Maguuma, Tarnished Coast, Listen Up!
EB has been alliance free clearly if you watch the map. But there are more maps then EB and frankly when you witness firsthand enemies stand next to each other but attack only your camp * on mag border *, Then denying is pointless. Was it as wide spread as it seemed, probably not, but even the one morning had EBs morale down so low we had no queues last night.
As someone who has operated in Maguuma Border all weekend…
There are two forces. The ‘Zerg’, which is roughly half of the total TC forces, spends all of its time at the bridge/ruins. The other half is the force run by one of TC’s two Commanders that is constantly harassing the top half of the map. Because of the huge distance between groups, I admit, it would look like we are focusing solely on one team depending on viewpoint.
Maguuma Borderlands probably hosts with the most organized TC forces we can field. Even the force at the ruins has their own Vent.
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server
I’m on TC, been in WvW most of the evening EST activities – there are no alliances. What we do have are opportunists, and those exist on all sides. If we see one group taking a beating somewhere, we exploit a weakness on the other side of the map. The other guys do this also – there is no communication or coordination with any of the other realms that I am aware of.
The fighting this week has already surpassed the fighting last week vs Fergussion’s and Borlis (as Slamz already stated). Because of this, I’m happy.
Do I want to win and be 1st place? Sure, that’d be nice.
Do I want to have actual battles to fight instead of hunting down stragglers from a server with little, if any, wPvP population? Yes … battles are fun … the other crap isn’t.
Which do I care more about? Having good battles. In the end, the score doesn’t mean much of anything if I didn’t have fun … I honestly don’t understand the people who prefer to sit in 3 hours queues but have their server win … way to sit in the queue while “you” won. Take ArenaNet’s hints and pack up your friends/guildies and move to Kaineng or one of the other servers in need of a wPvP population.
As for this thread … stop whining, trolling, or whatever garbage you kids do these days and play. If you don’t have a picture or video to back up what you’re saying, then what you’re saying has no merit. Anyone can say anything they like on here (as long as a mod doesn’t jump on it). Heck, I could say I’m the queen of England. No one here has any way to argue that one way or another.
So, put up or shut up … and play.
Honestly, my only concern pertaining to the scores for this week is that if Ehmry gets 3rd place we could be placed back with the lowest servers and have another boring week of no competition. I would not enjoy that … though the server perks did help me farm for my exotics, lol … so it’d not be a total loss (well-designed, ArenaNet. Kudos!)
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
I would love to see a site where the different worlds can communicate in a more professional manner… if its practical to set up alliances then by all means do it! but at this point it seems like the forum is not doing an effective job of organizing such a large scale partnership. ive been playing in WVW all weekend (maguuma) and havent caught any wind of this so called alliance.
I would love to see a site where the different worlds can communicate in a more professional manner…
We will never parley with you, vile [Maguuma Invader]! You will remain the nameless bloodstains on our swords along with [Ehmry Bay Invader].
Support Warrior of Defiance[RUN]
Sanctum of Rall Server
I think as server leadership begins to coalesce and people get to know their usual tier matchups (Hi TC!) those of you who get butthurt over perceived teamups/lack of “honor” might want to find a more structured experience to enjoy. One built right into the game, perhaps?
If you Ehmry Bay people spent as much time in game as you do crying on the forums about it, maybe you could actually help your team. As of now TC has woken up and last I heard is pushing our poop in while I’m stuck at work. That sure is a teamup right there!
As I said before, expecting your enemy to fight on your terms is naive and silly. You really should get that thought out of your head if you want to continue participating in Wold vs. World. If you want everything to be equal and even and “honorable,” sPVP is for you. It’s really very fun!
I’m really curious to see how the weekdays go in terms of figuring out how to balance server time populations. I had a whole lot of fun last night and I hope we have more back and forth over the week – capturing stuff and having battles is what makes things fun!
[SFD] – Maguuma
Hi Everybody!
I wanted to throw in my two cents on this weeks WvWvW and mention that it has certainly been a good fight so far. I play on Ehmry Bay and it is a fantastic challenge when facing two large forces on two fronts. I have read a good number of posts in this thread and had a few good chuckles with regards to “time zone exploits” hahaha. I never knew it was an exploit to live further west of another person, but I guess people need something to complain about.
Anyway, I hope that people don’t get too worked up over this weeks event. This is of course just a game, and due to the way WvW was designed, it will never be a fair fight. People just need to accept this fact and move on.
