Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Ukiah.9740


The only thing I find more hilarious than people logging off, whether it be because they’re ragequitting, saving repair costs or denying loot to the opponent, is all the rage at being denied the ever important and ego validating “internet points”.

Seriously, some guy cleverly logs off to prevent your graphically culled zerg from tearing him a new one and the mature response is to rant about how cowardly it is?

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: FlamingMook.8437


Yes it is cowardly. You died, they won. Take the loss and move on. Anything else is just your butt being hurt.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Ukiah.9740


Internet points are sewious business. Sewiously.

fixed that for you

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Respawn.6802


Whatever reason others Alt+F4 for I do it for one reason, I will not give a single honor badge to a thief class if I can help it. When that troll class starts crying about never getting badges in WvW Anet might do some fair adjustments (fair to the thief and their victims).

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Greens Daily Ritual.9025

Take out armor repairs and it will stop.

Replied to this once and it magically disappeared… Glad to see someone actually gets the big picture. Repair bills get rather annoying, particularly if you don’t enjoy running with a huge zerg constantly. Alt f4 is no different than the thieves that go into hiding the second they’re near dead and most often run away or recuperate to blind side you again. Unprepared for an almost constant stealth thief, they can drop you from 21k hp to zero in 2-3 seconds. There’s no armor repair in Spvp so dying is a non issue there.

Leader – Swords of the Immortals [SOTI]
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


It won’t stop just because you take out armor repairs. That’s just being naive.

If a thief goes into hiding when he’s about to die….gee throw down an area of effect where he vanished. Unless they have more than 30% health he’ll probably die. Half the time I just let loose a bunch of aoes randomly and I kill them.

While I agree that thief culling issues need fixed, people would still alt-f4 because the “big bad zerg” got them or whatever excuse they come up with.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Aratoa.7398


Take out armor repairs and it will stop.

Replied to this once and it magically disappeared… Glad to see someone actually gets the big picture. Repair bills get rather annoying, particularly if you don’t enjoy running with a huge zerg constantly. Alt f4 is no different than the thieves that go into hiding the second they’re near dead and most often run away or recuperate to blind side you again. Unprepared for an almost constant stealth thief, they can drop you from 21k hp to zero in 2-3 seconds. There’s no armor repair in Spvp so dying is a non issue there.

It is rather different though, for one thing you can still kill a thief because they are still in the game world and simply using their game mechanics. Unless, of course, you want to complain about the myriad of skills other class have that render them invulnverable/speedy/evasive and can allow them possible escape. When you alt-f4 you’re very literally denying the person the ability to kill your character through leaving the game entirely. Hopefully they just slap a 15-30 second timer and be done with it like ever other MMO ever.


Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


Whatever reason others Alt+F4 for I do it for one reason, I will not give a single honor badge to a thief class if I can help it. When that troll class starts crying about never getting badges in WvW Anet might do some fair adjustments (fair to the thief and their victims).

I agree with this. As long as they can exploit the culling bug, I will just alt f4 on them.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Cousland.2187


Hopefully they just slap a 15-30 second timer and be done with it like ever other MMO ever.

I really do hope that ArenaNet plans to implement this idea, cause I’ve encountered so many people logging off once they’ve been downed this week. I strongly urge those who are abusing this to avoid repair bills, being killed because of ego issues or whatever else to stop it. Because it’s only going to encourage others to do the same to you, and to others…

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


Sorry, I meant 200 times a day. Thinking of upping it to 300. Keep the paragraphs coming.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Ripred.4605


Always happens to me and my group of about 3 friends that go out on our own to get stuff. We come across a loner, beat him down in about 4 seconds and he logs… little wimps

Stop calling me a cat! I’m obviously an over sized combat kitten…

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: bradderzh.2378


Give them an enforced ‘Coward’ title for the next 10 mins afterwards.

In reference to ascended items:
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Shinigami.5932


I just experienced the most extreme example of this problem.

I was in the EB JP, going through steadily with no sign of enemies. Suddenly a thief is apparently behind me because I lost half my health and saw animation.

