Making upgrades count for something

Making upgrades count for something

in WvW

Posted by: raenen.5807


Make it that just taking camps, towers, keeps or SM gives no potential points at first. Only by upgrading them do they give potential points.

Making upgrades count for something

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


Make it that just taking camps, towers, keeps or SM gives no potential points at first. Only by upgrading them do they give potential points.

Its already bad enough when someone randomly queues up oil before walls, now you’re going to reward the idiot who rushes to the NPC to get his “WXP!” while kitten the tower to paper walls and doors for several supply runs.

Think through your suggestions before you actually make them.

Want to prevent tower flips? Make defending (while doing something beneficial) worth more.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

Making upgrades count for something

in WvW

Posted by: raenen.5807


I never said giving wxp for upgrades so try reading before your talking. I said not having camps give potential points until the upgrades are done but i can see where people would do services to gain potential points.

Making upgrades count for something

in WvW

Posted by: Vena.8436


I never said giving wxp for upgrades so try reading before your talking. I said not having camps give potential points until the upgrades are done but i can see where people would do services to gain potential points.

No, what I mean, is if its ever tied to “upgrades” its going to lead to people just rushing to queue whatever they can and whatever is quickest (Oil/Guards) to start getting their WXP.

Now, if you tiered it such that Oil/Guards was worth as much WXP as it was worth in practical use, then sure but that’d be a hell of a thing to teach to a random pug who’d wonder why he didn’t earn anything for taking the tower. (Not that it isn’t possible and I’d love to see those who pay for the hefty upgrades getting rewarded. I’d probably suggest more a “reward” of WXP when you start being the guy who’s paying for the Walls 1, Doors 1, Walls 2, and the sort which cost an arm and a leg. Upgrading these is almost always helpful and good to encourage, but keep such rewards off of workers, guards, oil, and the rest of these.)

The best way would be to make two to three defensive event procs equal a capture. Putting anything up to the hands of people playing is just going to lead to stupid decisions for the sake of making purple bars go up.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

Making upgrades count for something

in WvW

Posted by: raenen.5807


People que dumb stuff now regardless.

(edited by raenen.5807)

Making upgrades count for something

in WvW

Posted by: raenen.5807


They need to do something to encourage defense.

Making upgrades count for something

in WvW

Posted by: Axel.5412


Why not make a successful defense acquire static points to the overall score? Kind of like yaks are now.

Sabot Earthshatter 80 Elementalist
SoR Helioz