Matchup plea

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: tasha.4176


Do not put Jade Quarry with t2-3 servers again. I am sick of having nothing to do in WvW. This is definitely no way to keep players interested in WvW, let alone staying in their own server. Can’t even begin to express how upsetting it is, knowing friends from your own server left because of the lack of challenge and complete and utter boredom from nothing to do. Not everyone likes to do the lame, Living Story achievements and repetitive dungeons that are now, more useless than before. I for one spend the majority of my Gw2 time in WvW and the past 2 weeks have been a snore fest. My ranks not going up any faster walking around a map that’s all ours and no one to fight cause they’ve all bailed. I’m not spending 25 bucks to switch to a server that probably, most likely, wont be matched up again…and if they are, well. That is just ridiculous. SOR/BG/JQ <~ Next week, please. Or at least one of the two. JQ wasted TC, DB and FA…By miles in comparison when it came to our score. A little common sense when it comes to matching servers would be HIGHLY appreciated. – -"

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


You guys could always start "GvG"ing its not a joke at all.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Astaroth.5146


I approve this message. Let add my variation of the same demand
Do not put Tarnished Coast with t1 servers again. I am sick of having nothing to do in WvW. This is definitely no way to keep players interested in WvW, let alone staying in their own server. Can’t even begin to express how upsetting it is, knowing friends from your own server left because of the lack of challenge and complete and utter boredom from nothing to do. Not everyone likes to do the lame, Living Story achievements and repetitive dungeons that are now, more useless than before. I for one spend the majority of my Gw2 time in WvW and the past 2 weeks have been a snore fest. My ranks not going up any faster walking around a map that’s all enemies and no one to fight cause they’ve all blob, so it’s PvDoor until their unstopable 100 man blob comes back on the map to take it all back then PvDoor once more. JQ, BG and SoR like that kind of play, I can respect that, but let them have their fun and don’t ruins everyone else’s by matching other servers with them. A little common sense when it comes to matching servers would be HIGHLY appreciateded.

Jezebèl – Mag
Behind every red name there is a human being just like you. Respect your enemies :)

(edited by Astaroth.5146)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


Agreed, let JQ come back to fight SoR/BG and let TC go back to t2. JQ has proven themselves in t1, most wins, they have taken SoR garry plenty of times, I have yet to see TC do that etc… JQ knows how to take keeps with full map queue’s. Even if they dont have coverage, thats no reason to place them in t2.

Give JQ BACK !

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: yesfourme.8906


The problem is that people are extremely greedy. Let’s be clear here: There is no difference between destroying the other two servers, and being annihilated. In both case, you end up with nothing to do.

Match up by Arenet is a hopeless thing to hope for. This will NEVER happen.
As time goes by, the best server will have more players with better rank = more wvw points = better advantage. The loser servers will keep on losing. And who want to play the same servers over and over because they are the closest matchup?

The only solution is to give a damage/armor/health bonus to the losing teams to balance a bit the gameplay. If your server had only 10 players, outnumbered and no structure, Arenet should give a bonus like “2x more armor, 2x more health, 1.5x dmg,5x more dmg against structure”. That’s my 2 cents.

(edited by yesfourme.8906)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


In all honesty, it’s just best to match servers together who have similar styles of play. Coming from TC, I think I can speak for most of us when I say that we don’t like mega zerg play. Our zergs rarely get in excess of 35 people, they are usually only 25.

As much as I like T1, TC probably doesn’t belong there because our style of play simply doesn’t mesh. Megablob play gets boring and it reflects by the drop off in numbers throughout the week.

For instance, look at reset night when the numbers are even, TC was putting the boots to both SoR and BG and held a healthy PPT for 90% of the night. You’d think seeing as we did well (for T2 standards) that it would keep people coming out. Traditionally, TC has larger forces during the week than on weekends. Now, it seems any map I go into, we have that pretty little outmanned buff lol. That is not classic TC.

