Looking for good prof to duo with Mesmer.
I assume this is for WvW roaming? If so another Mesmer. Or a Thief.
Maybe a Venom Share Thief? I mean most Mesmers in WvW Roaming makes use of their illusions somehow, and a lot use a Condi-PU Build, so one would think that laying your Venoms onto his/her illusions would maximize outgoing conditions and make them that more powerful.
Thief is obviously the go-to choice. Works best if your buddy plays a spike-damage type of mesmer. Basically it’s a mesmer burst-thief cc combo that will instantly down majority of players you meet.
Other options like dd ele, power ranger can also work.
So Thief would outclass Ele when roaming in WvW?
Between Thief and Ele, which one has more survivability and playstyle variations?
(edited by Casanova.3281)
The reason thief and mesmer works so well together is they can give each other stealth, they both have teleports and if your friend uses traveler runes or runes chrono then both have decent mobility.
They can focus a single target down and alternate stuns/dazes in coordination to make sure the guy has very little ways to fight back. They both hit like trucks especially in combination and timed right can 100-0 almost anyone.
If you over extended there are multiple ways out, thief can black powder and blast it with blinding powder for 6-8s stealth, shadow refuge, mass invis, portal out or both use your own stealth to run away. They just compliment each other perfectly, it’s a shame many thieves have a rod up their kittens and want mesmer nerfed into the floor.
Ofc, I’m talking power builds btw.
So Thief would outclass Ele when roaming in WvW?
Between Thief and Ele, which one has more survivability and playstyle variations?
Thief has always been the king of roaming in WvW. They have the best engage and escape. Mesmers are close second, they actually have even better 1v1 ability but they lack the ability to chase down enemy which is actually very important when roaming. Thief really makes that part up.
Eles’ best roaming build is currently dagger/dagger sustain build. If you roam on ele, you will need to attract enemy attention and still be able to survive. Meanwhile, your friend play bursty mesmer or thief to take down low targets.
Power thief or power mesmer.
Having one stealth build (condi or power, doesnt matter) assume that the other part of a duo need to be stealth as well. Otherwise the other player will be a constant target and fights become uneven.
Having one guy be condi and the other power is how you lock down players completely. No class can counter both at the same time and still perform offensivly. The condi just dumps 10+ different condis on target while the power keep up pressure. Impossible to defend against. If both are condi or power its a much higher chance they meet combos that counter it.
Yup, thief,mes is best cause both have stealth
Just run another mes and spam PU. If you lose you’re bad.
Fanciest Charr OCX
Mreow – [HD]
If you’re planning on 2v1, you could roll anything- if the mes is any good he should win most 1v1 or at least force thiefs to withdraw from the fight.
If you’re looking to fight 3-4 people at once, take another mes or thief or ele (even staff ele). As long as you are on voice comms you can focus most groups down as they will randomly attack both of you.
The reason thief and mesmer works so well together is they can give each other stealth, they both have teleports and if your friend uses traveler runes or runes chrono then both have decent mobility.
They can focus a single target down and alternate stuns/dazes in coordination to make sure the guy has very little ways to fight back. They both hit like trucks especially in combination and timed right can 100-0 almost anyone.
If you over extended there are multiple ways out, thief can black powder and blast it with blinding powder for 6-8s stealth, shadow refuge, mass invis, portal out or both use your own stealth to run away. They just compliment each other perfectly, it’s a shame many thieves have a rod up their kittens and want mesmer nerfed into the floor.
Ofc, I’m talking power builds btw.
Because duoing with a mesmer is not everything about what this game consists off..
