Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Samaul.6073


Last night in Northern Shiverpeaks – Darkhaven – Maguuma in the Dark haven borderlands, two guilds from Maguuma; GOON and SFD stacked on one healing turret, one rifle turret, farming kills at a supply camp, none of them dying. It looked like a bunch of botters at first. They made no attempt to move on when it there was a lull in the fighting but stayed there and waited for more to come.

Is this an exploit?

Is it playing the game as intended?

Should the healing turret be removed from or nerfed in WvWvW?

For me and my guild, our enthusiasm for WvWvW was significantly diminished after seeing this and most of them logged off.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


So did you lose enthusiasm because you just wanted to run in a zerg and press autoattack to win all day in WvW? Next time try thinking up a counter instead of complaining on the forums.

Edit: /wiki Area of Effect before complaining also. It sounds like you don’t get how it works.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: joebane.5872


There are lots of reasons to stack and lots of ways to counter it. Don’t Zerg, use siege.

Joebane – Yak’s Bend
Foo Guild –

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Roughneck.2509


If you can’t figure out a way to win in this situation other than coming to the forums to complain, then I am embarrassed for you as a pvper.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Samaul.6073


So did you lose enthusiasm because you just wanted to run in a zerg and press autoattack to win all day in WvW? Next time try thinking up a counter instead of complaining on the forums.
Edit: /wiki Area of Effect before complaining also. It sounds like you don’t get how it works.


“you just wanted to run a zerg and press autoattack” – this statement assumes you knew my exact motivation and exactly what i was doing at the time this event occurred, specifically

1. “you wanted” – you knew exactly what I was thinking.
2. “to run a zerg” – you knew that i was leading a zerg at that moment.
3. “press autoattack” – you knew exactly how I was playing the game at that moment, ie. autoattacking and doing nothing else.
4. “you don’t get how (Area of effect) works” – seems to me like I saw exactly how it works.

So what I hear you saying is that you can in fact read my mind and see through my eyes when I am playing GW2 and that AoE tactics are legitimate tactics in GW2 even when they give one side an insurmountable advantage over another in WvWvW.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Samaul.6073


There are lots of reasons to stack and lots of ways to counter it. Don’t Zerg, use siege.

So let me get this straight. We should stop on the road to a supply camp and set up siege at precisely the right location in order to counter the stacking of AoE buffs and healing effects should they occur?

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


So after two posts in this thread explain how to circumvent this tactic you still think it’s insurmountable? Listen, you may want to stay out of WvW and go back to attacking mobs instead. You’ll find they think a lot more on your level.

There are lots of reasons to stack and lots of ways to counter it. Don’t Zerg, use siege.

So let me get this straight. We should stop on the road to a supply camp and set up siege at precisely the right location in order to counter the stacking of AoE buffs and healing effects should they occur?

WHOA!!!! I think he figured it out!!! It’s almost like you should….. Counterstack and drop a catapult on your stack spot.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Samaul.6073


If you can’t figure out a way to win in this situation other than coming to the forums to complain, then I am embarrassed for you as a pvper.

Ok so the solution to our “embarassing” predicament is to be prepared to face 40 organized enemy players who are using a tactic that ensures that none of them will die, in the middle of nowhere whose sole purpose is to farm kills from the opposing factions.

My assumption is that the way to win in this situation is to set up or own healing turret stack within range of the opposing healling turret stack and to have a “healing turret stack war”. Now why didn’t I think of that at the time?

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Samaul.6073


So after two posts in this thread explain how to circumvent this tactic you still think it’s insurmountable? Listen, you may want to stay out of WvW and go back to attacking mobs instead. You’ll find they think a lot more on your level.

There are lots of reasons to stack and lots of ways to counter it. Don’t Zerg, use siege.

So let me get this straight. We should stop on the road to a supply camp and set up siege at precisely the right location in order to counter the stacking of AoE buffs and healing effects should they occur?

WHOA!!!! I think he figured it out!!! It’s almost like you should….. Counterstack and drop a catapult on your stack spot.

