Matchup Website Down?

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


It was down when I went to bed about 8 hours ago, and its still down now that I’m at work. Anyone know what the deal is?

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: Grit.9061


Talking about this site?

If so, yes. It appears to be down. And no, we wouldn’t know what the problem is.

[LION] Lion’s Arch Irregulars – Dragonbrand

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: murtas.2417


This is something very upsetting since it should be a service provided by ANET, not a ingame guild that actually took the effort to build and maintain this service.

Since their website is down, so is the matchups.
No clue on why.

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: DeeJayTC.5487

doing the same but currently not working ….and not updated to last weeks rankings….but we´re workin on it and everything should be ok in the next few hours.

Rankings will be updated as soon as arena net post´s them as regular …only screenshots have been posted by now

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: DeeJayTC.5487


Sorry…you should use the .Com domain for english content

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: Harper.6709


sorry DeeJay but thats not the same thing at all. People are looking for score updates, not ratings. Ratings are completely meaningless.

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


They probably decided that since every match is a huge blowout, why bother keeping track of the scores?

But yes, this should be an official service – we shouldn’t need to rely on the kindess and hard work of volunteers to have this information.

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: DeeJayTC.5487


look at the german side…the english page does not have the rating module atm..but it´s there…

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: Wildman.9641


Thank you for doing this!

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: Michael.1268


It is back up and it is a great site. Thanks for doing this.

Ted Theodore Logan – Elementalist
Bill S Preston Esq – Guardian
Sea of Sorrows

Matchup Website Down?

in WvW

Posted by: aKIRA.7123


looks like is back up. yay

Azuna Hatsue | Sonya Hayashi
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]