Just an anti zerg suggestion

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


It might not be fully realistic, but if we had say… 10 maps going at once, I don’t think the zergs would be as big, and probably put more importance on smaller teams to take over stuff in the other maps. Not to mention it would give wvw more flavor since we wouldn’t see the same freaking stuff every day. Not sure if other servers have different looking maps since we’ve been fighting the same two servers since I got in to wvw! Small teams would be cherished, and feel a bit more useful, and don’t quote me but I swear they said they wanted wvw to be casual? Having so many Maps at once would meet that, theoretically. It would work for the hardcore wvwers, and the new guy can go in without running in to an enemy zerg every 10 minutes.

Or better yet, since zerging seems to happen less in lower tiers, make the map count depend on the tier?

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

I think bigger maps with same number of players would work better than more maps with less players.

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


edit. Misunderstood your post for a moment don’t you think bigger maps would just lead to a bigger circle the zergs ran? My idea is to make zergs spread themselves thinner across several maps. Which would also lead to less skill lag and make wvw dependent on skill instead of 1111111

(edited by PhelanDisturbed.1650)

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: citizankane.5723


Made a post yesterday with this same idea in mind. I also think it would encourage more small group play. Sadly it seems overall players dont seem to mind zergballs or skill lag.

(edited by citizankane.5723)

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Because if the zergs were smaller and skill lag didn’t occur as a result, people would have to rely on skill! Oh noes!

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

If maps were bigger it would make it harder for a one large group to cover the whole map while still allowing a bunch of small groups to group up to take a tough objective

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Khayoss.2019


I like more maps moreso than larger maps, although I’d take the larger maps too… Making maps bigger would not stop the zergs, they would just have to cover more ground. It would give some more advantage to the servers that are more willing to space themselves out though. More maps, if the overall population caps didn’t increase too much as well, would do more to force a zerg to split to cover the possibilities.

Khayoss / Khayotica / Mistasia
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

Problem with lower cap is it can be tough for a large guild to play together. Also it make capping a keep much more difficult if not impossible. U give me 12-15 people on the right siege in garrison and a 60 man force will have a very hard time getting in

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


I think bigger maps with same number of players would work better than more maps with less players.

You know that ANet has said several times that larger maps are not technically possible in GW2, right??

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Valik. More maps doesn’t mean lower cap. They can cover 1 map, another guild on another, etc. Either way it’ll be smaller zergs on many maps or a massive one remaining on 1 map, owning it, but losing it all on the others unless small groups play those. I see no downfall in making several more maps, and I welcome any legitimate arguments

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Yes!! Instead of having 3 outmanned maps 70% of the time, you will now have 5+ outmanned maps!!
Great idea :-)

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


I got an anti zerg idea for jou its called acs ballista and chokepoints

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Because if the zergs were smaller and skill lag didn’t occur as a result, people would have to rely on skill! Oh noes!

If zergs were smaller, you’d never break through the defensive siegespam ever.

All this “oh small groups need to be more cherished!”. Your small group doesnt stand a snowballs chance in hell against a reinforced Keep with Sup. Arrowcarts on the wall and just a dozen defenders.

Stop trying to break zergs when right now they are the only thing that can break through rediculous siege and entrenching defenders. Remove them, and no tower or keep will ever swap during primetime. Giving the nightcapping PvDoor servers an even bigger edge.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Mewl mewl kittening gumin … I don’t like this meta mewl mewl I have half the enemy numbers and can’t faceroll them.open field mewl mewl wvw is designed around large scale battles learn to use acs ballista and chokepoints

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Dayra.7405


More maps (e.g. 8, all current maps duplicated for very fast implementation) with reduced max-player limit (e.g. 50 per side) would clearly
a) limit zerg-size to max 50
b) reduce any skill lags dramatically

If this would be coupled with dynamic availability of the maps based on demand it would be even better, i.e. if 2 of the three servers have queue a sleeping map is activated, if active + queued players of all three servers would fit onto fewer maps, a map should be saved and deactivated.
c) reduce map-hopping of Zergs
d) reduced PvD
e) much less queue (none if the match is balanced in population)

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: HikariNoTen.1402


I don’t think duplicating maps would be the best thing… a new map with a different warfare mindset could be more interesting.
Zergs already have maps designed for them, massive keeps to attack and defend high value objectives and so on.
Guerilla warfare and open spaces need a specially designed map.

Landscape :
Imagine a destroyed city. Not a small city a big one : large main streets and plazas, small alleyways, sewers, catacombs, destroyed temples and towers offering viewpoints, gloomy slums and docks and so on.

Special mechanics :
No siege weapons can be placed in this map. Instead they are placed on certain points that must be controlled to gain access to this siege weapon.

NO NPC,s except at spawns for repairing and buying.

You can capture temples/god favor/science labs/smithshops to grant your side a buff. This buff will be high at start and go down in time (reaching a cap). If you lose this temple you will get a debuff, demoralized reducing your hp?toughness?

