Jumping puzzle gate room camping

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


Is there anything that can be done about camping the gate room in the jumping puzzle?

With siege weapons, and the fact the enemy is above you and you have not way of getting up there to fight them with agro as you can not make the jumps with agro.

It makes fighting back or having a fight with them or even a chance to being impossible.

There is no way to jump up to them to fight them and they can easily kill you with no chance of you winning the fight.

If there was a chance of actually fighting back then I would not have an issue but I think this needs looking at as more and more guilds are just using it as a camping spot in WvW.

To get almost to the end of the puzzle only to find 20 siege weapons, a whole guild and they have the high ground making it impossible even with 20 players to fight back is stupid.

The gate room in the jumping puzzle is basically camped 24/7 because that spot is so OP. Also with mesmers portals they can jump up and down as often as they like.

Please look at this arena net because if there not exploiting it they are kitten close to it.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


This is still happening all the time, anyone else think the gate room is kinda OP place to camp especially with siege? Since there is zero chance of fighting back.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: lipidro.3964


I really wish people would get over this already.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


You would have to flank them ‘IF’ you can.

www.infowars.com and also lookup Agenda 21
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: bartsimpsons.6135


OP why are you trying to attack a location which awards no points and is heavily defended. If the enemy is wasting their players+resources on the jumping you should be easily be able to cap the rest of the map.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: KiNgPiN.2075


Well ppl go there for badges as a reward for jumping, not fighting a bunch of bored kids. If they want gank or fight so badly there is a PVP or regular WvWvW maps. Its sad that i have to bring 30 guildies with me to be able to loot 10-20 badges.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: lipidro.3964


You know what else you get badges from? Fighting in WvW.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: bartsimpsons.6135


have you considered that maybe you dont deserve the amount of badges that you think your deserve?

its a WvW, there will be pvp . go pve if u cant handle it

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


Bart we dont have a problem with pvp, I have 1000+ kills in WvW, even helped lead my server a few times. Other players have done even more.

The issue is that specific area for camping is OP. Especially with siege weapons.

You can’t flank them you cant jump up to fight them, they can jump up and down with portals as often as they like. You have no chance of getting up the jump with agro to go fight them.

The cage room in EB jumping puzzle is OP for camping…..why do you think loads of players and guild just sit there all day long camping that one spot?

Because players can’t even fight back due to its huge advantage of the location.

It needs looking at and players are abusing that specific location.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: elderan.2638


^I agree with bart. And badges you “need”, puhlease, you aren’t entitled to a single badge. I got over 75 badges today just from fighting so I don’t know what your talking about as far as drop rate.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: KiNgPiN.2075


550 hours in 42 days thats 13h/day. Im pretty sure i deserve them

But ill be so kind to explain my situation. Imagine u study at university. U like the school u like the enviroment you are clever and succesfull student, but there is lets say Math, or History or whatever that u are failing. And u have to work x-times harder then the other students do pass it just because u are just not good at it.
This is just an example how i feel when im farming those badges for Legendary greatsword Twilight. I need just few more mats and those badges ofc. It would be actualy enjoyable if i didnt get killed 10x until i loot the chest. Its like asking PVPers to clear whole (for some of them unfamiliar) PVE content before they are able to buy PVP equip. I hope and pray u understand what i mean. thx

(edited by KiNgPiN.2075)

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: monkeypckl.8174


I just got ganked in the cage room in EB by like 30 SOR dudes camping the top of the room. Impossible to attack them. Such a shame.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: bartsimpsons.6135


550 hours in 42 days thats 13h/day. Im pretty sure i deserve them

But ill be so kind to explain my situation. Imagine u study at university. U like the school u like the enviroment you are clever and succesfull student, but there is lets say Math, or History or whatever that u are failing. And u have to work x-times harder then the other students do pass it just because u are just not good at it.
This is just an example how i feel when im farming those badges for Legendary greatsword Twilight. I need just few more mats and those badges ofc. It would be actualy enjoyable if i didnt get killed 10x until i loot the chest. Its like asking PVPers to clear whole (for some of them unfamiliar) PVE content before they are able to buy PVP equip. I hope and pray u understand what i mean. thx

just dont have the legendary greatsword twilight. problem solved

it wouldnt really be legendary if everyone could acquire it easily.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

EB Puzzle is broke. Fix it.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


You guys are full of kittens, even with 30 players against 30 players you cant take the gate room in EB jumping puzzle when they have 10+ siege and 30 players camping it 24/7….

