Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


There was a really good video on siege placement on the desert borderland map. Learned alot from that. They didn’t do one on Eternal battlegrounds though, which is the one I’m most interested in. Anyone know any good guides (video or whatever) that focus on siege placement on Eternal Battlegrounds?

Also wanted to know if there were any worthwhile commanding guides out there. I’ve been on the wiki looking stuff up already. I follow other commanders around obviously as well. anything else I should read/view?

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: Phantom.8130


Your best bet would be to check your server’s community forums. That’s generally where the bulk of the guides are kept.

Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: Sadrien.3470


Pls do not ppt, instead make a fight guild. Thanks, more advice comes free.

Have fun. Be Alive. K Thnx Bye.

Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Pls do not ppt, instead make a fight guild. Thanks, more advice comes free.

that’s not how you play WvsW. That’s not how you are meant to play WvsW. That’s how YOU want people to play WvsW.

If people had their way it would be a giant honour duels map for godds sake….
People should be kicked for dueling infront of entrances and objectives. But that’s MY OPINION, and it has NOTHING to do with the topic posted.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: Radian.2478


I have some tutorials here for EBG:


only problem is it was before HoT so it doesn’t mention anything about shield generators

Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Every organized commander will use TS or some form of real time chat so they can make informed decisions in split seconds and have everyone’s attention at the drop of a word, however, that is not the case for some and as you have asked in general; I can only provide the generic “type-mander” tips, or, PUG-mander ones…

General PUG-mander tips: (this is not how to be a good commander, but it may help you better yourself as one & improve as a leader).

  • COMMUNICATION is key to success. You need everyone’s attention with you at all times. This is team effort, and in order to do so you must utilize the in-game tools available for you in the form(s) of Say chat, Team chat and better still, Squad chat.

People are dumb. Yes, it is the sad truth but if you are serious about commanding your communication with various types of players will go a long way. You have people that are with you that may/will tunnel vision. This is where Say chat comes into play; if people physically see instructions pop up on screen in front of them they are more inclined to follow said command.

The second form of communication, and the more commonly used one at that, is your Team chat. Make your commands frequent in both Say chat & Team chat to cater towards your followers or would-be followers if they are not with you. You need to know where players are on the map & inform them appropriately; thus broad-cast any important decisions/comments/questions/commands via Team chat.

The third form of communication, and a blessing it is – Squad chat. You will have people in your squad that you’ll want to assign specific things to and are able to do so via broad-cast to squad function. This also physically pops-up on screen and is a good indicator for players within the squad to adhere to. It is recommended to assign specific players such as front-liners, for example, in the first column group so that boons are shared in certain ways and have back-liners assign themselves elsewhere etc. Let players know their place in your squad and their role within it.

Nobody likes a commander that spouts a million commands at once.
Nobody likes a silent commander.
Nobody likes a commander that is unorganized, messy or lacks simple common-sense/decision making skills.

Simple communication, and effective communication alone informs players that you take your role as a leader seriously with modesty and players will be more inclined to follow you and not cause trouble within the team/zerg.

  • SUPPLY MANAGEMENT goes a long way. Thankfully ANet implemented the Squad feature and now you have full-time management of your supplies available. Make your calls clear; tell players how many, for example, rams, you are dropping and/or where you want people to use their supplies adequately.
  • SITUATIONAL AWARENESS in the forms of map awareness; what just got capped, what you own, objectives that may be at risk, where the enemy zerg(s) are due to orange swords frequently popping/white swords and placing yourself on terrain that is of the upper-hand for you & your team mates (e.g; higher ground, areas where you can safely retreat etc). Always have an escape plan. You never know what situation might boil down to.

Your scouts/roamers are your eyes. Keep a look out on Team/Map chat for such reports. Same with anyone else tagged up on the map; know their purpose and make the decision to help out if need be.

“Act with wisdom, but act.”

  • Same applies for SIEGE PLACEMENT. This alone can make or break a battle/defense/plan. Thus your call in your forum post; “siege placement tips” might be answered by someone else with a better guide than what my knowledge holds but I will let you know; keep rams apart from each other as much as possible on gates & vice versa with catapults so the enemy cannot simply chuck 1 siege disabler down on all of your siege.

Place offensive siege such as ACs where spellcasters/AOE dmg can’t reach or make use of Shield Generators for some variation in game-play to spice things up.

Never underestimate ballis. One too many times I’ve seen players chuck down ACs to fight ACs… as soon as you get your balli up that enemy AC is toast, same applies with any other typical enemy siege – the balli reigns king at wrecking siege.

There are many other tips available but these have been the main ones I take note of as a follower of various commanders; what they do or don’t bring to the table impacts game-play experience, significantly & can reflect on them either positively or negatively.

Play it wise, make strategic & tactical decisions and most of all – have fun!

Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: illenos.5134


People are dumb. Yes, it is the sad truth but if you are serious about commanding your communication with various types of players will go a long way. You have people that are with you that may/will tunnel vision. This is where Say chat comes into play; if people physically see instructions pop up on screen in front of them they are more inclined to follow said command.

An addition to this tip: even if some players are dumb, don’t complain about it the whole day. At some point everybody will get fed up about it and you are going to command yourself. True story. I have seen it today.

Awwdorable – roaming princess, awesome qq’er,
incredible flamer, part-time forum warrior, salty as

Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


“People are dumb. Yes, it is the sad truth but if you are serious about commanding your communication with various types of players will go a long way. You have people that are with you that may/will tunnel vision. This is where Say chat comes into play; if people physically see instructions pop up on screen in front of them they are more inclined to follow said command.”

There’s a huge difference between tunnelvision and being dumb,insulting the players following you is the first mistake you can make.

Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


One of the best commanders I have run with built a very comprehensive guide. It is out of date now but a good bit of the guide is still very applicable.


Go Pink Army!

Not in there but a neat “trick” for keeping the tail under control is to do a slow circle with a zerg so those in the back get to catch up and the zerg keeps moving. Much better than stopping since zergs that aren’t moving tend to cause players to chase rabbits.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: Dano.5298


1) Find camp, get supply
2) Find gate or wall, build ram or Cata
3) Repeat

Until ppl play the game again, ^ thats all you have to do. Hence why the fight guild comment is valid.


Lf Siege Placement and Commanding Guides

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


“People are dumb. Yes, it is the sad truth but if you are serious about commanding your communication with various types of players will go a long way. You have people that are with you that may/will tunnel vision. This is where Say chat comes into play; if people physically see instructions pop up on screen in front of them they are more inclined to follow said command.”

There’s a huge difference between tunnelvision and being dumb,insulting the players following you is the first mistake you can make.

Extremely vague example that section was, else my post would be “TLDR”.

Dumb, hence the statement various types of players indicating one may have trolls evident in the zerg thus Say chat comes into play as everyone with you will better see something pop up in front of them such as “Can the person spamming siege everywhere please stop.”

Let’s face it, trolls are dumb and no one needs them wasting time/supplies etc.