Lets start a slow cap for ANET
I think BG probably did slip below the pop cap. Its simply a reflection of the decline in WvW, and unfortunately its going to make things worse as BG gets more stacked with anet sitting on their hands. The way things are going there will be 1 tier, BG alone and the other 2 sides made up of linked servers.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Glico down the servers imploding and let the strong ones take the tier 1, those mass transfer servers only are strong until they start losing wile the strong ones keep fighting. Waste of gems transfering for those neo-T1 servers wana be, anet did well they will now cash in on gems for the mass transfer out
IMO they should give it another day or two then lock BG but make it so they can’t transfer out either, that would be pretty lawls.
Loving this actually. I was getting bored. Let’s break everything and see what happens.
lol i think we should all just go to BG and stack it then run over everyone….err wait
Best way for players to break up stacked servers is just to boycott playing them.Or at least the times with the massive Blobs.
Then maybe someone will start paying attention to this seriously broken issue.
Loving this actually. I was getting bored. Let’s break everything and see what happens.
That’s what I be thinking too.
Too bad they took out cannons.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill
So a day after BG is open, look at T1 currently. BG ticking 162, FA ticking 74, Mag ticking 16. So opening bg has made t1 toxic again.
They taking balancing the servers seriously.
The extra funds from gems is paying for the Xmas party. BG war council sponsored.
So a day after BG is open, look at T1 currently. BG ticking 162, FA ticking 74, Mag ticking 16. So opening bg has made t1 toxic again.
They taking balancing the servers seriously.
The extra funds from gems is paying for the Xmas party. BG war council sponsored.
Wonder if they’re going to get another round of cupcakes from gw2 reddit, they wouldn’t have to worry about food for the party.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill