Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Vashtion.6307


Hi there, i’m from the Kaineng server. We are literally ranked last amongst the NA servers for WvW. We are always heavily outnumbered and in the rare occasion we get a decent sized group rolling along, an even bigger enemy group comes to swarm us. We have gotten used to it however, and have even come to enjoy the challenge. (See First pic)

Even so when we use our brains not brawn, we can actually accomplish some pretty cool things!

We did this once before on an even larger scale when we took Stonemist castle in the Eternal Battlegounds, but earlier today we took Shadaran Hills and kept it locked up for over an hour against greater numbers.

We held up in the Keep Lord room with a bunch of Ballistas and arrow carts. The only way for the enemy to come at us was through a narrow hallway. We had a rotation of Guardians using their Line of Warding and Wall of Reflection skills together to halt the enemy advance and stop projectiles from hitting us. Meanwhile, the siege weapons laid waste to anyone in their line of sight. (Second pic)

We held it for a good hour and a half before getting overwhelmed. It was a really fun battle and the other side wouldn’t give up at all. Even after we cleared them from the keep a couple times.

There were lots of people and guilds at the keep during the fight, I myself was there with some guildmates from The Kingswood Brotherhood [KWBH]. We try our best to get things done with what we can. Yesterday we had actually taken Shadaran single handedly and had taken 1/3 of Fergusons map. We are growing in numbers now and have about 130 members atm. I’m proud to say that KWBH is one of the most active and efficient guilds in Kaineng! We hope to continue to grow, and stand alongside the rest of Kaineng as the server continues to gain new players and we can’t wait to see what else Kaineng will be able to accomplish once our numbers rise a bit more.


Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Kaine.3501


I transferred to Kaineng today and have had a lot of fun PvPing with you guys. I think some people are hesitant on transferring because they don’t know what to expect…but Kaineng has the #’s and organization to hold their own in WvW they just need a few more people to advance in rankings. I know RUIN used a small server as their platform to build their guild from and from the pictures it looks like KWBH is doing the same. Kaineng is the underdog server right now and I think a lot of people are looking for a challenge….if those players transfer to your server and you get just a few more people you guys will never see last place again.


Server: Kaineng
Name: “Kaide” (Kaine is just the account name)

(edited by Kaine.3501)

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Amobius.6084


Trying to talk some of the members from my guild into moving over. Tired of the hacking and general kitten poor WvW community on GoM. We were the underdogs in WAR and hopefully we can join Kaineng and help out.

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


Ferg’s defenders props to all of you for your back and forth with us all day. You finally got shadaran hills from us again after 5 hours. Props to all of the guilds on your side that showed up and got big.

Also, good job preventing us from holding your orb for too long. Really appreciate the hard work everyone put in. Let’s keep these fights going!

Added some SS from the time we took the keep to the defense of the keep to taking of several towers.


The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


and shout out to all the smaller guilds that came in and helped after we had the keep and the towers

together we can do great things

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

(edited by SniffyCube.6107)

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: DemonCow.5328


I’m getting really tempted to make the jump to Kaineng.

My server is currently in a state of chaos after losing two matches, badly. We pretty much lose most of our remaining people for the week if we can’t jump into the lead, and a lot of the guilds that helped us get to where we are left because they couldn’t take losing a match.

In addition, I’m in a small guild with some pretty fun people, but I haven’t seen my guild leader, or any officers online in nearly 2 weeks. With the state of our WvW, my guild is the only reason I am still on this server, so if they don’t come back soon, I’m gonna be looking for a new home and a new guild.

I’ve heard nothing but good things on the forums about the community on Kaineng, and that matters more to me than winning the WvW matches (I like winning, but I’d rather have fun trying to take/defend objectives than just watching everything on the map get captured by a zerg from each server), so maybe I’ll check it out this weekend…

[TI] Taking Initiative- Tarnished Coast
Guild Leader

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: AlecFair.1270


I might give Kaineng a checkout for their WvWing this weekend. Sounds like you guys actually have fun and coordinate rather than run onto the forums and hue hue about how much a bully a server is being and just plain giving up when stuff doesn’t go your way.