Someone tried that tactic. The healing turret stack simply adjusted their location enough to be out of range.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Samaul.6073


The above responses beg the question

What game are we playing, “Guild Wars” or “Healing Turret Stack” wars?

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Samaul.6073


So after two posts in this thread explain how to circumvent this tactic you still think it’s insurmountable? Listen, you may want to stay out of WvW and go back to attacking mobs instead. You’ll find they think a lot more on your level.

WHOA!!!! I think he figured it out!!! It’s almost like you should….. Counterstack and drop a catapult on your stack spot.

Darn you! How did you know we were attacking mobs in WvWvW?

Interestingly enough, when the GOON/SFD stack adjusted its location, they moved it on top of a catapult they already had set up. Then the game became

“Healing Turret, Rifle Turret, Catapult Stack Wars!”

maybe a better name for this game would be

“Stack-Counterstack Wars”

(edited by Samaul.6073)

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Mr Girly Man.6893

Mr Girly Man.6893

Don’t go to that supply camp. Problem solved.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Exactly. 30-40 players guarding 1 supply camp? Your team wins just by ignoring them.

You know, if these 30-40 players stacked their autoattack on me, I’d die in 1 second. Remove/nerf autoattack from the game?

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: nidwin.6731


C’mon guys. It’s the Goon Squad and friends. Just bring 3 groups and wipe them. Two well organized groups should actually be sufficient.

It pleases me to actually read about the Goonies coming out with new “tactics”. Normally they put up a 500 men strong zerg and run around like a bunch of lemmings from objective to next objective till they get wiped by a well organized bunch of players.

Keep up the good job Squad, I’ve fate in you boys and gals that one day, may be …

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: nidwin.6731


Job done pedrst 1.4.7

I read it and something, deep inside me, died.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Flashlegend.2941


Well OP, I think you have your answer. You can either set up multiple siege to hit the stack so they can’t adjust in a way that won’t leave them vulnerable. Or as someone else said, just ignore them and ward other players off of them. No matter how you look at it, 30-40 players guarding a supply camp isn’t efficient. And we’re not even talking about a T1 server that usually has a 100+ players running around the zone. Strike something else, a tower or keep, hard and fast and then laugh at them.

Ascosia – Thief
Isles of Janthir

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Chalky.8540


It’s funny to see how upset people get when their auto attacking zerg repeatedly wipes against an organised group of players.

Any tactic that can’t be defeated by a mindless zerg is an exploit, am I right?

I love the idea of somehow blaming a single healing turret for this by the way. Let us know how you came to that conclusion, considering that AoE buffs are capped at 5 players.

(edited by Chalky.8540)

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: FireStarter.2674


This is not a big deal. We saw this last night like 3 times. Twice we wiped out their whole group with just a single siege weapon.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Kyus.3812


Well done to the tactical guys at that supply camp, its nice seeing some other people stacking up and using synergy to bring the beat down to the opposition. There are too many people who think that running around with an equal number of randoms all spread out with builds that don’t assist one another properly should be entitled to free kills.

some guilds need to wise up you can’t just let your members run whatever spec possible and profit.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Mayam.8976


Exactly. 30-40 players guarding 1 supply camp? Your team wins just by ignoring them.

You know, if these 30-40 players stacked their autoattack on me, I’d die in 1 second. Remove/nerf autoattack from the game?

Honestly, after reading the OP, the above point just leaped out at me like it had a neon sign pointing at it. This many players apparently “anchored” themselves to one point in the vicinity of their turrets (I am gonna take a leap in the realm of assumption and make the educated guess that it wasn’t just one or two turrets they had themselves stacked on though).

I mean really, this is just blatant idiocy on their part if they thought this tactic was gonna be effective for more than 15 seconds at best. Just take a moment to think about it critically.

_"Okay guys, anyone who comes within range of our rifles and bows while we remain in the vicinity of our turrets here is just plain PWNED!!! Nice work all!!"

