Let's go back to random matchups

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Barbelo.5916


The leagues have destroyed some servers by ruining their community. Yes, we know what to expect every matchup now but nothing can prepare us for zerg servers against which we lose no matter what we do. We’re tired of being the scrub of the silver league. We’re hoping to drop to bronze league next season. Or better yet, why don’t we just remove the leagues and go back to random matchups? The imbalance was a problem even before the leagues but now it’s much, much worse. This sucks. ANET, this was a horrible idea.

+Some person from Isle of Janthir


Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Chobits.2430


I think I would rather have 48-72 hours matchups. Week long matchups get kinda stale IMO. You could probably rally the PvE troops into a 48 hours match, but anything longer than that and you will lose them. How many servers queue every maps on Friday/Sat night and are competitive only to have it completely drop off come Sunday?

The only think we can queue consistently on SBI after Friday night is EB.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

random matchups, but with randomness factor toned down to make large rank disparities in matchups less common — that’s what we asked for when random matchups were first introduced. Instead we got Leagues, which made things even worse.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Hopefully they have enough “data” by now so that 9 out of 10 matchups every week aren’t complete blowouts.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Barbelo.5916


random matchups, but with randomness factor toned down to make large rank disparities in matchups less common — that’s what we asked for when random matchups were first introduced. Instead we got Leagues, which made things even worse.

Yes, that’s what I meant. I miss those days.


Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Typhus.3502


Agree completely, I want JQ and SoR every single week, rather than a third wheel that can’t hope to compete with our coverage.

[TW] Pumped

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


What we asked for was the old system to adept faster to mutations in a server (players joining/leaving), and not take weeks to rebalance. Afterall that was the point of the old system, to create matchups that were as balanced as possible. Atleast it tried.

Then they gave us random matchups, which turned any attempt at getting balanced matches into a random diceroll. Where matchups became even worst.

And then came league’s, where unbalanced matchups are created on purpose.

Ow how we’ve strayed from the original design, where matchups were attempted atleast to be balanced. Or as close as possible. And again, the only thing wrong with that system was it was to slow. The severe unbalance is due to another issue entirely, and was not the fault of the matchmaking system.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Tukmolytes.3467



At least in random matchup we don’t know who we are facing.

In this league we in silver knows that FA will roll us over so people tend not to play when they see FA or SBI in current weeks matchup.

Tukmolytes [TRBO]
Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


just go to the untested formula : winner goes up, loser move down……

all other formula have been tested, except this one.

give it a go…..

after all ANET love testing

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: warriorjrd.8695


just go to the untested formula : winner goes up, loser move down……

all other formula have been tested, except this one.

give it a go…..

after all ANET love testing

No way! That’s far too logical, and wouldn’t anger enough people. It’s also probably a “technical impossibility” just like separate reset times were.

It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


just go to the untested formula : winner goes up, loser move down……

all other formula have been tested, except this one.

give it a go…..

after all ANET love testing

No way! That’s far too logical, and wouldn’t anger enough people. It’s also probably a “technical impossibility” just like separate reset times were.


though i’m not really sure whether you’re being sarcastic or serious…. but i love the way you are replying to me…


Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

just go to the untested formula : winner goes up, loser move down……

all other formula have been tested, except this one.

give it a go…..

after all ANET love testing

It’s so simple and would fix a lot of things, there would be balanced match ups with some variety cause server will constantly be moving up and down. I never understood the need for complex point calculating equations with RNG to match servers up.

No way! That’s far too logical, and wouldn’t anger enough people. It’s also probably a “technical impossibility” just like separate reset times were.


Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Winner up loser down guarantees unbalanced matchups every other week, I really really really don’t see what’s so hard to understand about this. The “T2” matchup will have one T1 server and one T3 server in it every other week, which everyone knows will be a really stupid matchup. This has been discussed ad infinitum.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Agreed…. I wouldn’t mind seeing free transfers come back actually. Maybe with a longer timeout but free transfers allowed players to sample different styles of WvW play. Now I just feel stuck since moving away from a primary guild isn’t preferable and few guild can afford to move en masse.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


Winner up loser down guarantees unbalanced matchups every other week, I really really really don’t see what’s so hard to understand about this. The “T2” matchup will have one T1 server and one T3 server in it every other week, which everyone knows will be a really stupid matchup. This has been discussed ad infinitum.

as if the current random blow out is any better….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Shorter matches and make the matchups manually.

