March 26 update wasted on T8

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: edgematt.6934


So apparently Tier 8 threads are a joke among this forum, but I’m posting anyway. The 3/26 is going to be completely wasted on thousands of people unless Arenanet does something to artificially fix this matchup. As of 3-22 match reset, Ferguson’s Crossing and Eredon Terrace have been trounced within under an hour. The update focuses and earning rewards for killing people, but in an hour I was able to kill maybe 20 people across two maps.

Is there no way they could incentivize big guilds to volunteer to transfer by making all the guild upgrades carry over? What about making free server transfers for a week or something? This is no more fun for Sorrow’s Furnace than it is ET and FC.

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


If they did that, you guys would end up as another "super" server and two other server will replace you. Best to let the T8 servers to transfer between each other to even the numbers.

With even numbers there would probably be more activity and more kills to go around.


March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: edgematt.6934


Certainly. I wasn’t trying to exclude SF guilds from that incentivization—but as it is, I’m in one of the biggest guilds in SF and no more than five of us WvW in a week because it’s just not fun, but there’s no viable way to switch everyone over without starting from scratch.

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

It’s weird that the lowest tier WvW servers are still High populated rather than Medium.

I really do think it should be based somewhat on how well you do in WvW.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


hey look another t8 thread

heres a solution:

rating cap / floor + automated soft resets triggered when a rating gap of 200+ appears between 2 adjacent servers

whats it solve? stops rating from spreading apart, holds the average gap between 2 servers at a reasonable level based on where the caps are placed. prevents servers from becoming immobile due to insurmountable chasms.

redesign paid transfers

how? base fees off of average man hours spent in wvw. any over average server gets ridiculous transfer fees. any under average server is incentivized in a way careful to avoid abuse.

whats it solve? the rating system is currently just a measure of population. the game devs would probably rather have it be a measure of skill, as intended by its designer. obnoxious fees to transfer to stacked servers will eventually even out the populations as opposed to the current flat rate to transfer anywhere (because 21 of 24 servers all have the same kittening transfer fee and quite obviously have extraordinarily different active wvw populations)

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


How will it be wasted on thousands of people? Most the tier 8 threads say the lower servers are lucky to get 20 people on a map. So wont it be wasted on like maybe 100?

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: edgematt.6934


Obviously, a lot of people don’t pick what server they PvE in based on WvW. However, ANet picks what server they WvW based on where they PvE. The update is wasted on everyone who never WvW’s but enjoys an actual WvW match.

This matchup used to be pretty well-populated. Once it got one-sided, though, people stopped going, which is where the 20-people-to-a-map problem started showing up.

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


With the added progression and rewards do not be suprised if you have a lot of returning players in wvw that might make t8 more even.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Advent.6193


Well, we’re down to the wire on that subject. And honestly, it’s a bloody dice-roll. For
any server, let alone T8 ones. Let’s be honest, most gamers are never satisfied, RE:
Dev software patches/upgrading.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: kuora.5402


‘Wasted’ on ONE tier.

‘Appreciated’ on 7 other tiers.

Who the hell cares.

¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸ ¸ . ø ¤ º ° º ¤ ø . ¸

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


I dont get it. How is march 26th post wasted on t8?

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Parktou.4263


hey look another t8 thread

heres a solution:

rating cap / floor + automated soft resets triggered when a rating gap of 200+ appears between 2 adjacent servers

whats it solve? stops rating from spreading apart, holds the average gap between 2 servers at a reasonable level based on where the caps are placed. prevents servers from becoming immobile due to insurmountable chasms.

redesign paid transfers

how? base fees off of average man hours spent in wvw. any over average server gets ridiculous transfer fees. any under average server is incentivized in a way careful to avoid abuse.

whats it solve? the rating system is currently just a measure of population. the game devs would probably rather have it be a measure of skill, as intended by its designer. obnoxious fees to transfer to stacked servers will eventually even out the populations as opposed to the current flat rate to transfer anywhere (because 21 of 24 servers all have the same kittening transfer fee and quite obviously have extraordinarily different active wvw populations)

Rating system wouldn’t be a terrible thing for T8 if the 3 servers had the same amount of players( or at least close than 3.5v1.5v1 like it is now). If ET and FC didn’t have such small numbers in comparison to any other server that comes down to T8, one of the servers would actually be able to move out of the tier under the current ranking system. Last I checked Tiers 2-7 are competetive and in no way outmatched, even though they’re still trying to find even matches for some out of place servers. As for T1 I don’t know what the complaint is for there, if one server takes over and is dominating, guess what, it’s because they’re better. go figure.

