Lone Thieves Holding Supply Camps Indefinitely
I’m sorry, but you should never allow this to happen to you. Either have everyone stack in the dead center of the camp and aoe your stack, or have one guy stay in the circle and move everyone else out and aoe the guy in the circle. The thief will either leave or die.
I’ve seen it – and I’ve done it. Against way more than 10 people – upward of 50 for around 30 minutes. As Rough said, if you allow a thief free reign without running around spamming aoe abilities/placing traps and ground targeted abilities – then it’s your own fault.
Looking from the other side, it can be aggravating to deal with. Either it will get nerfed that stealthed characters can claim or contest a circle, or it won’t. Either way, learn how to deal with it so that it doesn’t become an issue.
This is just cheesy and makes the game look dumb.
Having to get your team to stand together like a bunch of idiots because of one thief with cheesy stealth is not something for grown-up games.
Hope ArenaNet takes WvW to the next level and gets rid of this “mechanic”.
As already said, what you need to do is create a hiv mind with the other 79 people in the circle. Once you do that you control each one to not experience any sensations or acknowledgement of the external world. If their door rings or their child needs them, make them ignore it. Then you move them in a way so precise that it will require more coordination than top tier dungeon fights. Then you multibox the bait player to prevent the thief from being able to stop the capture, so remember to buy your extra copies of the game. After 15 minutes of that the thief’s mom would soon call him to dinner eventually forcing him to eat. Once that is taken care of and he logs off then you capture the point. Really people, learn how to deal with thieves and they are not a problem.
Good stuff Talset.
Zaine Trufar, Thief
Yak’s Bend, Knights and Heroes Guild [Beer]
which supply camp has this bigger circle?
Sir Spanx Too Much (80 Warrior), Lanevo X (80 Necromancer), Miss Meryzia (40 Mesmer)
One of these posts pops up every single day. A-net will fix it soon don’t worry.
what are you guys all talking about?
I guess, he’s not talking about C&D spam but rather about a dp thief, using smoke and heartseeker for infinite combo finisher stealth.
And that’s a kitten to fight against. Traps, marks, wells and other ground control skills are a must… But the thief will just get rid of too many conditions anyway :>
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
This is the 101st topic about this.
This is going to be fixed.
Be patient.
If ANet “fixes” the thief issue they are just lowering the skill bar for this game.
There is nothing hard about finding a thief and dealing with him/her. Posted in countless other threads about this issue. If you don’t know how it works don’t complain about it try to understand it and deal with it.
If ANet “fixes” the thief issue they are just lowering the skill bar for this game.
There is nothing hard about finding a thief and dealing with him/her. Posted in countless other threads about this issue. If you don’t know how it works don’t complain about it try to understand it and deal with it.
Take it from a fellow thief who also plays warrior, it’s not about knowing how it works. It’s a mechanic being too strong. For one, there’s no visual indicator when you hit a stealthed character.
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