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Posted by: Effsee.1583


I think you meant “Oderint”. Still there’s no need for us to hate nor fear.

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Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


odi et amo

……… 15

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


I love you too Lets have pillow fight !

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


And oh sorry last time i used latin … it was in University

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


First day and Surmia already showing its real face A party with speed hacks running on Eternal taking Flags … a link to youtube has been deleted hah w/e anyway Way to Go Surmia, Way to Go

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


well whisper me the video and i’ll see who they are.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Vabbi +655 income

VABBI alliance RECRUITING join us Active wvw players and guild ALL WELCOME!

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Elnore ask Ivejucha from Surmia he said they tracked him

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Vabbi Alliance recruiting +695 income!


Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


Their plan is to farm the bonuses from wvw and the lack of opposition means they can get massive points unchallenged every week.

There is no glory involved. This is a dishonest guild thats come to vabbi.

What momentum we had on rebuilding FoW is now broken by this idiot guild.

If you want real glory with a strong noble community. Join FoW.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


There is plan to create strong WvW server as Vabbi got a lot place for new players to join us on WvW, come to Vabbi join us in Glory !

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


There is plan to create strong WvW server as Vabbi got a lot place for new players to join us on WvW, come to Vabbi join us in Glory !

Glory? hah.

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Call it Fun then Call it w/e u like as long as u love WvW as much as we do

Join us on Vabbi !

New WvW focused World !

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Shizzobi.8075


There is no glory, to kill WvW in a lower tier.

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Posted by: maloki.3527


I feel sorry for FoW Good luck stabilizing again after Vabbi leaves your tier.
Original Vabbi guilds, I’m very sorry for you as well.

Good luck tho.

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


My friend Shizzobi, it is not about Glory in low tier, this is out of question for us. It is about Glory to create a pure WvW server and go for higher tiers

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Centrix.4065


Eventually the server will get out of the lower tiers. thats when their plans will prove succesful or not. their idea was to go to the lowest pop server so that when people join most of them will want to WvW. in theory it should create the “best” wvw server with most players doing wvw, not pve.

Just give it a few weeks and we’ll see if it was a success or not.

Lv.80 Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief
[VII] Seventh Legion |

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Posted by: akunadin.5017


Y0o0o0o Guys,

Left SFR, was bored and needed a new challenge. So me buddy and me went Piken:(

I want outa here again since WvW is totally death here during daytime gameplay (GMT).

How about Vabbi???

PS., we are just the 2 off us raoming arond in WvW to seek some small scale stuff.


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Posted by: dan.2098


woohoo I see what you did there Xaoc & Co
Good to see old comrades still alive and kicking

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Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Glory? Perhaps he meant Glory Holes, there Xaoc could show their mighty Skills^^.
Grasshoppers inc…….whats next?

Greets Myrmi

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Posted by: Mnl.8146


So you roflstomped 2 servers who combined have less players then you have in your so called “allience”. GG, you must be proud. Let me know when you go a tiers or two up so I can play another game that week. This has nothing to do with skill in the lower tiers, it’s pure numbers.

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Thanks for your constructive feedback Myrmidone.

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Just for you, it has been a pleasure;-)
Look at your Thread there you have your feedback.
As many said before you are just Grasshoppers nothing else nuttin to respect, think about it.

Greets Myrmi

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Posted by: Geogaddie.8193


Yeah Vabbi welcome Xsploitoc to your server sincerely Desolation.<3.

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Posted by: Krosan.2890


Vabbi +655 income

VABBI alliance RECRUITING join us Active wvw players and guild ALL WELCOME!

The fact your here gloating about totally unbalancing everything and even feeling proud of it just shows the true nature of your guild and the intentions.
You say you want to avoid PvE’rs yet you are here posting complete dominance which is one of the main reasons a PvE player would join a server for map completion and such.

And no self respecting WvW guild will feel the urge to join a server thats ticking at +655 since they obviously aren’t needed.

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Give me more of those tears and drama

Meanwhile Vabbi need active WvW players for higher Tiers battles !

Welcome new guilds in our Alliance ! Nice to have you guys here !


Champion Of Khorne

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Terkov.4138


Give me more of those tears and drama

Meanwhile Vabbi need active WvW players for higher Tiers battles !

Welcome new guilds in our Alliance ! Nice to have you guys here !


Champion Of Khorne

Drama? No, you just destroyed weeks (months?) of work of ppl trying to restore balance and dare to call it “glory”. I honestly hope you fail

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Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


Go back to playing WoW you little kittens. Bottom tier doesn’t wan’t or need you.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

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Posted by: Lazy Mesmer.7923

Lazy Mesmer.7923

I think most people here in the happily balanced lower tiers actually wish you a rapid and almost instant success. May your glorious points score immediately bunnyhop you up to Tier 5 and some more satisfying fights for you.