This is why I agree with the OP and some others in this thread, JQ really belongs in T1 more because JQ will consistently come out with numbers to match; TC won’t.

Given the possible nerf to WvW loot and the profitability of Queen’s jubilee at the moment, if TC gets match up with SoR and BG again, there might be even less numbers than before.

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


You guys really like living up to the JQQ nickname don’t you?

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


The problem for TC is that no matter where we end up we’re screwed. We’re too big for T2 and below, and not big enough for T1 (at least outside of reset night).

In the past when TC has come into a new tier, we got stomped for a couple weeks or months, but stuck it out, learned from more experienced adversaries, gradually upped our strats, game, and coverage until we could hang with the bigger boys.

That could still potentially happen in T1, but with the randomized matchups we won’t get the ~8 weeks in T1 it typically requires to adjust to a whole new level of play. So we’re more likely to be stuck in this no-man’s land.

And now JQ has a pretty good idea of the T2 side of the problem too.

Only solution I can really think of is to merge some of the lower server. DB + FA would make a strong T2 server, for starters. Would then need one more server merge to round out T2 enough to provide real competition, either for TC or a T1 server temporarily in T2.

(edited by kurtosis.9526)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


You should use this time to reflect on your losing strategy of “pile onto the losing side” in T1 between SOR and BG and try to actually be relevant and win. Picking up the scraps and left overs between the great BG vs SOR war is always going to net you last place and eventually sent back down to T2.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


Do not put Jade Quarry with t2-3 servers again. I am sick of having nothing to do in WvW. This is definitely no way to keep players interested in WvW, let alone staying in their own server. Can’t even begin to express how upsetting it is, knowing friends from your own server left because of the lack of challenge and complete and utter boredom from nothing to do. Not everyone likes to do the lame, Living Story achievements and repetitive dungeons that are now, more useless than before. I for one spend the majority of my Gw2 time in WvW and the past 2 weeks have been a snore fest. My ranks not going up any faster walking around a map that’s all ours and no one to fight cause they’ve all bailed. I’m not spending 25 bucks to switch to a server that probably, most likely, wont be matched up again…and if they are, well. That is just ridiculous. SOR/BG/JQ <~ Next week, please. Or at least one of the two. JQ wasted TC, DB and FA…By miles in comparison when it came to our score. A little common sense when it comes to matching servers would be HIGHLY appreciated. – -"

Your problem. You have a t1+ strength in SEA but a T2 strength in NA. You do not match up well with anyone. You will be wrecked by T1. Your only fair fight might be JQvTCvDB. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to ever see that battle. JQvsTCvsFA doesn’t really count since FA targets TC most of the time.

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: tasha.4176


It is population Vs Time of day. Top 3 servers have enough people to maintain am/pm in wvw. Though SOR/BG seem to have better overall coverage, as to where SEA time seems to manage way better than NA in JQ. From around noon-evening (5pmish) NA time, we do have numbers but it isn’t as great. We take our share of being wiped but there’s nothing like a challenge of defending and defeating till we get it together again. TC/DB/FA and Mag are awesome competitors in WvW, when the time is right they bring their game. They’ve given a great show. However, it isn’t consistent and therefor unfair to them, us, and whomever else is on the map. We over power T2-3 for the majority of the day, pushing them away from WvW when the few they have want to play. Maybe 4 out of the 24 hours in a day we are actually getting some even WvW action…the rest is JQ owning everything and having nothing to do but take our pixels for a jog. I want to strongly suggest keeping the top 3 servers against each other till a better solution is found to remedy the population problem in WvW for lower tier servers. One thing this game did wrong was pop out a huge number of servers to join when their player ratio doesn’t add up. Temporary solution. TC/FA/DB need to get some serious advertising on done by Anet, through free server transfers, server merging, something. It’s not fun to be overly better than the servers your against and it’s definitely not fun to be beatin’ so bad the only time you get a chance to do something, is when your competitors have literally given up on you. I love this game, and I’m definitely not the type to complain. But this is really frustrating to me.

