Keep the season, lose the achievments.

Keep the season, lose the achievments.

in WvW

Posted by: Slayer Lord.5023

Slayer Lord.5023

I enjoy the concept of leagues and seasons. I find it more interesting. This is not a problem. The real problems arise from achievements in Living World for wvw.

As I type this, there is currently those trying to sabotage a full upgraded SM in the hope that another server can take it. Why you ask? Either to get achievements or to have others get it so they leave wvw.

WvW players see those seeking points as saboteurs who need to leave. The queue times are longer. They don’t always follow commanders or help out WvW. WvW players are doing jumping puzzles or something they normally would not do. It also makes Eternal Battlegrounds much harder to get in and much harder to want to leave.

I too find myself doing this. I enjoy wvw and getting rewarded for it. I would still rather do more of what I normally do then extra work for achievements.

I think the idea of getting people in wvw and reward those in it is a good one. The concept of rewards for tasks however is working against wvw. The rewards for the seasons can stay, but the tasks need to go as it is causing rifts on us top tier players and not helping the low tier servers do much be much better as far as I can tell.

Jade Quarry Server


Keep the season, lose the achievments.

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


Starting off with a trolly question…Is it really still a issue with your current match ups? I mean you guys have 3 wins regardless…wouldn’t this be a good time to farm achievements for your players and try to train the willing PvE’ers?

For real question, did you guys see a increase in PvE participation when you guys went into this match up? Did queues go up? and is it harder to get guilds together on maps?

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Keep the season, lose the achievments.

in WvW

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


The achievements draw people into wvw, this is good.

The problem is that these specific achievements encourage players to run off doing their own thing, grinding unnecessary yaks, sentries, mercenary camps or bloodlust points.

How about only 4 achievements for next season?

1. WvW ranker
2. Walls/gates destroyed
3. Player kills
4. Tower/keep/castle defense

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Keep the season, lose the achievments.

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


Yes. It’s been an all-round unmitigated disaster.

My opinion of course…

@Zikory. There’s no good time to farm for anything in WvW except the pain you inflict on other players. It’s always going to be an issue.
And yes. I think across all servers queues are up a lot, guilds are struggling and there are dozens of randoms wandering about lost.

Keep the season, lose the achievments.

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


Yes. It’s been an all-round unmitigated disaster.

My opinion of course…

@Zikory. There’s no good time to farm for anything in WvW except the pain you inflict on other players. It’s always going to be an issue.
And yes. I think across all servers queues are up a lot, guilds are struggling and there are dozens of randoms wandering about lost.

Well I asked because BG’s queues are much better this week. While still long not as bad as last week. I even heard of a float team…I was just wondering if a lot of your population kinda waited for this week to try and farm out the achievements since its a “easy week” for you guys.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Keep the season, lose the achievments.

in WvW

Posted by: Slayer Lord.5023

Slayer Lord.5023

Yes. It’s been an all-round unmitigated disaster.

My opinion of course…

@Zikory. There’s no good time to farm for anything in WvW except the pain you inflict on other players. It’s always going to be an issue.
And yes. I think across all servers queues are up a lot, guilds are struggling and there are dozens of randoms wandering about lost.

Well I asked because BG’s queues are much better this week. While still long not as bad as last week. I even heard of a float team…I was just wondering if a lot of your population kinda waited for this week to try and farm out the achievements since its a “easy week” for you guys.

“Easy week” or not any type of farming helps no one. The EB queue is at least a few hours at all times.

I approve of rewards for wvw, just not the way it’s set up. WvW is about killing and capping. The less servers or people who log in wvw do tat, the worse it is for all.

People put effort into capping and upgrading. This sort of encourages letting everything be paper for rewards.

Jade Quarry Server


Keep the season, lose the achievments.

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


Yes. It’s been an all-round unmitigated disaster.

My opinion of course…

@Zikory. There’s no good time to farm for anything in WvW except the pain you inflict on other players. It’s always going to be an issue.
And yes. I think across all servers queues are up a lot, guilds are struggling and there are dozens of randoms wandering about lost.

Well I asked because BG’s queues are much better this week. While still long not as bad as last week. I even heard of a float team…I was just wondering if a lot of your population kinda waited for this week to try and farm out the achievements since its a “easy week” for you guys.

“Easy week” or not any type of farming helps no one. The EB queue is at least a few hours at all times.

I approve of rewards for wvw, just not the way it’s set up. WvW is about killing and capping. The less servers or people who log in wvw do tat, the worse it is for all.

People put effort into capping and upgrading. This sort of encourages letting everything be paper for rewards.

I disagree, farming in this sense could help your queue times. You guys have a good opportunity to help people get there achievements and get out of WvW. Also you guys have a very large PvE population and I would bet a good amount of them would be willing to learn more about WvW.

The difference is that farming in WvW is not more profitable than PvE so they want to farm for the achievements, once they are done they won’t care anymore and go back to PvE. As for your WvW players, they won’t care because WXP ranks come easy to full time WvW players.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Keep the season, lose the achievments.

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


More people in WvW is good, even if they come with a learning curve.

More rewards for WvW is fine. WvW is all I do and I have absolutely no problem getting some bonus achievement points and chests in the process.

T1 created its own problems. Fix them.

Also, I can’t help but notice the spinning.

WvW players see those seeking points as saboteurs who need to leave. The queue times are longer. They don’t always follow commanders or help out WvW. WvW players are doing jumping puzzles or something they normally would not do. It also makes Eternal Battlegrounds much harder to get in and much harder to want to leave.

I’m not on SoR but from the matchup thread, it seemed like this was one of your stronger WvW guilds trying to sabotage it. While another of your commanders was using your borderlands to openly karma train… Until mag took the garrison and wouldn’t give it back the whole day until most went to sleep.

Not that karma trains are necessarily bad. But they’re not new with Leagues and they’re not going away till the PPT and reward system gets fixed to be weighed on upgrades and score rather than empty non-upgraded towers/keeps/castles.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

Keep the season, lose the achievments.

in WvW

Posted by: Dabachelor.1736


If they put Achievements back in Season 2 they should be World Based not account based.