Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


We seriously need more options to spend our WvW badges on. I myself now have 32,000 badges, and just the other week I heard of a player with 200k+ badges, with hardly anything good to spend them on.

Sure, there’s blueprints you can spend them on, but they’re already cheap as chips on the trading post, and in terms of weapons and armor? There’s only so much non-salvageable armor and weapons you actually need or want.

We need a real solution. So I’m making this thread in the hopes that we as players can suggest things we’d 1) actually like to see, or 2) simply suggest as an idea – just ‘throwing it out there’ so to speak.

So here are some of my suggestions. Feel free to post yours too!

Branded Armor

Similar to the branded creatures, this purple-like destroyer-esque looking armor would look stunning and be a unique addition to WvW rewards. See the first picture at the end of this post for an example.

Mists Armor

This could compliment the mist weapon rewards from this tournament.

Destroyer Armor

This would compliment many destroyer weapons. See the second picture at the end of this post for an example

Ascended Weapon Box

This could give you 1 ascended weapon. Anet could choose the requirements to purchase this reward, and also whether it’s random or whether you could choose the weapon you want

Ascended Armor Box

This could give you 1 ascended armor piece. Anet could choose the requirements to purchase this reward, and also whether it’s random or whether you could choose the armor piece you want

Endless Omega Siege Golem Tonic

An endless tonic which transforms you into an omega siege golem. You can move but cannot fight whilst in this form.

Endless Alpha Siege Golem Tonic

An endless tonic which transforms you into an alpha siege golem. You can move but cannot fight whilst in this form.

Endless Arrow Cart Tonic

An endless tonic which transforms you into an arrow cart. You cannot fight or move whilst in this form.

Endless Catapult Tonic

An endless tonic which transforms you into a catapult. You cannot fight or move whilst in this form.

Endless Burning Oil Tonic

An endless tonic which transforms you into a burning oil pot. You cannot fight or move whilst in this form.

Endless Ballista Tonic

An endless tonic which transforms you into a ballista. You cannot fight or move whilst in this form.

Endless Trebuchet Tonic

An endless tonic which transforms you into a trebuchet. You cannot fight or move whilst in this form.

Endless Flame Ram Tonic

An endless tonic which transforms you into a flame ram. You cannot fight or move whilst in this form.

20 Slot Mists Exotic Equipment Box

20 Slot Mists Rare Equipment Box

20 Slot Mists Uncommon Equipment Box

Tome of Knowledge – PvP has them, why not WvW? Obviously the requirement to purchase this would have to be done carefully to make sure it’s equal to the time and effort spent obtaining them via other means (like PvP).

Now some of these would require A LOT of badges of course, otherwise we’d have everyone and their dog using (for example) one of the endless siege tonics, and confuse a lot of enemies.

Below are a couple pictures. The first is a Branded Human I found off the wiki. Though this seems more of a heavy weighted class, you get the idea of how epic this would look with tormented weapons, for example. And it would be even more amazing if you could dye the glowy bits.

The second picture is an image I found off a search engine (most likely from another game) which had an amazing destroyer-themed appearance and I thought it matched the destroyer weapons well – only, in a physical-fleshy sort of way. This would be epic as a skin.


Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

(edited by Zaoda.1653)

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


They explained in another post that you can’t buy tomes of knowledge in wvw (and pve for this matter) because while you play an uplevel, you are gaining exp. When you play an uplevel in pvp, you do not gain exp.

Ascended would be too much, but I like the other ideas. Especially the 20 slot bags. I don’t do fractals so it’s expensive to get those (and when your primary game mode is a money sink, it’s also hard to buy new shinies). They could even create a mystic forge recipe for bags which require something bought with a few hundred badges.

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: bob.8632


They explained in another post that you can’t buy tomes of knowledge in wvw (and pve for this matter) because while you play an uplevel, you are gaining exp. When you play an uplevel in pvp, you do not gain exp.