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


PKing dying to carebears in PvP zones one step at a time.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


I really wish people would get over this already.

I wish jumping puzzles would go altogether… I wouldn’t miss them.

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Ashes.6418


Put up the siege-blocking debuff in the Jumping Puzzle and be done with it.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: gorgewall.4901


Go control the map and win while the enemy wastes time, siege, resources, and players in the jumping puzzle.

You think they’re going to leave if you provide them a constant stream of entertainment and badges in your pitiful attempts to unseat them?

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Go control the map and win while the enemy wastes time, siege, resources, and players in the jumping puzzle.

You think they’re going to leave if you provide them a constant stream of entertainment and badges in your pitiful attempts to unseat them?

That would involve transferring to a server that’s dominating. Which probably what people are already doing to get around the campers. Join their server.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


Camping in EB Puzzle: Yes
Siege in EB Puzzle: No

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Davion.8754


People who actually sit and camp at jump puzzles do so because they have no other option to kill people without getting owned repeatedly, I kinda feel bad for them tbh.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: wads.5730


I really wish people would get over this already.

I wish jumping puzzles would go altogether… I wouldn’t miss them.

just pretend they dont exist and never go there. no one is forcing you to go and get owned.

why do people that dont want to pvp go there day after day to feed badges then come to the forums to cry about it. just dont go.

as for fighting back siege weapons on the dome, there are plenty of ways to break the defense. dont be a kitten get organized and dont suck.

the more tears the bigger the victory.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


Take their keep in EB == no more reinforcements to the puzzle. Then you can work on kicking them out.

Stop kittening about issues that have a pvp solution.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Davion.8754


Just ignore them and come back later, eventually they will kill enough people to feel better about how bad they are for having to do it in the first place and then you can do it without issues.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Sashera.5843


had a similar problem, I was in on the puzzle for the achievement. Fortunately I came back the next day and met some nice people from the enemy servers that were more than happy to let me and my small handful of friends finish the puzzle without any hassling. Isn’t it nice when we can all work together?

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Shroomzilla.5816


All i got to say about campers. Is they will get bored if no oneshows to do jumping puzzle. Try and talk in team chat find a few new friendsor old ones and convince them and others on the server to not do jumping puzzle till the campers get bored and leave.

LVL 80 Elementalist— Ankylosaurus
Guild — Merciless
Server-- Crystal Desert

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


I would like to invite a arena net dev to come to EB jumping puzzle gate room, on desolation server and see for yourself how camping this room with siege or even without siege is completely overpowered and there is no way to fight against it or make any of the jumps with combat agro.

You can not defend, you can not attack, you can’t do anything against it in that area of the jumping puzzle.

It needs sorting out plz. Come see for yourself at the moment there is 20+ of us in the gate room trying to get to the campers and we can’t even get close….

Come see for yourselves and tell me im making this stuff up….

[Nas]Nastramdir guild
[KoK]Koksquad guild
[AF]Armata Fantasma guild
[XIII]Legio gemina guild

Currently camping it with siege for hours now against 20-30 players with no way of stopping them from SR server^^ There also using arrows carts 2-3 levels up and firing through the holes of the high up dome….so you cant even attack them back.

(edited by TRON.1085)

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Don’t take away one of the best places to troll other people in game. I just can’t WAIT till I arrow cart an Arenanet employee in the face in the jumping puzzles one day to show them my appreciation for this well thought out game mode that is WvW.

But that would mean Arenanet actually plays WvW. Hmm.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: gkaare.8576


I’m going to tell you how to deal with this room. I’ll quote what I wrote in another thread.

Find a Mesmer or two. If one can’t pull all the people down by himself, then 2 Temporal Curtains back-to-back will. This works through walls and LoS. You can also use a Thief and a Mesmer to double-pull people 1 at a time. Or an Engineer and a Mesmer. Or a Guardian and a Mesmer. It’s definitely way harder to do with a Guardian or Engineer, but it’s possible.
Grenade Engineer or Longbow Ranger can also do massive damage to anyone at the top that is sitting on a siege weapon.

I also really like the idea of a trebuchet placed near the start of the puzzle.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


I’m going to tell you how to deal with this room. I’ll quote what I wrote in another thread.

