Looking for a new home.
Honestly in Tier 2 FA or Mag are your best choices. If you are done with Mag feel free to give us a look:
SoS isn’t a terrible choice, but for the sake of Tier balance, FA or Mag is best.
Tier 2 is GvG heaven still. Tier 2 PST is not blobby as it used to be. Midnight EST to 5am is pretty good for smaller skilled groups.
We really liked Maguuma until Dragonbrand kicked FA down a rank for the season, then we had to just deal with dragonbrand blobs 24/7 instead of having any roamers to fight. We loved the Mag/FA/SOS fights. I’d like going to FA or Maguuma, but I’m not too sure about SOS. I’ve been hearing that a lot of TC guilds are transferring to SOS and I don’t even want to potentially be in tier 1 at any point, which they might be going soon.
I hear Wildstar is what Anet is all talking about.
NSP ….wants you!!!! Josh XT.6053
CommandoKill Guild
NSP Commander
Lol wild star looks like crap.
NSP is just too low in the tiers still, we’re trying to go to a more populated server for the fights, NSP would just put us right where we already are in BP.
A friend from Maguuma said he could probably ktrain and get donations for us to come back to Maguuma pretty easily. I’d still like to see my options a bit more first.
I’d like to try out FA possibly, I’d just have to figure out how to fund the transfers.
Any server you go to you will face blobs and anyone that tells you otherwise is a liar. Any server in t2 or t1 has roamers along with bigger skill groups so you honestly can’t go wrong with any of the 6 servers.
Ehh. I wanna really avoid t1 like the plague. During the season when Maguuma fought Blackgate, there were 8 blackgate people at a tower trying to build catas, me and one of my friends jumped on them and killed them all… 8 people… Thats depressing, we want a challenge at least lol.
So far we’re really interested in FA, I made a post on the FA forum to see what they think. We’re still open to other servers, one of the others we’ve had our eye on is Crystal Desert. I’d like to see how they preform against DR, but that looks like a t4 server that is solid in the tier, doesn’t look like they’re going to start falling anytime too soon.
Should just join DR and help us finish the climb up :P
Ehh. I wanna really avoid t1 like the plague. During the season when Maguuma fought Blackgate, there were 8 blackgate people at a tower trying to build catas, me and one of my friends jumped on them and killed them all… 8 people… Thats depressing, we want a challenge at least lol.
So far we’re really interested in FA, I made a post on the FA forum to see what they think. We’re still open to other servers, one of the others we’ve had our eye on is Crystal Desert. I’d like to see how they preform against DR, but that looks like a t4 server that is solid in the tier, doesn’t look like they’re going to start falling anytime too soon.
goto www.crystal-desert.com setup a chit chat with someone. think we have a few BP guilds from a few months ago that can give you better info on the scene. Hopefully they’ll be honest. But t4 is kinda in a lull right now for CD. waiting on a lucky RNG for t3 again or maybe a matchup with DR. that’s the gist I’m hearing around our neck of the woods.
Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”
I highly recommend FA judging from your playstyle
Choose FA! We talked in game and you loved it
FA is the answer we’ve been looking it, it looks like! Thanks for all the replies, we should be making our move to FA this weekend!
Good choice Josh. I’ve been on FA since launch and I love this server. Give me a shout in game if you want more info.
Fort Aspenwood
FA is the answer we’ve been looking it, it looks like! Thanks for all the replies, we should be making our move to FA this weekend!
enjoy an over-stacked NA, you’ll get great roaming by outnumbering your enemy.
Maguuma is the underdog in T2 especially with a recent large guild transfer to SoS but during NA prime Mag still puts up a strong showing. Off hours support is pretty weak though. That said Maguuma is probably one of the most pro-guild group servers I have been on. It is common to not have a tag on any map and nothing but wall to wall guild groups and roamers. Also there is virtually no drama since nobody gets kitteny when players won’t follow a tag and pretty much nobody plays PPT.
If Mag isn’t in the cards, FA would be a second choice. Either way, T2 during NA prime has great action. “Blobs” also tend to not run down roamers or interrupt obvious GvG sessions. All in all it is a pretty competitive and respectful tier aside from some cross server guild rivalries.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
(edited by Straegen.2938)
I actually recently transferred from FA to CD. Loving it. FA’s too much of a blob for me. CD has a good balance in my opinion.
FA is the answer we’ve been looking it, it looks like! Thanks for all the replies, we should be making our move to FA this weekend!
enjoy an over-stacked NA, you’ll get great roaming by outnumbering your enemy.
FA na isent stacked at all. Sos is the only stacked server.
FA is the answer we’ve been looking it, it looks like! Thanks for all the replies, we should be making our move to FA this weekend!
enjoy an over-stacked NA, you’ll get great roaming by outnumbering your enemy.
FA na isent stacked at all. Sos is the only stacked server.
[AIM] Ambition
[APeX] Apex Prime
[APS] Amici Per Sanguinem
[BOMB] Bomb On Me
[CL] Por La Razón O La Fuerza
[DI] Divide Et Impera
[DPS] Deep Penetrations
[FORT] Holding Down The
[FTF] Five Thousand Finishers
[GWAM] Balthazar’s Army
[LIFE] The Harbingers of Serendipity
[Lone] Lone Alliance
[NV] Night Vision
[oT] Ominous Threat
[PRO] The Protectorate Of Aspenwood
[PRX] Deadly Proximity
[PVP] Players Killing Players
[TE] The Encore
[TK] Tactical Kill
[TLC] The Legion of Charrs
[Wake] Aftershock
[WB] Wonderboys
[WP] Just Respawn
[WS] Wyld Stallyns
with only about 5 of those guilds not being NA
ok not stacked na
You know nothing.
FA is the answer we’ve been looking it, it looks like! Thanks for all the replies, we should be making our move to FA this weekend!
enjoy an over-stacked NA, you’ll get great roaming by outnumbering your enemy.
FA na isent stacked at all. Sos is the only stacked server.
[AIM] Ambition
[APeX] Apex Prime
[APS] Amici Per Sanguinem
[BOMB] Bomb On Me
[CL] Por La Razón O La Fuerza
[DI] Divide Et Impera
[DPS] Deep Penetrations
[FORT] Holding Down The
[FTF] Five Thousand Finishers
[GWAM] Balthazar’s Army
[LIFE] The Harbingers of Serendipity
[Lone] Lone Alliance
[NV] Night Vision
[oT] Ominous Threat
[PRO] The Protectorate Of Aspenwood
[PRX] Deadly Proximity
[PVP] Players Killing Players
[TE] The Encore
[TK] Tactical Kill
[TLC] The Legion of Charrs
[Wake] Aftershock
[WB] Wonderboys
[WP] Just Respawn
[WS] Wyld Stallynswith only about 5 of those guilds not being NA
ok not stacked na
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Lol don’t even see more then half of those guilds