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: tasha.4176


Do not put Jade Quarry with t2-3 servers again. I am sick of having nothing to do in WvW. This is definitely no way to keep players interested in WvW, let alone staying in their own server. Can’t even begin to express how upsetting it is, knowing friends from your own server left because of the lack of challenge and complete and utter boredom from nothing to do. Not everyone likes to do the lame, Living Story achievements and repetitive dungeons that are now, more useless than before. I for one spend the majority of my Gw2 time in WvW and the past 2 weeks have been a snore fest. My ranks not going up any faster walking around a map that’s all ours and no one to fight cause they’ve all bailed. I’m not spending 25 bucks to switch to a server that probably, most likely, wont be matched up again…and if they are, well. That is just ridiculous. SOR/BG/JQ <~ Next week, please. Or at least one of the two. JQ wasted TC, DB and FA…By miles in comparison when it came to our score. A little common sense when it comes to matching servers would be HIGHLY appreciated. – -"

Your problem. You have a t1+ strength in SEA but a T2 strength in NA. You do not match up well with anyone. You will be wrecked by T1. Your only fair fight might be JQvTCvDB. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to ever see that battle. JQvsTCvsFA doesn’t really count since FA targets TC most of the time.

Nah. We aren’t that horrible during the day. We hold our own. We definitely aren’t completely wiped off the map as TC/DB/FA are for the majority of the day. We’ve been first for a long time and only 2nd and 3rd since people started hittin’ it up with SOR. We are populated enough to stay in T1 till proven otherwise. When it comes to our scores, were either second or third and not by much. If you actually check out the scores between t1 vs jq and t2-3, it is sickening how much more we have. Tc is definitely good, but still, not better than us when it comes down to having people in the map 24-7.

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


I think TC is the next big dog honestly, dragonbrand.. who? TC is pretty epic as is if they pulled one decent guild into there worse time zone they would be competing for #1

They are like a sleeper cell cause jerks think they are better than rpers, but just wait they are coming up.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: tasha.4176


I think TC is the next big dog honestly, dragonbrand.. who? TC is pretty epic as is if they pulled one decent guild into there worse time zone they would be competing for #1

They are like a sleeper cell cause jerks think they are better than rpers, but just wait they are coming up.

If you say so. Numbers don’t lie.

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


THis thread is funny.

JQ has had the misfortune of playing against the fewest servers of any realm in NA since the game started. Never really experienced some entertaining matches against guilds on CD, EB, YB, and some on there are even complaining when they have to play against strong servers like FA, TC and DB.

On the other hand there are all these threads started by JQ people about the queues on JQ for WvW, and skill lag in T1.

T1 (which doesn’t exist anymore but let’s pass by that) is so over-rated. Some of us have moved on and are having much more fun without the QQ and the egos up there.

Sea of Sorrows

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


When will people ever realize that the matchups is out of Anet’s control?

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


When will people ever realize that the matchups is out of Anet’s control?

I don’t understand this. It is 100% in their control. They can make it BG vs ET vs FC if they wanted to. Who else would be in control?!

Of course whether they want to do anything is a different matter. I’m guessing that’s what you mean.

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


THis thread is funny.

JQ has had the misfortune of playing against the fewest servers of any realm in NA since the game started. Never really experienced some entertaining matches against guilds on CD, EB, YB, and some on there are even complaining when they have to play against strong servers like FA, TC and DB.

On the other hand there are all these threads started by JQ people about the queues on JQ for WvW, and skill lag in T1.

T1 (which doesn’t exist anymore but let’s pass by that) is so over-rated. Some of us have moved on and are having much more fun without the QQ and the egos up there.

Yet another non-tier1 guy complaining about the skill lag of tier 1, which by the way, I only experience once a day. How is tier 1 over rated? The most organised guilds and servers are here in the closest matchup on the NA side. And we all know what you mean by ‘moved on’.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


When will people ever realize that the matchups is out of Anet’s control?