Someone suggested 56 hour matches and that would be great. Gives different timezones the chance to experience reset. And when you have a bad unbalanced match at least you don’t have to wait a week for it to be over.

Manual matchups because then they can avoid the facepalm matchups that RNG gives and they can create variety too.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


Winner up loser down guarantees unbalanced matchups every other week, I really really really don’t see what’s so hard to understand about this. The “T2” matchup will have one T1 server and one T3 server in it every other week, which everyone knows will be a really stupid matchup. This has been discussed ad infinitum.

as if the current random blow out is any better….

It isn’t … but replacing one bit of stupidity with another doesn’t solve anything.

The only way for decent matchups is for Anet to somehow get control over player populations. My opinion is that they need to go to instanced matches, but there are other ways to skin the cat.

The problem looking forward is that ANet doesn’t seem to have the slightest interest in actually balancing populations. After all the suggestions that popped up in the WvW “collaborative” thread, Devon seems to think that adjusting scores solves the problem, so what we’re likely to get is continued blowouts on the battlefield with close “matches” on the scoreboard. How anyone thinks that would be fun is beyond me …

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: ShiningMassXAcc.4735


“Adjusting scores will solve the problem” has already been added to great effect and they are thinking of adding more?

I’m on Yaks here, looking at when we played SBI (which is theoretically 1 rank above us), our score was 188054 to their 382027, which isn’t exactly close. The handy infographics (http://imgur.com/a/7AFH3#2) say that the bloodlust stomps and sentry scoring was 44% of our score …

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


You need to be specific in what you ask for, random matchups in Anet’s definition could mean Rank 1 server vs. Rank 24 followed by them telling us this is what we asked for and no need to thank them.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Winner up loser down guarantees unbalanced matchups every other week, I really really really don’t see what’s so hard to understand about this. The “T2” matchup will have one T1 server and one T3 server in it every other week, which everyone knows will be a really stupid matchup. This has been discussed ad infinitum.

as if the current random blow out is any better….

Yeah replacing rubbish with rubbish is just wasting resources…?

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: UrMom.4205


I didn’t have an issue with the random matchups when they were within reason. However the way servers gained points was completely broken. I’ll go back to my tried and true example…CD got put against FA three weeks in a row back in August, we got completely destroyed (no surprise their) and after those three weeks we rose all the way to T2 for a week…how is this even remotely acceptable. In order for us to lose points and stay in our deserved tier we would have had to literally not play at all those weeks. That is just broken, straight up.

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I like the random match ups for the GvG.

I like the static match ups because people are more likely to play instead of just GvG since there will be more people to fill maps.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Winner up loser down guarantees unbalanced matchups every other week, I really really really don’t see what’s so hard to understand about this. The “T2” matchup will have one T1 server and one T3 server in it every other week, which everyone knows will be a really stupid matchup. This has been discussed ad infinitum.

How is that any different than their point+rung system? Ever week you have a 5-8 rank spread in server matchups. T1 vs T3 pretty much every other week. With winner up loser down at least you have the weakest of the T1 facing the strongest of the T3.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Winner up loser down guarantees unbalanced matchups every other week, I really really really don’t see what’s so hard to understand about this. The “T2” matchup will have one T1 server and one T3 server in it every other week, which everyone knows will be a really stupid matchup. This has been discussed ad infinitum.

How is that any different than their point+rung system? Ever week you have a 5-8 rank spread in server matchups. T1 vs T3 pretty much every other week. With winner up loser down at least you have the weakest of the T1 facing the strongest of the T3.

Because the random system can be tweaked (the magnitude of the RNG rolls) to prevent frequent mismatches like what you described. WULD guarantees the mismatches.