I understand what you’re doing, I really do. You could at least show a little humility and empathy though.

[PRXM] Praxium

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Posted by: DarthWanderer.2691


All hail to the best PROs and new Kings of PvD!! All hail XAOC!!

lol, i was most amused by the “respect” part of the posts above… yay, you have respect of many ppl now, moving from upper tiers to the last one… all the sweet talk about honest fighting and all the things around, all the hypocrisy about “reporting hackers” lol… i believe that others in last tier already realized who you really are – bunch of small ppl who need attention from others, who need to be best so they can talk about it

i hope other ppl already realized too, why they moved to poor vabbi:

1. they started to get kitten kicked by better players in upper tiers who they surprizingly couldn’t stomp as they lost their 5:1 numbers advantage
2. they become just one of many in higher tiers, no fame, no glory around
3. they moved to empty server tier so they can boast again… like this:

Vabbi +655 income

VABBI alliance RECRUITING join us Active wvw players and guild ALL WELCOME!

i feel really sorry for original vabbi guys. they do not care about you at all, they did this just to warm their own egoes; after they move vabbi to upper tiers, where they get wiped from better players again, they will leave you for another server as they did now, unless anet finally starts punishing their hacking practices and stops free transfer. oh, they will probably even pay for the trasfer when this time comes, just to be glorious heroes of player-vs-nothing again. tbh, i am really happy they didn’t choose GH

Gunnar’s Hold | EU

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Kaineng i bet you are Vabbi’s twin brother /cntrl+c /cntrl+v everything in the topics about Kaineng and Vabbi haha

and btw you guys have to admit you are having more WvW action than what u had in past months

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Ivano.2604


I feel sorry for FoW Good luck stabilizing again after Vabbi leaves your tier.
Original Vabbi guilds, I’m very sorry for you as well.

Good luck tho.

Oh thanks for showing empathy but really, don t be sorry for us, we feel like our neighbourhood has been just hit by a cow storm, we were very close when that happened but we dodge it, hopefully. (no damage to structures but the stink is pretty
intense ^^)

We in FoW are used to lower tier battles and we hate huge zergs and the lag that comes with it

We feel sorry for Ros and Vabbi original community, but as someone said it is not anyone fault, it is just a “perfectionable” features of this Game who allows anyone to swap server whenever he pleases and without any kind of “real” price to pay.

In the meantime I would also like to welcome GOA Guild from RoS as i’ve heard they might have joined us for goods

Elite PvP Raiders [PvP] – Fissure of Woe
Kaosberg De Lay
Deflora Pulzelle

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Posted by: Toxikthrash.2704


and btw you guys have to admit you are having more WvW action than what u had in past months

Action? you are sitting on +655 ticks aye.. What will happen when there is no ground to take. Stick around the top of the map waiting for Breakouts? Perhaps they are having a bit more action and its not really my place to say anything not being from that server. But like it or not you are dragging the server up rather than the Vabbi groups achieving anything themselves.

Do you really think the well.. people that actually formed what was of the WvW community up will want to be boosted to the top and destroy everything?
“Oh we are winning? thats ok then, lets let these take care of the maps and we will just sit back and bask in the ‘Glory’.”

There is action and then what you are doing. Really hope you get destroyed … decimated in the upper tiers.

Dishammer – Human Guardian of [CHvc]

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Posted by: maloki.3527


I feel sorry for FoW Good luck stabilizing again after Vabbi leaves your tier.
Original Vabbi guilds, I’m very sorry for you as well.

Good luck tho.

Oh thanks for showing empathy but really, don t be sorry for us, we feel like our neighbourhood has been just hit by a cow storm, we were very close when that happened but we dodge it, hopefully. (no damage to structures but the stink is pretty
intense ^^)

We in FoW are used to lower tier battles and we hate huge zergs and the lag that comes with it

We feel sorry for Ros and Vabbi original community, but as someone said it is not anyone fault, it is just a “perfectionable” features of this Game who allows anyone to swap server whenever he pleases and without any kind of “real” price to pay.

In the meantime I would also like to welcome GOA Guild from RoS as i’ve heard they might have joined us for goods

Yeah! I hadn’t even read the RoS thread yet when I commented here… It’s so crazy. But both threads have given me a few laughs tho!