I don’t understand this. It is 100% in their control. They can make it BG vs ET vs FC if they wanted to. Who else would be in control?!

Of course whether they want to do anything is a different matter. I’m guessing that’s what you mean.

RNG? It’s like demanding Anet to drop a precursor when you kill a risen chicken.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Traxien Cion.9261

Traxien Cion.9261

I prefer facing SoR and BG over FA and DB. We get rolled by SoR and BG less than we roll FA and DB. This match up is actually closer. As for JQ, I think TC’s about on par, with better overall coverage, but JQ has a massive coverage advantage for about 5 hours, where they get a crapload of points.

I’m pretty sure TC can stay competitive with and beat JQ with a couple weeks of practice. Our last matchup was close and wasn’t a faceroll by any stretch of the imagination. Anyone saying that is silly.

On that note, TC is more competitive in T1 than JQ was in its last week in T1. Just sayin’. We’re at 115k. You were at 105k at this time when you were last in T1.

Traxien Cion – Ranger | Traxien Kills – Warrior | [STUN] | TC Commander

(edited by Traxien Cion.9261)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


When will people ever realize that the matchups is out of Anet’s control?

I don’t understand this. It is 100% in their control. They can make it BG vs ET vs FC if they wanted to. Who else would be in control?!

Of course whether they want to do anything is a different matter. I’m guessing that’s what you mean.

RNG? It’s like demanding Anet to drop a precursor when you kill a risen chicken.

They control the RNG, and all aspects of the system. They can set BG (just an example)‘s rating to zero if they wanted to. Or ET’s rating to 2000. I’m sure they can manually change the matchups if they wanted to, the problem is whether they actually want to. Clearly the team does not see a problem with the current state, or they are waiting for “more data”. A pessimistic analysis would be that they don’t care at the moment, but I rather not think that way =/

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


When will people ever realize that the matchups is out of Anet’s control?

I don’t understand this. It is 100% in their control. They can make it BG vs ET vs FC if they wanted to. Who else would be in control?!

Of course whether they want to do anything is a different matter. I’m guessing that’s what you mean.

RNG? It’s like demanding Anet to drop a precursor when you kill a risen chicken.

They control the RNG, and all aspects of the system. They can set BG (just an example)‘s rating to zero if they wanted to. Or ET’s rating to 2000. I’m sure they can manually change the matchups if they wanted to, the problem is whether they actually want to. Clearly the team does not see a problem with the current state, or they are waiting for “more data”. A pessimistic analysis would be that they don’t care at the moment, but I rather not think that way =/

And why would they be biased to your server? It undermines the whole RNG system.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


When will people ever realize that the matchups is out of Anet’s control?

I don’t understand this. It is 100% in their control. They can make it BG vs ET vs FC if they wanted to. Who else would be in control?!

Of course whether they want to do anything is a different matter. I’m guessing that’s what you mean.

RNG? It’s like demanding Anet to drop a precursor when you kill a risen chicken.

They control the RNG, and all aspects of the system. They can set BG (just an example)‘s rating to zero if they wanted to. Or ET’s rating to 2000. I’m sure they can manually change the matchups if they wanted to, the problem is whether they actually want to. Clearly the team does not see a problem with the current state, or they are waiting for “more data”. A pessimistic analysis would be that they don’t care at the moment, but I rather not think that way =/

And why would they be biased to your server? It undermines the whole RNG system.

You are missing the point…all I’m doing is addressing your comment that things are “out of Anet’s control”. Which obviously doesn’t make sense. I don’t see what’s so hard to understand, so I’m done here.

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

THis thread is funny.

JQ has had the misfortune of playing against the fewest servers of any realm in NA since the game started. Never really experienced some entertaining matches against guilds on CD, EB, YB, and some on there are even complaining when they have to play against strong servers like FA, TC and DB.