Please get a freaking wider sight of game balance and think please more outside of your box, so that you will realize, that the game is since the June 23 patch a total balance chaos for PvP and WvW, especially for thieves… if you duo now with a mesmer or not…
The sad point is for the thief, that it has practically become mandatory for us to duo with others, just to have a fair chance in most of the equally skilled fights, because thieves in itself got nerfed so down to death, that we became this games +1 pet class number 1 >.> which performs, even still after the nerf in the thieve’s number one gameplay mechanic – stealth alot worser, than mesmers and this fact is just simply unacceptable as much as it is totally ridiculous, how much Anet downgraded the thief class more and more into nothingless, just because of too many people being too stupid to adapt to combat against stealth since years, that Anet started over the years to water the thiefs speciality more and more down by giving more and more classes Stealth too and more/better hard counters to stealth when played with the right way much more forgiving build, while thief players always have to play absolutely perfect, where every single mistake can lead to death instantly due to beign alot quishier than Mesmers, despite havign the better armor class that should protect us much better from incoming damage than Mesmers, but the kittened up game balance thats based on 2012 base health values won’t make it possible, that our better armor class will mean anything at all, nor do thieves have any traits at all that make the better armor class more meaning ful and the factoras for attributes like Healing Power, Toughness and Vitality are still 3 years later after game release such garbage, that these stats are compared to the offensive attributess nearly meaningless, because Toughness as defense stat works way too weak, it should reduce alot better incoming damage and reduce condition durations on you, while Vitality should give sigicificantly better health per point, so that you actualyl see also a massive difference between a player build that has no vitality at all and a player build, that uses everywhere vitality as main attribute to get the most vitality that is possible.
That difference between a no vitality build and a full vitality build shouldn’t just be only freaking laughable 5000 Hp or so – that is like a ridiculous difference of just 1 attack that you can survive longer or so – but instead that difference should be at least 15000 health, so that when you go for full vitality, you actually really can significantly survive alot longer than someone with no vitality, especially against damaging conditions due to a needed synergy between vitality and toughness, that so more toughness you have, vitality should protect you then better against condition damage protectually while healign power should have synergy with vitality that so more vitality you have, to more should profitate your healing power from that by getting a bonus for outgoing heals so more maximum health you have based on 10% of your Max health in attribute points, so that your heals will have a synergy from having self very high health and being that way also a more supportive character that can stay longer alive!!
Status Effects like Weakness should also reduce either Condition Damage or Condition/CC Durations, that would be another great thign for better game balance to brign the game after the june patch again more back to the ground without having to actually change somethign big on the classes power creep, if ANet would juts finalyl take into consideratino to stop ignoring the general aspects of game balance and adjust the general aspects of the game balance finally also accordingly to the current new state of condition gameplay, which requires absosolutely of the game that Weakness needs to be changed to affect somehow conditions too and that the Base Health of all classes needs to be readjusted, because 2012 with our still current Base Health vaklues, there hasn#t exsited all the power creep, that the game has now.
At the state of the condition gameplay of 2012, there were these base health values all absolutely fine, but nor with the new condition gameplay, these values are all totally outdated!
Just run another mes and spam PU. If you lose you’re bad.
If you’re planning on insta-gibbing people a Venomshare Thief or another Mesmer.
If you’re planning on looking for actual fights instead of lulz, a tanky Warrior (think Soldiers, Knights or Cavalier) preferably with Hammer or a somewhat support-y Guard. Maybe a shout build with some Berserker mixed in.
With a more tanky partner you can handle more people assuming the two of you can work together properly. It will be more rewarding to fight even or greater numbers.
With a more squishy partner or a partner that synergizes better with the Mesmer you’re better suited for ganking people. You’ll pretty much be able to insta-down anyone you cross but it’ll be a lot more difficult to handle greater numbers unless you stealth and kite really hard.
Honestly anything can roam well with anything if the two of you know how to read a map. The number one thing that gets groups killed is a different opinion on when you should run and when you should fight. As long as the two of you are going defensive when you need to be defensive and offensive when you need to be offensive you should be fine no matter what profession you choose. The only thing that won’t work well is if you choose a stealthy profession and pair it with a glassy non-stealthy profession, an example being a Berserker Ranger and a Thief. The Ranger will constantly die from the get go before the Thief has a chance to strike. So try not to ever roll a Thief or Mesmer and couple it with a friend who can’t tank a few hits.
On a side note, P/P Thief and a full tank hammer Warrior are an absurdly good roaming duo. You don’t see it often and I’m not sure why either. I used to roam with a P/P Thief with my hammer Warrior and all I had to do was lock people down and keep them away from my buddy while he pelted them a safe distance. If we needed to get away he’d just Shadow Refuge us and we’d be fine, lol.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
The reason thief and mesmer works so well together is they can give each other stealth, they both have teleports and if your friend uses traveler runes or runes chrono then both have decent mobility.
They can focus a single target down and alternate stuns/dazes in coordination to make sure the guy has very little ways to fight back. They both hit like trucks especially in combination and timed right can 100-0 almost anyone.