With the point differences between the 3 servers, I feel quite proud that Ehmry Bay has stayed in the running and isn’t being beaten up too badly in this “2 v 1” (i say it in quotes since I don’t believe it’s actually the case, everybody is fighting a doing what is best for their server).
Since we will be most likely taking a 3rd place finish this week due to the efforts of Tarnished and Maguuma, I can look forward to an easier opponent next week. The more 3rd place finishes we receive, the closer we are to a lower spot vs weaker opponents. This “ganging up” of 2 servers against one is ultimately self defeating because eventually these 2 servers will be separated and unable to assist eachother when fighting foes that are even higher than we are. Fighting for a top spot is not always a good thing… especially in WvW >:)
I say good day!
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I guess the fact that Ehmry bay overlook went down with Greens in the front and Blues in that back was just a sheer coincidence, I guess that moon and planets align for that one.
W/e It still seem laughable that you two need to gang up on us , one of the lowest rank WvW servers.
Any who have fun , don’t forget to kiss and make up when it all over. Enjoy your two man tango , I be heading over to Spvp where things are more competitive and fun.
“Np, it part of the Job :) " – Proud Guardian.
(edited by Jestersmiles.4365)
Ehmry Bay’s militia is still putting up a hell of a fight against these two servers that were 6 ranks above us last week. Even if there wasn’t a tangible alliance, you all had better stick together because we’re about to give you a beat down like we did on Friday.
I have seen so many occasions of trying to take a keep and seeing EB hammering on the other doors as we are beating on the inner gate.
Hell, yesterday morning was the best example.
We (Mag) woke up to find TC holding 100% of eternal battleground, so we rally the forces as people woke up, took back all of our own home area, then instead of trying to seige SM from our side (which they had HEAVILY defended) we swept behind, took the TC keep and 2-3 other holdings and then seiged SM from the TC side. We get through both gates and as we started fighting the Castle lord, we see Ehmery Bay flooding through the other inner gate. We managed to draw TC back to retake their keep, and while they did both Mag and EB double seiged SM. We came out on top, but TC could easily read what happened as us teaming up on them (and if we had that would be fine because they were in the lead.) What really happened, we had a strategy to draw their forces out of SM so we could take it quickly while undefended. EB saw the attack we made into TC territory and smartly tried to capitalize on the opportunity. In the end we were faster, but kudos to you for trying to take advantage.
This happens regularly, and is smart tactics (adjusting to battlefield conditions).
If you end up on the receiving end of an opportunistic beatdown, see it for what it is and look for YOUR next opportunity.
If you are thinking that you should split your forces in half and just fight on the usual 2 fronts at once, and expect the other servers to do the same, you are doing it wrong and will continue to miss the opportunities that define WvW wins and progress.
Team X Gaming [TXG]
Just to be clear the only reason EBay got off to such a good start on Friday was because as soon as the game started TC went straight at Maguuma. The reason for this is because we came in third last week because of dragonbrand and we wanted to make sure Maguuma knew what was up… namely that they aren’t better than us and that they were lucky that dragonbrand also saw that and pushed us harder than them.
We did underestimate you but that was a choice and was not related to you’d being competition for us. Go back down to your low end ranks and plz take maguuma with you.
I don’t know what the other matches are like, but this feels like an even match-up, which is a nice change. We’re a little bit ahead on TC, but there is a real ebb and flow and there doesn’t feel like any side is dominating. And there have been some truly epic battles! Lots of fun so far, in my view
Just to be clear the only reason EBay got off to such a good start on Friday was because as soon as the game started TC went straight at Maguuma. The reason for this is because we came in third last week because of dragonbrand and we wanted to make sure Maguuma knew what was up… namely that they aren’t better than us and that they were lucky that dragonbrand also saw that and pushed us harder than them.
We did underestimate you but that was a choice and was not related to you’d being competition for us. Go back down to your low end ranks and plz take maguuma with you.
Well I prefer this lame excuse to the, “they play later than us” nonsense. But how would this explain us holding you all off while being double teamed? Try again.
Since we will be most likely taking a 3rd place finish this week due to the efforts of Tarnished and Maguuma, I can look forward to an easier opponent next week. The more 3rd place finishes we receive, the closer we are to a lower spot vs weaker opponents. This “ganging up” of 2 servers against one is ultimately self defeating because eventually these 2 servers will be separated and unable to assist eachother when fighting foes that are even higher than we are. Fighting for a top spot is not always a good thing… especially in WvW >:)
I say good day!
Have you been watching the WvW scores? We are far from 3rd.