If they really wanna fix the WvW populations of ET and FC they should simply allow free transfers to those servers until the production is seen in WvW rankings/points and then cut off the free transfers so that we don’t become a “super server” again. Once that happens you will see much more competition in T8 thus allowing one server to emerge from the so called abyss, IF they actually prove that they’re capable of moving on to the next tier. Maybe you should stop blaming the scoring system and try finding a solution to the actual problems.

Shocking Shorty-Asura Tempest | Magnificent Mike-Troll Warrior | Lockpick Louie- Human Daredevil
Fabio Feline- Charr DH | Viktor Virtuoso-Norn Reaper | Pocket Prestige-Asura Chrono
Killer Kasserole-Plant Druid | Frankie Feline-Cat Scrapper | Felix Feline-Charr Herald

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Rating system wouldn’t be a terrible thing for T8 if the 3 servers had the same amount of players( or at least close than 3.5v1.5v1 like it is now). If ET and FC didn’t have such small numbers in comparison to any other server that comes down to T8, one of the servers would actually be able to move out of the tier under the current ranking system. Last I checked Tiers 2-7 are competetive and in no way outmatched, even though they’re still trying to find even matches for some out of place servers. As for T1 I don’t know what the complaint is for there, if one server takes over and is dominating, guess what, it’s because they’re better. go figure.

If they really wanna fix the WvW populations of ET and FC they should simply allow free transfers to those servers until the production is seen in WvW rankings/points and then cut off the free transfers so that we don’t become a “super server” again. Once that happens you will see much more competition in T8 thus allowing one server to emerge from the so called abyss, IF they actually prove that they’re capable of moving on to the next tier. Maybe you should stop blaming the scoring system and try finding a solution to the actual problems.

evening out the populations wont allow for a server to emerge from the abyss. there simply are not enough rating points in the match. 1 server will be stuck no matter how hard they can roflstomp the other 2 until another server in t7 sucks it up hard and long enough to drop to around 1k rating.

population smoothing is an attainable goal, but it is not the solution to how spread apart the ratings are. i have outlined 2 different problems with 2 solutions. not 1.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

(edited by insanemaniac.2456)

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Lexvia.4087


I agree with OP but my question is, how large of a difference is there between SF’s population and that of T7? And even if it is off-balance (like that of ET/FC vs SF) why can’t there at least be some shift in match ups (even if temporary) for T8 repeated winners? It’s been this same pairing for months.The lack of drive to WvW is in part due to the inertia of the match ups inT8.

Daevorah – 80 Guardian | Anna Svanhildr – 80 Warrior
Liscent – 80 Thief | Virenn – 80 Necromancer
[SoF] Sorrow’s Furnace

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


Rating system wouldn’t be a terrible thing for T8 if the 3 servers had the same amount of players( or at least close than 3.5v1.5v1 like it is now). If ET and FC didn’t have such small numbers in comparison to any other server that comes down to T8, one of the servers would actually be able to move out of the tier under the current ranking system. Last I checked Tiers 2-7 are competetive and in no way outmatched, even though they’re still trying to find even matches for some out of place servers. As for T1 I don’t know what the complaint is for there, if one server takes over and is dominating, guess what, it’s because they’re better. go figure.

If they really wanna fix the WvW populations of ET and FC they should simply allow free transfers to those servers until the production is seen in WvW rankings/points and then cut off the free transfers so that we don’t become a “super server” again. Once that happens you will see much more competition in T8 thus allowing one server to emerge from the so called abyss, IF they actually prove that they’re capable of moving on to the next tier. Maybe you should stop blaming the scoring system and try finding a solution to the actual problems.

evening out the populations wont allow for a server to emerge from the abyss. there simply are not enough rating points in the match. 1 server will be stuck no matter how hard they can roflstomp the other 2 until another server in t7 sucks it up hard and long enough to drop to around 1k rating.

population smoothing is an attainable goal, but it is not the solution to how spread apart the ratings are. i have outlined 2 different problems with 2 solutions. not 1.

