Lets talk about Siege Disablers...

Lets talk about Siege Disablers...

in WvW

Posted by: Lucente.5071


First off I’d like to say that I genuinely love the idea of the siege disabler trap. It allows for an easier defense against a large team and can be the deciding factor to the keep/tower being taken or defended.

However, I hate to say it but it is a pretty OP part of WvW right now. 3 or 4 defenders can literally hold an objective endlessly against a team because there is no cooldown on the disabler and encourages PvD play. For example a waypointed keep with 1500 supply are 10x harder to take now than they were before because the siege can be endlessly disabled until the enemy team can port into the keep.

I would propose adding a 60 second Cooldown to the trap so it cannot be spammed by 1 defender endlessly. Still allowing 15 secs for the siege to work but holding the enemy at bay for 45 seconds.

Thoughts? comments?

Corrupted Moneybagz – Thief / Moneyz – Warrior
[vT] Violent Tendencies

Lets talk about Siege Disablers...

in WvW

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


I have three thoughts on this.

I am hoping here that the Dev’s already know that this will need some slight tweeks. I see that they tried to balance us, with a bump to siege disablers for defense/offense and a bump to golem mastery, (to keep those beloved golems from rofflestomping the world).

However I am starting to fear building siege on any gate, as rams can be completely dismantled over and over.

Cata’s you have a shot at deflecting it but iits a small window.

I see three things here:
Shorten the amount of time that the siege can be disabled for.
Apply a cooldown in between disabling.
Diminishing returns on siege that has been disabled already once in a certain time span.

I really love the trap/trick, it is good in most cases, however it has reduced the fighting in a way I don’t think was intended.

Now you just leave two people in a keep/tower with lots of supply and siege disablers and everyone else can go take a nap.