Lost faith in HoD, looking for new server
Fort aspenwood is looking for more players as we push into T3
We would love to have you here
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by IRSyKo.5843)
SoS is always looking for more players who are wvw centered, we do need a higher NA coverage as we push into t1. feel free to message me for any details ud like about our community, also visit sea-of-sorrows.com. hope to have u on board
Its easy to jump ship, hard to stay put and keep trying.
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.
Some former HoD players are now on Tarnished Coast. No need to go into all the details as far as why we transferred. It was time to move on, and we have a nice home here and a great community to work with.
Come to Kaineg!!!
Come to Sanctum of Rall.
We are in need of overall high quality players and those who use tactics(like yourself and that portal). If you’re oceanic, even better, however our NA coverage is getting quite low at times. We could use your help.
SoR ftw, we got lots of great people, fun players, everyones very nice, and we always have fun and laughs
and we never give up
Leader of FEAR – Sanctum of Rall
SoS is always looking for more players who are wvw centered, we do need a higher NA coverage as we push into t1. feel free to message me for any details ud like about our community, also visit sea-of-sorrows.com. hope to have u on board
You can’t get on SoS, its full 24/7. Yes I have been checking.
And no, you don’t need more people.
I think you have more than enough.
Stay on your server.
Reach down like you got a pair and go screaming into battle.
www.graystatemovie.com its coming if you like it or not.
lol shannanigans, I’ve heard that HoD is a sinking ship now, but i just didn’t think it would be that bad. For those who don’t understand the frustration it’s quite irritating. i was on a server for 7 weeks at least, and nothing about them changed, and it only got worse, no signs of progression, so i jumped server. Not to bandwagon onto a server to auto win, but to a server just to play the game casually and have fun, could care less about the score.
I’m basically looking for a server with a cooperative guild with voicechat. The militia of that server should also understand some basic things:
*Understand what supply is and how to use it
*Don’t run from a battle when you outnumber the enemy
*Stop attacking a gate when a wall is down
*Go though a portal when a mesmer tells you to
*Actually read the chat
*Don’t attack an enemy keep when the enemy is already attacking your keep
*Commanders that know what they’re doing and are serious about WvW
The average PuG zergling in HoD apparently doesn’t understand this.
Somebody has already sent me a PM inviting me to xfer to Borlis Pass and join his guild Krew, seriously thinking about it.
Maguuma is always looking for people. We are middle of the pack but have a solid organized core WvW group in which our only weakness is Oceanic presence which is improving.
Hello Kitty Hit Squad[HKHS] Guild Leader – Maguuma
We also use a very large public mumble for alot of our guilds and PUG WvW groups. Highly organized, very efficient core of players.
Hello Kitty Hit Squad[HKHS] Guild Leader – Maguuma
Well i was never really here to convince you to swap servers, we provide alot of that, but just saying, its hard to get a zerg group to read the chat, there’s many that do, and many that don’t that’s just going to happen alot of the time for some reason.
Good Luck in BP, I hear they’re quite competitive.
Sorry to see you go Scyntrelle, (this is Grejis), but I do understand. I spent 10 min. yelling at a group attacking the gate of a tower that we had three trebs hitting the wall of the other night, as they were dying to the oil. There are too many people who get angry when you say, “go attack this instead please, that isn’t useful”. Also, some of the drama has been a rather over the top.
I’d move on myself, but I have a PVE guild I’m attached to on HoD.
SoR would be a great choice. We have a server wide teamspeak we use for strategy.
If Beastgate wasn’t full 24/7 I would say come here. You could try early in the morning before EU time kicks in.
We have plenty of recruiting guilds for a bunch of different time zones; KnT is looking for solid NA players that will play WvW
Repping Beastgate since day 1.
Sometimes I wonder if Anet has put in bots disguised as real human players to make it seem like there are more people playing on the low pop servers…
what happened with HoD? I left that server awhile ago because I couldn’t get into WvW with the army of guilds hogging it all, now it’s gone to ruin? What happened? :o
The Titan alliance broke up, (The biggest alliance in HoD) at least that’s what i believe they are called. Someone correct me if i’m wrong.
Stay on your server.
Reach down like you got a pair and go screaming into battle.
If anybody says something about transferring on my server, a lot of us lose almost all respect for you.
It’s really easy to say that but for those who haven’t experienced it personally i don’t think you guys should be so quick to judge. Theres a difference between bandwagon, and those want to find a better home. HoD has been falling down the ranks for how long now? at least 4 weeks. I don’t know what the real issue is in HoD, but if someone who has stuck with it for this long, and hasn’t seen any changes that benefits the server as a whole, I believe they’re entitled to have a choice, because it’s not fun getting zerged, it’s not fun to do uncoordinated attacks, and even when you mount a small man group of 5 or so to take camps, it’s never as satisfying as capturing a keep with enemy defenders and not just PvD. (also noted, the enemy server should be able to easily read your movements and will zerg the heck out of you.)
Would you play this game if you couldn’t transfer server and had the worst server possible with no changes? Because honestly I think HoD might be in this situation.
Yea, my server (Eredon Terrace) got hit with the mass exodus, a lot of us are still playing and are slowly starting to get ourselves together. It sucked in the beginning but the people who stayed are still there and kicking
FYI, Maguuma hits every one of those bullet points you listed spot on except for this one:
*Don’t attack an enemy keep when the enemy is already attacking your keep
What better time to ninja a keep with your small force while the big one defends?
Beastgate will take you. You can get in between 3am to 6am eastern time.
Asura Thief
Server- Beastgate
Go out of this world like you came into it.
What do you want to achieve by jumping server ? Only winning (fairweather player) ? Try to jump to winning server like SBI or other. Have fun ? Jump to lower tier non winning team (FC, Kaineng, etc). Organisation ? Just jump to random server or stay where you are.
Or you guys in ET or HoD can join together in 1 server.
Yep I’m on Eredon Terrace, we got hit with transfers. But there are a great players with heart that kick it every day. We formed new alliances, there are epic battles, never a dull moment, fun. PM me in game if you want info on my guild/WvW.
[TAC] Tactical Terror
Eredon Terrace
@ Mclovin
You see there’s a difference, your server was able to pull itself back together. Also your server wasn’t a t1 server that had a huge alliance of 2000+ players quit all at the same time, getting destroyed so badly every week til they hit this spot. But also granted i’m sure there’s a good amount of transfer ins and out as well, but for HoD, I don’t even know of anyone who would want to transfer to this sinking boat, and from the looks of it, they aren’t pulling themselves together.
No offense but most likely HoD will fall down to the bottom tier within 3weeks with the potential of being the worst server if it doesn’t pull itself together.
(edited by Bones.5762)
I’m on HoD. I can haz ur stuff?
Dragon Steel [DSL]
Henge of Denravi
Jade Quarry is always looking for more intelligent players like yourself, and FIRE is always recruiting. We’d love to have you give us a try. Tell ’em Volkon sent you.
Come join Henge of Denravi!
Founder of War Brigade [WAR] -[MERC][TF]
Sea of Sorrows. Crystal Desert.
@ bones
I hope you aren’t taking anything as disrespect to what I’m am saying and am not too sure on ET in the past. From what I do know, ET was a T1 server and sometimes would shift down to T2 every once in a while and a medium pop server to boot. I got GW2 a month after release and remember that there was a 2 hour queue almost every time even during the week. A while ago, we had big guilds like RUIN and TL jump servers around the same time, so even more people followed them out. We are in the same boat as HoD but like I said, some of us stayed and are still kicking.
Or you guys in ET or HoD can join together in 1 server.
If HoD would like to move on over to ET (Seeing as ET have a stable footing atm, and we don’t give up easily…and I’m Sure HoD don’t give up easily either, but as the weeks go on HoD seems to be getting worse & ET seems to be getting better) Then I’m all for it, would be great to do our own server merges rather than waiting for the Developers’ to let it deteriorate even further as time goes on.