So I managed to survive that and get a little distance, while he kept heartstriking at me. A lot of maneuvering and close calls later, I have him downed just before he downed me. I let him teleport before going in for the stomp, and he vanishes.

I looked around for a while, waiting for him to reappear from stealth but he never did.S.

I’ve never had a problem with the thief style of killing, but alt f4ing because you can’t accept losing a fair 1v1 that you had the advantage in is extremely lame.

Aizen San

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Guild Wars Fan.3249

Guild Wars Fan.3249

Adding a short delay of 30 seconds would fix the issue. Alt+F4 is detectable in the same way that exiting from the game is. As opposed to disconnecting.

There is an event that is generated when the application starts closing – the ANet devs will know all about that anyway – its a basic windows event. Disconnecting is much harder to detect but not an issue as DCing is not immediately detected by the server anyway.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: dekyos.1548


I just experienced the most extreme example of this problem.

I was in the EB JP, going through steadily with no sign of enemies. Suddenly a thief is apparently behind me because I lost half my health and saw animation.

So I managed to survive that and get a little distance, while he kept heartstriking at me. A lot of maneuvering and close calls later, I have him downed just before he downed me. I let him teleport before going in for the stomp, and he vanishes.

I looked around for a while, waiting for him to reappear from stealth but he never did.S.

I’ve never had a problem with the thief style of killing, but alt f4ing because you can’t accept losing a fair 1v1 that you had the advantage in is extremely lame.

Thieves are so broken. And yet easy to counter if you’re expecting them.

Gearmatrix – Level 80 Crash’N’Burn Engineer
SBI WvW Junkie

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


I wonder how many people have Alt-F4 macro’d on their Razer

Still, I would love to see this changed so that even when killing the game; a character would still remain in the gameworld for 20s or something.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


Always happens to me and my group of about 3 friends that go out on our own to get stuff. We come across a loner, beat him down in about 4 seconds and he logs… little wimps

The only wimps are the people who have to 4v1 to get kills.

You shouldn’t get “honor” badges if you have to severely outnumber or use cheap builds that let you full health somebody in 3 seconds.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (http://bit.ly/12RNvtK)
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

(edited by ComeAndSee.1356)

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Walrus.6871


I have yet to witness the logging off when downed by anyone but from what I hear it’s absolutely cowardly. Just take the death and damage on your armour. Why would people do this? If people are doing this on purpose to avoid breaking equipment then Anet should implement a form of punishment for those that do to prevent it.
I would never leave the game whilst down, I’ll take the death. People who do so are pathetic.

PlasticHeart – Elementalist
Sudden Rise in Temperature (HEAT) – Dragonbrand

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmos The Cat.2954

Cosmos The Cat.2954

Its not something that is going to be fixed. Quite frankly it does not bother me. I beat them so bad they have to log out to avoid the ensuing embarrassment.

TC Thief

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


Always happens to me and my group of about 3 friends that go out on our own to get stuff. We come across a loner, beat him down in about 4 seconds and he logs… little wimps

The only wimps are the people who have to 4v1 to get kills.

You shouldn’t get “honor” badges if you have to severely outnumber or use cheap builds that let you full health somebody in 3 seconds.

So I should get quadruple badges when I 1v4 right? It’s WvW get over it. It’s not sPvP, it’s not built to be based around 1v1 and even numbered groups.


Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Thion.3718


This has to be fixed. Say 15-30 sec delay on logout
Now ppl do alt+F4 not only when they downed, but also when shiet hits the fan and they about to get downed. Ppl vanish (alt+F4) if they see to many player and they cant escape.
This is gonna be a bit of a gamebreaking thing for me if ppl able to just alt+F4 soon as things go wrong. Such a bunch loosers.

(edited by Thion.3718)

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


One thing I’ve noticed, its almost always the solo players that log out or quit. Obviously they have the most sensitive egos.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

I just started seeing this happen this week when we started playing Sorrow’s Furnace. It was always in the heat of battle, so I wasn’t sure what was going on. Seems kinda stupid to me. The time it takes to log back in and get back to WvW would make it seem tedious. Why bother? To deny me a badge? I can always get another. To save yourself paying to fix armor? It’s not real money, peeps. If you’re trying to troll me, I’m too ADD to care.


Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Akari Storm.6809

Akari Storm.6809

Just started seeing this too this past week. It’s actually hilarious to me. You get plenty of badges anyway so 1 or 2 players doing this means practically nothing in my eyes. If it becomes more of a widespread problem, hmmm… logging out only helps the cause because no enemy means faster keep cap.

Run cowards, run!

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Casta.5697


let them altf4 all day long, ppl who log out are not wvw’ers they are some pve scrubs who don’t contribute to wvw anyway, so what do you care? If you are crying about altf4 cuz you don’t get badges you’re a pve scrub as well and I’m glad it pisses you off. Any serious wvw’er understands that by logging out he makes his team/server weaker for that period of time before he logs back in and runs back to his group. No one who’s serious about wvw is doing that nor gives a kitten about others doing it. In fact 1 less person on the map > badge. keep crying jumping puzzle scrubs.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: zazu.2836


I log out on down about 100 times a day. It’s funny from my perspective.

I think it’s funny you go all through this trouble to close the client log in, go to char select screen then WAIT for loading time, pick the map again…wait for loading time AGAIN and finally your server can get your help in a battle for you to be down yet again and go through the same process….I think the joke’s on you. You are not helping your server at all!

~Zazu Mizo~
Strike Force [SF] – Stormbluff Isle

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817


I must admit I alt f4 often in WvW. I like to get my daily achievements there and often roam around solo looking for rare nodes; cooking mats and kill variety. I have not gotten to Orr yet so besides the more recent addition of lost shores EB puzzle was my only option to get Ori ore. It’s where I got all my ore to craft my exotics. If I want to fight I will. If I’m doing the above however and get steamrolled by a zerg or some campers in the JP I’ll just log out but not before I have managed to get them way of path and forced them to redo half the puzzle. I hate it when people still attack me in the JP after I have made it clear that I don’t care to fight them; especially when it’s a group of people or some broken build class that thinks they can one shot me. Don’t kitten with me cause you’ll end up off track and badgeless.

(edited by OmniPotentes.4817)

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Snowgoons.6349


I must admit I alt f4 often in WvW. I like to get my daily achievements there and often roam around solo looking for rare nodes; cooking mats and kill variety. I have not gotten to Orr yet so besides the more recent addition of lost shores EB puzzle was my only option to get Ori ore. It’s where I got all my ore to craft my exotics. If I want to fight I will. If I’m doing the above however and get steamrolled by a zerg or some campers in the JP I’ll just log out but not before I have managed to get them way of path and forced them to redo half the puzzle. I hate it when people still attack me in the JP after I have made it clear that I don’t care to fight them; especially when it’s a group of people or some broken build class that thinks they can one shot me. Don’t kitten with me cause you’ll end up off track and badgeless.

People are actually logging off completely after downed??? LOL That sounds like a complete lame tactic and if more people continue this trend they should just lower/remove nodes from WvW and add them as random drops for taking keeps/towers etc. If you want to pve…pve…

Why do people always have to find the lamest thing possible to do at ALL times these days?

What happened to people accepting that they will lose and cannot win every battle?

What is the joy in knowing you just had to use an obvious unintentional exploit just to avoid spending 1-2 silver?

Ridiculous, but I completely agree with the people pointing out this is a complete waste of time on your behalf. It really doesn’t bother me, it bothers me when people try to defend it like the above poster like there is a fair reasoning for why they are doing something so lame.

EDIT: If any mod reads this thread, add a coward condition that prevents you from coming back into WvW for an hour after doing this AND turns your armor dye pink.

OR: I guess you could save the person doing this the embarrassment and just award the badge if they log or not…but I’d like to see the first option calling out cowards.