I find it hilarious how Mag and TC are now trying to re-write history now that the damage has been done.
Your big guilds teamed up over the weekend to evaporate Ehmry’s lead.
Basically, TC played Mag hard into thinking Ehmry was a bigger threat. Mag played for second place and essentially handed TC the game.
TC is a bigger night capping threat than Ehmry ever was. Good job TC. You played your little sister server Mag into doing your dirty work for you.
I truly hope we get matched vs mag next round without you to hold their hand and protect them in the vital early days of the match.
Roland, you seem unreasonably angry at Tarnished Coast over a part of the game that should be fun. Did you transfer from there? Did they kick your dog? Did they say mean things about your sister?
I’m glad I’m not anywhere near leadership on any server because the more you go on the more I do want to talk to TC about an alliance. Seriously, take all the hot air you’re wasting here and go get your precious lead back – TC is supposedly too busy stomping a mudhole in our behinds to bother with you. (I can’t check)
How are things going anyway? A-Net should set up out-of-game displays of the scores and graphs that update every tick so I know what I’m in for tonight!
[SFD] – Maguuma
Roland, you seem unreasonably angry at Tarnished Coast over a part of the game that should be fun. Did you transfer from there? Did they kick your dog? Did they say mean things about your sister?
I’m glad I’m not anywhere near leadership on any server because the more you go on the more I do want to talk to TC about an alliance. Seriously, take all the hot air you’re wasting here and go get your precious lead back – TC is supposedly too busy stomping a mudhole in our behinds to bother with you. (I can’t check)
How are things going anyway? A-Net should set up out-of-game displays of the scores and graphs that update every tick so I know what I’m in for tonight!
Actually you misread my post. Notice how I compliment TC on manipulating you Maggies into playing for second place and handing them the game?
Read my posts on this topic. I say several times that TC is smart for doing this..It was Mag that are fools. Also notice how I say I can’t wait til we are matched against Mag on friday without TC to hold their hand?
Learn to read before replying.
Well I prefer this lame excuse to the, “they play later than us” nonsense. But how would this explain us holding you all off while being double teamed? Try again.
Your not being double teamed lol. We are just better than you and this score makes it clear you aren’t holding off anything. Please now just take Maguuma and go back down to the lower ranks where you belong.
Because one person starting a thread obviously makes every participant from both servers, all of whom regularly read this forum, adhere to its suggestion.
Have you been watching the WvW scores? We are far from 3rd.
You are third now… However there is no Maguuma/TC alliance see image below and you will note the following things,
1: We pushed both of you off our Borderlands (Thus us vs both)
2: We were pushed off Ebay but Maguuma is still there so clearly Ebay/Maguuma vs us.
3: We hold Bay on Maguuma BL but not Hills and Maguuma took Lake Tower so no MG/TC alliance.
4: We are Crushing EB holding off Maguuma advances as you can see they are doing while crushing your towers.
Since we will be most likely taking a 3rd place finish this week due to the efforts of Tarnished and Maguuma, I can look forward to an easier opponent next week. The more 3rd place finishes we receive, the closer we are to a lower spot vs weaker opponents. This “ganging up” of 2 servers against one is ultimately self defeating because eventually these 2 servers will be separated and unable to assist eachother when fighting foes that are even higher than we are. Fighting for a top spot is not always a good thing… especially in WvW >:)
I say good day!
Have you been watching the WvW scores? We are far from 3rd.
“Yes” would be the answer to your question, and we are certainly 3rd.
I say a big “good day” to you sir!
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I think that Roland is just upset that all the hard work they put in Friday night through Saturday was undone on Sunday.
I can say that on Eternal BG Sunday morning, we completely ignored Ehmery in favor of taking TC’s keep and eventually castle.
From what I can tell, we at Magu follow a pretty strict priority checklist.
1. Can we take something from the people in 1st (was EB until Saturday afternoon), and was TC from then on.
2. Is there an opportunity we can capitalize on? Happens regularly vs either TC or EB depending on which battleground we are on, and where the major conflicts are.
For example, if we are on EB borderlands, and we see there is a large fight at the inner gate on the keep on the opposite side, or garrison, you can bekittensure we will launch a strong offensive on the largest target we can get to from EITHER team. If this is on EB borderlands, its probably the closer keep or garrison depending on what we hold. If it is on TC borderlands the same applies to them.
If you always play on Ehmery borderlands, expect for us to take the opportunity to kitten your kitten up whenever you are engaged elsewhere.
