Major changes need to happen to WvW

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: No RefunD.4630

No RefunD.4630

In the current state of the game there will never be balance and will never end in a close match-up. Are there any matches out there where the servers are pretty equal in points? I play on Fort Aspenwood which is a “mid tier” server and yet our points are way beyond the other two servers combined. I wake up in the morning and we own the entire map. However this seems to be happening at every match-up from the top tiers to the bottom tiers. Next weeks matches will be the same story except a different server will own the entire map every night. While it seems unfair to block out certain parts of the world from playing on a server something really needs to be done to keep the longevity of the game going.

I also think there needs to be more incentive for PvP oriented players in WvW other than enjoyment of the gameplay. I love the gameplay don’t get me wrong, but the gameplay alone won’t keep people playing for long periods of time. Starcraft 2 had a huge player base at release but Blizzard never expanded on the other features. Where was the clan support, auto tourneys in like in war3, global leaderboards, etc? The player base of sc2 fell flat in short time. While this isn’t sc2 it could learn from a similar mistake that assuming gameplay alone keep people playing for a long time.

Currently the reward for winning is just PvE buffs and sever pride. Being a PvP player I could really care less about what PvE buffs I get. Sure I also can passively get more health and such but if the other servers are receiving this too then it’s not really a buff for PvP and only for PvE. I’m not even sure I want my server to be a winning server with the ques. All that would mean is more people transferring to my server to win and increase my wait time to enjoy WvW.

I was disappointed in Mike’s current state of the WvW article today as it didn’t really address anything aside from how to avoid a shorter que. (transfer to a lower pop server) I think the larger issues are what I stated above. WvW’s state is fine for someone who wants to casually enter a WvW now and then. For the people who primary want to WvW and the WvW guilds I think there needs to be more to look forward to than some PvE buff and my server moving up a spot. Just a few quick ideas would be better recognition for extraordinary players and guilds. If people could make a name for themselves they would have more incentive to play than for their server.

I would love to hear other people’s thoughts and if they are similar to mine. I apologize if this post came off as an unorganized ‘dear diary’ rant. I had a few beers and just wanted to shout to the world how I feel about WvW.

Thanks for the read and feel free to post your thoughts.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


I think part of the current matchup problems is that currently i believe the amount of rating you go up is based off the points you got in the current round, so what is happening is that these realms that are winning are jumping up mass rating to a level where they shouldn’t be, the same then happens to them in the next round(they get stomped) and a server that they dwarfed last round wins their current round and is then matched higher than the server that slogged them the first time. creating a large problem and these mismatches we’re seeing.

Like I fully expect at the next show of the ratings that ET will be 2nd after stomping IoJ and SoS, they could even have enough of a point lead on them to push into first place on rating.

I fully agree with you’re other points. there certainly needs to be an incentive if they want this to be massive scale pvp, without it people wont feel a “need” to do pvp, sure there is alot of players who pvp for the sake of just pvping, but people like that are in the minority these days, especially in mmos.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] – Now Recruiting.

(edited by SKYeXile.2716)

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ravenwolf.2175


So what makes you think that NA timezone is so superior and deserving it should have the only access to wvwvw and not the rest of the world?
Do you think Oceanic/asian players haven’t been asking for our own dedicated server since pre-release?
Well we have… and we didn’t get it, so basically we HAVE to play on NA servers and we don’t get a choice.
So therefore, NA people need to deal with it as you don’t get a choice either.
It is how it is…

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: No RefunD.4630

No RefunD.4630

So what makes you think that NA timezone is so superior and deserving it should have the only access to wvwvw and not the rest of the world?
Do you think Oceanic/asian players haven’t been asking for our own dedicated server since pre-release?
Well we have… and we didn’t get it, so basically we HAVE to play on NA servers and we don’t get a choice.
So therefore, NA people need to deal with it as you don’t get a choice either.
It is how it is…

So what makes you think that is is a NA timezone only problem? This problem is happening at NA and EURO. You can’t deny something needs to happen to balance the gameplay out. Do Oceanic players honestly enjoy running around capping an entire map with low resistance? I know I wouldn’t enjoy that at all. Every match up having a landslide isn’t really fun. Fun matchups are close ones and you feel like you’re fighting for something. Me logging onto a landslide every matchup isn’t fun. This isn’t my job it’s my gateway to fun. If I’m not having fun I’ll have little desire to play it. I’m all for giving Oceanics their own servers and having them match vs Asians, but that won’t fix the problem.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Strife.4956


Its so sad that a lot of Americans believe they are the centre of the world when they play an MMO.
Another point lost for faith in humanity

GrimmWullf – 80 Warrior, DU
Arkktos – 80 Thief, DU
Down Under Guild – Stormbluff Isle