It was also countered I believe, that in pvp you do not need exp, as you are already a fully geared lvl 80….

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Killface.1896


You can get ascent stuff by lvling your WvW rank,and we need people to spend there badges on sieges anyways to keep sieges cost down

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


big +1


Commander Nachonix

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: ukuni.8745


skins that allowe to show my dominance in PvP? yes please

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: EFWinters.5421


No thanks. Badges have been ruined by Arena Net since they started rewarding it for earning achievement points and karma training in EotM, neither of which involves any actual WvW. Most PvE players probably have more BoH than many WvW players who spend theirs.

If they would implement something like this (which they never will, any new weapon / armor skins go into gem store) they would need a completely new currency or perhaps award it through their revamped WvW achievements (which will never be revamped).

Human Guardian
Fort Aspenwood

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: nexusone.2367


I want that flame ram tonic pls!! but only if you can’t be attacked by guards while transformed xD

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Nanyetah Elohi.4852

I want better looking armor and weapon skins.

more fashion, now

For the Toast!

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Nymph of Meliai.6739

Nymph of Meliai.6739

I thought this was the wvw section not pve

badges should be spent on siege and either used or given to a commander or scout to use

Nymeria Meliae | SoS
Acid Bath Babies Go Plop Plop [FizZ]

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


Let us at least buy the time gated stuff needed for ascended. I sunk some 100s gold for the necessary mats and now I have to way 25 days to craft the time gated stuff x_x and no I’m not going to pay 10g premium per damask and kitten like that.

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Unique WvW rewards, skins and such.

Its been 21 months since launch, in a game that advertised “looks” as being the way to build your character.
And we still do not yet have any skins that are rewarded from WvW. Sure, they are comming in about 2 weeks time. But its time limited and supply limited as a season reward.

So thats almost 2 years, and we have 1 set of weapon skins, of which you could get a few at best.

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


The armor skins that are on the badge trader are nice.

Some of them are very nice. You don’t seem them very often these days (mostly you saw them in Pvp under the old system). These could be your 15k WvW armors, except they are priced super super cheap.

It seems like they were introduced during the “run jump puzzles to get badges,” days not the “get 10 badges every event you do in edge of the mists” days.

The cheap prices should be nerfed on the exclusive-to-WvW skins. Like super nerfed, 500 badges into 5000 badges for the skin.

Then you’d have an kitten WvW exclusive and a badge sink to grind for.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions!

In regards to current WvW armor skins, my problem with them is that they just aren’t that good looking to me (each to their own though). Take for example dungeon armors – they’re frikkin epic! Especially Twilight Arbor armor. WvW needs the same amount of oomph that dungeon armors have. Price the new skins in at least the thousands of badges price tag, make em look amazing, and you have a recipe for success.

What I would do to have a full set of Branded Armor…

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


You can get ascent stuff by lvling your WvW rank,and we need people to spend there badges on sieges anyways to keep sieges cost down

While that is a good point, my problem with this is the fact that I’m now rank 1,169 and have only acquired 3 ascended items in total from my rank up chests – 2 of them being the same ‘lucce seal’ ring – and furthermore, with stats that are so horrible they will most likely sit in my bank collecting dust forever…

And the only other ascended item I received was an ascended clerics stats armor box – another stat I’ll most likely never use (I ended up choosing the heavy chest for my guardian, being as he’ll most likely use clerics if I ever go for a healing build at some stage).

So after 1,169 ranks, I’ve only received a mere 3 ascended items, and all 3 of them I’ll most likely never use. There needs to be a solution. I feel like after all the WvW’ing I’ve done, the higher your rank, I believe the higher chance you should have in getting an ascended reward from a rank up chest. Just my two cents though. I won’t even go into the annoyance of the ascended items from rank up chests being random :-/

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

Lack of diverse rewards for our Badges

in WvW

Posted by: ballymun.3986


I just convert badges to supply traps :/ About all they’re worth.