Low morale and having fun

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


Probably every server has experienced this, either recently or in the months gone by. It is really hard to push players to enter WvW when they are losing, even if the fights are incredibly fun.

Playing against SoR the past 2 weeks has really highlighted this problem for me though. Low morale from just 1 server can really affect the matchup as a whole. We in Blackgate expected a strong SoR that would really push us, which is our respect for them considering our history. Once we crushed their 18k point lead last week within the space of 2 major time zones though, they simply stopped showing up. Prominent SoR players have said that they stopped playing overtime or showing up at all, because it was impossible to win – something which really surprised a lot of Blackgate players.

This low turnout from SoR has also caused a worryingly low turnout from Blackgate too. Several times during SEA and EU time zones, there has been a lack of commanders to take over maps, as well as only having EBG queued unless the float team moves to a map (which queues that map).

I can only write about this from my own point of view, but looking at other posts in the forums about other servers, the problem is even worse (Karma training the day after reset and such).

Can rewards in WvW be balanced out in order to attract more players, especially if their server is losing? Would that even be a good idea? What could be done to attract people to WvW regardless of the score?

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Aethilmar.3951


Probably not. The reward mechanics are set for the game and it rewards blobbing and zerging above all else. When your enemy’s server gets so stacked it cannot be beaten and an emphasis is placed on winning and it becomes evident you cannot win….then why would you fight?

The smart thing (from the losing server’s perspective) is to deny the enemy server their entertainment value so they get bored and their population starts to either stop logging in or transfer to another server (possibly the losing one) to get better queue pops or more even fights.

I don’t know this is happening on SoR (on which I play but I am not privy to the various guild councils), but if I were “in charge” of the server and trying to make our server win (which is the goal established by ANet) then this is how I would approach the current situation…use our “lack of morale” as a weapon against our enemies and retool for the next matchup.

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


Everyone already knows leagues are a joke in terms of being competitive. Lots of good suggestions have already made in terms of balancing/scaling PPT and rewards to fix k-training and bring some actual strategy into WvW.

Fairweather trolls will always come to post that WvW isn’t supposed to be ‘fair’ (when the actual topic is about balance).

The real question is, whether Anet is interested in working on the foundations of WvW. Or will they just continue to plop new flawed features on flawed foundations and pretend it’s competitive/balanced while everyone just grinds the k-train for wxp/rewards without any incentive for real fights.

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Adahilia.3678


Probably every server has experienced this, either recently or in the months gone by. It is really hard to push players to enter WvW when they are losing, even if the fights are incredibly fun.

Playing against SoR the past 2 weeks has really highlighted this problem for me though. Low morale from just 1 server can really affect the matchup as a whole. We in Blackgate expected a strong SoR that would really push us, which is our respect for them considering our history. Once we crushed their 18k point lead last week within the space of 2 major time zones though, they simply stopped showing up. Prominent SoR players have said that they stopped playing overtime or showing up at all, because it was impossible to win – something which really surprised a lot of Blackgate players.

This low turnout from SoR has also caused a worryingly low turnout from Blackgate too. Several times during SEA and EU time zones, there has been a lack of commanders to take over maps, as well as only having EBG queued unless the float team moves to a map (which queues that map).

I can only write about this from my own point of view, but looking at other posts in the forums about other servers, the problem is even worse (Karma training the day after reset and such).

Can rewards in WvW be balanced out in order to attract more players, especially if their server is losing? Would that even be a good idea? What could be done to attract people to WvW regardless of the score?

I don’t think there should be an added reward to entice players into world. The people who enjoy it will show up regardless of whether they are winning or losing.

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Butter.3024


Well I’m in SoR and most of us are still fighting hard in NA prime time

But between the 2v1, and knowing that tomorrow ZD just gonna flip all of our T3 and lose the PPT by another 10k, it’s very discouraging.

But still SoR still fight, if you want good fight come to SoR BL or EB BL and sometimes SoS BL, especially NA prime time

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


The only way to balance WvW is to balance population. Unforunately, ANET is not willing to do that. We need 24 even population servers that all fight. This way battles are won through tactics vs through coverage differences.

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


Ah, another BG post stating they are winning because SoR didn’t show up.

Nothing to do with BG stacking their server.

And BG’s low turn out has nothing to do with low morale. Its because BG has the win in the bag this week and next and people are relaxing.

(edited by KeeZee.7312)

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Grav.3568


Without the Glicko factor, there’s just no reason for losing servers to keep turning up anymore, result = matchups become even more imbalanced. Who could have guessed? >_>

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Well I’m in SoR and most of us are still fighting hard in NA prime time

But between the 2v1, and knowing that tomorrow ZD just gonna flip all of our T3 and lose the PPT by another 10k, it’s very discouraging.

But still SoR still fight, if you want good fight come to SoR BL or EB BL and sometimes SoS BL, especially NA prime time

Its has been some fun fights, but lets not bring up 2v1, thats the last thing anyone from SoR should mention when in a matchup with SoS.

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Butter.3024


Well I’m in SoR and most of us are still fighting hard in NA prime time

But between the 2v1, and knowing that tomorrow ZD just gonna flip all of our T3 and lose the PPT by another 10k, it’s very discouraging.