(edited by Snowgoons.6349)

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Caelib.2497


How to fix: if a player ALT+F4, logs out and bails to the character select while in a downed state in WvW, they receive a debuff with the following tooltip:

Your ego was damaged in WvW — you need a 30 minute timeout before it can be bruised again.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Snowgoons.6349


How to fix: if a player ALT+F4, logs out and bails to the character select while in a downed state in WvW, they receive a debuff with the following tooltip:

Your ego was damaged in WvW — you need a 30 minute timeout before it can be bruised again.


Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Hynoris.3684


This video ilustrate how a person who alt+f4 on wv3 think…

The solution is easy like many said before,keep the player online for 20-30 secs after he disconect.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


Implementing a debuff, delay timer to prevent player from alt-f4 sounds kitten good on paper.

This type of approach is again, as I repeat here again, a stick approach. You basically PUNISH those who alt-f4 so that they do not repeat the same act again. A stick approach is not going to make the situation better. Some will be pissed and leave the game. Others will play less (either the debuff prevents them from playing less or the repair bill has deficited their gold reserve). It a lose-lose-lose situation.

I would prefer a carrot approach. Remove the kitten REPAIR BILL. It makes everybody happy and in the game. And it will ELIMINATE the alt-F4 problem once and for all.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Kalemar.4873


I would prefer a carrot approach. Remove the kitten REPAIR BILL. It makes everybody happy and in the game. And it will ELIMINATE the alt-F4 problem once and for all.

A death penalty needs to stay in the game and having to repair amour stops people (eventually) from taking repeated suicidal stupid risks for what ever reason (eg: to destroy guarded siege or continuously attacking when out numbered).

Many games have implemented a log out timer which only needs to be 20 seconds to allow combat to be completed. If this turns players away then these players are not meant for a PvP game such as WvWvW.

There needs to be risk. People should be worried when they leave the safety of their keep. Not just run around solo picking berries with their fingers on Alt/F4. That is not the essence of the game. Sure, allow people to pick berries but they shouldn’t complain when you are killed in PVP. There are good components & good drops from the jumping puzzles but they are risky. Sometimes the risk will pay off but other times you will die trying but that is all part of the fun and experience of a PvP server.

Until someone figured out this Alt/F4 worked, and posted it for everyone to see, most people, even the berry picking PVE’ers would have blissfully died by the hands of the more skillful and thought nothing of it, but now it is is common knowledge and people think it is some how acceptable behaviour.

ANet should fix this and bring it in line with the many other PvP games (and even many PVE MMO’s have timeout function on death) and in the mean time laugh at those who feel the need to break the game mechanics by quitting and going through all the loading screens again (for what ever reason they do it).

Kalemar (80 Guardian) [COTD]
Tarnished Coast

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Fook.3914


nobody will alt + f4 if arenanet remove repair bills in wvw

(edited by Fook.3914)

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I log out on down about 100 times a day. It’s funny from my perspective.

I think it’s funny you go all through this trouble to close the client log in, go to char select screen then WAIT for loading time, pick the map again…wait for loading time AGAIN and finally your server can get your help in a battle for you to be down yet again and go through the same process….I think the joke’s on you. You are not helping your server at all!

My server doesn’t have load times because none of the maps are ever full, and I don’t load in from Lion’s Arch. I don’t close the client. It’s F12, char select. Not Alt+F4. At the most it takes 30s. If you really think I do it 100 times a day: LOL. I don’t lose very often, and when I do, it’s because I’m in combat with another player, or mobs at the same time. Or I’ll go to use tornado, and it’ll turn itself off again before I even see it up. I do it because of repair costs mostly, and denying zergs/talentless (1-3 buttons) thieves free badges. If you looked at my stats page in WvW, you wouldn’t be saying I’m not helping my server. I’ve been playing WvW everyday. These last 3 weeks they have paired us against a zerg server that has won by over 150k points every match. It’s really pointless to take it seriously anymore, and I just farm badges/silver now if I even bother playing at all. I would say that 1/3 or less of my server’s wvw pop plays now, or is even still on this server. I only need 1 person to cap a camp quickly. Doing it on my own, takes too long. 5 mans are fun. Being out-numbered forever isn’t. Being chased by 8 people all around the map endlessly is hilarious. So is logging out.


Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Jewel.1457


nobody will alt + f4 if arenanet remove repair bills in wvw

not sure if serious……

i don’t believe the repair costs are the main issue, 15-20 silver for dieing numerous times really isn’t that much when you add in how much you make in that amount of time.
As you can see from the post above, the repair cost statement was more a copout, denying the kill or a bag is the main reason, and then it comes down to unfun reasons like group focus, thief burst and such. It’s all a BS excuse anyway really. Your in an open PvP environment, expect to die, and expect many of these deaths to come from unfair circumstances

Gamey Blog: Healing the Masses - with the soul of thine enemy
Eriena of JQ-warrior forever

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Karakoth.4567


I do it to people that have done it to me before. They deserve it.

Otherwise, you have to be a really sore loser to alt + f4 just because you lost a fight. Or got caught by a zerg.

Say what?
You cant see name tags in WvW of the enemy, so how do you know this person did it before or do you just punish an entire enemy server for a few fools that did this to you?
This flawed logic is how wars and hatred can keep on going for years. In the end noone knows who started and why.

I laugh at people doing this, because i know it will take them longer to get back into the fight. This way I take you out for a few minutes. You have to log back in, enter WvW and run all the way to the middle or north of the map again. Instead of dying with honor and hope a friend res’ you or spawn fast and run back asap to help said friends.

Server: Reign Of Fire
Toon: Karakoth – LV80 Necromancer
Guild: NP

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: epicsmooth.7825


I do it against thief for those rare moments they get me and only till they fix the culling.

Sorry I can’t see you then I’ll be logging out.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I do it against thief for those rare moments they get me and only till they fix the culling.

Sorry I can’t see you then I’ll be logging out.

I agree with this. At least let us tab to the target. I’ll see bullets flying toward me from empty space. Bleh.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879


Alt-F4 is a command so it should be easy to disable log in for ten minutes for that account. Let’s see how many use it if that was implemented. Increase the duration for each use within a seven day period to a maximum of one hour.
It’s a growing trend and quite annoying when you are involved in an epic battle of 10-15 a side and as soon as the other side start losing ‘poof’ the downed players log off, denying my side badges, drops etc.
The repair bill argument is just hot air.

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


Alt-F4 is a command so it should be easy to disable log in for ten minutes for that account. Let’s see how many use it if that was implemented. Increase the duration for each use within a seven day period to a maximum of one hour.
It’s a growing trend and quite annoying when you are involved in an epic battle of 10-15 a side and as soon as the other side start losing ‘poof’ the downed players log off, denying my side badges, drops etc.
The repair bill argument is just hot air.

if you press f12, you stay logged in…

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


I agree that player alt-f4 for various reason. But I also think the repair bill is a major cause of it. It may not stop player from alt-f4 if we remove the cost but it will eliminate a large group of them.

The following is why I think repair bill is a major cause:

(1) Having pvp daily for 8 years on WoW, I have NOT encountered a SINGLE player doing alt-f4 when he is sure to die in pvp (such as 1 vs 5 enemies scenario, or having a full stacks of dot on him with only a fraction of hp left on him). Pvp death on Wow carries no penalty and no repair bill. But if you suffer fall damages in pvp, you pay repair bill.

(2) On the other hand, on the other end of the extreme, Eve Online which I play on and off for about 2 – 3 years (not continuously but it adds up to that number of years) carries one of the most harsh pvp death penalty in any games. You see all kinds of evasive tactics (including alt-f4, docking into the safety of the space station etc) used by player to avoid the repair bill or ship loss ALL THE TIME. GW2 player doing alt-f4 is nothing compared to what Eve Online player will do (just to give an example, ejecting immediately from expensive ship and board a cheaper ship so that the loss is minimal) to escape paying pvp penalty.