Maloki – Asura Necro/Sylvari Ele –
You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse

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Posted by: Teutooni.9572


Vabbi +655 income

VABBI alliance RECRUITING join us Active wvw players and guild ALL WELCOME!

Yeah, that’s not even max points per tick, better recruit some people quick!

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Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Dear all thank you for your support and we hope to see you soon either as our new WvW allies or as our honorable WvW enemies we are sure it will be fun either way!

Dear wezlaar, if you catch any Vabbi playes cheating or using any sort of hacking disregard of guild – tag or untagged please whisper their display name to me on Demannu.2805. I can promise that we will identify the indivitual and report him immediately. Newly forget alliance is here on Vabbi and is against any sort of unfair play. Please keep in mind that due to game issues you might by mistake miss mesmer inside a keep, meet an invisible – culling melee traing, ANet are aware of those issues and are working to solve them with the best of what they can.

Dear Hyung, thank you for your valuable feedback, the reason why we came to Vabbi was that we already been top Euro server and despite your pity words we have proven that several times. So…

The main reason for the transfer is the low population and abscense of WvW alliance on Vabbi so that we could create a new WvW community dedicated to our favourite aspect of Guild Wars 2 !

If you are interested in joining our alliance please leave a message here, or whisper us in game on Demannu.2805 , Bata.4091 , Araksa.5064

I would say stacking a lower tier server is very much unfair play ….

GJ Anet GJ … disgusted.

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Posted by: Krosan.2890


Give me more of those tears and drama

Meanwhile Vabbi need active WvW players for higher Tiers battles !

Welcome new guilds in our Alliance ! Nice to have you guys here !


Champion Of Khorne

I guess the the whole concept of people disliking pure arrogance isn’t know in your country.
Meanwhile please continue to make yourself unpopular since your doing a great job.

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Posted by: DarthWanderer.2691


I guess the the whole concept of people disliking pure arrogance isn’t know in your country.
Meanwhile please continue to make yourself unpopular since your doing a great job.

nah, don’t bother… he probably doesn’t know the world around. he knows only the view into mirror

Gunnar’s Hold | EU

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Posted by: Wicked.5479


pathetic, just pathetic…

Kengo Miyazawa ~ norn warrior
Commander of Far Shiverpeaks
Leader of Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]

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Posted by: Niadon.9270


Your new ally friends are just pathetics and u have the courage to write me on skype to troll? So was this one the kind of challenge the Batareika had in mind?
You can say Batareika that is a coward, and with him all the xaoc in that day have planned to bring us a challenge to get with you.

Far ShiverPeaks
Endure Pain [PAIN]

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


So much hate in Low tiers, with so much drama. Amusing and entertaining.
Thanks to follow CoC and report all people caught on exploiting and hacking like we are doing.


Championg Of Khorne

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


You mostly brought in the drama, but ok lol

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

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Posted by: Elwin.2583


Dear Demannu what you tring to do is pointless. ONce u will start winning you will get poeple hopping to your server which arent realy pvp focused players. We did same way in the Piken Square, we spend months building server from scratch to real WvW focused servers being massibely outnambered buy yet so skilld that we were winning despite enemy zerging us . We reched high tier with our hard work ,,, and now we are just bering called zerg server like eveery other ;/
The difference Piken Community wanted that, U just came to vabbii and spoiled their game without asking anyone.

Elwini lvl 80 Guardian of Kwisatz Haderach[KH]
Piken Square 28 August 2012 – 10 february 2013
Tarnished Coast since 10 feb 2013

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Dear Demannu what you tring to do is pointless. ONce u will start winning you will get poeple hopping to your server which arent realy pvp focused players. We did same way in the Piken Square, we spend months building server from scratch to real WvW focused servers being massibely outnambered buy yet so skilld that we were winning despite enemy zerging us . We reched high tier with our hard work ,,, and now we are just bering called zerg server like eveery other ;/
The difference Piken Community wanted that, U just came to vabbii and spoiled their game without asking anyone.

Good point Elwin, and that is why we picked Vabbi there was literally no WvW community

Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Luna.3256


Ok, so I’m now ex-Vabbster, I’ve been hanging around the lower tiers for a while now, purely because I prefer small scale WvW to what I imagine the higher tiers would be like in terms of zerging, and I like my decisions to have some sort of impact on the final outcome (though we’ve had some difficulty due to lack of numbers for the most part.)