Might as well while server transfers are free for the time being to see how it is on other servers with lower pop.

Tarnished Coast – Got mah Toast on. :V
Tizzle Mindwrack – Crazy Asura Lore Keeper of [AARM]

(edited by AlecFair.1270)

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Cimmric.7623


“I might give Kaineng a checkout for their WvWing this weekend. Sounds like you guys actually have fun and coordinate rather than run onto the forums and hue hue about how much a bully a server is being and just plain giving up when stuff doesn’t go your way.”

Alec I had the same thought and I have been on Kaineng since yesterday and I have had more fun with W3 in 2 days than I have had all month on Stormbluff Isle. Sure it was great to be with a big, winning server like SBI, but the people I have met, the overall additude and the feeling of needing each other to work as a team, has given me the thrill I was looking for in an epic struggle.

I see Kaineng as a place of new beginnings, if you are a pioneer and don’t mind starting from the bottom, join Kaineng.

Kaineng for the win…
Proud member of CNB

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Melphina.9035


Maybe ill drop by this weekend to check it out since trying to get into WvW in higher tier servers is a bit of a pain.

Melphina Kobe ~ Thief

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Cimmric.7623


Please do Melphina, I know once you try the W3 with us, you will want to make a new home here on Kaineng.

Kaineng for the win…
Proud member of CNB

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397

Thadren Calder.1397

I have had more fun doing WvW on Kaineng then any other.

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


I’m getting really tempted to make the jump to Kaineng.

You really should, if for no other reason than Kaineng has a Mooncow. I can’t wait see what happens when a DemonCow and a Mooncow combine forces.

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


if you guys are over 18+ and want a mature, super active guild hit me up

or if you just want someone to run with so you don’t get lost in a crowd – make sure you have a headset and a mic though because we all run voip so we can stay disciplined

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


also the top two pictures are in order from our defense to us pushing them back to the gate then we took cragtop

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Ekalavya.6148


Good fight Kaineng – I’m on Ferguson’s crossing and I applaud your efforts and hope the battle continues with a bit more contest from you guys and Devona’s -

I like it to be a fight and a struggle instead of spawn camping with every point – That’s not fun at all.

Anyways – keep up the good work and I’ll see you on the battlefield! If we get moved up a tier in WvW good luck against your future opponents and keep that underdog bond together – the numbers will come eventually!

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


That’s what I’m saying we still have christmas coming up and the new years… there’s no rush to move everyone in. We’ll get the numbers eventually… WoW didn’t gain millions in a few months either. This is a great game as it evolves more people will flock to it once they see the quality of work that arenanet has. Even before that, we have the tools to win wvw. We just have to get it together internally first.

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: spif.7580


I’m getting really tempted to make the jump to Kaineng.

You really should, if for no other reason than Kaineng has a Mooncow. I can’t wait see what happens when a DemonCow and a Mooncow combine forces.


—- Kaineng : Nuke → Saarc ---

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: bubO.3548


They will make a black hole.


Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Cimmric.7623


@SniffyCube, I will definately whisper you for a guild invite. I have a newb question though I am familar with Vent and Teamspeak but what is this Voip you speak of?

Kaineng for the win…
Proud member of CNB

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Knyx.5926


Just xfered there from Mag. Got tired of the que times after work. If any guild wants me, I have an 80 Thief and Mesmer

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Mooncow.6847


I would just like to confirm that DemonCow and Mooncow did in fact join forces. T’was a deadly combo to say the least. A few more Cows in here and Kaineng just might go up a tier

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Girly Man.6893

Mr Girly Man.6893

It was a glorious day when the two cows met. I was there, I felt like more of a third-wheel though, with all that cow-cow action going on. Moooo

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: DemonCow.5328


It happened. I switched over earlier tonight and it was a lot of fun.

The only problem I’m seeing right with the way Kaineng operates in WvW vs the other 2 servers that I’ve played on is that everyone is more interested in immediate results. I read about how you guys like to fight with you brain since you’re so outnumbered, but I haven’t seen any strategy.