But still SoR still fight, if you want good fight come to SoR BL or EB BL and sometimes SoS BL, especially NA prime time

Its has been some fun fights, but lets not bring up 2v1, thats the last thing anyone from SoR should mention when in a matchup with SoS.

Uhh, I state facts, not opinions, so no. Need I to say both SoS and BG attack SoR keep in EB yesterday while BG wait at spawn stopping reinforcement? Need I to say Agg and CNB and JINX all attack hills and garri in SoR BL continuously for 4 hours? If not for the great leading of our commander and scouts we would have lost everything already

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Well I’m in SoR and most of us are still fighting hard in NA prime time

But between the 2v1, and knowing that tomorrow ZD just gonna flip all of our T3 and lose the PPT by another 10k, it’s very discouraging.

But still SoR still fight, if you want good fight come to SoR BL or EB BL and sometimes SoS BL, especially NA prime time

Its has been some fun fights, but lets not bring up 2v1, thats the last thing anyone from SoR should mention when in a matchup with SoS.

Uhh, I state facts, not opinions, so no. Need I to say both SoS and BG attack SoR keep in EB yesterday while BG wait at spawn stopping reinforcement? Need I to say Agg and CNB and JINX all attack hills and garri in SoR BL continuously for 4 hours? If not for the great leading of our commander and scouts we would have lost everything already

Do we really need to bring up the SoR/SBI/SoS matchup and remind you how karma works ?

I don’t think we should …

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Butter.3024


Well I’m in SoR and most of us are still fighting hard in NA prime time

But between the 2v1, and knowing that tomorrow ZD just gonna flip all of our T3 and lose the PPT by another 10k, it’s very discouraging.

But still SoR still fight, if you want good fight come to SoR BL or EB BL and sometimes SoS BL, especially NA prime time

Its has been some fun fights, but lets not bring up 2v1, thats the last thing anyone from SoR should mention when in a matchup with SoS.

Uhh, I state facts, not opinions, so no. Need I to say both SoS and BG attack SoR keep in EB yesterday while BG wait at spawn stopping reinforcement? Need I to say Agg and CNB and JINX all attack hills and garri in SoR BL continuously for 4 hours? If not for the great leading of our commander and scouts we would have lost everything already

Do we really need to bring up the SoR/SBI/SoS matchup and remind you how karma works ?

I don’t think we should …

No you should, go ahead

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


My biggest issue is the cost to play.

Blackgate is sitting on a tier 3 keep in SoR bay, it’s fully sieged and upgraded. Is it possible for SoR to take it? Sure it is.

If we throw enough alphas, omegas, trebs and bodies (repair bills) at it eventually we could possibly take it but what’s the point?

It takes 20gp to take a fully siege t3 keep, are we going to get 20gp back for taking it? kitten no, not even close. In the end taking the keep would affect nothing and we’d be out 20gp.

I’ve spent about 85gp this week in upgrades, siege and repair bills. Have I gotten that back? kitten no, not even close.

Right now fighting for my server just gets me a bigger and bigger gold loss that is not being replenished. It’s like I’m paying a kitten kitten subscription fee to lose.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Nanyetah Elohi.4852

Nanyetah Elohi.4852

The wins are still pretty sweet when you are outnumbered. When you think there is not a chance you will pull it off but you do actually pull it together, that feels pretty good.

For the Toast!

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Jaxs.5830


Stacking a server would ruin the fun folks were having, who would have thought?

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


a bit of the blame also falls on the guilds for taking the money and stacking the server, then again many of the purchased guilds are pvx so I guess they dont care about wvw as much or the Qs

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


Well I’m in SoR and most of us are still fighting hard in NA prime time

But between the 2v1, and knowing that tomorrow ZD just gonna flip all of our T3 and lose the PPT by another 10k, it’s very discouraging.

But still SoR still fight, if you want good fight come to SoR BL or EB BL and sometimes SoS BL, especially NA prime time

Its has been some fun fights, but lets not bring up 2v1, thats the last thing anyone from SoR should mention when in a matchup with SoS.

Uhh, I state facts, not opinions, so no. Need I to say both SoS and BG attack SoR keep in EB yesterday while BG wait at spawn stopping reinforcement? Need I to say Agg and CNB and JINX all attack hills and garri in SoR BL continuously for 4 hours? If not for the great leading of our commander and scouts we would have lost everything already

Do we really need to bring up the SoR/SBI/SoS matchup and remind you how karma works ?

I don’t think we should …

No you should, go ahead

I’m not on those servers but pretty sure there was some open double teaming going on (based on how SBI’s expected rating went way up later that week). SoR has a reputation for playing dirty. I guess payback is a kitten huh?

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

Low morale and having fun

in WvW

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Things that need to be done asap:
- defense needs to be more viable, if ppl spent hours to upgrade keep, it shouldn’t take 5 min to flip it to paper
- outmanned buff needs major rework – ppl see outmanned buff and quit; outmanned buff should give you major buff to stats so even if you are outmanned you can still at least defend vs huge blobs and not get 1 shot or watch your sieg getting destroyed by eles on the walls BECAUSE ANET STILL DIDN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT WALLS BEING ABSOLUTE USELESS VS ELES, ENGIS AND NECROS

the problem is, Anet stated that wvw is unfair so nothing will be done so the only solution that is left: if you want to win wvw, buy guilds…

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>