks.

Do your things, do your transfers but please leave FoW as it is :p

PvP AKP WvW Dark LUPI among other Guilds around, are part of the FoW family and i am sure NONE of these has ever been using cheating or hacking programs, we are proud of that and we would like our “name” stay clear for that matter, we may lose but we ll never turn our head elsewhere or trying to gain a corrupted prize using corrupted methods.

All my respect to all legit Vabbi players of course, have a good fight

Elite PvP Raiders [PvP] – Fissure of Woe
Kaosberg De Lay
Deflora Pulzelle

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Dear Ivano, unfortunatly despite what you say and despite how you play people will always see what they want and will beleive in what they want and what suits them the most. Well let the Gods judges those …. Anet support team hamsters as well, i bet they are digging and will identify all those individuals who are ruining the fun for all of us.

Whether you decide that you want to join us on Vabbi we will be happy to welcome any WvW dedicated players.

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Loryn.5941


Sadly, since one or more players were killing me through the walls, I was unable to select them and report them for cheating. Please, just don’t cheat. It’s that simple. This was a group of Xaoc players, so look in your own guild.

I’m also curious if Vabbi players are happy with this. I happen to like my lower tier server, where it’s not too crowded and the players are friendly. I would hate to see my server dragged to the top tier into the mess & egos & queues.

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Posted by: Hyung.6140


Hi Demannu,

I think you misunderstood what I was saying – I wasn’t pitying at all, I’m sure you’re all very good players. All I meant was that beating low-pop servers with a guild of 500 people is pointless and proves nothing, it just ruins the experience for the low-pop server and for every server you fight on the way up.

By the time you get to the top you’ll have the exact same problem you have now – a high-tier high-pop server with massive queues. And it’ll take you two months of boring one-sided stomp matches to get there.

Anyway, I hope you and everyone else somehow manages to have fun despite destabilising the ladder balance for the next couple of months.

Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Hey Hyung,

Thank you for clarification, but we do hope that by then the free xfers will be closed and we will have sufficient and stable player base for upper tiers



Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Sadly, since one or more players were killing me through the walls, I was unable to select them and report them for cheating. Please, just don’t cheat. It’s that simple. This was a group of Xaoc players, so look in your own guild.

I’m also curious if Vabbi players are happy with this. I happen to like my lower tier server, where it’s not too crowded and the players are friendly. I would hate to see my server dragged to the top tier into the mess & egos & queues.

I beleive i should bring it to the level of proof or it does not happen, Xaoc will deal with any individual who abuse cheats in a very strict manner. Besides if you really is sure that this was not an intended game mechanic i.e. u were trying to repair doors and was hit or mesmer illusions, you should report the player right away. For sure there might be some idiot on any server in any online game who is using cheats / hacks, try to help others to identify that individual. However if you still beleive this is somehow related to tags or servers come back and we will talk on this point in some years.

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Loryn.5941


I was far away from the door, for a long enough period of time to not have dots or whatever on me. And since the player were behind the bloody walls, I could not see them. All I have is a screeny of my combat log which was taken after the fact, and wouldn’t prove anything. This just seems to be the way your guild operates, so all I can see is your guild doing their best to ruin the lower tier and feeling very proud of yourselves. And you can’t even play fair to do it.

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Dear Loryn, i am not an expert in those but what u describe looks like an aimbot from Counter Strike to me, i though i was in GuildWars 2…. probably i should ask for blue pills instead. I specially love the part where u claim it is my guildie but u did not see him as he was behind the wall, i could then claim it was Predator killed using their stealth technology, anyway it is nice that people are having wild imagination nowdays

And like i said if you catch anyone using any hacks / exploits please contact ANet and the Realm’s commanders so that we all will make this world a happy place of kittens !

Cheers !

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: ShorTy.1468


P.S. Hammer Guardians look the sexiest >.< but that is just because i like Mithrillx from RG

Good luck dear comrade with your new home at Vabbi

Mithrillx – VoTF | [Retired Guard]
We deffo need more siege masteries.

