Leveling through WvW
Hard to say, if people are trying to get some fights or wipe an opposing zerg, up lvls are frowned upon.
If you notice its a big zerg capping towers/keeps its fine
it depends what you do with your lowbie, i leveled my thief through wvw and all i did with him was cap camps/sentries and yak slap i sometimes joined in on the commander if he were to cap a tower/keep/sm but generally i would keep away from a large organised group
The rebirth begins
It’s not to bad, Ive leveled 2 toons through WvW, first i lvld to 30 in pve to get access to all my utilities and elite, then i bought supportive skills for them and used em in groups. Just stay away from danger and try to support your teammates and dont try to be a hero, upscaled dmg sucks vs lvl 80s and people will consider you as a rallybot if you do so and die.
Have fun!
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
As long as you know the place you should and should not be as an uplevel its fine.
When the melee’s push… even if your a melee… DO NOT BE THERE!
Get yourself the longest range weapon you can use, stay far away from the mass groups so not to many can tag you and rally from you.
Be on siege during defense not in the fray.
I have leveled 8 characters the most map completion I have is 61% and i dont have any crafting maxed. I did all the rest in WvW and never once was told to leave the groups I was running with.
Its only those dumb uplevels that rush in with the main group with a 2 handed sword ranger (just an example) that is the problem
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.
I leveled two characters with WvW only. It’s a good way to avoid the complete boredom of PvE leveling and the very high cost of craft leveling, and you can also learn quite a bit about how to play your class in WvW while doing it. Here are some common sense tips:
1. The fastest way is roaming the small stuff in a small groups constantly hitting sentries, yaks, camps, and the small PvE stuff like harpies and wurm. All out karma trains during the late week is also fairly fast but, more boring.
2. Buy new gear every 10 levels. Green full set of armor, full set of trinkets, weapons, and inexpensive gemstones to put on armor and sigils for weapons. Low level food / oil is also cheap and gives extra XP. This should cost no more than 1g total per set with instant buy, and it actually gives you a major advantage the first 3-4 levels with similar stats to an 80 with exotic. Don’t be an idiot upscale that gets instagibbed by anything. Avoid hammer trains, have defensive skills for periphery gankers.
3. Play an 80 that is appropriately geared for WvW when it’s somewhat serious fighting. You can’t always hump siege. Even if you follow the previous step, and are a good player that’s actually helping more with your upscale than most idiots in WvW, it really annoys commanders when they see so many upscales and are losing battles. Karma trains on the other hand, everyone knows those are basically farms for karma, champ bags, WXP, and XP and it doesn’t matter if you have a level 2 ranger or an 80 gold rank zerg warrior.
I leveled two characters with WvW only. It’s a good way to avoid the complete boredom of PvE leveling and the very high cost of craft leveling, and you can also learn quite a bit about how to play your class in WvW while doing it. Here are some common sense tips:
1. The fastest way is roaming the small stuff in a small groups constantly hitting sentries, yaks, camps, and the small PvE stuff like harpies and wurm. All out karma trains during the late week is also fairly fast but, more boring.
2. Buy new gear every 10 levels. Green full set of armor, full set of trinkets, weapons, and inexpensive gemstones to put on armor and sigils for weapons. Low level food / oil is also cheap and gives extra XP. This should cost no more than 1g total per set with instant buy, and it actually gives you a major advantage the first 3-4 levels with similar stats to an 80 with exotic. Don’t be an idiot upscale that gets instagibbed by anything. Avoid hammer trains, have defensive skills for periphery gankers.
3. Play an 80 that is appropriately geared for WvW when it’s somewhat serious fighting. You can’t always hump siege. Even if you follow the previous step, and are a good player that’s actually helping more with your upscale than most idiots in WvW, it really annoys commanders when they see so many upscales and are losing battles. Karma trains on the other hand, everyone knows those are basically farms for karma, champ bags, WXP, and XP and it doesn’t matter if you have a level 2 ranger or an 80 gold rank zerg warrior.
I’ll add that you should try extra hard not to rallybot.
Your servermates who are trying very hard to win and kill things and go pew pew pew will appreciate your extra caution.
If you can learn your class and play well in WvW as an uplevel, then you’ll do just fine =D
The fastest way to level in wvw is karma trains, even tho thats extra boring. i have leveled 2.5 characters through wvw and onethrough spvp (That would be the fastest and easiest)
[url=https://] [/url]
Uplevels are fine in karma trains but I have zero interest in being near one in a real fight. I know many are new players and long term bringing them along is a good thing but every time I see a glassy player rez a downed player it kittenes me off. Get rid of rally and I will accept their company any day.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
yes it is fast if your server is pwning , but not good for a new player . you should level up by exploring maps and doing all the hearts and unlocking PoI, WP, skill points and vistas. you would appreciate what i say once you decide to make a legendary weapon.
for veteran players who already have few characters, that should be ok….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
I for one will never object to people who want to level up in WvW during my raids. It’s all about fun to me. It’d be pretty hypocritical of me anyways since after launch of the game, I mostly leveled up in WvW myself!
No reason to grind levels in PvE so you can join WvW in my opinion…this isn’t WoW
I wanted to find out what the general consensus states about a low-level running through Edge of the Mists and Eternal Battlegrounds in order to level at a fast rate.
Are the lowbies seen as worthless, leaches, ect. like the dungeon community sees them, or are we welcome to run with the zerg as long as we try our best not to go down?
If you gear yourself appropriately and know how to play. You will kill many level 80s on your own. UpLevel stats are powerful, if you know how to use them.
When big fight start logout/relog to 80.
I wanted to find out what the general consensus states about a low-level running through Edge of the Mists and Eternal Battlegrounds in order to level at a fast rate.
Are the lowbies seen as worthless, leaches, ect. like the dungeon community sees them, or are we welcome to run with the zerg as long as we try our best not to go down?
The most important thing is keeping updated on all gear. If you have green gear that is at your level, including all trinkets, all runes, stacking sigil, and food, then you’ll have very similar stats to a level 80. If you don’t stay updated though, your stats will drop off very quickly.
Ran a uptick train the entire day, made 15 levels. Had one guy make 20. We rolled with a core group of 80’s that took the brunt of the fight when we were engaged.
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L
(edited by Phlogus.2371)
Leveling can be efficient through WvW as long as your server is versed at constantly taking towers and keeps. If their tendency is for fights, leveling can be a pain. With that said, your best bet is to join a Karma train if one is going on. You will level up extremely fast in one of those.
I have level a couple of character thourgh WvW recently ive i rolled a Warrior and i leveled him in the past two weeks doing world bosses and WvW karma trains.
I Dont bring him during reset night though,cause then im just Rally Bait
so to answer your question, yes it a good wway to level up if your server is actively doing WvW stuff and your not being mindless spamming 1 in fights
It is not impossible for a weaker (uplevel) character to contribute to a zerg fight – it’s just tougher. As long as you’re contributing (supply, control effects, boons, etc.) and not dying then I see no issue.