You also exaggerate the randomness of the old system. JQ/BG/SoR was together the majority of the time, though TC’s placing as a dominant 4th screwed up the brackets below T1. Now TC has weakened over season 1 while top silver league servers have gained momentum, so the T2 and below matchups should no longer be as lopsided as they were before.

In any case the gap between the top 3 and any other server remains the biggest issue with matchmaking. Because there are 3 dominant servers in a 3-server matchup system, there is no possible way to have variety if balance is to be a consideration UNLESS you isolate the 3 outliers. The notion of 3 semi-balanced tiers in NA bracket is an impossibility, something ANY player in gold league can tell you. The top 3 servers have balanced themselves around playing each other, so let them continue to do so most of the time.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


Winner up loser down guarantees unbalanced matchups every other week, I really really really don’t see what’s so hard to understand about this. The “T2” matchup will have one T1 server and one T3 server in it every other week, which everyone knows will be a really stupid matchup. This has been discussed ad infinitum.

How is that any different than their point+rung system? Ever week you have a 5-8 rank spread in server matchups. T1 vs T3 pretty much every other week. With winner up loser down at least you have the weakest of the T1 facing the strongest of the T3.

Because the random system can be tweaked (the magnitude of the RNG rolls) to prevent frequent mismatches like what you described. WULD guarantees the mismatches.

You also exaggerate the randomness of the old system. JQ/BG/SoR was together the majority of the time, though TC’s placing as a dominant 4th screwed up the brackets below T1. Now TC has weakened over season 1 while top silver league servers have gained momentum, so the T2 and below matchups should no longer be as lopsided as they were before.

In any case the gap between the top 3 and any other server remains the biggest issue with matchmaking. Because there are 3 dominant servers in a 3-server matchup system, there is no possible way to have variety if balance is to be a consideration UNLESS you isolate the 3 outliers. The notion of 3 semi-balanced tiers in NA bracket is an impossibility, something ANY player in gold league can tell you. The top 3 servers have balanced themselves around playing each other, so let them continue to do so most of the time.

yeah right..rank 5 fighting rang 12 is always a good match up all the time.. yeah right

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Winner up loser down guarantees unbalanced matchups every other week, I really really really don’t see what’s so hard to understand about this. The “T2” matchup will have one T1 server and one T3 server in it every other week, which everyone knows will be a really stupid matchup. This has been discussed ad infinitum.

How is that any different than their point+rung system? Ever week you have a 5-8 rank spread in server matchups. T1 vs T3 pretty much every other week. With winner up loser down at least you have the weakest of the T1 facing the strongest of the T3.

Because the random system can be tweaked (the magnitude of the RNG rolls) to prevent frequent mismatches like what you described. WULD guarantees the mismatches.

You also exaggerate the randomness of the old system. JQ/BG/SoR was together the majority of the time, though TC’s placing as a dominant 4th screwed up the brackets below T1. Now TC has weakened over season 1 while top silver league servers have gained momentum, so the T2 and below matchups should no longer be as lopsided as they were before.

In any case the gap between the top 3 and any other server remains the biggest issue with matchmaking. Because there are 3 dominant servers in a 3-server matchup system, there is no possible way to have variety if balance is to be a consideration UNLESS you isolate the 3 outliers. The notion of 3 semi-balanced tiers in NA bracket is an impossibility, something ANY player in gold league can tell you. The top 3 servers have balanced themselves around playing each other, so let them continue to do so most of the time.

yeah right..rank 5 fighting rang 12 is always a good match up all the time.. yeah right

Good job on not understanding a single thing I said?

Random system has adjustable parameters. WULD has none. I really have no idea how to make it simpler. Comprehension is hard…?

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


/sarcasm mode off

i take it TC are afraid of swapping place with whichever server come 3rd in T1

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Comprehension is hard.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Winner up loser down guarantees unbalanced matchups every other week, I really really really don’t see what’s so hard to understand about this. The “T2” matchup will have one T1 server and one T3 server in it every other week, which everyone knows will be a really stupid matchup. This has been discussed ad infinitum.