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Posted by: drkn.3429


XAOC always seemed a success hungry team, and while there’s nothing particularly wrong with that, they just hit two walls on their way.
The first problem was reaching top1 spot, meaning there’s nothing more to do here, and lots of people leaving out of boredom that comes after fulfilling one’s main goal. Same thing happens to lots of people who finally got their legendaries – a month of ‘grind’ and then they’re gone pretty soon.
Then they had enough leavers from BT (transfers too, but mainly just people leaving the game) to start losing and dropping in tiers, impeding their successes.

Transfering to the lowest server seems the best thing they can do for themselves, as it secures them some rising in tiers, giving them the illussion of success again. I guess we all just have different expectations from the game and seek different things.
The sad part is that the ‘success’ Vabbi is about to witness and experience will not be real and the current Vabbi folks will have a hard time catching up in higher tiers, losing a lot of fun themselves; not to mention the other low tier servers…


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Posted by: BlueViking.7105


FoW commander here. Confirming this server jump totally ruins our matchup. For example during our worst time of the day i was online (late this night/early morning) running around upgrading things. Along comes 30-40 xaaoc. I was the only one in FoW online on all maps at the time. Needless to say we lost Everything and i lost 20 gold. (yes there was actually not a single person on any other map – quite normal during this time in bottom tier)

And during peak hours theres so many vabbis now theres literally no Point in even trying. Its a shame since we really improved our game last couple of weeks. I bet this will kill several Guilds, I for one will not stay.

However, i do wish you luck and good fun in your new endeavour.

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Posted by: Oxxymoron.9864


Dear Demannu …. reborn like a phoenix^^ thx, you made my day

A) Xaox just transfered more ppl to vabbi, than they had alltogether – ruining their current matchup and the several folloving one for them and all the servers around them, as the current scoring system cant keep up with the players moving around.

B)vabbi will be rolfstomping everyone for weeks, while the server you transfered from will get stomped all over. Way to show everyone what to expect from you on the long run

C) by your behaviour, your not into building anything, or looking for any kind of challenge, youre moving around for the easy win, as the system allows it. Like getting pro in a game and than starting new accounts just so you can beat up the noobs. You can ofc …. Well everyone assisting you in it will deserve whats coming to them anyways, so … Best of luck with your project Vabbi!

Ps. you really think its ok always moving on to a new server hoping that guesting will get implemented while your on the top? And totally ignoring what happens to the server you left….

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Posted by: Ray.2640


Really…. Are you serious?

You bring more people to this matchup then there are playing here in total. People who play hard because of the low numbers on these servers, and invest more time and money into WvW because of the lack of people to spread it. And you completely destroy the matchup, and the fun for these players because there is no way that any of this bullkitten is considered an “even” matchup or any fighting going on is actually enjoyable because of the number difference.

Worst thing yet, you go to a server with barely 500 points, meaning you will stay in this matchup for atleast another month. What will happen in these weeks? You think its funny to play 20:1? What do you achieve afterwards? Your old server will drop down and vabbi will get up in tiers slowly because of how the rating works. Stomping everything in it’s way, not because you’re good but just because you have so many more numbers then the other servers in these low brackets…

Not just that, reports of hacks and cheats have increased more then tenfold since you transferred.

I do not wish you good luck and I don’t wish you a good day either.
Coming from a person on a server who will now be 200 points behind the next server because of the bullkitten you pulled.

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Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Yeah, all the hard work we made to be able to switch tiers every so many weeks has been ruined by this.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

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Posted by: Amasius.9014


I wonder if they have realised that they will be stuck in tier 9 for like a month… That can’t be fun for anyone.

Pishy – Warrior
[FeaR] The First Impact – Riverside

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Posted by: Citrus Finale.8621

Citrus Finale.8621

Why? just why? This will mess up so much. There is a reason that vabbi is a low tier server. Low tier servers are mostly balanced in matches so all 3 server have fun. Now you come and mess it up.

It’s the same as FC Barcelona stop playing in there current competition and will move to the amateurs.

Really a shame and show wat kind of guild you are.

