Lag should not create WP-keep cap immunity

Lag should not create WP-keep cap immunity

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

So today we attack vizu waypointed garrison. we do everything as good as we can. We organize as good as we can but our skills lag badly. We can get off maybe one skill every 10 secs. Then suddenly they come with a zerg and we die in 2 sekittenterally. How does vizunah square has so few lag? That’s my first big question.

But then the bigger issue caused by this lag resilience. SFR ofc (big enemy of VS ) saw this and wanted to reset garri. When we left they created orange swords. so we come. Trying to do more damage to the keep. Then vizu comes with their full bl blob. And guess what they killed SFR and piken square in litteraly 1 min. 1 zerg versus 2 zergs. On top of that they have a minimal casualties (max 1-3 person died.) Sorry but no server is this good. Even the worst pve people versus best server, would get more kills (especially when 2 vs 1). So we try again vizu does same. SFR/Vizu becomes so kitten ed, that out of the ordanary, we try to cap, almost succeed, and SFR sees this, both probably very frustrated (sfr and piken), we see this as opportunity to get rid of a ridiculous lag free opponent. We attack like madness, we keep the lords room like madness. We spam 1 like madness. Guess what after 4 hours of MASSIVE duel teaming siege? Vizunah holds the garrison keep. Even in america t1 (very balanced and definitely experienced in wvw), when there’s 2 vs 1 on a garri/keep the keep will get lost, no matter what. Why? First of all number advantage. 200 vs 100 (potentially) = 200 loss for the garri owning server. Then we made 20x omega (seriously 3k supply siege). 3 omega alone can kill zerg but 20? Murder machine. Vizu marches in, guess who wins? Vizu… Cause of the lag. This is seriously wrong.

So they create so much lag, that only thing you have to do is ‘walk to survive’ (on VS at least with so much lag immunity while causing full lag to enemy). Our auto attacks are so slow that every vizunah with passive healing = status quo you can’t kill them. and basically vizu runs one by one in lords room, with this ‘low lag – high survivability’-glitch.

I ask of a dev, to join any fight against vizunah square garrison. Put your analizing machine up, and compare the vizunah square succesfull skills against SFR or piken square. This was not a random happening. It happens all the time.

We talked for this for 5 hours what could make this happen? Lag bots? But this sounds so cheap. macro’s that spam all skills at same time to get more chance to get skill off? But this even then wouldnt impact the balance in ‘server a gets 5 skills of for every enemy single skill’, so badly. The only conclusion we could come up with so far is that France (vizunah square), has more direct access to the NA internet traffic (google this stuff, the hotspot wathever stuff, France has less steps to do, to get to NA (gw2) server, then other countries. Could this be it? Does vizunah square get an advantage cause of this?

A vizu came to us (joining our part), and was superior mad kitten ed at us. ‘you cheap kittens you double teamed us. Let’s get some facts straight, cause this is such the wrong response.

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Lag should not create WP-keep cap immunity

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

First of all: both servers tried on their own and failed (and not because bad player skill). They were having worse lag then vizunah. I died like 3x dead under SFR (on purpose), to scout their progress. Guess what. Vizu attacks, sfr goes down fast, vizunah has 1 ‘downed only’ who never got defaeted, all the rest never got downed. Second of all: 20x omega golem is incredible strong. You just dont say ‘ok kill them, it’s easy, you will survive’. They came in melee (very dangerous against these), and just chain combo’’d their whole skill bar while we couldnt get a single skill off. That is again not normal. and last, after you frustrated us so much, both SFR/piken came to conclusion we had to take it a step higher and try to double team you (hey with such cheap but yet succesfull defence tactics, this is your fault vizu that double teaming was created, not piken or SFR. None of this double teaming happened via chat or TS. It happened right on battle field PURELY out of frustration and feeling powerless to stop vizunah lag-resistant titan.) So the double teaming started. First we contested lords room, then after a while, we went out and SFR saw this as opportunity to go in, we saw it, and knew we had to keep vizunah out. so we try to kill vizu non stop. Even with killer lag, we succeed to some degree. But in the end ‘run + lag resistance (to some degree) + passive healing’ = almost immortal. And you just contest circle, then it takes AGES to kill that one guy. Ok he dies, then next vizu comes in and next. Meanwhile they non stop bannered the lord.

I had lag battles before. I had double teaming before. But never this ‘one side gets full lag, other side gets minimal lag’ difference. Secondly, this is the first time even stuff like dodging and auto attacks get ages to get off, rather then at least every 3-5 secs depending on the lag intensity.

Before the league i never had this lag. But at same time i had tons of 70+ vs 70+ vs 70+ in either keeps or stonemist castle. Conclusion: lag exists, but not at this rate. This lag only started since league. And after investigation, we sadly can only come to the conclusion that vizunah square somehow gets less lag then enemy servers. Why? who knows, i’m not accusing anyone.

The reason of this post is not to flame, not to kitten of vizunah, not to call them anything . The only thing i want is fairplay. If they get lag, we get lag, if we get lag, they get lag. And it should be sort of equal (like it was before). Lag ofc is never equal, but it was never this extremely one sided. (2x zerg spamming skills, clashing, one dies, the othre has 0 casualties and nobody lost hp under 70%). C’mon this is impossible in reality. If the lag was not somehow in itself unbalanced or tempered with.