“Heyyyy!!! Wait a minute here!!! They’re avoiding this one single point on the map we’ve established complete dominion over and are proceeding to attack the dozen plus other points around the map. They’ve uncovered the single weak point in our otherwise rock solid strategy, NOW WHAT!!!”_

Seriously friend, unless I’m missing a key descriptive in your post about this situation, I see nothing more than a nifty kinda tactic for closing off a choke point of some points on the WvW maps. Certainly nothing that anyone could possibly consider an “exploit”. Definitely nothing than a school aged child couldn’t very quickly figure a way to subvert. If the opposition is pulling this tactic on you for anything more than temporarily slowing down your forces at a choke point (and I mean temporary like – until you guys respawn or, you know, just turn around and come from the other direction) then the issues determining your server’s victory or loss start wwwaaayyyy back at the beginning – at the most basic tactics of large scale WvW PvP

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Rabh.2493


C’mon guys. It’s the Goon Squad and friends. Just bring 3 groups and wipe them. Two well organized groups should actually be sufficient.

It pleases me to actually read about the Goonies coming out with new “tactics”. Normally they put up a 500 men strong zerg and run around like a bunch of lemmings from objective to next objective till they get wiped by a well organized bunch of players.

Keep up the good job Squad, I’ve fate in you boys and gals that one day, may be …

Butthurt Eve player spotted, I doubt you’ve ever fought Maguuma.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: nidwin.6731


Forgive me my ignorance but what’s Eve?
As for having fought Maguuma you’re right.

back to topic.

get 2-3 Memsers, real ones, chain feedback + all the needed goodies.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Nevron.9413


Forgive me my ignorance but what’s Eve?
As for having fought Maguuma you’re right.

back to topic.

get 2-3 Memsers, real ones, chain feedback + all the needed goodies.

You can’t feign to have any knowledge of Goon without knowing what EVE is. I never played EVE and know about Goon there. That said, I have seen Goon’s laughable efforts in other games and my experience with them in other games doesn’t come close to what I’ve heard about their EVE division.

Guild – Shadow of Apophis [SoA]

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Aurainsoph.5426


Why don’t you throw a wall of reflection down so they cant shoot you and then run in and stack your zerg and do the same tactics?

Gj Goons, you’re going to get WvW tactics nerfed.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

if they park 40 guys on a single supply camp and dont leave even when theres noone to farm, they are pretty much handing you the entire map on a silver plate….and you are complaining because???

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Kiado.9362


OMG Goons! They must be cheating! Seriously. I play with these “Goons” and they are a good group of people. We have the most fun on Maguuma, and posts like these only make it more fun. I would say if there actions caused a bunch of people to log out because they don’t like to fight against adaptive strategy and coordination, that is even better than a respawn. That is assisting victory through denial of scrub players who log out.

Goons, can they be kittens, yes (but only if you are on the other team), do they sometimes have fun at others expense, maybe at times. Do they cheat, bot, hack, or anything else? kitten no. They are a huge part of the WvW community on Maguuma, I would fight with them, or SFD, any day over any of you other chumps.

All I see in this post is a tactic that was super effective, since it caused logouts.

Lujan Storm – Maguuma
The Pangolins Den [PANG]

(edited by Kiado.9362)

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


I’m responding to a report that PvP happened? Is everyone ok?

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Kiado.9362


I’m responding to a report that PvP happened? Is everyone ok?

I heard some players were whooped up on so hard that it caused their client to log them out. Can this be confirmed or denied?

Lujan Storm – Maguuma
The Pangolins Den [PANG]

(edited by Kiado.9362)

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Moddo.7105


So did you lose enthusiasm because you just wanted to run in a zerg and press autoattack to win all day in WvW? Next time try thinking up a counter instead of complaining on the forums.
Edit: /wiki Area of Effect before complaining also. It sounds like you don’t get how it works.


“you just wanted to run a zerg and press autoattack” – this statement assumes you knew my exact motivation and exactly what i was doing at the time this event occurred, specifically

1. “you wanted” – you knew exactly what I was thinking.
2. “to run a zerg” – you knew that i was leading a zerg at that moment.
3. “press autoattack” – you knew exactly how I was playing the game at that moment, ie. autoattacking and doing nothing else.
4. “you don’t get how (Area of effect) works” – seems to me like I saw exactly how it works.