This is true. The population will not change the points needed to get out of T8. With SF in the 9s and ET FC in the 6s, all you will have with balanced population (assuming everyone is earning around the same amount of points) is all three servers in the 7s while the next tier gap gets even further.

The problem here is the massive point gap between t7 and t8… it is not relative to population at all. Population only impacts potential competitiveness, nothing else.

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Lexvia.4087


The problem here is the massive point gap between t7 and t8… it is not relative to population at all. Population only impacts potential competitiveness, nothing else.

But when you look at this SF has a rating of 979.072 compared to HoD at 1,031.722. The gap is really small for SF compared to T7. Obviously not so the case for ET and FC (who are at 636 and 576 respectively). Why can’t SF for one week face someone from T7?

Daevorah – 80 Guardian | Anna Svanhildr – 80 Warrior
Liscent – 80 Thief | Virenn – 80 Necromancer
[SoF] Sorrow’s Furnace

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


The problem here is the massive point gap between t7 and t8… it is not relative to population at all. Population only impacts potential competitiveness, nothing else.

But when you look at this SF has a rating of 979.072 compared to HoD at 1,031.722. The gap is really small for SF compared to T7. Obviously not so the case for ET and FC (who are at 636 and 576 respectively). Why can’t SF for one week face someone from T7?

Because, unless we lead by 300k we actually LOSE points since your ratings are so low. Also, HOD needs to lose siginificantly (almost by the same amount) to be able to drop down to T8. We’ve currently gained 19 points as of 12.05pm EST but HOD gained 36 points!

There’s just no reasonable way for us to gain so many points unless you guys get steam rolled for about a month straight giving us 300k leads each week, AND we have to rely on HoD consistently losing. If you look at the history it NSP were the ones who nearly dropped out of the tier, and now they’re on top. The other tiers are a lot more balanced in points, so one person from that tier would have to consistently lose as well for us to move up.

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


I agree with OP but my question is, how large of a difference is there between SF’s population and that of T7? And even if it is off-balance (like that of ET/FC vs SF) why can’t there at least be some shift in match ups (even if temporary) for T8 repeated winners? It’s been this same pairing for months.The lack of drive to WvW is in part due to the inertia of the match ups inT8.

I completely agree with you here… unfortunately without a ratings reset, or a system that cycles automatically irrespective of the scores… we’ll never get out lol

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Narcissus.1058


With the added progression and rewards do not be suprised if you have a lot of returning players in wvw that might make t8 more even.

Too bad that everyone that left wvw also left t8

Aburame Shino, FC WvWer extrordinaire
Leader of the FC Vanguard Initiative(RIP)
Some random guy in [EDGE]

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Soon.5240


I just transferred from FC to GoM. Been in FC since the day GW2 began. It was a hard decision, but since October, there have been exactly two weeks when FC was able to be competitive. TWO WEEKS.

In my mind, it’s fairly clear that Anet is hoping that those that want to focus on WvW will transfer up a tier, thus freeing up the lower tier servers for those who do not. They aren’t working on a solution, because it’s not broken.

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: edgematt.6934


I think my biggest problem isn’t being in t8. I’d be perfectly happy if they kept the matchup the same—moving HoD down a tier will just mean that FC/ET will get stomped by HoD instead of SF.

My biggest problem is simply FC/ET’s WvW population and drive to do WvW. Unless there’s some kind of motivation to be competitive on either of those two servers, it ruins it for all three servers’ entire population, which, according to the transfer list, is almost the same as Jade Quarry’s and Blackgate’s.

March 26 update wasted on T8

in WvW

Posted by: Mizu.9387


I would guess the reason why no one cares about T8 is because tiers represent WvW population. So I doubt T8 have thousands of players, more close to 150?
I don’t necessarily agree, but I doubt Anet will spend alot of resources on that small group.

However, I don’t see what the problem is about transfering. Apparently, the WvW is not very fun in T8, so why not move to a more even and competative tier? You can still guest and play with your friends and guildies.

Sif Urkraft