Kaineng hippocrits kinda funny

Kaineng hippocrits kinda funny

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Girly Man.6893

Mr Girly Man.6893

No one in Kaineng liked Smilingknight, the OP. Glad to have him gone, sorry for DR. Anytime we see KWBH in WvW, we go out of our way not to screw over Devona’s, but to make him and his guildies have to pay for some armor repairs. He transferred because he came to realize that no one enjoyed playing or working with him. There is no hypocrisy when you just don’t like someone.

Kaineng hippocrits kinda funny

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Monday night…. fighting in Fergs Borderland…. we saw KWBH taking Hills Keep…. so we thought we’d come behind KWBH and kill them and enjoy the fruits of thier labour having gotton the inner gate down… but we got there too late.

So, we instead got right to work on taking it from them. We worked our way through to inner gate… our pugs and randoms focused on the front inner gate…. our guild went behind and took down the rear inner gate…

Was funny seeing Smilie just stand there while we came inside the inner keep as they were focused on the guys at the front inner gate… but enough got through to thier Lord Room to lay some smackdown back on us in the hallway with all their siege inside!!

Just as we were going to wipe them from the Lord Room… lo and behold… FERGS COMES IN!! … had to be 20+ Fergs fighting on the rampway from the front inner gate…. our guys were both inside the Lord Room dealing with the DR guys and also outside fending off the new Fergs group…

was one heck of a 3 way battle… but in the end… we pulled it off!

Thnx for the one heck of a fight in there guys.

We had so many othe fun fights that night, but this one def did stand out as the most memorable one!

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

Kaineng hippocrits kinda funny

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I have a question for the Kaineng folk in the thread.

Last night, October 14th, I saw what can only be described as Kaineng and Ferg actively working together to stop DR forces in the EB. On several occassions, our force attacking the castle was raided by both Kain and Ferg zergs. This within itself is a non-issue, but the aforementioned zergs would not attack eachother; instead, they soley went after DR people.

Any explanations on this?

I lead the raid up the North of the map to Veloka. Once we have Veloka locked down…I’ll lead them to assault the overlook. At the same time we D up on Quentin. In the event we capture the Overlook I move them back to Golanta then Klovan….some on my team disagree with my strategy but its lead us to success many times.

Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

Kaineng hippocrits kinda funny

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


God I am so happy (and a little scared) with what Kaineng and DR have been doing this week. For maybe the first time (or at least what I remember), Fergy will have to fight it out the entire week! I really love it, having WvW not just a Friday night/Saturday morning thing! Afterall, WvW is definately my favorite thing to do.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]