On the other hand there are all these threads started by JQ people about the queues on JQ for WvW, and skill lag in T1.

T1 (which doesn’t exist anymore but let’s pass by that) is so over-rated. Some of us have moved on and are having much more fun without the QQ and the egos up there.

Yet another non-tier1 guy complaining about the skill lag of tier 1, which by the way, I only experience once a day. How is tier 1 over rated? The most organised guilds and servers are here in the closest matchup on the NA side. And we all know what you mean by ‘moved on’.

Well being in Sea of Sorrows we’re all well aware of what t1 is like so theres that and regards to the most organised guilds, Agg, qT (rekz), NS, EAT, EK, Pyro, Dorp, ME and countless others says hi.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Firstly, you have not been in tier 1 for how many months now? Skill lag has changed gradually over the months. Don’t make claims about a tier you are not in. Wasn’t that your advice to me the last time? Tier 1 has changed a lot since the last time I was here.
Secondly, just because there are organised guilds in other tiers, doesn’t make tier 1 over rated. Tier 1 is servers are not only so organised because of their guilds, but because of the militia too. When BG and SoR don’t have to face eachother, they completely destroy the other 2 servers.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

(edited by Seigfried.5938)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

Firstly, you have not been in tier 1 for how many months now? Skill lag has changed gradually over the months. Don’t make claims about a tier you are not in. Wasn’t that your advice to me the last time? Tier 1 has changed a lot since the last time I was here.
Secondly, just because there are organised guilds in other tiers, doesn’t make tier 1 over rated. Tier 1 is servers are not only so organised because of their guilds, but because of the militia too. When BG and SoR don’t have to face eachother, they completely destroy the other 2 servers.

because of numbers my friend, and we did fight SoR not too long ago their oceanic/SEA guilds were good but not THAT good, we still lead oceanic ppt every night.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Firstly, you have not been in tier 1 for how many months now? Skill lag has changed gradually over the months. Don’t make claims about a tier you are not in. Wasn’t that your advice to me the last time? Tier 1 has changed a lot since the last time I was here.
Secondly, just because there are organised guilds in other tiers, doesn’t make tier 1 over rated. Tier 1 is servers are not only so organised because of their guilds, but because of the militia too. When BG and SoR don’t have to face eachother, they completely destroy the other 2 servers.

because of numbers my friend, and we did fight SoR not too long ago their oceanic/SEA guilds were good but not THAT good, we still lead oceanic ppt every night.

I wasn’t talking about a specific match, but I could believe that. You say numbers is the reason SoR wins, but isn’t that exactly the reason why SoS leads during oceanic?

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

Firstly, you have not been in tier 1 for how many months now? Skill lag has changed gradually over the months. Don’t make claims about a tier you are not in. Wasn’t that your advice to me the last time? Tier 1 has changed a lot since the last time I was here.
Secondly, just because there are organised guilds in other tiers, doesn’t make tier 1 over rated. Tier 1 is servers are not only so organised because of their guilds, but because of the militia too. When BG and SoR don’t have to face eachother, they completely destroy the other 2 servers.

because of numbers my friend, and we did fight SoR not too long ago their oceanic/SEA guilds were good but not THAT good, we still lead oceanic ppt every night.

I wasn’t talking about a specific match, but I could believe that. You say numbers is the reason SoR wins, but isn’t that exactly the reason why SoS leads during oceanic?

yes we do well in oceanic time because relative to other servers we have a very high oceanic population, a combination of current upgrades and numbers affects how well you do in ppt.

Also Actinotus’s point was he didn’t prefer t1 and to him it is over rated which in many ways it is, the guilds are over rated before random matches everybody thought t1 was on a completely new level skill wise but when a server like TC can hang in their even when severely outmanned during oceanic/sea/eu it shows the skill level isn’t all that different.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows

(edited by Le Rooster.8715)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


It’s always about numbers, nothing less and nothing more. Those with the best overall coverage wins. That doesn’t take skill. In fact, you’ll find that those generally with overwhelming numbers aren’t that good, simply because they don’t need to be.