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Posted by: Rednik.3809


Well, i just opened Vabby WvW history and saw some interesting things. Almost 8 weeks in row Vabby stays on 3rd place. Typical gap between Vabby and 1st place – ~400k(!). So what kind of kitten is going on here? This is “balanced and fun low tier matches”? For me this topic looks like stupid trollercoaster, “they ruin balance, blah-blah-blah bad-bad-bad”.

Kiijna, Xast, Satis Ironwail, Sekhaina, Shira Forgesparkle, Sfeno, Nasibi, Tegeira, Rhonwe…
25 charracters

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Posted by: Vazir.5867


So success for XAOC is getting a low tier server to T1 and then what? Leave it for another low tier server because they have achieved their little “project”? You guys would get a lot more “respect” if you fought for keeping Blacktide in T1 instead.

IMHO, a successful server is about maintaining a good community on that server, sticking through thick and thin even if it drop tiers, have guilds leaving for other servers and still have fun while doing this.

Gunnar’s Hold · Draugur [Drgr] Brimhorn and yes I have a pink quaggan backpack

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Posted by: CorliCorso.6254


I can see the lure of doing this.

Get a large guild on a bottom tier server, dominate maps for several weeks & reap all the rewards, including an easy run of jumping puzzles every day.

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


easy run of jumping puzzles every day.

WAIT how did you …… nevermind

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Vukanigia.5496


Just a few guilds from Blacktide that are WvW focused i have notice on ROS (i’m not sure but about 8 guilds so far) and Xaoc international with them.

Not sure how this will go…

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Posted by: Effsee.1583


Kind of interesting to see how even average/high tier servers see the point here, without even experiencing the situation.
What I’m about to write is the point of view of a FoW member, we’ve always been outnumbered (maybe only the first weeks of the game have been an exception) here in the lowest tier. RoS of course can confirm that, until a few weeks ago they were in our same situation, if not worse, we’ve been sharing the lowest tier for a while now. Vabbi used to have quite the numbers and dominate us, then they tiered up and lost a lot of members, becoming almost deserted. RoS gained some numbers in the meantime and was even able to tier up. The point is that the match was still unbalanced at that time no matter what, RoS was dominating, FoW tried to keep up with them (sometimes I have to admit we did keep up quite well) and Vabbi couldn’t keep up at all, it was RARE to see them around in WvWvW and that means the game was totally unbalanced for them. Something happened then, FoW population became more active (I think a few guilds joined us even) and we were finally able to compete with RoS better, at almost the same time Vabbi population started to increase as well, probably because some guilds started to join there (Xaoc as well) and there have been almost 3-4 days of totally balanced match this week. It was the best experience both my fellow FoW mates and I have had in WvWvW so far, a balanced match with balanced numbers, I can’t even describe with words how much fun I’ve been having.
Those fly hacking videos then came up and I was quite disappointed, of course I’ve seen and reported hackers in my WvWvW experience, but they never had been so evident. After that Vabbi numbers continued to increase and reached the point where they’re outnumbering us all, both RoS and FoW, bringing the match back to where it was, sadly unbalanced. I can’t even think the situation is going to be like this for at least a month. A month of outnumbering zergs wiping everything out without the possibilities of a decent counter attack because of the evident and excessive lack of numbers. /:

Join New Vabbi WvW focused alliance !

in WvW

Posted by: Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

Leopoldina Balanuta.2871

I am reluctant to post here until i know more, but at least i wanna thank the people and guilds that joined my server ( RoS) after the move from XaoC. Vabbi lost in prime time and i don’t see them getting up one tire never mind europe’s no 1 ( they gain big points now because are extremely low ).

However, the fight was good. I feel for FoW, as we have been in the lowest tire for so long i almost consider them friendly and it looks like they get the short straw here, but i’ll let events unfold.

George Cosbuc [MR] Mint Rubbing
Ruins of Surmia

Join New Vabbi WvW focused alliance !

in WvW

Posted by: Demannu.2805


Orderint dum metuant

Champion of Khorne – ZDs