TC does the same, except they like to group up and show up to the other teams fighting to wipe the remainder out and take kitten for themselves… Jerks. :P
Team X Gaming [TXG]
Quick question. The maps in Wv3 have a population cap and is that cap per server or per map. Example 500 population cap so each side gets 166 players or 500 map cap and its first come first in for all 3 servers?
Also I’m from E Bay and this week has been a blast!
it easy to act tough when you have a whole zerg behind you noob. Please don’t act like you hot stuff because your not.
“Np, it part of the Job :) " – Proud Guardian.
I like the term “crushing” being used in this thread when the pie chart shows something a lot more even, but I digress.
Some of you folks are getting too excited by this thread and it looks like its one of the more popular ones to date. Almost 8K views and just about 6 pages
So i suppose WvWvW can also be played in the forums when people are at work. hahaha
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
I like the term “crushing” being used in this thread when the pie chart shows something a lot more even, but I digress.
Some of you folks are getting too excited by this thread and it looks like its one of the more popular ones to date. Almost 8K views and just about 6 pages
So i suppose WvWvW can also be played in the forums when people are at work. hahaha
Hey what can I say love it when noobs think their hard just because they have a bigger zerg than the other guy.
Nothing better than to shoot them off their high horse and back to reality.
“Np, it part of the Job :) " – Proud Guardian.
Talgonadia, the caps are per side.
Too Maguuma players, judging by the current score, the players on Tarnished Coast don’t care about you guys anymore, why don’t Maguuma and Emhry Bay start taking their stuff :P
I almost feel sorry for the people that think there’s an alliance. It means they aren’t aware of the constant ebb and flow of rvr yet. 2 servers currently going at it at a certain front? Better believe the third party is going to take notice and take advantage against one of those servers. This is standard here in the middle of the pack.
It’s my understanding EB steamrolled their last match up. Welp, welcome to the real fights. You gonna get pincered from time to time. It only gets worse as you move up the ladder.
I almost feel sorry for the people that think there’s an alliance. It means they aren’t aware of the constant ebb and flow of rvr yet. 2 servers currently going at it at a certain front? Better believe the third party is going to take notice and take advantage against one of those servers. This is standard here in the middle of the pack.
It’s my understanding EB steamrolled their last match up. Welp, welcome to the real fights. You gonna get pincered from time to time. It only gets worse as you move up the ladder.
Real Fight? oh please here we go acting like we all bad now , man they give you casuals a mode and all of sudden you think your hard LOL.
Got to love it.
“Np, it part of the Job :) " – Proud Guardian.
The hell are you talking about? Competitive fights. That’s what the middle of the pack servers have. We’ve fought and lost to the “real” wvw servers already. I’m fully aware of where we stand.
The very quote you responded to I stated “it only gets worse as you move up the ladder”. Indicating there are a lot better servers out there. But yeah, I think I’m the baddest man on the plan dude.
(edited by Rhyis.7058)
I almost feel sorry for the people that think there’s an alliance. It means they aren’t aware of the constant ebb and flow of rvr yet. 2 servers currently going at it at a certain front? Better believe the third party is going to take notice and take advantage against one of those servers. This is standard here in the middle of the pack.
It’s my understanding EB steamrolled their last match up. Welp, welcome to the real fights. You gonna get pincered from time to time. It only gets worse as you move up the ladder.
Last week on Ehmry Bay was an interesting one, but also extremely boring. This week is full of excitement and constant action in zones. I really love it.
I totally agree with you Rhyis, if you’re going to extend yourself to capture a point on the map, you should be expecting at attack in a location that your main army is not. That is just called good tactics and smart siege warfare.
I’m looking forward to see how this week plays out and who we get paired with next round.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Hey what can I say love it when noobs think their hard just because they have a bigger zerg than the other guy.
Nothing better than to shoot them off their high horse and back to reality.
Cayden’s being a jerk, but you don’t have to be one too. We’re definitely not winning by having a bigger zerg, and we’re definitely not facerolling you guys; you’ve been doing a really good job of keeping us on our toes. We’ve just been able to keep a mild lead in the points enough of the time to have our point total build. All three teams are working hard and playing well. We should be treating each other with respect.
It’s really Maguuma and Ehmry Bay that are allied!
Yesterday at dreadfall bay, EB took the keep from TC after a long siege, then Maguuma (who had snuck in during the fight) took it from EB almost immediately. EB moved in on the north wall and harried TC’s countersiege, which devolved into a messy 3 way inside dreadfall outer…..
There is no alliance (between worlds, that is). Everyone is fighting each other, the scores arekittennear even overall. Silly conspiracy people go back under rocks now please.