I’ll briefly explain what’s been happening in the lower tiers over the last few weeks.
Firstly, the three main servers down here are Ruins of Surmia, Fissure of Woe and Vabbi, and for the most part are ranked in this order. Surmia had the highest population and was the most successful, Fissure of Woe not sure about numbers but roughly equal to Vabbi but appeared to be slightly more organised at certain times, hence the scores. Surmia tiered up and Whiteside Ridge were pushed down. Now in comparison to Whiteside neither FoW or Vabbi had any sort of success, there were no tactics to be deployed other than capture a tower or keep and just wait for the overwhelming numbers to come take back the only location they don’t already control. It wasn’t much fun but it was just a numbers game. I’m guessing Surmia had a similar problem in T8 where they just didn’t have the numbers to compete so they’ve got pushed back down. Fair enough.

This is where things started changing. Surmia for whatever reason was no longer dominating as they once were. Fissure of Woe, out of nowhere were doing pretty amazingly, and Vabbi were definitely making an improvement (not because of Xaoc I have to add). The next matchup comes and it’s the same servers again. This time, Vabbi shot up. Last time I checked Surmia’s second and FoW is now third. I went to play some WvW with my brother, it wasn’t something resembling what we enjoyed, small scale. It was just a collection of commanders who I’d never seen before charging around and using sheer numbers to overwhelm the other two. No in depth cutting edge WvW tactics they may think they’re employing, just zerging.

Now my issue with this is this. People may think they’re doing lowest tier a favour by bringing a zerg into it but you are not. People don’t stay on lower tiers because they don’t enjoy it, server transfers are free and people should logically just go where they most enjoy. You’ve basically brought a higher tier to this lower tier, knowing full well that there’s very little competition and that you can walk through. You’ve more than doubled the population WvW population of Vabbi which causes those who were already there because they enjoy it to be put off. You’re acting as a disincentive for the actual Vabbsters to stay, and as a general statement, individually the players in Xaoc are notoriously bad. Please, leave, stop ruining a server that was perfectly happy without you, stop ruining a tier that was perfectly happy without you. I feel for Surmia, they’ve worked hard to tier up without a massive influx of transfers, took the knock of being tiered down again and now have to deal with this. I feel for FoW because they look like they were finally gaining momentum in WvW which has just been picked apart by again not having the numbers to deal with anything. Because of this reason we have moved to FoW, to help fight against (however futile it may be) the people who have ruined the server. I urge any true Vabbster to do the same, don’t waste your time with this. Just when this alliance joined our server so did numerous hackers and cheaters, personally, since Vabbi rarely get transfers I doubt it’s a coincidence.

Other than that sorry if I come across aggressively or whatever, I’ve been in the lower tiers for the entirety of my GW2 career, I mostly play in WvW, I’m pretty comfortable with the dynamics of the lower tier and you’ve just come along and ruined it for 3 servers, as well as pushing people away from my server. GL with your alliance, I wish you a swift and speedy exit from our tier so we can have a little normality restored.

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Posted by: Demannu.2805


Thanks for your valuable opinion it does matter to us. However within last days we received many cheers from Vabbi players. As for balance, there is no balance in that tier at the moment since ex-BT guilds came to Surmia. As for FoW the only thing they were obviously good at capping at night before we arrived

We will be happy if our enemies, friends will join us on Vabbi since that is the only way to be competitive in higher tiers is to have more active WvW players on.

Have a nice evening



Champion of Khorne – ZDs

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Posted by: Ray.2640


Thanks for your valuable opinion it does matter to us. However within last days we received many cheers from Vabbi players. As for balance, there is no balance in that tier at the moment since ex-BT guilds came to Surmia. As for FoW the only thing they were obviously good at capping at night before we arrived

We will be happy if our enemies, friends will join us on Vabbi since that is the only way to be competitive in higher tiers is to have more active WvW players on.

Have a nice evening



You’re full of kitten and you (should) know it.

Look at what you just said and then take a good long look at where this topic is going.
You seriously have the nerves to call out FoW while they have been struggling to get a stable WvW community for weeks and now this entire tier got ruined because of you.

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Posted by: Melvin.3295


I gues the russian guilds once again hopped to a low tier server for the easy wins, just to do it again once they reach an server they can’t roll over. These kind of communities ruin servers.

Kaname Tanuma – 80 Necromancer
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]

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Posted by: Shakki.3219


Tbh i think it’s a great idea. I’m not playing on any of the low Tier Server but i think it is a great Idea for bigger alliance’s to join them and make the Server more popular to people who are maybe annoyed of their own Server, so lower populated Server get’s more attractive to all kind of players again.

Reaper – Anguîsh

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Posted by: KillEveryoneElse.3940


they will go up the ranking, get to the point where they suck again, and drop back down for easy mode. still i guess easy mode farming is what they want from wvw lol.