Lootsystem in WvW

Lootsystem in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: IKaikiasI.1932


At first, I’m not talking about eotm, because that’s PvE.

The lootsystem in WvW is extremely bad.
People say: If you want gold, go PvE.

The problem is, I play GW2 because of its WvW. I don’t want do PvE and this is the reason why I still wasn’t able to get an ascended set. It has been my aim for 6 months and it feels like I’ll need another 6 months. Frustrating!

However, to go back to the topic, I think it’s time for an improvement for the lootsystem. In the past (long long time ago) they improved it once, but in the meantime they improved the loot of PvE extremely too. That’s the reason for this hunge imbalance.

It doesn’t have to be more exotics, just something.

An other idea would be to give us special, timed skins, which can only be obtainable for badges. So people could sell them for gold in the Trading Post.

What do you think?

Lootsystem in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Zach.3264


Takes an eternity to get a decent sum of cash from WvW, and even then.. you’re stuck with 1 stat set. They try to encourage build diversity but spending months and months of time to try and get best in slot gear only for it to work with few builds (if not only 1).

Lootsystem in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ulion.5476


It depends on how many zerg fights are in your tier. I know some of my guilies get round 100 heavy loot bags a night with blue/greens. If you are just roaming it is not very profitable.

Ele – Tarnished Coast
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF

Lootsystem in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Carzor Stelatis.9435

Carzor Stelatis.9435

It depends on how many zerg fights are in your tier. I know some of my guilies get round 100 heavy loot bags a night with blue/greens. If you are just roaming it is not very profitable.

An enemy commander yesterday morning kindly got his 40+ zerg wiped by four arrow carts at Quentin Lake. So many loot bags…

Lootsystem in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: IKaikiasI.1932


It depends on how many zerg fights are in your tier. I know some of my guilies get round 100 heavy loot bags a night with blue/greens. If you are just roaming it is not very profitable.

An enemy commander yesterday morning kindly got his 40+ zerg wiped by four arrow carts at Quentin Lake. So many loot bags…

How many gold was it? 50-75s? People always say: so many lootbags… but in reality you earn nearly nothing. You have to search for zergs and your zerg has to be strong enough to beat them. Even if you have these conditions your enemy has defenitely no fun while whiping, so they will avoid you or their zerg will shrink.

No offense, but the lootsystem (how it is at the moment) is just terrible, even with so many lootbags.

Lootsystem in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dutchares.6084


Yeah the loot system is wrong. But not because it delivers to less.

The loot systems promotes karma training. Avoiding fights. Or only fighting if you sure to win (run very large numbers.. and if the enemy also large avoid them)
It promotes capping only. And fighting only if you are sure to win.(running over them)

So yeah the loot system needs to change
For example:
If you own an objective for the full point thick. Everyone who was active in that zone for the full point thick, gets a chest(so for every objective one).. Instead of getting a chest for capping.
Being active is: having killed a player or guard, capped something, build or repaired something.
Because you will get lots of chests at every point thick, the content of the chests need to decrease. But at least a few silver in each chest, next to random items.
Loot for killing enemy players need to improve. But only if the fights are even or harder (equal numbers in range of the fight, or more)

(edited by Dutchares.6084)

Lootsystem in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: quickflash.6314


I think the loot chest idea is interesting. I know I normally leave some guards at the entrance to a keep or tower to hold off incoming / banner warriors /etc. Would be nice if they also got the champion bag.

Not sure how you could effectively make this happen.

I would imagine if people got free loot for sitting in wvw they would just sit there afk moving there character every 10 mins to get free bags

Commander Rena [POV]
Mistress of Death
Yaksbend | Evil Empire

Lootsystem in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


I agree totally. Poor loot in WvW means every weekend I spend morning in Frostgorge, so that I can AFFORD to play WvW and still do some other stuff (craft ascended, buy skins, etc). I would really love to see some good rewards for this. I think if it “paid” as well as PvE I would be playing WvW exclusively.

ETA: ya, “loot bags”… subjective. I usually get 2 silk scraps or a fang in those. Otherwise, 90% of the time I get barbs. Thank you so much for vendor trash garbage ANet for going to war for my server.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

Lootsystem in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Psychol.5783


I think it’s still better than FoTM at least Edge of the Mists.