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: No RefunD.4630

No RefunD.4630

Its so sad that a lot of Americans believe they are the centre of the world when they play an MMO.
Another point lost for faith in humanity

ROFL ya because Americans are the only servers that have a landslide winner in every single matchup. I guess you don’t read the threads about Europeans complaining about NA players dominating their nights as well. Would you enjoy watching any football/soccer/baseball/cricket/whatever if every game was 200-20? Or how about if you were a player if any of those sports and it was your full team vs 2 people. That just isn’t fun it doesn’t matter what side of it you are on. I don’t know how you can argue as it being an American ignorance problem lol it just makes you look ignorant.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Ravenwolf.2175


So what makes you think that NA timezone is so superior and deserving it should have the only access to wvwvw and not the rest of the world?
Do you think Oceanic/asian players haven’t been asking for our own dedicated server since pre-release?
Well we have… and we didn’t get it, so basically we HAVE to play on NA servers and we don’t get a choice.
So therefore, NA people need to deal with it as you don’t get a choice either.
It is how it is…

So what makes you think that is is a NA timezone only problem? This problem is happening at NA and EURO. You can’t deny something needs to happen to balance the gameplay out. Do Oceanic players honestly enjoy running around capping an entire map with low resistance? I know I wouldn’t enjoy that at all. Every match up having a landslide isn’t really fun. Fun matchups are close ones and you feel like you’re fighting for something. Me logging onto a landslide every matchup isn’t fun. This isn’t my job it’s my gateway to fun. If I’m not having fun I’ll have little desire to play it. I’m all for giving Oceanics their own servers and having them match vs Asians, but that won’t fix the problem.

The thing you and alot of the people complaining about this issue seem to forget is that the game doesn’t stop when you log off. It is a MMORPG constantly going 24/7. Just because when we play you don’t is no fault of ours and we shouldn’t suffer because of it. How would you feel if we said “The americans are dominating when we are in bed, stop them from logging into wvwvw while we are sleeping/working”…. That is basically what you are saying in reverse. Just because you have a higher population does not make you more deserving of enjoyment in this game.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kashak.6012


IMO give them some time to work on things. Though I gotta say the free transfers was a silly idea.

Simple fact of the matter is that loot chasers are NEVER going to like WvW as putting in loot to chase just leads to stupid player behaviours (look at WAR). As Arenanet already have your money I dont think they mind if you go either.

Winning should not have a reward. its jsut for the pride. Perhaps capping a tower or castle when your server is down and out should give you a mystic coin or two.

Last point. If they add rewards to WvW people will just complain they take too long to get. A WvW glory rank would be sweet though.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


So what makes you think that NA timezone is so superior and deserving it should have the only access to wvwvw and not the rest of the world?
Do you think Oceanic/asian players haven’t been asking for our own dedicated server since pre-release?
Well we have… and we didn’t get it, so basically we HAVE to play on NA servers and we don’t get a choice.
So therefore, NA people need to deal with it as you don’t get a choice either.
It is how it is…

So what makes you think that is is a NA timezone only problem? This problem is happening at NA and EURO. You can’t deny something needs to happen to balance the gameplay out. Do Oceanic players honestly enjoy running around capping an entire map with low resistance? I know I wouldn’t enjoy that at all. Every match up having a landslide isn’t really fun. Fun matchups are close ones and you feel like you’re fighting for something. Me logging onto a landslide every matchup isn’t fun. This isn’t my job it’s my gateway to fun. If I’m not having fun I’ll have little desire to play it. I’m all for giving Oceanics their own servers and having them match vs Asians, but that won’t fix the problem.

But is the scoreboard really at the end of the day effecting the fun of your pvp experience? or are you just hung up on trying to win at fantasy video gaming?

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] – Now Recruiting.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: No RefunD.4630

No RefunD.4630

IMO give them some time to work on things. Though I gotta say the free transfers was a silly idea.

Simple fact of the matter is that loot chasers are NEVER going to like WvW as putting in loot to chase just leads to stupid player behaviours (look at WAR). As Arenanet already have your money I dont think they mind if you go either.

Winning should not have a reward. its jsut for the pride. Perhaps capping a tower or castle when your server is down and out should give you a mystic coin or two.

Last point. If they add rewards to WvW people will just complain they take too long to get. A WvW glory rank would be sweet though.

I don’t think they should add loot rewards. They should do something in the line of recognizing individuals or guilds. Quick idea that just took me 5 seconds to come up with and I’m sure their team could think of more:

Have the game recognize when two guilds are going toe to toe. One guild sweeps another. Obtains the victory by a certain number of one guild finishing the other guild downed players. Let both servers know this. Go a step forward and throw in some type of ladder or ranking. “Clan Anet” just happens to completely dominate every guild they run into in WvW. Wow I’m proud to be part of “Clan Anet” every sever in NA knows us. Now they also just made guild wars have more actualy “guild wars”.

There’s a lot of stuff they can do without being a piece of gear.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


what they need is killspam.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] – Now Recruiting.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: GettCouped.7846


IMO give them some time to work on things. Though I gotta say the free transfers was a silly idea.

Simple fact of the matter is that loot chasers are NEVER going to like WvW as putting in loot to chase just leads to stupid player behaviours (look at WAR). As Arenanet already have your money I dont think they mind if you go either.

Winning should not have a reward. its jsut for the pride. Perhaps capping a tower or castle when your server is down and out should give you a mystic coin or two.

Last point. If they add rewards to WvW people will just complain they take too long to get. A WvW glory rank would be sweet though.

That is wrong saying that Arenanet doesn’t care about player because they “already have your money”

Please refrain from making those accusations. They are extremely unfair and demoralizing.

And please guys, remain constructive. Let’s not start some international war over some loose comments.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: No RefunD.4630

No RefunD.4630

So what makes you think that NA timezone is so superior and deserving it should have the only access to wvwvw and not the rest of the world?
Do you think Oceanic/asian players haven’t been asking for our own dedicated server since pre-release?
Well we have… and we didn’t get it, so basically we HAVE to play on NA servers and we don’t get a choice.
So therefore, NA people need to deal with it as you don’t get a choice either.
It is how it is…

So what makes you think that is is a NA timezone only problem? This problem is happening at NA and EURO. You can’t deny something needs to happen to balance the gameplay out. Do Oceanic players honestly enjoy running around capping an entire map with low resistance? I know I wouldn’t enjoy that at all. Every match up having a landslide isn’t really fun. Fun matchups are close ones and you feel like you’re fighting for something. Me logging onto a landslide every matchup isn’t fun. This isn’t my job it’s my gateway to fun. If I’m not having fun I’ll have little desire to play it. I’m all for giving Oceanics their own servers and having them match vs Asians, but that won’t fix the problem.

But is the scoreboard really at the end of the day effecting the fun of your pvp experience? or are you just hung up on trying to win at fantasy video gaming?

I want to win a match that was close and feel like I actually earned the win. My server is winning right now and it’s a complete blowout if you actually read my initial post. So no I’m not “trying” to win. I don’t even have to try to win since my server is up over 100k. However if I was on the other side losing by 100k and it being completely out of my control would also not be fun. The current state of WvW is not fun no matter what side of it that I’m on hence why I’m posting about this problem on an internet forum….

Edit: also want to add the scoreboard isn’t the only thing affecting my fun with WvW


(edited by No RefunD.4630)

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: SKYeXile.2716


If you read my reply to your post you would see that i said i read your post and agreed with all your points…I still think you people are getting too hung up on the scoreboard though rather than just playing to pvp. That could infact be the design flaw with this game, in msot MMO’s people can justify their victory or death or land take/loss anyway they like to make themselves sleep at night in GW2 they have added a proper win condition and as you have pointed out, people like winning and when 66% of the population feel like they have lost each week that could be a problem and it will effect how long they play the game.

In other PvP MMO’s people feel like they winning because they gained ranks or they got xx kills or they did take a base or land, but if they lost land they didn’t care as much because to them they still won the day because they got XX renown or whatever.

Xile | TRF – GM | [AU] – Now Recruiting.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: RegalRed.3720


Please give the Fattest nerf ever to the stupid Dagger/Pistol thieves I BEG YOU. It’s completely mindless, you are stealthed for as long as you want, only to come out of stealth to one shot anyone who is running a build with less than 2k toughness or less than 20k vitality. If you think i’m just talking from the receiving side of this, you’re wrong. I played d/p thief for about 3 days in WvW and the only reason I ever came out of stealth was to one shot, Thieves, Rangers, Eles, Guardians, Revenants, Mesmers, Necros … heck, what didn’t I one shot? I even tested out a build with fist flurry that did up to 24k damg in a single burst with full exotic and Ascended Valkyrie Trinkets. NOT EVEN FULL ZERKER. It’s no longer fun to roam around with my Toons when the only thing killing me is one shots, that’s not a fight! Please nerd Dagger/Pistol it has too many gap closers and too many utilities with no consequence whatsoever and it is the easiest, lowest risk set for thieves.

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Xenesis.6389


Holy off topic necro on thread batman!

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“Game over man, Game Over!” – RIP Bill

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Holy off topic necro on thread batman!

He necro’ed a 3 years old thread with a post that don’t even have to do with the main topic. I think we have a winner of “the worst necro of all time?”

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Major changes need to happen to WvW

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


Holy off topic necro on thread batman!

He necro’ed a 3 years old thread with a post that don’t even have to do with the main topic. I think we have a winner of “the worst necro of all time?”

Or clearly the strongest minion master to walk in MMO history?