Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
This will be the third WvW season where a server (Maguuma) is locked into a league it has no business being in simply because of RNG match-making and the failure of the ratings system to account for mass-transfers into and out of servers. Maguuma can’t lose rating fast enough despite ticking sub-100 PPT for the majority of the match.
Crystal Desert got the closest to T2 out of the T3 servers. Please consider switching them with Maguuma for the Fall Tournament.
Yak’s bend is beating Crystal Desert right now. They are probably a better candidate considering they recently got more transfers
Yak’s Bend has the lowest population out of the 5 T3 servers.
So thanks but no thanks.
T3/T4 is the most balanced tier there is.
No one in their right mind wants to go to T2 to deal with FA NA zerg or the SoS carebearing PvD crew.
Or go 12-12 split instead of 6-9-9……
Idk i think ive seen like one lonely mag all day, and thats not even exaggerating.
Or go 12-12 split instead of 6-9-9……
the bigger the leagues, the more unbalanced the matches can be.
Wasn’t the other thread on this very subject just closed? I thought there was a matchup section or thread to discuss matchups….
They won’t fix it. We’ve been stuck in he same matchups for months now and FA/SoS have been reduced to farming each others at choke points while ignoring the completely absent Mag server.
Or go 12-12 split instead of 6-9-9……
the bigger the leagues, the more unbalanced the matches can be.
The bottom 7 in the upper group won’t compete with the top 5, but they won’t be stuck with them for the entire month either. Whoever starts in 6th may as well go to eotm for their ‘wvw’ achieves.
I admit I don’t know how the bottom 12 work out though…..
Think its kinda humorous theres more worry about Mag than ET. Which kinda just makes me think why aren’t there adjustments made for seasons? Without em, they always make the populated servers more populated and the lower ones less populated.
On ET a lot of folks are like “dangit!” a season was announced! right as our numbers were starting to go where we want em to!
Yak’s bend is beating Crystal Desert right now. They are probably a better candidate considering they recently got more transfers
The Match-up CD got with Yaks/DR was unfortunate for our rating. The consensus in CD was that we would take a break this reset and be fresh for season since our performance matters very little this week. The fact that Yaks is beating CD now is not an indication of what is to come once season starts. Many Die Hard WvW’s are taking a well deserved break after months of climbing the “Silver Ladder”. We don’t care if we are Silver or Gold. Either way we will “bring it” when Season starts.
I hated that one server won nearly every match in T3 last season.
Yak’s bend is beating Crystal Desert right now. They are probably a better candidate considering they recently got more transfers
CD’s rating puts them in rank 7, two to three ranks above YB.
Manual intervention will still hurt a server, and that server will have a much more valid complaint to Anet for manipulating the rankings. I’m not sure why another server needs to pay for Mag’s mistakes.
If Mag ends up in gold league, the entire tournament is a fail. Let’s hope ANET addresses it.
Manual intervention will still hurt a server, and that server will have a much more valid complaint to Anet for manipulating the rankings. I’m not sure why another server needs to pay for Mag’s mistakes.
How is it a mag mistake?
Manual intervention will still hurt a server, and that server will have a much more valid complaint to Anet for manipulating the rankings. I’m not sure why another server needs to pay for Mag’s mistakes.
How is it a mag mistake?
Maybe because it is the guilds/players on Maguuma that chose to put their server in this situation.
Anet left SoR to wallow in silver league last tournament as well as UW in silver league during Season 1. They won’t do it now.
Yak’s bend is beating Crystal Desert right now. They are probably a better candidate considering they recently got more transfers
The Match-up CD got with Yaks/DR was unfortunate for our rating. The consensus in CD was that we would take a break this reset and be fresh for season since our performance matters very little this week. The fact that Yaks is beating CD now is not an indication of what is to come once season starts. Many Die Hard WvW’s are taking a well deserved break after months of climbing the “Silver Ladder”. We don’t care if we are Silver or Gold. Either way we will “bring it” when Season starts.
And no one else is “pacing” themselves either? Just cd? Ok……….
Yak’s Bend has the lowest population out of the 5 T3 servers.
Seen this one bandied around a bit.
It’s false. After a bunch of people from Mag and elsewhere went to YB for a free ride, and players started jumping off SBI, YB has at least the second highest population in its tier now.
wasnt YB one the last seasons bandwagon server?
wasnt YB one the last seasons bandwagon server?
That was hod. If anything, guilds left YB prior season 2. What did happen – YB militia showed up for seasons that didn’t prior to season 2.
Or go 12-12 split instead of 6-9-9……
the bigger the leagues, the more unbalanced the matches can be.
No divisions. All 24 servers fighting each other. 24~36h (don’t know which is the best) matches.
If you put togheter season + pve achievement hunters + short durations + a unique chance to fight a completely differente server / test yourself agains a higher tier server for 24~36h = a lot of fun for everybody involved and, thanks for the short durations of the matches, the coverage won’t be a big issue.
Even that, for exemple, a T7 server would still lose agains a T1 and T4 server (or maybe not…everything can happen in just 24~36h =D), they would still have a great time fighting servers they otherwise would never fight, and they can test themselves agains stronger opponents. And since the match would only last for 24~36h, there’s absolutelly no risk of a server being in a horrible one-sided match for too long.
Can’t think in a better way to make (most) of the season enjoyable for every server.
An official response would be highly appreciated.
Are the leagues for S3 locked as of this week. Is Mag staying in Gold no matter their drop in rating? Or are the tiers open until reset this coming Friday?
Just a tip. Don’t let gold league become a fail league with only 5 participants. Mag players won’t play unless they stand a chance to do anything. The new match-up if they drop to T3 will breathe new life into both Mag and T2. I fail to see the point of leaving Mag in T2 without at least a manual override of the match-up.
It takes but a minute of your time to respond to this question. A simple yes or no would suffice as well.
And no one else is “pacing” themselves either? Just cd? Ok……….
In the current matchup ?
If you look at it YB is rallying their militia hard. The pre-season hype train is real. The fact that they are still running 40 deep on DR’s map is proof to that.
Gold league in seasons is mostly just about T1 servers competing with each other though. Whoever ends at 6th probably doesn’t really matter that much because except the first match all t2 servers are going to fight with at least 1 t1 server in their matches. So those matches are going to be lopsided with or without a strong 6th server.
I feel a solid third server in T2 is only really needed during off season times, which hopefully can happen once season 3 is over.
(edited by Reslinal.2359)
Gold league in seasons is mostly just about T1 servers competing with each other though. Whoever ends at 6th probably doesn’t really matter that much because except the first match all t2 servers are going to fight with at least 1 t1 server in their matches. So those matches are going to be lopsided with or without a strong 6th server.
Gold league is a fail anyway. Either add more teams or just let 1-3 fight against each other. It is ironic that we have to wait for seasons to end to get good matches again.
Gold league in seasons is mostly just about T1 servers competing with each other though. Whoever ends at 6th probably doesn’t really matter that much because except the first match all t2 servers are going to fight with at least 1 t1 server in their matches. So those matches are going to be lopsided with or without a strong 6th server.
I feel a solid third server in T2 is only really needed during off season times, which hopefully can happen once season 3 is over.
It’s not about SoS or FA winning gold league, it’s that we’re sick of having a 1v1 for months on end, which is exacerbated by the fact that we have opposite peak hours. This is pretty much the reason there are 3 servers per match and not 2. Mag is literally nonexistant and it’s rare to see even a single player, yet they unendingly continue to ‘compete’ at the highest level of gold league.
As of now, I don’t think any of the T3 servers (including CD) want to go to Gold. At least from CD’s posts on the forums, it seems they’ve also decided to take it easy this week.
If Anet manually intervenes, one of the T3 servers will field a lot of angry complaints.
As of now, I don’t think any of the T3 servers (including CD) want to go to Gold. At least from CD’s posts on the forums, it seems they’ve also decided to take it easy this week.
If Anet manually intervenes, one of the T3 servers will field a lot of angry complaints.
CD and DR won’t complain if they get bumped up. Honestly, I think DR would celebrate. CD would say, “Welp, let’s do this then” and just go for it. DB might cry foul, but they’d settle back into T2. Truly, the only ones that would moan and complain would be YB, mostly due to the agreed upon focus by FA/SoS if YB does rise to T2.
Whoever ends at 6th probably doesn’t really matter that much because except the first match all t2 servers are going to fight with at least 1 t1 server in their matches. So those matches are going to be lopsided with or without a strong 6th server.
3rd week should also be a pure T2 match. SoS wins week 1 and goes up only to place last in T1 and get sent back down. 2 weeks of SoS/FA/6th server is half the tournament. I think it’s worth sending someone up to have a more balanced T2 for the tournament. Even if the T2 matches are likely to end up SoS>FA>6th server anyway, they won’t be nearly as lopsided as SoS/FA/Mag is now.
As of now, I don’t think any of the T3 servers (including CD) want to go to Gold. At least from CD’s posts on the forums, it seems they’ve also decided to take it easy this week.
If Anet manually intervenes, one of the T3 servers will field a lot of angry complaints.
DR won’t complain
Or go 12-12 split instead of 6-9-9……
the bigger the leagues, the more unbalanced the matches can be.
No divisions. All 24 servers fighting each other. 24~36h (don’t know which is the best) matches.
If you put togheter season + pve achievement hunters + short durations + a unique chance to fight a completely differente server / test yourself agains a higher tier server for 24~36h = a lot of fun for everybody involved and, thanks for the short durations of the matches, the coverage won’t be a big issue.
Even that, for exemple, a T7 server would still lose agains a T1 and T4 server (or maybe not…everything can happen in just 24~36h =D), they would still have a great time fighting servers they otherwise would never fight, and they can test themselves agains stronger opponents. And since the match would only last for 24~36h, there’s absolutelly no risk of a server being in a horrible one-sided match for too long.
Can’t think in a better way to make (most) of the season enjoyable for every server.
Annnd you just excluded most of the WvW players for once (all the ones that won’t be able to play for at least one of those “matches”) on top of expendint like Hell the population imbalance, giving a free ride to some servers, screwing madly others, depending on what show up they got and what day of the week those “matches” happens.
Can people STOP to want to remove the 24/7 fights for long duration in WvW already ?
What you want with all your ideas of “time slices”/short mus/short matches/population caps indexed on the lowest server pop/whatever is battlegrounds, not WvW/RvR.
Ask for a new mode that will make you happy but stop wanting to destroy WvW and it’s specificity….
Or go 12-12 split instead of 6-9-9……
the bigger the leagues, the more unbalanced the matches can be.
No divisions. All 24 servers fighting each other. 24~36h (don’t know which is the best) matches.
If you put togheter season + pve achievement hunters + short durations + a unique chance to fight a completely differente server / test yourself agains a higher tier server for 24~36h = a lot of fun for everybody involved and, thanks for the short durations of the matches, the coverage won’t be a big issue.
Even that, for exemple, a T7 server would still lose agains a T1 and T4 server (or maybe not…everything can happen in just 24~36h =D), they would still have a great time fighting servers they otherwise would never fight, and they can test themselves agains stronger opponents. And since the match would only last for 24~36h, there’s absolutelly no risk of a server being in a horrible one-sided match for too long.
Can’t think in a better way to make (most) of the season enjoyable for every server.
Annnd you just excluded most of the WvW players for once (all the ones that won’t be able to play for at least one of those “matches”) on top of expendint like Hell the population imbalance, giving a free ride to some servers, screwing madly others, depending on what show up they got and what day of the week those “matches” happens.
Can people STOP to want to remove the 24/7 fights for long duration in WvW already ?
No, because it SUUUUCKS. And no one is excluded. You make no sense when you talk about people being excluded and punished.
And great idea yanniell.!
Or go 12-12 split instead of 6-9-9……
the bigger the leagues, the more unbalanced the matches can be.
No divisions. All 24 servers fighting each other. 24~36h (don’t know which is the best) matches.
If you put togheter season + pve achievement hunters + short durations + a unique chance to fight a completely differente server / test yourself agains a higher tier server for 24~36h = a lot of fun for everybody involved and, thanks for the short durations of the matches, the coverage won’t be a big issue.
Even that, for exemple, a T7 server would still lose agains a T1 and T4 server (or maybe not…everything can happen in just 24~36h =D), they would still have a great time fighting servers they otherwise would never fight, and they can test themselves agains stronger opponents. And since the match would only last for 24~36h, there’s absolutelly no risk of a server being in a horrible one-sided match for too long.
Can’t think in a better way to make (most) of the season enjoyable for every server.
Annnd you just excluded most of the WvW players for once (all the ones that won’t be able to play for at least one of those “matches”) on top of expendint like Hell the population imbalance, giving a free ride to some servers, screwing madly others, depending on what show up they got and what day of the week those “matches” happens.
Can people STOP to want to remove the 24/7 fights for long duration in WvW already ?
No, because it SUUUUCKS. And no one is excluded. You make no sense when you talk about people being excluded and punished.
And great idea yanniell.!
Or go 12-12 split instead of 6-9-9……
the bigger the leagues, the more unbalanced the matches can be.
No divisions. All 24 servers fighting each other. 24~36h (don’t know which is the best) matches.
If you put togheter season + pve achievement hunters + short durations + a unique chance to fight a completely differente server / test yourself agains a higher tier server for 24~36h = a lot of fun for everybody involved and, thanks for the short durations of the matches, the coverage won’t be a big issue.
Even that, for exemple, a T7 server would still lose agains a T1 and T4 server (or maybe not…everything can happen in just 24~36h =D), they would still have a great time fighting servers they otherwise would never fight, and they can test themselves agains stronger opponents. And since the match would only last for 24~36h, there’s absolutelly no risk of a server being in a horrible one-sided match for too long.
Can’t think in a better way to make (most) of the season enjoyable for every server.
Annnd you just excluded most of the WvW players for once (all the ones that won’t be able to play for at least one of those “matches”) on top of expendint like Hell the population imbalance, giving a free ride to some servers, screwing madly others, depending on what show up they got and what day of the week those “matches” happens.
Can people STOP to want to remove the 24/7 fights for long duration in WvW already ?
What you want with all your ideas of “time slices”/short mus/short matches/population caps indexed on the lowest server pop/whatever is battlegrounds, not WvW/RvR.
Ask for a new mode that will make you happy but stop wanting to destroy WvW and it’s specificity….
There would be so many matches that I don’t see the drama of not being able to play one or two…
And, btw, the matches would be known beforehand, so the servers could prepare and make they strategy based on the opponents strenght, etc. Maybe take easy the next match against fairly easy opponents and gather the militia for the fight after that, against two stronger opponents, etc.
An official response would be highly appreciated.
Are the leagues for S3 locked as of this week. Is Mag staying in Gold no matter their drop in rating? Or are the tiers open until reset this coming Friday?
Just a tip. Don’t let gold league become a fail league with only 5 participants. Mag players won’t play unless they stand a chance to do anything. The new match-up if they drop to T3 will breathe new life into both Mag and T2. I fail to see the point of leaving Mag in T2 without at least a manual override of the match-up.
It takes but a minute of your time to respond to this question. A simple yes or no would suffice as well.
good point, even if they at least acknowledge the issue but can’t do anything about it that would be something. They’re going on a communication bender at the moment, so Devon where are you.
Truly, the only ones that would moan and complain would be YB, mostly due to the agreed upon focus by FA/SoS if YB does rise to T2.
Once more you attack people on an entire server because of your personal dislike. A server you aren’t on, so you know nothing about the community there.
Stop your personal attacks.
CD and DR won’t complain if they get bumped up. Honestly, I think DR would celebrate. CD would say, “Welp, let’s do this then” and just go for it. DB might cry foul, but they’d settle back into T2. Truly, the only ones that would moan and complain would be YB, mostly due to the agreed upon focus by FA/SoS if YB does rise to T2.
Any T3 server that moves up will get mowed over… and over… and over until they stop logging in and head straight to EotM. Zerging down an FA/SoS blob is significantly more difficult than a T3 blob. T2 weeded out most uplevels and the GvG scene hardened the general blobs. T2 will run a prison train on any T3 server. Even Mags current blob will beat the feathers off the T3 birds.
I can stand in a zerg in T3 and move in and out with impunity. In T2, the necro lines will blow your driver up, range pressure your hammer train and then send in the heavies to mop up your back line. It is ruthlessly efficient. Even the undisplined PUG zergs come in giant waves crashing into blobs over and over. I have seen big SoS zergs run in and another one of the same size come from a different direction. It is crazy (and was awesome before Mag blew up).
Oh and no hiding behind walls… either SoS will cap your crap or FA will when you aren’t logged in. Those two servers combined have big numbers throughout the day most of them itching for a fight.
Truly, the only ones that would moan and complain would be YB, mostly due to the agreed upon focus by FA/SoS if YB does rise to T2.
Once more you attack people on an entire server because of your personal dislike. A server you aren’t on, so you know nothing about the community there.
Stop your personal attacks.
Friend, I’m just quoting the many YB from the PvF forums who said they have no desire whatsoever to go to Gold. And citing the fact that many within FA and SoS have stated that YB’s bunker play style is not welcome in T2, myself included. Less personal attack and more friendly warning. Far as I can tell, many YB are happy to stay in T3. Honestly, it’s where you guys belong, with your population level.
That would have been the case a month or two ago, but T2 now is a different beast. Sure, there are still more than a few good pugs/skill groups on SoS/FA, and among the few Mag left, but times they are a-changin’. Many skill groups left SoS in their EU/NA, as well as a few from their off-hours. And their off-hours tends to consist of pug groups who usually only ktrain. They’re rusty and haven’t had a fight in a while. Lots of pug baddies in SoS PST, so I’ve been told.
Besides, more than a few players/skill groups from T3/4 have had a rotation in T2 before, at this point in the game. They get it.
(edited by Basch.1347)
Or go 12-12 split instead of 6-9-9……
the bigger the leagues, the more unbalanced the matches can be.
Only 1 league would make sense: It could help imploded servers to fall fast, or massively stacked ones to grow fast, I.e. It would help Glicko to overcome wrong tier/league borders. And it will probably not really be a difference if the blow out match will be 100 vs 20 and 1000 vs 500 or 1000 vs 20 and 100 vs 500
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Friend, I’m just quoting the many YB from the PvF forums who said they have no desire whatsoever to go to Gold. And citing the fact that many within FA and SoS have stated that YB’s bunker play style is not welcome in T2, myself included.
YB is still a very bunker / ppt oriented server, perhaps more so than any other server on the ladder, but they do have some guilds that come out and fight. I have no idea what’s been going on with SoS’s seemingly daily 600+ overnight tick, but maybe a bunker server is what’s needed to stop the PvD express.
Not that I would selfishly want YB out of our tier area or anything.
Mag is just going to have to deal with it (I’m from Mag). Pretty sure SoR got kicked around during S2 in Silver League (longer season). Mag should have a bit more of a turnout starting Friday anyhow (even with AA headstart). Gold league is always going to be a joke and a 3 server league anyway, so stop getting huffy about it. If you are from Maguuma, deal with it. If you are one of the other Gold servers wanting more people to fight, well, you are kidding yourself if you think it’s ever going to really be different – so, deal with it.
Position 5 and 6 are the worst spots to be in anyway as Tier 2 hasn’t been even close to balanced in well over ~15+ months now with the old TC, and now with SoS (and you know you are getting thrown to the lions each season being with Tier1). If you have issues with that: Tiers 1, 3, 4, and 5 are reasonably balanced matchups for the most part – pick one. Mag never had any business being a rank 5 or 6 server, but was only that high because of all the servers that have fallen off over the past year, and having 1-2 try-hard pugmannders holding the glicko position for the GvG and fights (which was perfectly fine and was generally what the guild/pug population wanted).
In short, Anet doesn’t need to do anything, because the game is working exactly as they have designed it from an overall standpoint (glicko, ppt, seasons, etc.). If they have an issue with then take a look at all the threads over the lifespan of the game, and do something worthwhile. Not to mention I’m sure the servers in Silver League would rather fight in their perspective league as it will be way more fun and competitive than Gold will ever be. It’s actually (possibly) the first season that will have a competitive league with multiple servers capable of “winning”. So, Gold League (my server included) just deal with it.
in every season and in every tier there is a server not where it “should be”…
IOJ s1 is good example lol
Friend, I’m just quoting the many YB from the PvF forums who said they have no desire whatsoever to go to Gold. And citing the fact that many within FA and SoS have stated that YB’s bunker play style is not welcome in T2, myself included.
YB is still a very bunker / ppt oriented server, perhaps more so than any other server on the ladder, but they do have some guilds that come out and fight. I have no idea what’s been going on with SoS’s seemingly daily 600+ overnight tick, but maybe a bunker server is what’s needed to stop the PvD express.
Not that I would selfishly want YB out of our tier area or anything.
We don’t have enough number of people online during OCX to hold against 20 times our number no matter how much siege we use. Unless we receive HUGE (Yes, huge) number of guilds, its impossible for us to be in T2. Hell, we are probably the least populated T3 server.
Friend, I’m just quoting the many YB from the PvF forums who said they have no desire whatsoever to go to Gold. And citing the fact that many within FA and SoS have stated that YB’s bunker play style is not welcome in T2, myself included.
YB is still a very bunker / ppt oriented server, perhaps more so than any other server on the ladder, but they do have some guilds that come out and fight. I have no idea what’s been going on with SoS’s seemingly daily 600+ overnight tick, but maybe a bunker server is what’s needed to stop the PvD express.
Not that I would selfishly want YB out of our tier area or anything.
We don’t have enough number of people online during OCX to hold against 20 times our number no matter how much siege we use. Unless we receive HUGE (Yes, huge) number of guilds, its impossible for us to be in T2. Hell, we are probably the least populated T3 server.
I found him..he’s multiplying!
That would have been the case a month or two ago, but T2 now is a different beast. Sure, there are still more than a few good pugs/skill groups on SoS/FA, and among the few Mag left, but times they are a-changin’. Many skill groups left SoS in their EU/NA, as well as a few from their off-hours. And their off-hours tends to consist of pug groups who usually only ktrain. They’re rusty and haven’t had a fight in a while. Lots of pug baddies in SoS PST, so I’ve been told.
Besides, more than a few players/skill groups from T3/4 have had a rotation in T2 before, at this point in the game. They get it.
I just left T2 Mag for YB this week (and headed back to T1/T2 ASAP). Zergs in T3 run with a lot of uplevels, are very undisciplined and aren’t particularly coordinated aside from follow the tag. I am not saying the skill level is higher in one tier or another (I have run into some great CD/DR gank squads) just that T2 made running anything sans an optimized build cannon fodder. Sure it has softened quite a bit but those months of hard core GvG groups tearing through PUGs had an effect and that effect was really a greater number of hardened builds. T3 still has a lot of tissue paper builds running around that haven’t been subjected to the requisite beatings to harden up. Any T3 server moving up will get run the F over.
Heck mag players will throw a siege on top of their own for bad play. I got into a 2 v me and narrowly lost… a Swag guild player watched then threw siege on my corpse for losing. Don’t see that in many tiers.
(edited by Straegen.2938)
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