Walls of rumble could be built to reinforce some places, block some roads. But they are easy to destroy.

Point earning :
Points are granted for controlling power nodes (neither temples nor siege weapons, a really unique point). These power nodes are placed in many different locations and have a value increasing over time, the longer you keep this point, the more it will earn points for your side (of course it reaches a hard cap over time).
Killing a player should grant your side points.

*Conclusion *
This is probably a mix of what we can find in Kyhlo or Silent storm PvP maps but with a larger scope. This is just a basic idea and I don’t think it can/will be done “soon”. We will probably have to get used to fighting in a zerg!

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Fps disease is rampant on forums thinking new maps is a good idea or will work

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Don’t need more maps, just more objectives on each map.

If you couldn’t capture an enemy tower on their side of the map unless you controlled all of your own towers on your map for example. This would require the enemy zerg to split up because they’d need to leave some at the keep they want to attack while sending others to retake something they lost. If they did it as one giant zerg they’d just lose another tower before they got back to the one thye were taking.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

If zergs were smaller, you’d never break through the defensive siegespam ever.

All this “oh small groups need to be more cherished!”. Your small group doesnt stand a snowballs chance in hell against a reinforced Keep with Sup. Arrowcarts on the wall and just a dozen defenders.

Stop trying to break zergs when right now they are the only thing that can break through rediculous siege and entrenching defenders. Remove them, and no tower or keep will ever swap during primetime. Giving the nightcapping PvDoor servers an even bigger edge.

^^Truth. You’d have to rebalance EVERYTHING in wvw. Wall and gate hp, damage from siege, ACs, NPCs… I don’t mind zergs at all. I feel like a siege should be done by an army, not 4 guys and a ram.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Some of you are rather dense, or just simply afraid to do anything without 99 other people around you. Not once did I say a group of 5 should be able to take out reinforced objectives without a miracle. I just think smaller groups (less than 50) should be able to have more of a chance of accomplishing something. As it stands, anyone with half a brain can join a zerg, press 1 and collect badges. Tell me, what kind of skill does that require? Having fingers? Anyone with any sense of accomplishment in a zerg needs to reevaluate their contribution… As long as you have more numbers you’ve taken your objective.

With more maps and players spread thinner amongst them, who says the enemy would even be able to man all the “ridiculous siege”? They would probably also be on other maps. Not to mention this would get rid of the hour+ long ques.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


You are a gumin no where has hour plus qs cept maybe t1 reset… and more then pressing1 goes into zerg counter zerg play I guess you never done anything but be a pug since your gumin.. and 5 can accomplish things just not when they are sevetly outnumberd which means change maps or find more 5 people can defend a tower for ages against 30 I’ve wiped 30 with 8 coordinated people

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


A gumin? Lol… Are we pulling words from our kitten now? And yesterday I was qued for 45 minutes, thanks. And please tell me what counter play exist when you’re lagging on a high end pc? It takes 7 seconds to activate any of my skills. Yes. I am t1. The rest of your post doesn’t even make enough sense to respond to.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


I say we take off and nuke the entire Borderland from Rata Sum; it’s the only way to be sure.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Give it time. I’m sure at this rate wvw will have a function like that. 20 badges and 1k karma to build a nuclear warhead in rata sum to obliterate a single map. 4s cooldown.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


gumin is the korean word for sexy or cool…

Lmfao… Well thank you.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Aneu.1748


Its a very simple fix to reduce zergs, reduce the points that keeps give and introduce open field objectives that give the points taken away from the keeps!

Keeps create zergs due to needing to zerg to get inside on the most part, if you create more objectives that don’t bottleneck people on them then you require more groups split up in order to cap or hold them!

Aneu | [VoTF]

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Aneu, that would also work. Let the big ol zergs take points while smaller teams handle the open field objectives. Providing the zerg doesn’t want to do it all.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


A gumin? Lol… Are we pulling words from our kitten now? And yesterday I was qued for 45 minutes, thanks. And please tell me what counter play exist when you’re lagging on a high end pc? It takes 7 seconds to activate any of my skills. Yes. I am t1. The rest of your post doesn’t even make enough sense to respond to.

Foreign languages don’t exist to you apparently.. and being in t1 is your own fault and your q prob bugged out its been known to happen.. I’ve never had fight lag problems to the point of being unable to do anything other then large keep fights but I reitterate being on an over populated server against 2 other stacked servers is your own doing

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


I amused myself, and looked up gumin… Korean word for sexy or cool… Yes. Thanks. But flattery doesn’t help.

So it’s my own fault for being on a server I had no idea would become… what it is? My account is from before launch, and I left the game until I had a better computer, and came back to be stuck in zvzvz…

Also, mixing languages is a surefire way to confuse people. But again, thanks for the compliment.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


A gumin? Lol… Are we pulling words from our kitten now? And yesterday I was qued for 45 minutes, thanks. And please tell me what counter play exist when you’re lagging on a high end pc? It takes 7 seconds to activate any of my skills. Yes. I am t1. The rest of your post doesn’t even make enough sense to respond to.

Ha ha.
Enjoy standing around waiting to play a laggy game in your queues.
Should have been smarter and moved to a non-bloated server.
All the tiers are basically the same, only thing different is coverage.
Free xfer’s existed for a ridiculous amount of time, and that is vastly agreed.

Tier 7.
No skill lag.
No queues.
Still zerg’in.

But ontopic.
Make the maps gigantic would be my choice.
You can’t hide your zerg in EB because you can literally see one objective from the other.
When I first heard of WvW before game release, I imagined entire PvE map turning into a battlefield with kind of an EvE Online control feel.
Boy I was wrong.
We got 2 small maps.
1 of those maps just being copied and pasted 3 times with nearly every structure being a knockoff of ones found in PvE.
If you’re going to knockoff at least do it right. Add some new designs and make Black Citadel etc into server fortresses.
Would be Epic, do you not agree?

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

(edited by Rob.7624)

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Maybe if I were able to see the difference I would be more inclined to not hiss and meow. If that is actually the case, anet should allow 5 wvw transfers to each account that don’t expire so players can experience the differences without paying so much.

And I would absolutely love wvw to be the equivalent of the entire pve world. If we went that route, make it something like ab. Allow guilds to own towns in the pve end if a guild claimed it in wvw, which would perhaps allow for cheaper merchants and way points, etc. Then again, I’ve got a better chance of winning the lottery without ever buying a ticket. :c
If there wasn’t skill lag, I suppose I can see it being more skill based instead of 1 spam.

(edited by PhelanDisturbed.1650)

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Again with the zerg whining.

Zerging is not a problem.

Zerging never has been a problem.

Zerging is one of many ways to play the game.

Zerging is preferred by many and hated by others.

I would imagine that the people who whine about zergs, find themselves in zergs more often than not.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Again with the zerg whining.

Zerging is not a problem.

Zerging never has been a problem.

Zerging is one of many ways to play the game.

Zerging is preferred by many and hated by others.

I would imagine that the people who whine about zergs, find themselves in zergs more often than not.

+1 for sure lol

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

Valik. More maps doesn’t mean lower cap. They can cover 1 map, another guild on another, etc. Either way it’ll be smaller zergs on many maps or a massive one remaining on 1 map, owning it, but losing it all on the others unless small groups play those. I see no downfall in making several more maps, and I welcome any legitimate arguments

Problem come that once u factor in pugs it hard for a large guild to play together unless u leave the map population the same wich then u have the problem of not enough coverage

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


Again with the zerg whining.

Zerging is not a problem.

Zerging never has been a problem.

Zerging is one of many ways to play the game.

Zerging is preferred by many and hated by others.

I would imagine that the people who whine about zergs, find themselves in zergs more often than not.

Yes. I do actually. Because I don’t feel as if there’s any other option… It’ll take more than 5 people to fight an entire enemy zerg, and other than the occasional thief that’s really all t1 offers, or taking a supply camp on occasion.

Only once did I enjoy the zerg, and that was when we took jq Valley, where I can see a need for zerging. But that doesn’t really happen often.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


If maps were bigger it would make it harder for a one large group to cover the whole map while still allowing a bunch of small groups to group up to take a tough objective

This in a nutshell is what the spirit of WvW should be. People play it because of the war-sim style and you shouldnt decrease the maximum players. However the idea is that the giant map battles should happen every once in a while, which would make them that much more epic.

In a sick way I kinda wish they wouldnt fix skill lag before introducing measures to discourage constant zerg blobbing.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Again with the zerg whining.

Zerging is not a problem.

Zerging never has been a problem.

Zerging is one of many ways to play the game.

Zerging is preferred by many and hated by others.

I would imagine that the people who whine about zergs, find themselves in zergs more often than not.

Yes. I do actually. Because I don’t feel as if there’s any other option… It’ll take more than 5 people to fight an entire enemy zerg, and other than the occasional thief that’s really all t1 offers, or taking a supply camp on occasion.

Only once did I enjoy the zerg, and that was when we took jq Valley, where I can see a need for zerging. But that doesn’t really happen often.

So the moral of the story is that you do it, while professing to hate it.

Sounds like you’re playing the wrong game.

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Chasan.3521


I want giant battles. The whole reason I play this instead of other games is for the large scale combat. I don’t understand the fascination with trying to turn this into small scale combat, thats what warzones/battlegrounds/spvp are for.

Texas – warrior SoR
Kalima – ranger
resident rally bait

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: PhelanDisturbed.1650


There is a difference between giant battles and ridiculousness. Hundreds of people in 1 small area spamming 1 and the occasional aoe is kitten when the server can’t even keep up. I’d probably be less against it if not for the ridiculous lag, so that player skill mattered.

Not to mention some crap commanders who lack any form of tactic or strategy, but that’s a different story completely. (I’ve seen some commanders that are quite awesome, but it’s rare that I get to play with them)