Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

in WvW

Posted by: Sora.5704


I suppose I’ll just get right to the point. Siege Equipment in the Jumping Puzzle just seems a bit over-done. Today while trying to get my daily jumping done, a group of unnamed people were camping out at the final ledge in the dark room with a Ballista. They would proceed to dance and laugh while knocking people off of the beams or killing them. Was this meant to be? Now, I don’t mind other people in the jumping puzzle but, Siege Equipment?

Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

in WvW

Posted by: Umeil.5384


1st off jumping puzzle needs to be removed from WvW altogether it wastes the place of people who want to go fight/defend instead of jumping around doing nothing. I have no idea why it was ever placed in WvW in the 1st place.

Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

in WvW

Posted by: Azazeal.3689


Some people enjoy the fights in the jumping puzzle, I for one do. Best random small scale battles I have had in WvWvW have been in there. As the jumping puzzle gives out free siege it can be a good idea to have a few people camp it to deny that opportunity to others, 6 free golems and counting.

Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

in WvW

Posted by: Sora.5704


Some people enjoy the fights in the jumping puzzle, I for one do. Best random small scale battles I have had in WvWvW have been in there. As the jumping puzzle gives out free siege it can be a good idea to have a few people camp it to deny that opportunity to others, 6 free golems and counting.

I realize this but the jumping puzzle’s entrance is located in every servers keep. Why else would A-net do this unless they wanted to present an opportunity for every person in the server to do the jumping puzzle? I don’t mind small fights breaking out but siege equipment is just too much. The puzzle is about jumping, positioning, and in some cases luck trying to do this while having a Ballista firing at you is nigh impossible. Currently, one of the servers has a treb in the Jumping puzzle located close to the dome and are firing at anything that moves including our entrance. While I agree it might be fun to be on the giving end of pushing people off and generally screwing with them its a pain to be on the receiving.

Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

in WvW

Posted by: Azazeal.3689


Been on both sides of the camping and find both fun.

Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Doing this is fun (I wasn’t there today if you’re talking about my guild)

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


Been on both sides of the camping and find both fun.

yup, nothing like pulling then owning the campers. even more satisfying than camping.

Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

in WvW

Posted by: Turkashi.4502


I’m more a pve player, and at the moment I’m trying to get completion (for my legendary) but seriously I can’t advance cause camping people.
I realy enjoy the jumping puzzle, and I’m not a rich person, so I try to die as less as possible, but this WvW puzzle already made my legendary dream go in vain.

some update: just tried eternal battleground. I’ve specialy stayed untile 6 in the morning. Guess what 3 no life’ers are stading next to the chest.

(edited by Turkashi.4502)

Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

in WvW

Posted by: Dhar.6392


The problem is badges-

1. Siege equipment kills give badges
2. If you aren’t one of the ‘elite’ pvp players- chances are jumping puzzle chests give more badges than you normally get in 4-5 hours of game play.

Seriously… if I could earn 1 badge/hour for my Wv3 time… I’d be fighting the ‘surface’ war and happy about it. As it is- my acquisition is about .1badges/hour

So for me… jumping puzzle when it’s not being camped- is a good deal. I haven’t tried siege in the puzzle… but I think I will now… even more badges for me.

Do I suck at PVP…sure do; but there are likely more like me than not… fact is- losing me to the puzzle is no great loss. Live to love it.

Jumping Puzzle and Siege Equipment

in WvW

Posted by: Sowl.6258


I think the problm is the siege weapons+the portals
Campers have infinite resources.
Result, we can get through only when campers get bored and start to leave.