How is that any different than their point+rung system? Ever week you have a 5-8 rank spread in server matchups. T1 vs T3 pretty much every other week. With winner up loser down at least you have the weakest of the T1 facing the strongest of the T3.

Because the random system can be tweaked (the magnitude of the RNG rolls) to prevent frequent mismatches like what you described. WULD guarantees the mismatches.

You also exaggerate the randomness of the old system. JQ/BG/SoR was together the majority of the time, though TC’s placing as a dominant 4th screwed up the brackets below T1. Now TC has weakened over season 1 while top silver league servers have gained momentum, so the T2 and below matchups should no longer be as lopsided as they were before.

In any case the gap between the top 3 and any other server remains the biggest issue with matchmaking. Because there are 3 dominant servers in a 3-server matchup system, there is no possible way to have variety if balance is to be a consideration UNLESS you isolate the 3 outliers. The notion of 3 semi-balanced tiers in NA bracket is an impossibility, something ANY player in gold league can tell you. The top 3 servers have balanced themselves around playing each other, so let them continue to do so most of the time.

Then tweak the kittening thing! Over the past several months we were lucky if got a balanced matchup once a month. We are either steamrolling over the weaker servers or getting steamrolled by the stronger ones. Maybe the top 3 have been lucky enough to play each other more often but for everyone in the middle it has been anything but balanced.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Winner up loser down guarantees unbalanced matchups every other week, I really really really don’t see what’s so hard to understand about this. The “T2” matchup will have one T1 server and one T3 server in it every other week, which everyone knows will be a really stupid matchup. This has been discussed ad infinitum.

How is that any different than their point+rung system? Ever week you have a 5-8 rank spread in server matchups. T1 vs T3 pretty much every other week. With winner up loser down at least you have the weakest of the T1 facing the strongest of the T3.

Because the random system can be tweaked (the magnitude of the RNG rolls) to prevent frequent mismatches like what you described. WULD guarantees the mismatches.

You also exaggerate the randomness of the old system. JQ/BG/SoR was together the majority of the time, though TC’s placing as a dominant 4th screwed up the brackets below T1. Now TC has weakened over season 1 while top silver league servers have gained momentum, so the T2 and below matchups should no longer be as lopsided as they were before.

In any case the gap between the top 3 and any other server remains the biggest issue with matchmaking. Because there are 3 dominant servers in a 3-server matchup system, there is no possible way to have variety if balance is to be a consideration UNLESS you isolate the 3 outliers. The notion of 3 semi-balanced tiers in NA bracket is an impossibility, something ANY player in gold league can tell you. The top 3 servers have balanced themselves around playing each other, so let them continue to do so most of the time.

Then tweak the kittening thing! Over the past several months we were lucky if got a balanced matchup once a month. We are either steamrolling over the weaker servers or getting steamrolled by the stronger ones. Maybe the top 3 have been lucky enough to play each other more often but for everyone in the middle it has been anything but balanced.

This is the main problem right here. They should have tweaked it a month after they started. But for some reason Anet is glacial in its decisions. They take so long to do anything that you just assume its permanent.

And in his response to a question about how matches will be made after Season 1, Devon said it’ll be going back to the way it was before the season, with some possible tweaks. Possible? Seriously? Is Anet really that blind to say that there will only possibly be some tweaks? If they can’t tell there definitly need to be some tweaks then there is truly no hope.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: ptitminou.6489


Hopefully they have enough “data” by now so that 9 out of 10 matchups every week aren’t complete blowouts.

Oh yeah I remember when they claimed to be “gathering data” too. I lol’d hard then and I still think their shortsightedness is funny. Did everythign happen the way the forums told them it would? Yes, but don’t forget, you’re the vocal minority and are meaningless, therefor, the data must be wrong too.

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.

Let's go back to random matchups

in WvW

Posted by: Roe.3679


How about we to back to fighting in our tiers? How about every other week is fighting in your tier, and the next has the random element?