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Lag should not create WP-keep cap immunity

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

So Anet please investigate this. Lag is one thing (and we know you cant fix it completely, your servers are to slow and budget to low to update). Secondly I’ve never been to frustrated with lag, unless it completely locks me out (feeling powerless). Especially if the enemy at same time doenst have this issue. In the past ‘lag’ you could ‘sense’. Like ‘omg now it’s spike’ and then both enemy and ally move slower. It was two-sided. Then suddenly it reduced a bit and both servers could attack more frequent again. Completely balanced? ofc not, but way more then now. And way more random who would win. This is the first time, it was this incredibly one sided. I know some will say ‘haha you whiner, you can’t handle a loss’. I can take a loss pretty well, but with this crazy advantage is frustrates like hell. And i stopped the urge to post this before i investigated it enough. This happened now about 35 times already. SFR or piken or both versus vizu keep/stonemist attack. Guess who always won ? vizunah square. Sorry but this isn’t normal. Especially when you realize how easy they get skills off. We had almost everyone on ts. Litterally nobody could get a skill off. Nobody. At same time, enemy came in with signet of rage, dagger storm, whirling axe, 100 blades, hammer skills, clust bomb, meteor shower, barrage. All those skills worked, like nothing. We barely could get 1 auto attack off every 10 secs. Let alone aoe’s (those almost never succeeded).

Balance lag (or fix it but it’s impossible, we know that Anet, we are realistic, at least I am).

PS I repeat, it’s my intention to create an as fair battle as possible. And having 5x less lag then enemy is clearly a gamebreaking advantage. To keep fairplay ingame i want this discussed and hopefully soluted. If any vizunah takes it personal, sorry in advance. This isn’t meant as flame, and for you guys it may all feel ok (you guys clearly had lag too, but i repeat it was way less then us. You attacked at certain point say 2x as slow as normal, and we attacked 15 as slow as normal. It may have feeled balanced cause you had lag and fight it off, but realize this, how can you guys get 0 aoe’s on you and then at same time crush a zerg with aoe’s without resistance? Don’t you think warrior would use endura pain? Don’t you think people would heal/dodge to survive? Think about it, the battle at wednessday evening 8pm gmt +1 until 1 am, was not fair. And the only thing i want restored is as much fairplay as possible, ofc there’s class balance etc, but that’s another issues. with 80 vs 80 class balance is less important and lag is way more decisive in who wins.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Lag should not create WP-keep cap immunity

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Long post, but at least, i did my best. Think about it, why would i post such a long post (and edit several times, to make it more clear, more civil), to bring up a topic, that’s fake (has no real value/existing)? I did this cause i (and many on the server) think it’s a serious issue.

And wrong forum section, it was late already i guess. If a mod could be so kind to move it to ‘wvw discussion’.

If anything is worded to offensive, then I apologize, and i’m willing to edit.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Lag should not create WP-keep cap immunity

in WvW

Posted by: KarlusDavius.1024


Servers are located in France aren’t they? I know arena net offices are in France. Ping might be lower?

Cmdr. Kiro Heimdahl
Far Shiverpeaks

Lag should not create WP-keep cap immunity

in WvW

Posted by: Kagerro.6785


Hope you’ve got some friends who were fighting with us (VS) on teamspeak during thoose four hours of crazy moves .. If you have juste ask them how was the atmosphere x)

Seriously i’m playing GW for one year and i never had so much fun. It was so horrible for us, in the beginning we thought it was just some lags and we were a little bit angry about that situation. But after one/two hours someone began to laugh and jokes cames .. About what ? About lags x) everyone had lags even if you think that we are playing with lagbots, if you think we are hacking Anet to win all our fights, well you can think that xD but you can not imagine how much fun we had yesterday. I took the lead at 8.30 pm and i think i’ve repeted something like 300 times “if you can” about all my instructions “heal if you can” “keep bombing if you can” and things like that.

We had really lot of fun even if we can’t use our skills, people who think we found a way to go beyound lags .. well i’m waiting for you to explain me how we did

Just stop crying about lagbots, canadians and aliens playing with us and try to enjoy your fights try to play with all your players and not only with guilds you have recruited.
Thanks to everyone for the epic battle we had and see you next time on the battlefield

Kagerro – Necromancer
Hämmer Stun [HS] – Vizunah Square

Lag should not create WP-keep cap immunity

in WvW

Posted by: Toorgun.6534


good speech kag !

Lag should not create WP-keep cap immunity

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Bah, we agreed in map chat not to drag this drama onto the forums.


I believe Viz was able to counter us so quickly in the first few wipes because they literally have been playing in nothing but lag for months now and are conditioned to deal with it.

You’ll notice we wiped a few times in the beginning, but after that there was a two hour battle in garrison. Our guys in there the whole time. Why? Because some finally adapted to playing in lag.

Anything else is disrespectful to not only Viz, but to the skill of our own players on Piken.

L’enfer, c’est les autres