A server cannot be considered skilled when:

A) They have an abundance of people in a different time zone where Sea/Oceanic is their prime time.

B) People who do night shifts, where again, Sea/Oceanic is their prime time.

All that is, is chance. If people are going to compare skill of servers, compare them with even numbers. The best time to do that is reset night when generally all the numbers are even across all maps and everyone is prepared to fight.

When you look at the past reset night, you’ll see TC was ahead a large portion of the night by fairly big margin. You’ll also notice a couple reset nights ago when DB was in T1, they were ahead as well. I can’t say I’m surprised because when you run around in such massive groups for so long like BG and SoR do, it’s easy to lose your groove. You just don’t need to be that skilled when running in massive groups. I actually can’t comment much on BG because they only seem to show up when people have gone to sleep. Every time I log on, their PPT seems to be hovering between 150-180. I think I’ve only seen them once this match up during prime time all week.

Anet could easily throw a wrench into everybody’s chest thumping by simply turning the PPT off during off hours. That would send a few servers spiraling down the ranks probably where they should be in terms of actual skill.

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


Numbers have very little to do with it almost every server has the ability to play T1/T2 as far as numbers go you just have to rally your players. Right now all but 5 servers are very high pop the diff is you guys in the lower tiers don’t try to busy with “gvg” I guess. If you happen to be on a server where you try and no one else does find a good wvw community or go to a low pop server and after you win your matches grab your hardest opposition on your way up. The T1/T2 communities are lucky enough to have players that pour there hearts and souls into it. The best part is you won’t see these guys on utube or streaming cause they are the real deal and they are here to get it done for the most part.

The biggest part your missing in all this is black gate was a teir 3 server months ago we fought our butts off to get to t1 and recruited on our way. If you show the community you guys are trying the players will come to you because everyone wants to kill the giant and all they have to do is try a little harder. You can’t expect anyone to take your server seriously as someone that will rise to the top when you spend all your time “gvging” or not showing up.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Firstly, you have not been in tier 1 for how many months now? Skill lag has changed gradually over the months. Don’t make claims about a tier you are not in. Wasn’t that your advice to me the last time? Tier 1 has changed a lot since the last time I was here.
Secondly, just because there are organised guilds in other tiers, doesn’t make tier 1 over rated. Tier 1 is servers are not only so organised because of their guilds, but because of the militia too. When BG and SoR don’t have to face eachother, they completely destroy the other 2 servers.

because of numbers my friend, and we did fight SoR not too long ago their oceanic/SEA guilds were good but not THAT good, we still lead oceanic ppt every night.

I wasn’t talking about a specific match, but I could believe that. You say numbers is the reason SoR wins, but isn’t that exactly the reason why SoS leads during oceanic?

yes we do well in oceanic time because relative to other servers we have a very high oceanic population, a combination of current upgrades and numbers affects how well you do in ppt.

Also Actinotus’s point was he didn’t prefer t1 and to him it is over rated which in many ways it is, the guilds are over rated before random matches everybody thought t1 was on a completely new level skill wise but when a server like TC can hang in their even when severely outmanned during oceanic/sea/eu it shows the skill level isn’t all that different.

TCs score is so high only because we(BG) mostly hit SoR’s structures. Sometimes, we even run into structures SoR is taking from TC to save it.

But in my opinion, there isn’t much difference in skill between tier 1 and tier 2. Teir 3 and below play a very different game. From my experience, in lower tiers, two zergs will only clakitten structures and not in open field. And when they do clakitten will be a skirmish.

Can’t believe that word got censored X.X

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

(edited by Seigfried.5938)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


Not much more to say except agreeing with the coverage thing. I reckon things have become too bloated towards the top few servers and i don’t get why people are transferring up there when all the QQ is coming about issues to do with queues zergs and skill lag from some of the players on those few servers (and stuff you don’t really find below about FA).