Just to elaborate further on my observation of these 2 games philosophy when it comes to pvp penalty. Wow never bother, Wow only interested in keeping their player happy. In contrary, Eve Online is very religious on pvp penalty. They are very particular about player bypassing pvp penalty and has implemented lots of measure to ensure player pay their ‘proper’ due.

The end result: Wow has many casual players who enjoys the game even when they are not as skillful or have powerful gears than hardcore players. It is no surprise they can still keep a huge player base even when they charge a monthly ransom. However, in Eve Online, those players that are still in the game for longer than 6 months are mostly hardcore players who meant business in a game environment where mistakes are costly. The mood in Eve Online is very different. Its more like business than a game. Its no fun for most people. Don’t take my word for it. Go play their trial to experience it for yourself.

So, what I am saying here. What I am saying is … all these alt-f4 issues are not new. It has been prevalent in other games too and the effect of the counter-measures (such as delay timer etc.) has also been felt in these other games. The effect is there for all to see in those games. Please do go play those games before you suggest certain implementation in GW2. Don’t destroy GW2 just because you ‘think’ your suggestion is good. You don’t need to ‘think’. The end result is there for you to see in those other games.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Gilthxx.4036


I love that people do this!!! It keeps the queue to get into WvWvW moving along….

If you make it more difficult for players to do this then how will I ever get in there?

Gilthxx – Dwarec Mercs
Gronc lvl 80 Warrior – Sea of Sorrows

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: zazu.2836


I guess in more “serious” pvp such as sPVP and you can’t really alt-f4 on your team mates…

~Zazu Mizo~
Strike Force [SF] – Stormbluff Isle

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


I never logged out in pvp in any other game, either. The cost of repairs compared to the cost of purchases in the game is too much, imo. It costs more than a blue item drop sells for per rez at 80. That’s crap. The economy is quite bad, especially if you’re not on one of the zerg WvW pop servers, nor in a PVE guild. I’d never be able to buy those 3g+ dolyak runes if I had to pay for repairs constantly. I make so horribly low amounts of money in this game.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

Whatever reason others Alt+F4 for I do it for one reason, I will not give a single honor badge to a thief class if I can help it. When that troll class starts crying about never getting badges in WvW Anet might do some fair adjustments (fair to the thief and their victims).

I agree with this. As long as they can exploit the culling bug, I will just alt f4 on them.

I literally laughed when I read this.
Do you both really think that when a thief pummels you down he didn’t deserve the kill?
If a thief kills me, that means he was stealthy enough in his approach and cunning enough to break my defenses. Good on him.
I’ll take it like a man and hope the guy on the other end got his badges for it.

Don’t abuse the culling issue to justify alt-F4’ing out.
Even with the culling issue, thieves can still be countered.

Always happens to me and my group of about 3 friends that go out on our own to get stuff. We come across a loner, beat him down in about 4 seconds and he logs… little wimps

The only wimps are the people who have to 4v1 to get kills.

You shouldn’t get “honor” badges if you have to severely outnumber or use cheap builds that let you full health somebody in 3 seconds.

Kinda funny when I win in a 2 vs 1 or even a 3 vs 1 I virtually get zero badges 80% of the time.
And when I’m just vaguely auto-attacking some poor soul being beaten to death by 4 other guys as I run past them I tend to always get one or even two badges.

Might be just my luck, but it’s just something I’ve noticed while roaming.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: OmniPotentes.4817


I must admit I alt f4 often in WvW. I like to get my daily achievements there and often roam around solo looking for rare nodes; cooking mats and kill variety. I have not gotten to Orr yet so besides the more recent addition of lost shores EB puzzle was my only option to get Ori ore. It’s where I got all my ore to craft my exotics. If I want to fight I will. If I’m doing the above however and get steamrolled by a zerg or some campers in the JP I’ll just log out but not before I have managed to get them way of path and forced them to redo half the puzzle. I hate it when people still attack me in the JP after I have made it clear that I don’t care to fight them; especially when it’s a group of people or some broken build class that thinks they can one shot me. Don’t kitten with me cause you’ll end up off track and badgeless.

