Make the New BL Map Bigger

Make the New BL Map Bigger

in WvW

Posted by: King Stinkeye.3560

King Stinkeye.3560

…but not too much bigger.

Split this map into 4 pieces.

Remove all of the PVE garbage (events, mobs and those irritating cripples, stealths, pop up walls, etc).

Tone down the elevation in most areas to allow better mobility and LOS.

Add keeps, towers, etc into these 4 pieces at appropriate locations.

Now assign three of those maps to a coloured borderland (red = fire, blue = air, green = necro\jungle whatever…) and whatever is left to EB. Or you could just leave EB seeing as it’s the only somewhat safe bet for action right now.

Now we have 4 new maps to play on with the variety we have been asking for since forever. No more mobs to ruin good fights. No more pve events dictating the course of the battle and lagging everyone out. No more running around for hours praying for human contact.

Just another suggestion to be ignored.

Man of Many Stinkeyes