MM necro and his minions in WvW,a request
If you’re a MM, you simply have to be more careful about walking through packs of mobs or fighting near them.
Northern Shiverpeaks
The thing is like this,Anet please make minions fight what i fight,its not possible that i fight someone and my minions dicide to fight a bear or any other mob
I don’t think Anet has ever officially recognized AI path finding as a problem in this game and its something that’s been going on since beta. All the same, GL.
you can change build (what i suggest because mm is not the best roamer build) but rangers cant. we must to use our pet
Just the WvW
you can change build (what i suggest because mm is not the best roamer build) but rangers cant. we must to use our pet
Well i play necro and ranger and i feel you pain As necro i never ever think to run minions in wvw, its so bad. But rangers got stupid pet and thats it.
Being the noob that I am, I went into WvW for the very first time yesterday. I run a minion mancer out in the big world and I didn’t respec when I started WvW. Once I got inside, I started doing stuff and then joined a zerg. It was then that I realized that having minions while trying to take over a fort is about worthless. The minions have no way of scaling the walls to get to whomever I’m attacking anyway. I faceplanted and left.
Next time I go in, I’ll have a condition build ready. Sheesh.
you can change build (what i suggest because mm is not the best roamer build) but rangers cant. we must to use our pet
Well i play necro and ranger and i feel you pain
As necro i never ever think to run minions in wvw, its so bad. But rangers got stupid pet and thats it.
mm necro is the style of build i like to play,i know its not the best for roaming and i dont mind dieing few times,i just want my full dps to be with me when i fight,and thats my minions.and since im a noob in forums and i dont know how to quote few ppl on the same reply….ill answer to others too here,TChalla,minions can be quite fun in a zerg acctually when u carge your golem into the other server's zerg and see people flying around xD and in capping just hit the gate or run around waiting for an inc,
Well in WvW i cant really choose where i fight,i can in theory but sometimes i et attacket near mobs or if i rush to fight along side with someone from my server which is fighting some other ppl,plus the issue here that other classes can control where thier attack is headed,minions just go other ways sometimes.and @Terok,sorry i dont really know what AI path finding is but if you mean minions going to fight other mobs it might be triggered from mobs comming to attack me or mobs i hit with aoe and they attack back,what im talking about is just have the minions attack what im attacking and ignore other stuff just like a warrior greatsword attacks the thing he attacks beacuae its in his hands.
(edited by bamba.6401)
Minions should at least have the basic Ranger capability which would include peace/attack modes, return to me and attack my target. The fact that they handle pets differently is very strange to me.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
I see necro’s minions more like ranger’s spirits than like ranger’s pet…
Pet is the core mechanism of the ranger, while the second life is the core mechanism of necros.
I find it weird, though, that your minions attack any mobs along the way, and not just when a mob puts you in fight… Never played necros with minions, so can’t say, but do you have auto targeting on? (Had less problems with ranger’s druid spirit after taking auto-targetting off).
Any summoned creatures should only attack when their master attacks… They managed to make engis turrets attack what the engi is attacking, don’t see why minions wouldn’t…
Well it’s good to know it’s not only us Rangers that have Pet… err.. minion AI problems. Imagine though if your class was built around them and 40% of your damage was expected from them.. lol
I see necro’s minions more like ranger’s spirits than like ranger’s pet…
Pet is the core mechanism of the ranger, while the second life is the core mechanism of necros.I find it weird, though, that your minions attack any mobs along the way, and not just when a mob puts you in fight… Never played necros with minions, so can’t say, but do you have auto targeting on? (Had less problems with ranger’s druid spirit after taking auto-targetting off).
Any summoned creatures should only attack when their master attacks… They managed to make engis turrets attack what the engi is attacking, don’t see why minions wouldn’t…
I didnt mean they attack everything along the way,like i answered Terok it can be triggered by a mob attacking me and the minions attack the mob back even if i dont,or mobs i hit with aoe or Locust swarm while i run,that can happenand if its my hit first i cant do anything about it but what i want is the minions to attack what i attack and what i target so even if i hit hit a mob by mistake but then attack the person im fighting with i want them to attack that person,and what u said made me think that if i hit a mob by aoe its true its not thier fault to attack it but maybe like Straegen said to make a system,more simple then ranger pet’s one (controling 4 types of minions same time is not that easy xD) but maybe like targeting in parties and then the minions attack just what i target for them and not anything else.Anet read this!
Mesmer illusions have much the same issue and I do not know how it can be fixed. Many times I have an enemy targeted but if they stealth or dodge my illusions target the closest viable target be it a firefly, a raptor or even a chicken. I just thank my lucky stars that the chickens in WvW are not OP.
Mesmer illusions have much the same issue and I do not know how it can be fixed. Many times I have an enemy targeted but if they stealth or dodge my illusions target the closest viable target be it a firefly, a raptor or even a chicken. I just thank my lucky stars that the chickens in WvW are not OP.
Well risen chickens in lyssa event are op,and anet put them and the bowling champ ape in the same event xD but like was suggested to make a targeting system so that the minions attack only what the mm target so even when the enemy stealth it can be targeted again after they come out of stealth,for mesmers its diffrent i guess because illusions have much shorter life span but maybe make illusions stop attacking and disapear when the target stealth so the count for spawn wont start after they kill the chicken or whatever but when the target stealth.
MM necro in WvW isn’t that viable except to be hilarious. See this video:
If there is a guild willing to run an MM zerg all the time, I will sign up instantly.
MM necro in WvW isn’t that viable except to be hilarious. See this video:
If there is a guild willing to run an MM zerg all the time, I will sign up instantly.
I saw the vid,the mark part should have collapsed the wall if it was possible xD
The thing is im not arguing if its viable or not,but thats the gameplay style i like,its fun for me running into an enemy zerg charging my golem and blowing up minions(if i remember to do that xD),sometimes i die on 1vs1 sometimes i kill,the thing is all i want is that my minions to attack what i attack and thats it and i dont think its a really hard thing to do on anet’s side.
Belle, I do run Necro MM zergs on HoD. I’ve sent them against your server at least once.
The saga of your life is a summation of the choices you make.
Belle, I do run Necro MM zergs on HoD. I’ve sent them against your server at least once.
I would LOVE to see this … too bad I can’t get online this week (I’m on NSP).
As for the OP… I always focus MMs when I see them in WvW .. because they’re pretty much guaranteed to be PvEers.
Kuru, I was running one in your BL last night.
The saga of your life is a summation of the choices you make.