It is the players from JQ and the like who are complaining about this stuff not me. Have a look through the threads on the forums here. On SoS skill lag queues and stuff are almost non-existent.

And Sos has probably played with or against every guild in SoR JQ and BG so I have a vague idea what goes on there.

Sea of Sorrows

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Not much more to say except agreeing with the coverage thing. I reckon things have become too bloated towards the top few servers and i don’t get why people are transferring up there when all the QQ is coming about issues to do with queues zergs and skill lag from some of the players on those few servers (and stuff you don’t really find below about FA).

It is the players from JQ and the like who are complaining about this stuff not me. Have a look through the threads on the forums here. On SoS skill lag queues and stuff are almost non-existent.

And Sos has probably played with or against every guild in SoR JQ and BG so I have a vague idea what goes on there.

How many exactly are complaining about the ques? 10-20 at most on the forums? Those aren’t even enough to fill a que. And there are 4 maps, 1 gets qued, just go to another. Reset night is the only night all 4 get qued. Again, don’t make claims about tier 1 when you have not experienced it in months. Need I tell you about skill lag yet again?

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


Siegfried I think in the upper tears allot of it has to do with team work. As far as tactics with the removal of tiers there is more server mobility and much less of a learning curve. When we were rising on blackgate before the change it was nuts we would get smashed into oblivion the first few days, but we adapted pretty well in a short amount of time mostly due to the communication throughout our server, really allot of that had to do with lotd cause they were awesome enough to provide our server with a community team speak.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

(edited by Thesilentflute.8761)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


When I just transferred in, I was shocked at the level of communication and how well everyone was well versed in tactics. I’m sure it took a lot of teaching and learning.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


Not much more to say except agreeing with the coverage thing. I reckon things have become too bloated towards the top few servers and i don’t get why people are transferring up there when all the QQ is coming about issues to do with queues zergs and skill lag from some of the players on those few servers (and stuff you don’t really find below about FA).

It is the players from JQ and the like who are complaining about this stuff not me. Have a look through the threads on the forums here. On SoS skill lag queues and stuff are almost non-existent.

And Sos has probably played with or against every guild in SoR JQ and BG so I have a vague idea what goes on there.

How many exactly are complaining about the ques? 10-20 at most on the forums? Those aren’t even enough to fill a que. And there are 4 maps, 1 gets qued, just go to another. Reset night is the only night all 4 get qued. Again, don’t make claims about tier 1 when you have not experienced it in months. Need I tell you about skill lag yet again?

I want to stress I am not the one complaining – it is some of those currently playing in those very full servers who are. I had the option of moving with my (then) guild to SoR when SoS fell from T1 but I chose not to as i was bored of all the stuff that was connected with T1 (and seeing the same opponents every week).

Want to add that we are against DB/CD at the moment and “losing the match” by about 100000 but I’ve still had fun out there. The server I like playing the most at the moment is TC even though we are outnumbered – just have to play smart.

Sea of Sorrows

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


Not much more to say except agreeing with the coverage thing. I reckon things have become too bloated towards the top few servers and i don’t get why people are transferring up there when all the QQ is coming about issues to do with queues zergs and skill lag from some of the players on those few servers (and stuff you don’t really find below about FA).

It is the players from JQ and the like who are complaining about this stuff not me. Have a look through the threads on the forums here. On SoS skill lag queues and stuff are almost non-existent.

And Sos has probably played with or against every guild in SoR JQ and BG so I have a vague idea what goes on there.

How many exactly are complaining about the ques? 10-20 at most on the forums? Those aren’t even enough to fill a que. And there are 4 maps, 1 gets qued, just go to another. Reset night is the only night all 4 get qued. Again, don’t make claims about tier 1 when you have not experienced it in months. Need I tell you about skill lag yet again?

I want to stress I am not the one complaining – it is some of those currently playing in those very full servers who are. I had the option of moving with my (then) guild to SoR when SoS fell from T1 but I chose not to as i was bored of all the stuff that was connected with T1 (and seeing the same opponents every week).