Find a Mesmer or two. If one can’t pull all the people down by himself, then 2 Temporal Curtains back-to-back will. This works through walls and LoS. You can also use a Thief and a Mesmer to double-pull people 1 at a time. Or an Engineer and a Mesmer. Or a Guardian and a Mesmer. It’s definitely way harder to do with a Guardian or Engineer, but it’s possible.
Grenade Engineer or Longbow Ranger can also do massive damage to anyone at the top that is sitting on a siege weapon.

I also really like the idea of a trebuchet placed near the start of the puzzle.

We try’d portals and pulls…..your not getting it….it dosn’t work.

They are too high up 2-3 levels above the dome roof….you cant target them, you can’t portal up there, your spammed with 6+ arrow carts so you can’t make jumps and you have no way to fight back what so ever….

There using holes in the dome room to fire arrow carts so high up you could stack 20 characters on top of each other and you still would not be high enough….

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Quintosh.9613


You CAN aoe the siege that’s placed on top of the dome in the beast room, you CAN still make the jumps even if you are in combat, people have managed to do that while I was watching from above. Some people actually managed to be in stealth for the whole way past that section and become visible when they reached the upper platform (even before this rendering issue). Also greetings from SFR. If you find that specific part of the puzzle camped, come back in another 6 hours and try your luck again. Like someone mentioned, if you keep providing us a constant stream of entertainment, it’s not like people want to move away from that spot.

On a sadder note, a member from a Kodash guild called SRSS or RSRR or something like that got kittened about the situation obviously, saw him no-clipping through the ground and attacking us before this latest patch. Sadly I was too baffled to take a screenshot of him, but he was a guardian with dungeon master title (just incase anyone from that guild happens to read this post.)

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


You CAN aoe the siege that’s placed on top of the dome in the beast room, you CAN still make the jumps even if you are in combat, people have managed to do that while I was watching from above. Some people actually managed to be in stealth for the whole way past that section and become visible when they reached the upper platform (even before this rendering issue). Also greetings from SFR. If you find that specific part of the puzzle camped, come back in another 6 hours and try your luck again. Like someone mentioned, if you keep providing us a constant stream of entertainment, it’s not like people want to move away from that spot.

On a sadder note, a member from a Kodash guild called SRSS or RSRR or something like that got kittened about the situation obviously, saw him no-clipping through the ground and attacking us before this latest patch. Sadly I was too baffled to take a screenshot of him, but he was a guardian with dungeon master title (just incase anyone from that guild happens to read this post.)

Sorry but your wrong. Constant combat agro and constant cripple from a ton of siege and arrow carts from an area thats too high up to target with AOE. There building them on top of the roof thats about three times further than max aoe range….also there attacking with arrows carts through the roof of the dome through the small holes and cracks.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Quintosh.9613


Like I mentioned, you CAN keep moving while in a combat, I saw one guy jumping backwards through the puzzle while he was under a constant arrowcart fire for whatever reason and go through, someone else used the engineer rocket thingies. And yes, rangers atleast CAN aoe the arrowcarts on the dome and destroy it. Just having arrowcarts or catapults up there are not enough to kill people usually, or if they are, the people were probably glass cannons anyways.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


Like I mentioned, you CAN keep moving while in a combat, I saw one guy jumping backwards through the puzzle while he was under a constant arrowcart fire for whatever reason and go through, someone else used the engineer rocket thingies. And yes, rangers atleast CAN aoe the arrowcarts on the dome and destroy it. Just having arrowcarts or catapults up there are not enough to kill people usually, or if they are, the people were probably glass cannons anyways.

Sorry wrong again. With 6+arrow carts on you 24/7 your crippled constantly, even with condition remover you are crippled constantly. Even with swiftness while in combat and crippled it is impossible to make those jumps.

There also firing through the roof of the dome like I said before meaning you can not target them or hit them that high up, and even if you could reach that high, which you can’t with any skill in the game, you still would not be able to fight them. There firing through the roof of the dome wth arrow carts.

(edited by TRON.1085)

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Is it really so hard to understand that people do puzzles to get siege machines? That’s the only way I’ll ever get mine, except for rams maybe. Badges are a nice add too, considering the abysmal drop rate.

