Lower lvl up scaling

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: JeroenXP.5364


Is it just me who has really an issue with the lvl scaling being really bad in WvW? I don’t expect too do insane amounts of dmg but atm it just feels like I’m tickling everyone I attack and if the enemy just looks at me you just drop over.

Even though I’m just in a small guild and I’m mostly the only one doing WvW but it’s what I enjoy. So I try to get every class to max lvl so I can experience every class there, but together with the slow leveling and after a few times you have seen the world allready I’m trying too mostly lvl in WvW. But sadly you feel like being not usefull too the group and just being an carrier for supply or for the enemy gnawing your face off while the others can escape.

Are we going too see some love in the up scalling in WvW? since atm it’s all about max lvl and gear or else you just eat dirt.

Kemy Support ele – Kesia Berserker War – Miruto Wolfhowl Berserker ranger:
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: Ostra.3927


it is all about the gear. Make sure you keep your equipment at the best type (masterwork, Rare) you can and make sure to not let it drop below 5 levels.
Use the runes and sigils once you get rare equipment. This places you in that spot with the current stat scaling actually can make you have better stats then the true level 80s sometimes.

The biggest issue that people make the mistake on when leveling in WvW is they use what drops as armor. Cannot treat it like the PVE world when leveling. Always keep your equipment up and you will not be to bad off.

Please get your priorities straight Anet.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: ParnAshwind.4823


Friend and I roll a level 1 character and plan to level them to level 80 in WvW only. Thus far, I think that the scaling is fine. I am level 22 now and I have more than 200 kills.

I just know that I cant fight 1v1 because I do not have all my traits and skills. I dont drop dead if others attack me either. Since low level characters are “weaker”, attacking from range and only move into melee when things are going my way.

Tis fun really XD

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: Rawr.5930


Try a level 2 inside a buffed keep.

30k hp and 3.5k power anyone?

Meega Kweesta

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: JeroenXP.5364


I mostly keep my gear upgraded but the differences between a lvl 80 seems for me so much different.

Kemy Support ele – Kesia Berserker War – Miruto Wolfhowl Berserker ranger:
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: Laii.2780


I mostly keep my gear upgraded but the differences between a lvl 80 seems for me so much different.

Well, level 80’s get gear with 3 stats on it, which is their major advantage. You don’t get that till level 60. Jus remember, like others said, its important to keep your gear the same level as you are. Same with trinkets^^. Its very easy to get over 30k HP with a low level cause there’s lots of one stat starter gear with only Vit as the stat. How you invest your traits is important too, i’ve gotten 1700 conditions damage before on my theif when I was level 30 (every other stat was super low, jus cause not much stat on the gear)

[CERN] ~ WAR/Necro^ O ^)/!

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


As said you are at a disadvantage as you should be because you don’t have as good gear which people worked for, or experience with the class at a low level

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: JeroenXP.5364


As said you are at a disadvantage as you should be because you don’t have as good gear which people worked for, or experience with the class at a low level

I know I should have an disadvantage I got 4 80’s with all exotics and here and there ascedend I would not like it either lower lvl’s could faceroll me. But i got plenty of times i out play my opponent who are @ max lvl on the unusual 1v1 i get and still got stomped in the face. What’s the point of being dmg dealer when I do barely any dmg on my current ranger with dmg gear and still hitting for just 500 and sometimes 1000.

Awwh well i guess i have to suck it up :P

Kemy Support ele – Kesia Berserker War – Miruto Wolfhowl Berserker ranger:
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


I also feel that the up-scaling formulae could use a little bit of work. When I go into an up-levelled zone (in WvW or even PvE), I feel like my damage is absolute garbage and my survivability nearly non-existent. I actually level to a minimum of 60 before taking a char into WvW for anything except karma-trains now (which aren’t my cup of tea).

I make sure to keep up with blue/green gear every 5 levels, as well. Missing all of those traits is a serious loss, however. When at a level that is too low, I focus my role on almost completely support/CC, trying only to do enough damage to tag enemies so that I can continue levelling. Luckily, CC abilities are 100% unaffected by level.

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Up levels are fodder for any decent player and I am not sure there is a fix for it. Gear puts them a tremendous stat disadvantage and many are newbies who don’t know how to effectively fight with their own class (yet). I 2-3 shot most up arrows and usually leave them in the downed state because they came to a gun fight with a spoon.

If they are on my own team during skirmish, I run away from them because they are an enemy rez waiting to happen.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Lower lvl up scaling

in WvW

Posted by: Krypto.2069


idk…I leveled my ranger, that’s now my main, from lvl 3 to 80 almost exclusively in WvW. Sure, your damage and defense is pretty sad until you get to lvl 60+. But you have to know your role. Oh, and what class you are seems to matter imho. (Warriors and Guardians seem to be tougher and do OK when up leveled.)

My advice – you’d do well to stick with the zerg and lend support like one person said. Stay away from 1v1 situations and always confront from a position of advantage.

Things low levels can do to help their server include: running supply to build siege, scouting (esp if you’re a thief), wall/gate repairs, crowd control in combat, killing downed players, and other stuff like that.

I think the scaling is fine in general. It gives toons something to strive for.

And, Straegen, you had me ROFL – “… because they came to a gun fight with a spoon.” IKR! I won’t lie… I kill them most of the time. But if they fought with heart, I’ll leave them downed and then salute them.


Moonlight Wish (ranager) – GoM

Moonlight [THRU]