I played on Maguuma for the first couple weeks, then switched to Crystal Desert since my guild wanted to go, and compared to both of them, the people on Kaineng are a lot more fun to play with, and work together much more. The issue is that no one seems willing to plan more than one step ahead to take an objective. I’ve seen a lot of zerg mentality at times, but without the numbers or resources to take large objectives.

I see a ton of potential in this server, but I’d like to get organized and be more aggressive about taking keeps and towers. Do we have a server website, or are there any guilds that are actively taking a leadership role?

[TI] Taking Initiative- Tarnished Coast
Guild Leader

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


Hiya DemonCow,

You came on a hectic night. A lot of new faces every weekend, and not everyone knows who’s who so it can be confusing. Weekends are usually chaotic.

We’ve had a server-wide teamspeak server and alliance in place now since the beginning. It’s been difficult getting a lot of the newer transfer guilds, or guilds that have just recently started moving from PVE to WvW to use these tools though, and now the guild that set it all up is leaving the server, so we’re starting fresh.

We are moving in the right direction though. My guild RAWR (which consisted mostly of members of a veteran WvW guild Nuke), merged into Warsworn last night.

Warsworn has been together for 6 years in various games, and brought an alliance with them to Kaineng last week of others who have also been playing with them for just as long. We have voice chat, 3 commanders, and our own cookie factory.

We also teamed up with RMA, another new guild to the server from Brazil who moved here two days ago, and started learning how to work together last night. RMA is a very good and large guild who has proven to be very friendly and teamwork oriented.

And I see things getting better very soon. Good things are in the works.

Also, I saw something last night that helped me understand an issue that has been puzzling me for quite some time now.

I’ve been on this server since about a week after it launched. I have been on these forums promoting this server actively as one of the best servers in NA based entirely on how much fun we have. I’ve made videos promoting the server. I’ve created the Kaineng War Report blog (http://kaineng.tumblr.com) to document our history as we grow. I love Kaineng. It’s my home.

Still though, there’s another guild leader on this server who despite seeming to have the exact same opinion of Kaineng as I do, doesn’t seem to like me very much. I’ve seen their guild leader flame me in /map chat, and seen him reply in a rather hostile manner in my own posts where I was attempting to promote teamwork and communication between guilds on Kaineng.

It’s puzzling, to say the least.

Then last night I saw this person say something in /map chat attempting to throw my words back at me.

And now I think I understand the issue.

Over the last few weeks, every weekend, we see tons of people moving to Kaineng. They see the scoreboard and think it has to do with us sucking. I saw it week after week “Why do we suck?” in /map chat, and I tried to help people understand the score and population issue.

I eventually got tired of trying to type out the answer to that question. I wrote an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) answering a lot of the questions we commonly saw in /map chat every weekend.


Most people got it. I received a lot positive responses from this post and made friends from a lot of the people that moved to this server as a result of it.

Still, some people (2 in fact) read the thread and thought I was saying Kaineng sucks. And that appears to be where the problems started.

The truth is, this person, and myself, both are very strong willed, vocal, and feel very strongly about how awesome Kaineng is. I’m hoping that this person reads this and understands that we’re both wanting the same things out the game, the server, the community, and in WvW.

Until this issue is resolved, we effectively have two large guilds / alliances that aren’t communicating well, and considering our numbers this is a problem for Kaineng.

Last night my guild /alliance and this other person’s guild managed to take back 2 keeps, several towers, all the supply camps, and attempt to attack a 3rd keep in KBL while defending what we had, all while we weren’t working together. Imagine if we were all working as a team.

So what say ye brother? Let’s hug it out, and get our guilds / alliances on the same page for the good of the server, shall we?

So anyhow, back on task.

I have a TON of videos and screenshots from last night’s efforts to get online today. Check out http://kaineng.tumblr.com to view our history and keep track of where we’re headed.


(edited by Fubuki.7162)

Kaineng used struggle...It was super effective!

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I’ve been thinking about switching to Kaineng. Started off at GoM and then hacking went down and the server took a nose dive. On SoS right now which is a good server, but it’s mostly Oceanic peeps.

I generally like smaller servers because there’s better unity and a tighter bond because you pretty much just see the same players.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage