Leagues are a success
thanks anet you can transfer server right?
You obviously haven’t played WvW
Don’t tell me i obviously haven’t played WvW, i’ve played WvW since the start. And i hardly ever roam without a large group. 20 players and u get lag? You must have a pretty crappy setup.
Fool.. read I never said LAG I said skill lag – skill lag is nothing to do with setup otherwise movement etc would all be affected.. my setup is far above the required min for this game.
If my i7 3770k, dual GTX 670’s, 16GB GSKILL DDR3 RAM, GW2 running of a Mushkin 256 GB SSD and a 24MB BB connection with no faults or ISP issues along the route is causing skill lag and the plethora of others all strangely at the same time, then I will bow to your greater knowledge on the subject until then stop making dumb statements and go read up on it.
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
20 players is nothing mate, if someone tells me they have lag with 20 players, i assume something other than skill lag is happening there, that’s all there is to it.
20 players is nothing mate, if someone tells me they have lag with 20 players, i assume something other than skill lag is happening there, that’s all there is to it.
your priceless but as I said the plethora of others who have, like me been in WvW since beta all know and has been openly discussed with devs here that skill lag is there and its server side not ours.. heck I seem to remember not so long ago ANET saying it was working on it and small improvements were being made.
But as I also said your thinking game lag in your bold statements.. others here are talking about something different so I will agree to disagree with your foot in mouth statements.
We all know skill lag is server side, we all know it exists, we all know it still happens, i never denied any of this, you seem to think that i know nothing about skill lag.
The only thing i am replying to is this “I cant remember any fight with more than 20 players involved not having some kind of issue”. I don’t even remember the last time i played WvW with under 20 people by my side and on the enemy’s side, yet no skill lag.
a lot of people think skill lag is when their FPS drops. >.<
Are success yes…of queue and lag…
Todays Afternoon i quit the game after 2,5 hours queue, cause i cannot play the game i want WvW.
PvE Playerbase ruin WvW :/
I completely disagree with OP. League does not save WvW, the achievement/rewards did. Does that make WvW a better place? Nope. Those PvE achievement whores are making WvW from bad to worst but instead of ranting and scolding them, why not we change those PvE to a WvW players. Get them into an organized guild that offers tons of strategy/build play instead of just clinging to blue icon and blobbing up(pretty sure we all hate this). With this not only the WvW population will increase, but we also will have a more growing WvW oriented players that fully utilize this game combat mechanics than just bots that follows the blue icon.
(edited by Buzzcrave.6197)
Ye Buzz this would be the ideal thing to do for any friendly Commander, it’s just you have to sympathize with some players who are apart of elite WvW guilds :P because it is taking away a part of the game for them that they enjoy more than anything.
It is good to help new WvWers and turn them pro, but u must be able to see it from the hardcore WvWers POV to understand why they feel agitated. Imagine it like this, a bunch of new tPvP achievements come out that benefit players in PvE, so all the PvE players jump into Solo Q tournaments and ruin the experience for the real PvPers. heh.
I’m on no side :P but i still see the issues brought up in this thread from both perspectives. In-game i’ve seen commanders getting frustrated at new players for being clueless, but i’ve also seen some helping new players in map chat and TS3, which is great.
Ye Buzz this would be the ideal thing to do for any friendly Commander, it’s just you have to sympathize with some players who are apart of elite WvW guilds :P because it is taking away a part of the game for them that they enjoy more than anything.
It is good to help new WvWers and turn them pro, but u must be able to see it from the hardcore WvWers POV to understand why they feel agitated. Imagine it like this, a bunch of new tPvP achievements come out that benefit players in PvE, so all the PvE players jump into Solo Q tournaments and ruin the experience for the real PvPers. heh.
I’m on no side :P but i still see the issues brought up in this thread from both perspectives. In-game i’ve seen commanders getting frustrated at new players for being clueless, but i’ve also seen some helping new players in map chat and TS3, which is great.
All those frustration are understandable, I too hate uplevel that rallied all the enemies that we downed. However, I’ve seen a lot of heavy PvE that turned into hardcore WvW. All they need is just a chance to play with the hardcore WvW. Sure there are not a lot of them, and mostly they won’t give a kitten about their builds etc, but a few of them are willing to learn and if we can get 1/10 players to be heavy WvW, then it’ll be enough.
Don’t you people realize that WvW has not gotten the attention it has deserved and this new influx is bumping WvW up on Anet’s priority list? The issues we are experiencing right now are growing pains. I’m sure it’s frustrating for many but long-term this is the best thing that’s happened to WvW since I can remember.
But at the end of the day you and I are all speculating and it won’t be too long before we see who was right.
BTW plenty of servers have no queues or at least not on all maps. There are enough servers to handle everyone the issue is that we aren’t spread out enough. Instead of crying about queues just spread out.
Bottom servers don’t have enough people. Top servers have too many. How is the solution not kittening obvious?
Anyway the servers who are kittening and moaning about their puggers are the ones who will have crappy retention rates after achievements. The servers who embrace and mentor the puggers are the ones who will come out of this ahead.
Ye :P that is true o/, and i’m sure after some time a lot of the people uninterested in WvW will go back to what they usually do, but the thing about the league is i don’t really mind waiting 30 mins in a queue to join a half WvW half PvE population because it’s almost the same case on the other 2 servers as well. :P
After i got into EB before, the PPTs were sooo tight that we fought dam hard to stay ahead and hold up our Oceanic strength. It was good times, then after i was able to join BLs with my guild for more organized play, which was good too. I think the frustration we see now will pass quickly.
It’s nice to look at the MOS and see relatively even pie chart peace signs pretty much accross the board (both NA and EU) and not such lopsided stuff we’ve seen the past couple months.
i’m liking the league so far…..
Archeage = Farmville with PK
omg. so many pve players and they all joined our ts…drinking night will be fun this week XD.
liking the season so far and im sure a few pve players will find a liking in wvw after that.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
This thread needs to be far higher!!!
Leagues are awsome. Finally we have some weeks were you don’t have to fear about getting servers 10 ranks above or below yourserlf. No you have some real competition. Not vizunah, piken and such every 3 weeks that blow up everything.
Wvw has been in the game since launch. If they haven’t joined WvW to pvp by now they aren’t going to magically change over night.
What is going to happen is at the beginning of every new season you will see a massive influx of players into WvW to get their achievements which will punish the long time WvW players/guilds.
And once achievements are done they will leave and while this is going on the WvW players will slowly stop fighting the queues and move onto another pvp game.
The influx of people only punishes anyone if you play on a full server. If you have empty maps anyway it doesnt matter
Coming from silver league
no queues down here. suck if you got one, but yea no sympathy carrot-chasers
its quite obvious that PVE is in WvW in huge numbers, never have i had an 5 vs 1 on my mesmer…. and i won it….
its quite obvious, the stream of up lvld’s…crappy build characters… its PVE AP hunt time
Yeah, being stomped for 7 weeks in a row by tier 1 servers is going to be great!
Has the thread been going long-enough for the “Not sure if serious…” meme to start?
Is a success cuz now we can avoid T1
The difference a day makes. SoS’s PvE surge gave us our best Friday night start since January, but overnight and during the day it’s actually hurting us because so many zerker’d militia are giving away too many rallies. Let’s see how things progress if these folks stay in it and are willing to learn how to play. We could see a dramatic realignment if server’s like ours manage to maintain the interest of people new to the format.
I agree with some earlier posters, it would have been better for COUNTLESS servers if they had just added the achievements without the whole “league” concept and that would have shook up the stagnant matches more as servers found new talent without having to recruit transfers.
Is a success cuz now we can avoid T1
Lucky you…
Is a success cuz now we can avoid T1
Lucky you…
Yeah Mag went hard last week and took the last gold spot. I guess they wanted it real bad? Poor kittens.
Wvw will be a more dead zone than before once the league ends. I know of tons of guilds that will end their GW2 chapter or reduce activity once the season is over. Problems with lag (it lags in pve and spvp too, so blobs are a cause, but ANet also changed something with the latest patch) and queue system (ANet, you were warned before release by your core testers!) aren’t gonna change their minds. True pvers will also not come back when there are no rewards.
But hey, we can all go spvp. That’s where ANet wants us anyways.