Yesterday at dreadfall bay, EB took TC long , then Maguuma (who had snuck in) took it from EB almost immediately. EB moved in on and harried TC’s , which devolved into a messy 3 way inside dreadfall ….
Everyone scores a kitten overall.
If you really read between the lines of the post, I think you get a good understanding of what “The Real Story” is during this weeks “meating” of servers….
raised eyebrow
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
(edited by Furiousbeard.7602)
I love how some are like their was an alliance and other are like no their was not. It was clear from day 1 hour 1 their was and this forums admits such. The best part is as with every game the goons are so dumb they organized and agreed to this knowing they would finish second. The real EB pvpers are having a blast. We have kept the score close 2 v1 1 and with TC having the night zerg not EB. on nov 21 Goons will quit this game accomplishing nothing and go to darkfall 2 and get destroyed their like in every other game they have ever played. And maguuma will become a dead server. Tc will eventually have to do something for themselves and will move up a bracket and get rolled becuase they are over rated due to having to team up. EB will be fine we will continue to have a goodtime hoping for a reall honest match at some point.
The OP already acknowledged he was trolling. On this very page.
The plot thickens…
Conspiracy theorists will say he admitted to trolling to mask the intention of an alliance. very very interesting indeed.
I can’t wait till I’m home and can ACTUALLY fight some peeps. This whole forum fighting is getting me frustrated. It’s like a lot of foreplay with no release. I’m getting blue “kittens” over here!
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
LOL the self pity in this thread amongst the EB players is so sad.
In a reasonably close 3rd place after coming out the gates strong for the first 24 hours? Having battles on 2 fronts vs 2 enemies on a 1v1v1 map schema?
Must be that they are getting double teamed!
All 3 servers are doing their best to win vs the other 2, and you just happen to not be the best at it on the server.
Nah, couldn’t be that, you must just be getting picked on.
Crai more noobs.
Team X Gaming [TXG]
“hiding behind a zerg” could ostensibly be a response to absolutely anyone in WvW. Every server has its zerg. The fact that I play WvW makes me no more likely to “hide” behind a zerg than yourself, or anyone else playing this game.
That being said, if my zerg is better at WvW than your zerg (organization, tactics, etc.) then we will have a better score…
Go play some sPvP and kitten, or…
Crai more.
Team X Gaming [TXG]
LOL the self pity in this thread amongst the EB players is so sad.
In a reasonably close 3rd place after coming out the gates strong for the first 24 hours? Having battles on 2 fronts vs 2 enemies on a 1v1v1 map schema?
Must be that they are getting double teamed!
All 3 servers are doing their best to win vs the other 2, and you just happen to not be the best at it on the server.
Nah, couldn’t be that, you must just be getting picked on.
Crai more noobs.
Since I haven’t been belly aching about this weeks clash of the kittens, i don’t take offense to your comments
BUT I do support the call for cry babies to take a nap even though you are putting up a good troll post
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
“hiding behind a zerg” could ostensibly be a response to absolutely anyone in WvW. Every server has its zerg. The fact that I play WvW makes me no more likely to “hide” behind a zerg than yourself, or anyone else playing this game.
That being said, if my zerg is better at WvW than your zerg (organization, tactics, etc.) then we will have a better score…
Go play some sPvP and kitten, or…
Crai more.
I just wanted to point out that the word cry is spelled cry. Your e-bonics is ugly to look at.
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB
Why can’t we be friends, why can’t we be friends~
Just saying, if I’m on a border lands, I typically try to be nice to others who are doing an neutral NPC event or if an opposing faction is taking another faction’s sentry or something, I try to stay out of their hair. I also don’t mess with people in jumping puzzles, that’s just rude :/
Tandrel, Sylvari Guardian
First rule of the Alliance: There is no Alliance.
I think it’s clear that while Mag in general may not have an alliance with TC, Goon Squad either does, is completelykitten or is playing for second.
Good Squad is absolutely targeting Ebay over TC even though they really should be doing the opposite. They could sweep a lot of TCs unguarded places if they weren’t too busy tying to force Ebay off the map instead.
I guess some people are content with being second best :/
Since we will be most likely taking a 3rd place finish this week due to the efforts of Tarnished and Maguuma, I can look forward to an easier opponent next week. The more 3rd place finishes we receive, the closer we are to a lower spot vs weaker opponents. This “ganging up” of 2 servers against one is ultimately self defeating because eventually these 2 servers will be separated and unable to assist eachother when fighting foes that are even higher than we are. Fighting for a top spot is not always a good thing… especially in WvW >:)
I say good day!