So what I hear you saying is that you can in fact read my mind and see through my eyes when I am playing GW2 and that AoE tactics are legitimate tactics in GW2 even when they give one side an insurmountable advantage over another in WvWvW.

In case you don’t know but when a sentence(Like one you are quoting)ends in a “?” which is called a question mark it turns that sentence into a question. So that person was asking you a question and not just making a statement. Please go and get a 1st grade English book and read a bit about this amassing punctuation device before you go on a rant about person reading your mind and all that silly woohaaa.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


In future if you can:

1) Fear the stack (not terribly effective unless coordinated because we tell all our guys to always have toggle walk bound to a hotkey)

2) Use skills in concert that have the push effect like Shield of Absorption, Gust, Staggering Blow etc.

3) Force the stack to burst (either when under fire from ballistas/arrow carts wherever it is possible to put these up) or alternatively, don’t even bother engaging. Do something else. You can often forgoe a battle you know you cant win and still win the war by having superior map presence.

You can thank me later.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: TheChairman.1485


What the hell is “stacked on one healing turret, one rifle turret” supposed to mean?

Rifle turrets fire at one enemy every 2 seconds. Healing turrets grant Regeneration to 5 allies every 8 seconds. How is that supposed to be some sort of major advantage to a group of 30 people?

Dr Chairman / Jacques Lamure / Flint Ironstag / Butterdie Kisses
Goon Squad Maguuma

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Mayam.8976


Also, I’ve been waiting for some time now to see the correct “intellectual setting” for the conversation but, I’ve noticed the idea of PvP that many of us who have been been playing MMO’s for the unique PvP offered (separate from the type of PvP one finds in BF, CoW, and similar games) has been changing by degrees to be as “least common denominator” friendly as possible.

Pk’ing is COMPLETELY gone from these games now in favor of the most “grief- free” PvP game possible. Wha?!?! Huh?!?! I don’t know where calling in back up as a tactic to respond to “griefers” went to but I wish it’d come back! Personally I always thought that was the whole kitten idea! High level players attack a low level town, back up is called in, battle ensues. Always made perfect sense to me but now I guess that’s too difficult to expect form the player base? Is that why PK’ing is gone?

That’s just the tip of the ice berg though really. Are people really expecting the developers of this game to find someway to compensate for players that play in the middle of the night in our now completely sterilized and fully segregated “PvP”. Has anyone considered the next ligical step in that line of thinking – by which I mean that it would be COMPLETELY YIMPOSSIBLE without ruining the game for the midnight players? There again – people who can’t put hardly any players on the field in the middle of the night are going to, wait for it… HAVE LESS POINTS! Hence the whole Tiered business. I guess poeple get hung up on the kitten length and girth of their “Tier”. Concerning themselves with the quantity of their servers points as opposed to the quantity. Maybe a chronologic breakdown of a server’s points could be posted as well, would that help everyone feel better? Maybe some mathematical wizard at Anet will take the time to make that info effect the “tier rankings” in some over sloppy complicated convoluted mathematical mess of jargon? Or would that just provide more to be kittened about?

Well before I get WAY to far from the point (think it’s a little late for that though ;P). Here lately, as PvP MMO’s evolve. I see more and more people looking to attribute “failure” on the part of themselves, their guild, faction, server, etc., etc. to anything, and more and more those are being lumped into the catch all terms of “EXPLOIT” or “HACK” or what have you. Fewer and fewer do people seem to look at a loss, be it from unique strategy, tactic, or what have you as a challenge to be overcome. To try and simplify it somewhat (and clearly having already failed to do so ;P) , it seems these challenges are being approached from the presupposition of: “Well, I / We are obviously awesome but they somehow won so… obviously they cheated, exploited, hacked, didn’t something outside our control and so without any possible counter.”

We’ve already convinced the developer’s that we want a “griefless gaming world”, which for me has amounted to the most bare bones, plain jane, bread and water only, PvE to date. Game after potential game has been turned into a hot, steaming pile, of “WTF?!?! is that” bunch of off the wall classes from the never ending chorus of _NERF <Insert Class Here> QQ. And essentially we’ve backed the developers into the corner of producing one PvE game and one PvP game just under one title and in one box though.