If you over extended there are multiple ways out, thief can black powder and blast it with blinding powder for 6-8s stealth, shadow refuge, mass invis, portal out or both use your own stealth to run away. They just compliment each other perfectly, it’s a shame many thieves have a rod up their kittens and want mesmer nerfed into the floor.
Ofc, I’m talking power builds btw.
Because duoing with a mesmer is not everything about what this game consists off..
Please get a freaking wider sight of game balance and think please more outside of your box, so that you will realize, that the game is since the June 23 patch a total balance chaos for PvP and WvW, especially for thieves… if you duo now with a mesmer or not…
The sad point is for the thief, that it has practically become mandatory for us to duo with others, just to have a fair chance in most of the equally skilled fights, because thieves in itself got nerfed so down to death, that we became this games +1 pet class number 1 >.> which performs, even still after the nerf in the thieve’s number one gameplay mechanic – stealth alot worser, than mesmers and this fact is just simply unacceptable as much as it is totally ridiculous, how much Anet downgraded the thief class more and more into nothingless, just because of too many people being too stupid to adapt to combat against stealth since years, that Anet started over the years to water the thiefs speciality more and more down by giving more and more classes Stealth too and more/better hard counters to stealth when played with the right way much more forgiving build, while thief players always have to play absolutely perfect, where every single mistake can lead to death instantly due to beign alot quishier than Mesmers, despite havign the better armor class that should protect us much better from incoming damage than Mesmers, but the kittened up game balance thats based on 2012 base health values won’t make it possible, that our better armor class will mean anything at all, nor do thieves have any traits at all that make the better armor class more meaning ful and the factoras for attributes like Healing Power, Toughness and Vitality are still 3 years later after game release such garbage, that these stats are compared to the offensive attributess nearly meaningless, because Toughness as defense stat works way too weak, it should reduce alot better incoming damage and reduce condition durations on you, while Vitality should give sigicificantly better health per point, so that you actualyl see also a massive difference between a player build that has no vitality at all and a player build, that uses everywhere vitality as main attribute to get the most vitality that is possible.
That difference between a no vitality build and a full vitality build shouldn’t just be only freaking laughable 5000 Hp or so – that is like a ridiculous difference of just 1 attack that you can survive longer or so – but instead that difference should be at least 15000 health, so that when you go for full vitality, you actually really can significantly survive alot longer than someone with no vitality, especially against damaging conditions due to a needed synergy between vitality and toughness, that so more toughness you have, vitality should protect you then better against condition damage protectually while healign power should have synergy with vitality that so more vitality you have, to more should profitate your healing power from that by getting a bonus for outgoing heals so more maximum health you have based on 10% of your Max health in attribute points, so that your heals will have a synergy from having self very high health and being that way also a more supportive character that can stay longer alive!!
Status Effects like Weakness should also reduce either Condition Damage or Condition/CC Durations, that would be another great thign for better game balance to brign the game after the june patch again more back to the ground without having to actually change somethign big on the classes power creep, if ANet would juts finalyl take into consideratino to stop ignoring the general aspects of game balance and adjust the general aspects of the game balance finally also accordingly to the current new state of condition gameplay, which requires absosolutely of the game that Weakness needs to be changed to affect somehow conditions too and that the Base Health of all classes needs to be readjusted, because 2012 with our still current Base Health vaklues, there hasn#t exsited all the power creep, that the game has now.
At the state of the condition gameplay of 2012, there were these base health values all absolutely fine, but nor with the new condition gameplay, these values are all totally outdated!
Yep, there’s that rod. Funny I dusted off my DP thief in WvW after the patch, strong as ever, in fact DP was even buffed while others thief builds were not buffed as much.
Btw I stopped when I saw “stealth is worse than mesmers” as it shows you’re either bad, clueless or a liar.
P.S. Did you miss the part where I’m advocating he plays as a thief because the two classes compliment each other? As in equally, not one looks after the other?
(edited by apharma.3741)
Necros make great small team anchors. For a couple guys roaming, go with a second mes that looks exactly like your friend if you want to maximize effectiveness.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Agreed on the Thief/Mes advice. If you go Thief, the two of you will basically be able to do whatever you want risk-free.
If that doesn’t sound fun though, just pick whatever you like. If you don’t pick something that can easily escape, though, your partner may be waiting for you in the event you get jumped.
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”