Lower tier balancing out of control

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: epborden.7492


Our poor server can’t even hope to counter the opponent zergs. It got so bad tonight that we literally just sat down at the main spawn point. This is just pitiful and I’m seriously contemplating leaving the game because I don’t want to pay 20 bucks to transfer to solve my problems. Just look at the screenshot (we’re red).


(edited by epborden.7492)

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Quakeman.9378


This is why I saved up my gold to transfer out of Kaineng. You do have a point though. It really is horrendous how unfair some of the matchups are, and Anet needs to address this issue. In the mean time, I suggest going to one of the less popular maps and roam there. That’s what I do when we’re always outnumbered. Gotta have fun someway right?

Yoloswaginz- D/D thief SBI
Tyronee Biggums- Warrior SBI
“If fifty people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing”-Bertrand Russell

(edited by Quakeman.9378)

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: retsuya.4708


it happens on all tiers btw.

[WB] Fort Aspenwood

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Randomized matchups. This won’t happen every week. If it really bothers you, transfer. Otherwise, get over it.

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Randomized matchups. This won’t happen every week. If it really bothers you, transfer. Otherwise, get over it.

Or… just don’t sit down at the main spawn point. go flip some camps on their bl’s. Grab a few guildies and get siegerazor going. Maybe if people see you carrying on the fight they will get up and join in.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


X_X I haven’t seen an SMC waypoint in forever.

Whispers with meat.

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


You’re on Kaineng… Kaineng only have people during OCX/SEA. All other timezones are dead.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


I really wish there was a better answer than transfer. It’s fun to be on a server that’s trending upwards (not bandwagoning) or at least stable. It’s not fun to be a server that is tanking or extremely weak during the times you play, unless you enjoy solo roaming or have some people to havoc attack with.

One thing I noticed about Kain before S2 began, when I was looking at all the free transfer servers, is that you guys don’t even seem to have a forum. Trying to get people organized and care a little about being part of the server is step one to climbing out of the gutter.

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Don’t transfer just quit the game. Transferring just rewards Anet for their pitiful handling of WvW. Transferring is like rewarding a child for bad behavior or donating money to Warren Buffett for a new mansion.

This issue has been brought up since launch. Anet either doesn’t see it as an issue. Or they are unable to do anything about it. Nothing is ever going to be done.

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: epborden.7492


Randomized matchups. This won’t happen every week. If it really bothers you, transfer. Otherwise, get over it.

I did not know this. Is this a new thing? I can give it more slack if that is the case although it still doesn’t make any sense at all to me why they would even do that. Trust me, we really really really tried to make some headway on ALL of the maps. No matter the group we made we would get obliterated as there were at least 1-2 zergs on each map all larger than ours. We were getting totally stomped in our borderland and even at that point there was still a zerg larger than our own in eternal. When all you can do to have fun in WvW is roam another map where even your own zerg is considered a havoc group I have to think something is wrong. It’s just very, very discouraging.

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Feaduin.7603


Kaineng is a poster child for the damage that large scale transfers have done to this game mode. At launch Kain was part of what was probably the best match up in WvW Kain/FC/DR. The match up system at the time was flawed so that these servers were stuck in T8, but the battles were good and intense. Then a few T1 guilds decided to try to make a project out of Kain after DR broke out of T8. Kain steamrolled to T2 then hit Black Gate and TC. Most of the “elite” guilds were pretty salty about being stuck in T2 and transferred to T1. Those who were left on Kain tried to rebuild the community, but as guilds got noticed by opponents they were bought off or transferred on their own accord. Then the borderlands became infested with troll commanders and the few who were still trying gave up.

Best of luck to those who are trying to rebuild Kain…

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Well, I supposed I could duct tape Clem to the dance floor … I have plenty to go with all these spikes …

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Mattoid.3206


Honestly this week isn’t that much fun for us either, rolling over servers with less population is pretty boring. If it’s any consolation we’ll probably move up a tier and the exact same thing will happen to us.

That picture is from last night though and I can tell you because I was there that FC was actually running the outnumbered buff on your bl. So there is numbers there, just gotta organize them.


No. 1 Scrub [EDGE]

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


Well the only logical solution is to combine servers into either factions, colors, guilds, or whatever you want to call it.

It will inevitably happen at one point, as this current system is pretty much a failure in all Tiers.

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Honestly this week isn’t that much fun for us either, rolling over servers with less population is pretty boring. If it’s any consolation we’ll probably move up a tier and the exact same thing will happen to us.

That picture is from last night though and I can tell you because I was there that FC was actually running the outnumbered buff on your bl. So there is numbers there, just gotta organize them.

Are you sure it wasn’t SoR that was causing the outnumbered buff? I’m sure Kaineng have no one during NA as even ET can roll over them during that timezone.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Cosmic.6047


Balanced matches are sure the most fun.
Complain about balance coming from Kain now seems a little hypocritical.

I remember the time when Kain got the huge influx of guilds, rolling the bottom for weeks nonstop with scores of 600+ and after they broke out of the bottom tier every other match up until they hit T2.

In the past rollings others seemed just fine but now on the receiving end once in a while is not fair.

Go figure …

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Kraag Deadsoul.2789

Don’t transfer just quit the game. Transferring just rewards Anet for their pitiful handling of WvW. Transferring is like rewarding a child for bad behavior or donating money to Warren Buffett for a new mansion.

This issue has been brought up since launch. Anet either doesn’t see it as an issue. Or they are unable to do anything about it. Nothing is ever going to be done.

^ This a million times over.

WvW isn’t broken; it’s working exactly according to plan from ArenaNet’s standpoint.

They create digital shinies of no intrinsic value to chase, then fubar the server balance with their transfer system, sitting back and laughing all the way to the bank as they profit from the transfer fees. WvW is in the state it is not by accident but by design.

Sadly, it works (at least in the short-term). Long-term health of the game…not so much. But hey, what do they care, right? If players quit GW2 they’ll just be back for more when NCSoft/ArenaNet release their next digital Skinner Box. They know this…they bank on this. As long as players are gullible enough to fall for it, they’ll keep doing it. If someone gave you real cash money for a few colored dots on a computer screen, wouldn’t you?

So many souls, so little time. ~ Kraag Deadsoul

(edited by Kraag Deadsoul.2789)

Lower tier balancing out of control

in WvW

Posted by: DonkeyHaxor.4052


Honestly this week isn’t that much fun for us either, rolling over servers with less population is pretty boring. If it’s any consolation we’ll probably move up a tier and the exact same thing will happen to us.

That picture is from last night though and I can tell you because I was there that FC was actually running the outnumbered buff on your bl. So there is numbers there, just gotta organize them.

Wait you mean to say.. FC doesn’t dominate bronze primetime? After all this time kittenposting on the wuv forums you guys have come to your senses? Joy will be so sad to hear this.

Borlis PAss
[Jynx] Enigmatic Warfare