Have you been watching the WvW scores? We are far from 3rd.
“Yes” would be the answer to your question, and we are certainly 3rd.
I say a big “good day” to you sir!
Sorry, Im employed. So I dont get to play all day to see up to the minute scores.
I think it’s clear that while Mag in general may not have an alliance with TC, Goon Squad either does, is completelykitten or is playing for second.
Good Squad is absolutely targeting Ebay over TC even though they really should be doing the opposite. They could sweep a lot of TCs unguarded places if they weren’t too busy tying to force Ebay off the map instead.
I guess some people are content with being second best :/
On the flip side, EB has a significant presence over in Maguuma borderlands and isn’t fighting TC at all. As a result, most of Mags own borderlands is controlled by TC. If the people in this borderlands crossed over to the TC borderlands they’d be able to fend off Mag’s attacks and do damage to TC in the process, while Mag would only have to deal with TC in their own borderlands.
Clearly this shows a current alliance between TC and EB and EB is fighting for 2nd.
The reality of the situation is: zergs gonna zerg.
Yea, because Ehmry started this thread right?
No. But you are claiming it had an effect of any kind. Without any real means to largely back up what your saying. That is, everything you are explaining can be explained through strategic decisions. Sort of like how Mag and EB decided to push back heavily in the TC borderlands because it was all green for a fair bit of time.
By your logic, I’d have to assume that someone from EB or Mag called a conclave and made a secret blood oath instead of seeing opportunities and taking them. You can try to paint your initial missteps whatever way you want. Doesn’t mean we can’t sit here and laugh at the tinfoiling.
I think it’s clear that while Mag in general may not have an alliance with TC, Goon Squad either does, is completelykitten or is playing for second.
First options isn’t likely since they led a big focus on Bluevale and Bluebriar for about an hour and a half. Might still be. People don’t invest that much time at a single target if they’re secret war buddies with the people holding it.
(edited by Sharpclaw.7510)
I think it’s clear that while Mag in general may not have an alliance with TC, Goon Squad either does, is completelykitten or is playing for second.
Good Squad is absolutely targeting Ebay over TC even though they really should be doing the opposite. They could sweep a lot of TCs unguarded places if they weren’t too busy tying to force Ebay off the map instead.
I guess some people are content with being second best :/
On the flip side, EB has a significant presence over in Maguuma borderlands and isn’t fighting TC at all. As a result, most of Mags own borderlands is controlled by TC. If the people in this borderlands crossed over to the TC borderlands they’d be able to fend off Mag’s attacks and do damage to TC in the process, while Mag would only have to deal with TC in their own borderlands.
Clearly this shows a current alliance between TC and EB and EB is fighting for 2nd.
The reality of the situation is: zergs gonna zerg.
Well there in lies the issue. We are trying to take kitten from TC in their borderlands but we have good squad being completely content to flank us from behind while we are fighting TC in the far north of the map instead of taking the biggest freebie castle from TC that I have ever seen.
I mean we actually helped you guys take that one fort next to your spawn by drawing TC away, stopping their spawning at DB, and in general leaving you guys alone while you were doing this. The smart move would to have been continue heading north, take DB which was completely unguarded (and they couldn’t spawn at because we were poking at the gate) and continue sweeping north and very potentially end up wiping their garrison out by a pincer attack.
Instead, they head straight for our stuff instead, which forces us to STOP attacking TC and deal with them.
There is no logic behind an attack like this at all.
You have to realize that EB taking Mags stuff and Mag taking EBs stuff means we are only taking targets that are really worth half points. Sure, you get more points, but it does nothing to stop TCs increases. When you take something from TC you not only increase how many point you get but also decrease how many points TC gets. If either of us has any chance for first, we need to be taking TCs stuff over Mags and Ebays.
Suggesting a conspiracy is being generous.
The alternative is simply that Maguuma is a clueless zerg server. We were trying to be nice by suggesting the conspiracy! On eternal, we’ve crushed Maguuma’s attacks on Ogrewatch for, no kidding, 5 hours straight.
Meanwhile, TC is attacking us on the west flank, meaning TC and Maguuma are both basically undefended at home, ignoring the fact that they each have far easier targets.
Not so much as a supply camp has changed hands between green and blue. They’re just bashing themselves against our defenses.
I’m not exactly complaining. 5 hours of money, karma and XP from Ogrewatch defense has been awesome!
A game that’s 100% WvW