This way if we do our own “Server Merges” then that could at least tackle some of the problems in the WvWvW part of the game, and can significantly help out other servers who are in need of that extra push.
It is sad to see servers basically go down the drain and Developers do nothing about it (Well, they may be doing something, but we don’t know that as they haven’t told us, the community, so we Assume they do nothing about it)
HoD no longer has anyone that can take charge of an assault. I know I’m not there a lot (too much RL stuff atm), but what I see on our server is a bunch of people that would rather argue about strategy than actually group up and try one of those strategies. It will take a pretty big effort to rectify HoD’s problems, but getting upset and leaving (and I understand your frustration) is just making things worse.
I sat at a keep last weekend with 2 other people for 15 min and held off the one server’s zerg with only siege. All the while I’m calling out the gate status and asking for more bodies. All I see in chat is people talking about how pointless even fighting is, and arguing about who’s idea for an offensive is better. With the gate at about 10% we finally get some bodies into the keep, but of course it was way too late.
We need more people willing to fight and have a good time doing it. Lets try to go this route rather than quitting on HoD. I can honestly say I have never been in a fight with close to equal numbers where we didn’t mop up the competition. We have some great players, we just need a unifying voice.
Not at all, i’m just saying i understand the frustration of a lone man trying to find a new home. I mean if anything sorry because i really don’t know much about ET as it was overshadowed by the super server HoD.
People buy this game to enjoy it, and if it’s going to take weeks for HoD to be placed into a tier that they can handle, it’s just not fun. I honestly won’t play a game that’s just not fun, and i’m assuming this player has already reached max level and is fully gear, and doesnt want to pve much anymore.
I also understand your perspective of wanting people to show server pride and stick it out, but unfortunately with how the ranking system is it’s not efficient for how HoD ended up. It works great going up the ladder but awful going down it. HoD seriously got slaughtered from what i heard for just 4 weeks straight, when it shouldve just got bumped down 2-4 tiers after it’s initial slaughter.
Whoa, whoa whoa … bud. We all have our frustrations, but try to keep the dirty laundry offline. It’s not very classy and quite disrespectful to throw mates under the bus just because they are having the same challenges as you, but deciding to do some small things they can.
This is not meant in anyway disrespectful, please understand that. Just not the best way to position yourself, when considering & likely moving server(s).
Looks like Zastari was only laying perspective and ideas on the table for discussion. You know that traits such as the above you mention exist everywhere. It’s not the individual themselves. If you move to Borliss Pass, you may find some great new friends, and like minded players, however … you likely will also run into people who may do much of the same.
I hope things work out for you either way, but if you do move servers, don’t air your dirty laundry on the forums. It breeds further conflict, and there is already enough of that going around. I’m certain your a better person and player then to go point the finger at the commanders (when really your just expressing frustration). Hold your head high, regardless of what you do. Just do it as a leader, not like the above.
Look forward to seeing you in battle,
Yes i agree with Hexin about bashing current commanders on your server. Even if it is true and bothers you, just try to keep it to yourself, also it’s against ToS to name down individuals.
Gunnars Hold mate, accept no substitutes :-)
We have recently gotten some US time zone people as well as a few aussies and a crew of insomniacs. I wont say all of Gunnars are proper-state-of-the-art war veterans that know instinctivly what to do but for our rank we have good organisation and communication.
Even if it isnt Gunnars, I hope you find a nice server to game on,
P.S. Did I mention we rarely have queues? We rarely have queues!
I probably shouldn’t say anything, but I have to jump in and add that it is extremely bad form to name and pick apart the commanders on your server on a public forum.
The people who are staying on Henge have a tough task ahead of them and they certainly don’t need you nor anyone else making matters worse. I’m sure they are trying and anyone who has any issues with how they do things should take it up with them in a more discreet manner.
(edited by Karuna.1357)
Fine, deleted my post.
I do admit, there was a group of people who knew what they were doing. That was the reason I stayed for so long. But lately, they’ve been pveing.
Anyways this isn’t my problem anymore as I’ve transferred to Borlis Pass.