As for camping the puzzle, I both did it, and experienced it on my own skin. I did it as a retaliation, they started it first :P Anyway, the solution is obvious, “Siege Deployment Blocked” buff in all puzzle areas. Isn’t it why ANet added traps? Siege is way too overpowered in the puzzle.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: deriver.5381


I’m sad about you guys… If all you can do is complain, please leave the WvW maps! You are not welcome there.

Now, I’ll give you a hint that you could have thought about yourselves, IF you didnt spend so much time complaining:

Go buy a balista blueprint and mount it at the right fontain secondary exit. Yes, the one facing exactly the very place you are crying about being unable to reach.

The balista has the exact range you need to kill all the campers. I only needed a friend to make 2 runs for the supply with me to completely disable like 10-12 campers. If we managed to do it, with 2 people, there are no excuses in this world that can save you 30s from the shame of not being able to do it.

Now, please. Go do this and stop complaining. You make the PvP community sad.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Malfious.8370


Put up the siege-blocking debuff in the Jumping Puzzle and be done with it.


I don’t mind the camping, it’s a pvp area for a reason, get a group of players to help out, or come back later.. The siege on the other hand is abit out of hand at times.. Arrow Carts can be placed on top of the dome, players trying to get through the arena can’t hit them at all, all the while they are raining down arrows on them, making some of those jumps impossible while in combat

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Hrist.8972


There was a camping guild with about 7 ballista and other siege weapons up there in the gate room when I went in today at one point. I got out and built a trebuchet just at the start of the puzzle, few hits and all their stuff was done for, got a few kills too.

Stop crying and deal with it.

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


There was a camping guild with about 7 ballista and other siege weapons up there in the gate room when I went in today at one point. I got out and built a trebuchet just at the start of the puzzle, few hits and all their stuff was done for, got a few kills too.

Stop crying and deal with it.

I would love to see your magical treb that can shoot through graphics to the other side of the dome above gate room where there placing the arrow carts so they can’t be sieged….. from that angle….lol

Nice try though dude try to be more clueless next time.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: gkaare.8576


I don’t know what else to tell you, TRON. Some of the things discussed that you say do not work definitely do work. The trebuchet at the start of the puzzle isn’t too far away to hit the top of the dome. And you can pull people down from everywhere (I still haven’t tested if you can pull from the very top of the dome which I’ll explain below).

Could you please show me a screenshot of where people are placing these arrow carts where they cannot be hit? You’re saying people place an arrow cart at the top of the dome and they are untouchable. When I place an arrow cart there, I seem to lose a HUGE amount of coverage with the arrows and can’t hit anything. It’s a horrible place to deploy an arrow cart.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Bloodthirst.5486


your refusal to accept the solutions that people have proved to work is baffling considering you keep posting. Are you expecting someone from ANET to come suck on your kitten and tell you they are sorry and working on it? because they wont. Why do you care anyway? all you get is more siege and badges, both of which you do not need to complete the puzzle to get. If it’s the jumping puzzle itself you just really want to do, then go do one in a PVE zone where you can’t get attacked.

instead of whining about not being able to solve a problem, take the advice given. Or continue to whine by all means, It’s kind of funny that you just keep telling people things don’t work when you say you haven’t even tried any of it.

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


just pretend they dont exist and never go there. no one is forcing you to go and get owned.

Who said that I did do them? I’ve watched numerous times as a keep/towers would get attacked and taken as 30 people are doing the “Jumping Puzzle” right next to it. The people would say "D_e+r=p … I was H+e+r_p.. doing the F_l+er p… Jumping Puzzle D+e+r_p… I’m Sorries…

So ya pretty much the PvE needs to go in Wv3, way to much derping going on.

My personal favorite is losing a Supply Camp to "H+e+r_p… I needed D_e+r-p… Gold Vein… P+e=r_p… I’m Sorries…

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

(edited by Gankfest.4965)

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: Narcosis.3812


It’s PvP in a PvP area…oh noes!!!!!

Dear ANet, please stop the other players from trying to kill me, kbaithx.

Duplicitous, Free Kitty Riot, Robalai Bleeds, Narcotic Reign [TWL] Sanctum of Rall

Jumping puzzle gate room camping

in WvW

Posted by: CC Charles.3675

CC Charles.3675

Community Coordinator


Due to the off topic we can read here and the inflammatory tone of this thread, I will now close it.

Thank you for your understanding.