I apologize for this post probably making very little sense but it’s been slowly brewing inside me for a while now. I’ve really been enjoying GW2 and I think it has more potential so far than many of it’s predecessors. I’d just really hate to see it butchered by thousands of players seeing only their perspective through the eyes of their class on their server, etc, etc., you get the point. I have a lot of faith in the Developers who have been eating, breathing and sleeping GW2 for years now. I’m PLEADING fellow players, give them and this game some time to develop naturally. Give feedback sure, but don’t come out the gate screaming HACK! – EXPLOIT! – CHEATERS! after every tough loss or bad week in WvW or whatever. Just my 2 copper anyway. I hope a more coherent discussion along these lines can take place here eventually. Hope I haven’t completely hijacked your thread OP, but really, who’s gonna read all this nonsense anyway ;P.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Its GOON, they need this kind of gimmick to play. What is the going rate to be a goon for this game anyways?

~ AoN ~

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: TheChairman.1485


$9.95/mo for a Bronze membership, but I’d recommend paying the $10 extra for all the extra benefits of a Gold membership.

Dr Chairman / Jacques Lamure / Flint Ironstag / Butterdie Kisses
Goon Squad Maguuma

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Javy.1697


It’s bullkitten, you can’t even get invites to the wvw groups without Gold anymore.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: shoognite.2106


Just think of the unstoppable power of not one, but two healing turrets….So pro

Jaquan “Shoognite” Jenkins
Urban Outreach Program Director, Goon Guilds, LLC.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


Kitten those Maguumans for wanting to heal each other.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Kiado.9362


Platinum gives you command of the zerg right?

Lujan Storm – Maguuma
The Pangolins Den [PANG]

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyr.1254


OP should use proper terminology. It’s not stacking, it’s called a “cuddle huddle”. Goon/PANG/others held me close last night with cuddles while it took DH around 15 minutes to wipe us from their garrison lord’s room. A+, would do again.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: ViperWire.4261


Maguuma has healing turret; how do I shot web?

Invalid Password [EVOH] – Maguuma

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7581


Nerf Haelsing Tourettes

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Preacher.4836


Having seen this first hand in last weeks match all i can say is well done Maguuma guilds that pull off this strat. i was in the garrison’s commander room watching ~20 Mag invaders sit and tank every thing we could through at them for around 10-15min. i was very impressed.


Preacher Roy-Guardian, Preacherroy-Engineer, Necro Preacher-Necromancer, Preacher Clone-Mesmer

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: tealover.3491


Stacking is how we give each other super happy friendship hugs <3

Dork Age of Canteloupe [DAoC]
The Pangolins Den [PANG]
~~~ Maguuma ~~~

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


tldr: numbers don’t always win….

It’s weird yep, so go complain to Anet not the Goons/SFD/Maguuma people. Get them to ensure that you can always faceroll everything when you have superior numbers.


Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Hexd.4796


Its just bad design. AoE damage skills can only hit 5 players at once while most AoE protection/healing skills have no limit.

Its technically an exploit (abusing game mechanics to gain an advantage) but working as intended

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


If it’s working as intended then it’s by definition not abuse.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Samhayn.2385


Lets see,

Siege them to death, Stack AoE on them, have one Mesmer invis portal into them then havea a guardian with a shield come in and knock them all away from turret. Better yet do all three at the same time!

It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: kgptzac.8419


If there are 30-40 players stacked at one camp, it’s probably a good indication that your server should find another target to take down. Just sayin’.

a shard of crystal in the desert.

Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Lets see,

Siege them to death, Stack AoE on them, have one Mesmer invis portal into them then havea a guardian with a shield come in and knock them all away from turret. Better yet do all three at the same time!

Don’t think for them let them figure it out….


Maguuma: 30-40 players stacked on one healing turret...

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


If there are 30-40 players stacked at one camp, it’s probably a good indication that your server should find another target to take down. Just sayin’.

Such a dishonorable tactic!

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy