Map Completion...
Ohhh, Weekly Map Completion Thread Achievement Done!
Can we finally get a sticky?
1: Get the ones your server owns at reset, if you have luck you’ll get almost all of them in 1 months.
2: You don’t have to cap an objective, just destroy the wall/gate to get inside, not impossible with ~5-10 guys, but need proper timing/strategy. (Or you can get some thieves to help you out, perma-stealthing you, and sneak inside when the other server opened it )
3: You can play WvW and get it naturally. (Join server TS, follow the commander, learn to play wvw )
Hey thanks!
I’ll get what I can until Friday & hope for a color switch on the Friday reset.
Ohhh, Weekly Map Completion Thread Achievement Done!
Can we finally get a sticky?1: Get the ones your server owns at reset, if you have luck you’ll get almost all of them in 1 months.
2: You don’t have to cap an objective, just destroy the wall/gate to get inside, not impossible with ~5-10 guys, but need proper timing/strategy. (Or you can get some thieves to help you out, perma-stealthing you, and sneak inside when the other server opened it)
3: You can play WvW and get it naturally. (Join server TS, follow the commander, learn to play wvw)
Did you get bingo?
But yes this is very sound advice. You will need the help of your server. You can start by wandering around your borderland now and your side of EBG, because your colour might change on friday. You might get taken out by a roamer, but don’t get discouraged. Repairs are free, so just dust yourself off and try again. Then play follow the tag and enjoy your server’s TS and play naturally.
The other thing is to not wait until the end for wvw completion, but that is too late for this character.
If you have alts you may want completion on, cycle through all your alts grabbing the areas that you own….. Keep checking each day or week and you will get all.
If you happen to get a lopsided match, you might get all in quick order. I mapped my level 35 necro that has like 15% pve completion the other day when YB owned a good percentage of all maps…. I don’t know if I will ever map complete this toon, but set in case I do……
Please will a mod make a sticky about WvW Map Completion, it’s worse than necro posts!
If you want Map Completion in WvW then do some WvW, it’s that simple!
most of it has been mentioned already, but here is everything i think you will need for completion:
Guide for WvW map completion
Method 1: (only for active servers)
actively follow the commander around the map as they take things
Method 2: (any server)
transfer to an active server and follow method 1
Method 3: (most popular method for lower tier servers)
Run to objectives on reset night to get exploration quickly (before your server loses things). WvW matchup resets 1 hour and ~5 minutes after the daily reset on Friday night (currently 5:05 PM PST for NA servers)
When the matchup resets, your server has a claim over all the keeps and towers in their Borderland and the keep and 4 towers for your corner in Eternal Battlegrounds.
When reset occurs go to your BL and run like crazy (bring swiftness!) to the 2 southernmost keeps (Bay and Hills) get all the POIs and vistas there. Then move north from them visiting towers, camps, and the garrison. You should have the 3 keeps and all the towers and camps north of Bay/Hills (dont worry if it takes more than 1 week). If your server still has stuff in EB, then go there and pick up your keep, 4 towers and the 2 camps on your side (will likely need more than one week for this and BL). to get the stuff in the south, you have to wait until your color is NOT the same as the BL (go to BLs that are “not your server name borderlands”)(unless you are really fast and can get to that southernmost tower before the enemy gets it). You will need 4 friends. You can activate the commander NPC (seigerazor/siegecrusher) if he is there. He will help you take the tower closest to your spawn. You can also take the 2 camps nearest to your spawn and get the south skill point/vistas.
Stonemist Castle will probably be your biggest issue if your world never takes it. The best way i can see to do it is to follow an enemy zerg into it (be careful they will see you as an easy target). Stealth is your best friend (if youre a mes or thief just equip your stealths and carefully fun around the perimiter picking up the POIs, otherwise bring a freind who can stealth you). You have to follow your enemy through the inner gate as well in order to get the skill point (this should be done after most of them leave).
*Be patient, this is a PvP map and it might take some time to do if your server has 0 presence
*Always avoid enemies when you can. Anyone that sees you will tell their 50 “freinds” in map chat and generally try to engage you
*Stealth, speed boosts, and even invulnerability skills are very helpful
*non-peak times can also be helpful if you are against servers where people actually get some sleep
Good Luck with your exploration. If you mention what server you are on, you might find someone here that will help you as well.
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!
The easiest way is just waiting for your server to be the right color. The cool way is to ask your guildies to take objectives with you in the morning or late at night. 4-5 people are enough. I’m guessing your doing map completion for a legendary, and I doubt you have enough gold, so don’t be obsessed with this map completion and do your grinding. Your Gift of Exploration will be yours in time.
Please will a mod make a sticky about WvW Map Completion, it’s worse than necro posts!
If you want Map Completion in WvW then do some WvW, it’s that simple!
Obvious statement is obvious.
I didn’t ask that, I asked for some tips on how to do it. Which some people have responded on flying colors.
The easiest way is just waiting for your server to be the right color. The cool way is to ask your guildies to take objectives with you in the morning or late at night. 4-5 people are enough. I’m guessing your doing map completion for a legendary, and I doubt you have enough gold, so don’t be obsessed with this map completion and do your grinding. Your Gift of Exploration will be yours in time.
