First of all, I would like to say, this is a reassurance thread, not a flame one, so if you want to fight about it, go to the ones marked “Server transfers ruining WvW” and “WvW sucks” and so on.
There are many things in WvW that bother us. Hacking exploits, free server transfers fluctuating population, free server transfers encouraging cheating tactics, thieves, culling issues and rendering problems and so on.
All of these things WILL be fixed.
Free Transfers will most certainly not last forever. The cooldown will rise and a price will be placed on it, discouraging players from ruining populations. This also deals with the spy issues. If the other team really wants to put forth the effort to pay money to put someone in our WvW to listen to our chat and build rams in the middle of the road, so be it, their loss of money to slightly benefit their team in a video game. —-———> Fix time: probably around another 3 weeks to a month.
Hacking Exploits are constantly being dealt with. This isn’t a game where they ignore hacking problems and Arenanet is fast at reacting to these bugs and doing all they can to fix these in a timely manner. —-———-> Fix time: 1 week per bug.
Culling and Rendering issues are often complained about. As of a week and a half ago, the culling issues have been fixed. I know that among myself and my comrades who have VERY nice computers that are fit for gaming specifically that invisible enemies have not been showing up recently. If you have issues seeing other players this is now considered a rendering issue and you need to either upgrade your computer or lower your graphics settings. This will not guarantee you a fix, but based on your graphics, your rendering speeds will improve.
The new system is simply a suggestion for those who are having a rendering issue, not a culling issue. They are not the same things. The game recognizes that there is in fact a character that can in fact take damage and show that damage in the space given. The appearance of thieves out of stealth is often a rendering (Not in fact culling) issue. Mind you, I said often. If they appear seconds after they get out of stealth, that is often rendering. If they do not appear at all, that is often culling. You will see that culling is when nothing appears at all including damage reads and name of character. The only things that seem to appear are moves occasionally.
Yet again, it is simply a suggestion if you have found RENDERING issues a hassle as well as culling. My old computer still displays culling issues as well as rendering issues while my new one does not. I have talked to others which find that recently the issues have become less and less (Out of those with medium-high quality computers)
I also found through experimentation that the mac beta displays less culling issues as well on both old and new computers. if you have a mac and run on windows and are experiencing culling issues, I suggest try it on your mac platform. (Which I warn you has more standard graphics. Less sparkly)
“All of my issues are culling. I never see red names without a rendered character.”
In that case, the best thing you can do is send your specifications in to Arenanet, even better, begin a thread compiling system specifications and the level of culling issues among the community to gather this information and create a trend line to help the programmers looking for a solution to why some systems do not exhibit culling issues and why certain ones do.
It was also brought up that it was also related to the amount of information and the speed of the information allowed over certain internet connections. If at all possible, maybe someone should try high-speed internet verses a lower speed connection in comparison. Maybe you can try this yourself!
—-————> Fix time: 0 minutes!(If it is rendering) 1 month or so if it is straight up culling.
Bugs. Every game as intricate as this one is going to have bugs. considering the massive amount of content provided and all the many combinations of skills and traits, I am astounded that there are not MORE bugs.
What you can do to help solve this issue is document the bugs and take screen shots. Send it to the support center in a clean, organized way and the support staff will put it in the “Programmers fix your kitten bugs” pile to which the programmers will have to painstakingly try and go through in time for the next matinence.
Fix time————->1 week to 1 month
Continued in next post! (it was too long!)
(edited by Moderator)