KDS from Ruins of Surmia

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zutha.5091


Can you stop exploiting the invisible player bug in WvW.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


there is not an invisible player bug in WvW. it is called culling and if they didn’t have it then the servers would go boom.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zutha.5091


I understand the idea of culling, but when you purposefully try and achieve it so you are invisible then that is exploiting.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


it takes a lot to achieve it namely lots of people on teh screen, your system and so forth. asking people not to use AOE in WvW would be stupid.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zutha.5091


Nah, what they do is they have a group of 40. They place a mez portal down. Then send in a mez who doesn’t load to place an exit.

Once exit is up they jump through and aoe. By the time any of them show most people are dead.

When they defend they stand on the exit gate. At a single instance they all exit at the same time, AOE. Before they load in everyone is dead.

You could counter it if you could actually see them. But you simply can’t.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


its called a portal bomb and it is intended to get past choke points.

Place seige further back to aoe that area constantly

If you get rid of portal bombs then mesmer loses a lot of functionality and utility in WvW. That is pretty much the reason portal exists in the first place. that and EZ mode the jumping puzzles

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zutha.5091


Is it intended for the players to be invisible when they do it? What I am describing is ways they achieve the invisibility, not the tactical reason for using them.

They can portal bomb all they like, but by them purposely doing it to be invisible and have a clear advantage is exploiting.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


considering there are invisibility potions, invisiblity skills and more then yes. if there wasn’t invisibility they couldn’t do it and thats why the get skills that make them invisible.

Roll a mesmer and see whats available. There are numerous skills and potions that grant invisibility.

use the tactic yourself to bomb them outside, watch for mesmers. any mesmer worth theirs salt is going to do it. I personally do it myself as sometimes it is the only way to get past choke points of seige (IE gates and wall breaches)

(edited by Syphen.1980)

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zutha.5091


I play a thief

The one thing invisibility always has in common in all its skill sets.

Once you attack, you’re not invisible any more. What this does is allow you to attack while invisible for 5-10 seconds.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


again the mesmer isn’t attacking trust me I have done it. their sole mission is to drop the exit portal for the portal bomb. once they drop it they become visible but by that time its to late.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618


Fixes and bannings!

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Fixes and bannings!

so ban people for using a skill as it was intended? That is kind of Kitten.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zutha.5091


It’s the players coming through who are invisible for the 5-10 secs as there are too many to load in at once due to the cap set by the culling system.

I’m not saying it’s the mesmer portal, again i was using it as an example, i’m saying it’s the culling mechanic and there are ways to purposely manipulate it to your own advantage which cause you and your party to be invisible while attacking.

I am curious though how you can think 30+ player that are forcing themselves to be invisible for 5-10sec is:

1. Intended as a game mechanic.
2. A normal tactical.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


only way to limit it would be only allow 10 people to use the portal then it would be useless. Culling has to exist otherwise WvW would be unplayable. I don’t really like it either but nothing you can do about it. Also if a mesmer lays down a invisibility veil or the aoe invis elite skill then it is def intended. mesmer pops in drops exit fires off aoe invis elite and viola or you can achieve the same effect with shadow refuge from theif.

It is intended and not an abuse of mechanics otherwise the skills would not be in the game and would be useless.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Of course now I have everyone how to do it and screwed up the strat. kitten

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Loco.4561


I have seen them doing this, I am not in KDS and IT IS NOT AN EXPLOIT. It’s called tactics and using a mesmer’s strengths. They are probably a number of Mesmers either using veil or Mass Invisibility to cloak people, they are not exploiting they are using mesmers how they are intended to be used.

It is in no way an exploit or abuse of anything, it’s good playing. Here’s a tip, if you see them do it once, don’t all throw yourself back at the same keep/tower at exactly the same position so they can do it to you again.

Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zutha.5091


If the enemies all stood on the wall and jumped off at once it would be fine as when they get to the wall, it starts loading in for each players.

The portal itself forces the players to reload causing them to be invisible. It’s the exact reason for them doing.

This post isn’t against mesmer or a call to change their abilities. It’s a post to ban people who are exploiting a game mechanic intended to make WvWvW better as at the end of the day, it’s giving an undeniable and non-counterable advantage.

Next you’ll be saying it’s fine to glitch through a keep wall as it’s part of the game

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Again its a news flash but has been said numerous times. mass invisibility exists for a reason as do portals. If it was an exploit then mass invisibility wouldn’t be in the game.

Only way to counter it would be to take invisibility out of the game completely for every class. And again I will state that if they did that then portal bombs would be useless. It is called tactics and it is intended. If you don’t like it report it as an exploit it will be investigated and Anet will laugh and say it is intended mechanics.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Heru.5427


So much reading comprehension fail in this thread it’s unbelievable. The OP is complaining about people being invis due to the culling system, not due to use of Mesmer elites or some such. Invisibility is broken when dealing damage, culling invis is not. This could definitely be regarded as exploiting. Not saying it is, that’s up for Anet to decide, but the intended use of it is obviously not to bomb the crap out of people while perma invis. If they can ban people for converting karma to money they sure as hell can ban people for this.

I’m mostly curious as to whether or not the mesmer portal is visible or not. I imagine it would be which would simplify countering it. I guess you could always argue that they use the portal to get past a choke and thus should not be regarded as exploiting. However the defending part definitely sounds like them using the portal purely for the sake of turning invisible, which I would deem as exploiting.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


If you think it is culling and not invis how do you know this for a fact? can you prove without a shadow of a doubt that it is not invis? If you can how did you find this out? Is there a combat log that lets you see what was cast by mesmers and others? Did you ask them on their voice coms?

I can garuntee it is invisibility skill and not an exploit and I am not even on that server. Again I have told you how it is done if you read. Try it for yourself and see how easy it is.

It is a well known mesmer tactic for any mesmer worth their salt.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Koven Acris.5236

Koven Acris.5236

The fact that the invading forces through the portal don’t appear is a technical issue, mesmers dont need fixing, the skills dont need to be changed and no one is wrong for using this tactic (unless ANet state otherwise) – but the problem of not seeing the enemy come through and start dropping AOE does need to be fixed.

If this is a problem with culling then its for ANet to address from a technical perspective. Therefore, should this not be reported as a bug?

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


if they use invis they don’t appear untill they attack. IE start AOE’ing. it is intended.

Get mesmers yourself and do it how I said and you to can portal bomb. For the low low price of invis potions, mesmer elites, shadow refuge and more.

I accept any and all donations ingame for giving away the secret to how it is done.

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Lasica.5068


I play a thief

The one thing invisibility always has in common in all its skill sets.

Once you attack, you’re not invisible any more. What this does is allow you to attack while invisible for 5-10 seconds.

Speaking of thieves, they are apparently able to finish someone off while stealthed. I’ve seen it happen twice now and not when large numbers of people alive. I was watching as 2 people were reviving someone downed when the downed person suddenly died and a thief appeared and ran off.

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Raasclart.6719


It’s not like that tactic is helping Them much they’re still losing hard last time I checked

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zutha.5091


Speaking of thieves, they are apparently able to finish someone off while stealthed. I’ve seen it happen twice now and not when large numbers of people alive. I was watching as 2 people were reviving someone downed when the downed person suddenly died and a thief appeared and ran off.

This is intended and I can prove it

I do this and I learnt about it from going to Heart of the Mist and fighting the thief NPC who did it to me :P

It’s not like that tactic is helping Them much they’re still losing hard last time I checked

True enough, but it’s annoying to see a whole guild purposefully need to exploit a game mechanic to win. If the culling system didn’t make them invisible for 5secs while fighting I would be congratulating the guild commander instead.

(edited by Zutha.5091)

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Xaint.6018



I am an officer from KDS. Please understand, that we are not exploiting anything. The game in it´s current state works like this. We don´t like the fact that our enemies is invisible half of the time we engage, but none the less you know they are there.

KDS would never resolve to any exploits, it is against our own policy. This is not KDS fault, but how the servers works in order to handle all the people in WvWvW.

As for Mesmers and portals, this is just how the mechanics work, and we use this tactic cause it´s an excellent way to get behind the enemy lines and attack from the rear. You should try it


KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Prometeu.7209



As Major Xaint have explained it is against our own policy to use ANY kind of exploits.

The problem is that KDS can field 60-80 people easily yet we rarely hit 40 in WvW and we usually go with 25-35 tops. When we get 40 we split into two groups of 20 and so on.

Now the Culling system kicks in and bugs out when you have more than 50 players or so in same spot from same group. One of the reasons we do not keep 50 in same spot – We do not see our own enemies even if it is just 1 of them.

So when we have culling we know the enemy is way more than 50.

Then we use a trimming strategy to bring the enemy in a the visibility spectrum – we thin them out Once we start to actually see them we do the final push.

That is what happens and I know it because I was leading our forces many a time in such situations.

I hope this will shed some light on the situation


Lt. Prometeu
The Crimson Order Co
KDS High Command
DEYS Commander

Lt. Prometeu
KDS High Command
Field Commander of DEYS Alliance

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Zutha.5091


Unfortunately I’ve watched you perform and if it weren’t for the culling system it would be a good to watch due to the organisation.

But when your strat involves:
1. Attack while invisible
2. You become visible
3. You retreat
4. Repeat

and more importantly always, and i do mean always retreat after you become visible and start taking casualties there’s no wonder why it is deemed that KDS exploit the invisibility culling effect.

So what I will do instead is simply this:
1. Record
2. Link to ArenaNet and here.

TO clearly show how you attack while invisible, visible, run, attack while invisible, visible, run.

Let them make the decision in regards to yourselves only attacking for 10sec after going through portals and invisible etc and if you’re so confident that you are not doing it, keep doing it so I can get some good footage to allows every organised guild to do it without ArenaNet slamming the ban hammer. Which they are very much inclined to do regarding anything not intend.

So carry on

KDS from Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Maharius.4651


You can record all you like, i will show you my recordings of it happening to us. Its part of the engine as it stands, so that FPS doesnt bomb with too many people in the same place.

There is no way to know if you have been seen by your opposition with the culling mechanic. However we do try to adapt to it, we have scouts out wide, and as the Lt says we push and retreat in order to thin out the opposition. Its a common tactic.

We do not use the mesmer portals to become invisible on purpose. We do it to attack you from an angle that your not expecting. If you dont understand that, i cant explain it more clearly.

Sgt Maharius