Actually I’m totally doing it just because 98% is annoying…
most of it has been mentioned already, but here is everything i think you will need for completion:
Guide for WvW map completion
Method 1: (only for active servers)
actively follow the commander around the map as they take thingsMethod 2: (any server)
transfer to an active server and follow method 1Method 3: (most popular method for lower tier servers)
Run to objectives on reset night to get exploration quickly (before your server loses things). WvW matchup resets 1 hour and ~5 minutes after the daily reset on Friday night (currently 5:05 PM PST for NA servers)
When the matchup resets, your server has a claim over all the keeps and towers in their Borderland and the keep and 4 towers for your corner in Eternal Battlegrounds.When reset occurs go to your BL and run like crazy (bring swiftness!) to the 2 southernmost keeps (Bay and Hills) get all the POIs and vistas there. Then move north from them visiting towers, camps, and the garrison. You should have the 3 keeps and all the towers and camps north of Bay/Hills (dont worry if it takes more than 1 week). If your server still has stuff in EB, then go there and pick up your keep, 4 towers and the 2 camps on your side (will likely need more than one week for this and BL). to get the stuff in the south, you have to wait until your color is NOT the same as the BL (go to BLs that are “not your server name borderlands”)(unless you are really fast and can get to that southernmost tower before the enemy gets it). You will need 4 friends. You can activate the commander NPC (seigerazor/siegecrusher) if he is there. He will help you take the tower closest to your spawn. You can also take the 2 camps nearest to your spawn and get the south skill point/vistas.
Stonemist Castle will probably be your biggest issue if your world never takes it. The best way i can see to do it is to follow an enemy zerg into it (be careful they will see you as an easy target). Stealth is your best friend (if youre a mes or thief just equip your stealths and carefully fun around the perimiter picking up the POIs, otherwise bring a freind who can stealth you). You have to follow your enemy through the inner gate as well in order to get the skill point (this should be done after most of them leave).
*Be patient, this is a PvP map and it might take some time to do if your server has 0 presence
*Always avoid enemies when you can. Anyone that sees you will tell their 50 “freinds” in map chat and generally try to engage you
*Stealth, speed boosts, and even invulnerability skills are very helpful
*non-peak times can also be helpful if you are against servers where people actually get some sleepGood Luck with your exploration. If you mention what server you are on, you might find someone here that will help you as well.
Thanks mate! Borlis Pass, since you asked
I’ve gotten a lot of good suggestions, already implementing them & being patient!
Transfer to a really stacked server like Fort Aspenwood, follow a commander tag around until you have everything you need in that map.
The servers with insanely higher scores than the other is going to be a more “stacked” server that is likely to own more things so that you can get the points you need.
BP has late night coverage, which is deadly in bronze tier…
I don’t know what maps you need but from what i’ve been seeing this week BP has capped green BL and SMC a lot of times sooooo.
P.S. please don’t whine about map completion, it took me 5months for me to get mine because of WvW…
BP has late night coverage, which is deadly in bronze tier…
I don’t know what maps you need but from what i’ve been seeing this week BP has capped green BL and SMC a lot of times sooooo.P.S. please don’t whine about map completion, it took me 5months for me to get mine because of WvW…
Whining? I just asked a question. Nice sympathy card play there…
And many people have been helpful & I’m following the suggestions they’ve made. I’ll get the points sooner or later now that I know how it works.
Oh ok, well good luck.
BP has been doing good the past week, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
What do you get for map completion? Is it only good for getting a Legendary? If so I won’t bother because I know I’ll never get one.
I never expected map completion but I’m kinda bored so if it gives good rewards I might do it.
What do you get for map completion? Is it only good for getting a Legendary? If so I won’t bother because I know I’ll never get one.
I never expected map completion but I’m kinda bored so if it gives good rewards I might do it.
each map you complete gives you some things. PvE maps give you 2 items with a rarity based on the max level of the map, some crafting materials, either a key or transmutation charge, and some experience. its been a long time since i got WvW completion, but i think it gives 2 items and a piece of siege or something like that. For 100% all you get is 2 gifts of exploration, the Been There Done That acheivement (1st time only) and a gold star by your character’s name (which only other players can see).
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!
Transfer to a really stacked server like Fort Aspenwood, follow a commander tag around until you have everything you need in that map.
The servers with insanely higher scores than the other is going to be a more “stacked” server that is likely to own more things so that you can get the points you need.
Please don’t transfer to Fort Aspenwood. With the queues during NA you’ll never get into a map to do completion when you want.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
I also had to go through WvW for map completion. I did it with my wife as a duo Guardian and it went smoothly thanks to this tool (just pick your map) :
Since I play with dual screen, I just let the map on one screen and do my usual play (PvP, WB, Dungeons or whatever) on the other.
And once I see that I can get a point, vista, etc. we just switch to WvW and rush it then go back to normal play.
My advice is : don’t bother with it, the more you think about it, the more you’ll get annoyed.
When you meet ennemies while trying to get what you need, just avoid them. Having a guild name such as “I Do Map Completion Dont Kill [PLS]” actually helps sometimes.
Good luck.