People are actually logging off completely after downed??? LOL That sounds like a complete lame tactic and if more people continue this trend they should just lower/remove nodes from WvW and add them as random drops for taking keeps/towers etc. If you want to pve…pve…

Why do people always have to find the lamest thing possible to do at ALL times these days?

What happened to people accepting that they will lose and cannot win every battle?

What is the joy in knowing you just had to use an obvious unintentional exploit just to avoid spending 1-2 silver?

Ridiculous, but I completely agree with the people pointing out this is a complete waste of time on your behalf. It really doesn’t bother me, it bothers me when people try to defend it like the above poster like there is a fair reasoning for why they are doing something so lame.

EDIT: If any mod reads this thread, add a coward condition that prevents you from coming back into WvW for an hour after doing this AND turns your armor dye pink.

OR: I guess you could save the person doing this the embarrassment and just award the badge if they log or not…but I’d like to see the first option calling out cowards.

My reasoning is no different than that of the puzzle camping griefers that are waiting around the corner to stomp a single player into oblivion; or arrow cart spammers sitting on top of the dome in EB JP shooting arrows at players just for a good laugh. I contribute plenty in WvW. I have plenty of badges; got my gift of battle ages ago and I could instantly buy a full set of ascended armor should Anet ever allow for tokens be traded for ascended gear. I just won’t cater to opertunists or griefers!

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


To spare anyone else getting an infraction for posting on this topic, thread bump.

Seems to me most of the people are trying to justify Alt-F4 on the grounds that they are encountering some kind of a L2P issue that they don’t want to deal with. Might be people trying to PvE in a PvP zone, or thinking that WvW is exclusively combat-oriented PvP, or hating thieves. They can’t handle it so they accuse the other players of being unfair to justify their own griefing.

Maturity, integrity, honor. I’ve been watching you ‘for the realm’ zergers pat yourselves on the back for about 10 years now, and it never ceases to amuse me.
You are awful players who get destroyed any time you don’t have a massive numerical advantage, unless of course you’re fighting other awful zergers. There’s no honor in what you do. You aren’t some great general fighting to save his lands. You’re just a bad who happens to be a little more into the roleplaying aspect of MMORPGs than most.
If I end up in a situation where your numbers are able to overcome my skill, then I have absolutely no problem using my last recourse to deny you a kill that you most certainly don’t deserve. If that’s a problem, where’s the statement from Anet saying they consider it an exploit and want it to stop? As far as I know, Anet has never said a word about their stance on it.

Thanks for inviting me to correct you on the record of my play. I often roam solo, not because I’m looking for a duel, but because that’s often an effective way for me to contribute to the team. It’s been a long time since anyone has defeated me in 1v1 combat, and I often face more than 1 player without any kind of trouble. I’ve accepted duel challenges in the past and come out on top. But if I see numbers I can’t handle, I keep my distance.

I also don’t shirk from making the last stand in the lord’s room, leaping over the ramparts against superior numbers to break a siege, or any other kind of absurdly reckless behaviour that only has a small chance of success. I have the repair bills and the deaths to prove it. If you were wondering, I neither play as a thief nor do I rely on a ranged build.

The difference between you and I (if I am to believe you) is that while we both have a sound grasp of combat, you seem to struggle with the tactics and strategy that are the actual substance of WvW. There’s a reason why this PvP mode involves hundreds of players, a supply resource, fortifications, and siege weaponry.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Brendar.3548


Alt F4 will kill your character starting during wintersday, so the drops and xp get awarded, the persons armor gets damaged, and they have to que up again. I can’t wait for Friday

Ignorance killed the cat, curiosity was framed.

Logging off when downed [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I would probably be amused, if they logged out on me when downed – reloging takes more time than dieing and 1.5s repair… please, big deal.
However, the game just doesn’t like me, I crash like once per 40 mins in WvW or LA (nowhere else), so… I’ve had situations where I “disappear” both when I am about to kill someone and when I am about to get killed. If my armor starts getting damaged every time my game crashes(assuming it works like atl+f4), I won’t be happy at all.