Want to add that we are against DB/CD at the moment and “losing the match” by about 100000 but I’ve still had fun out there. The server I like playing the most at the moment is TC even though we are outnumbered – just have to play smart.

We have one thing in common then. I loved fighting TC too, but I was in the small minority. When we had to face TC for the 4th time, there were so many QQs, I knew I had enough of it and I transferred to a serious wvw server.

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Jahn.7019


Honestly, they just need to get rid of ppt. Have the matchups change around like they are, then have people log in and play and fight. While there’s a few groups of individuals who could care less about ppt through all the tiers, vast majority of players keep trying to play for ppt. It was the worst creation that ANET has done. They are basically killing their own playerbase because of the coverage wars.

Instead just put the relics back in, make the maps bigger and make them cool(the relics) like DAOC and people will play for that all day.

The reason I like T1 is because the action is consistent almost 24/7. Whenever I want to wvw, I can and find a group easy and find action even easier.

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: mini.6018


Since tiers are gone and matchuos are rng, they should disband eu/us and just throw all servers in the same dice pot.Only half of them for random doesn’t make sense.And no.latency is not an issue.
Would love some new opponents after 1 year we already know every server, strategy, roamer troll and some fresh ones would really help

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Caliburn.1845


As countless others have already pointed out there are no even match-ups in T2 of NA with the current state of the top six NA servers.

Some have suggested FA and DB need to get stronger. This is unlikely, a shrinking WvW population base(despite what Anet thinks) will continue to migrate upwards to a decreasing number of servers.

The quickest and most probable way to bring balance to the upper tiers of NA is to make TC or JQ weaker. Moving some of JQ’s Asian guild to TC for example, would allow TC to compete better in T1, while at the same time creating a more even playing field in T2 between FA/DB/JQ. Or alternatively send some of TC’s NA guilds over to JQ to allow JQ to compete more evenly in T1.

So long as TC and JQ are relatively balanced, none of us in T2 are going to have as much fun as we might like.

Caliburn.1845, Monsters Inc.
Darkhaven>Dragonbrand>Blackgate>Maguuma>Yaks Bend>Stormbluff Isle>Yaks Bend

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Jamais vu.5284

Jamais vu.5284

It’s abundantly clear that the server numbers are too low, since currently the only way servers can compete on even terms is by matching them against the constantly same little selection.
But of course PVE pop numbers don’t match a greater server quantity, so maybe the tie between them does more harm than good.
I touched upon the same here briefly:

(edited by Jamais vu.5284)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


There is no tier 1. Stacking the top three servers like they’re going to fight each other every week stopped making sense months ago.

Gate of Madness

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Jeda.5209


Wait tc people are complaining about these matchups and saying they don’t mega zerg?
Maybe they don’t mega zerg when they are matched with servers that can queue maps like they can. Sea of sorrows faced tarnished coast 6 out of the first 8 weeks the random matches began. All we saw is tc one 80 man zerg from them. If all tc is fielding is 25 to 30 then it shows you how many fair weather players you have and will only come out when they are winning or outnumber there opponents. The problem is all servers have those players. Some more than others. If tc can queue maps like they did when they played us they should be matched up with servers that also queue maps. Personally, I hope tc get matched up with t1 servers more. If anything its a test for your bandwagon guilds who usually begin thinking about fleeing when they are no longer winning.

Every other server has been dealing with the occasional get blowned out matches, excluding t1 servers.. Sos had weeks of dealing with it. Heck we are getting blown out by db this week. We have learn to deal with it. It has been fun facing db this week despite being blown out. Was some very good gvg matches as well.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


The quickest and most probable way to bring balance to the upper tiers of NA is to make TC or JQ weaker. Moving some of JQ’s Asian guild to TC for example, would allow TC to compete better in T1, while at the same time creating a more even playing field in T2 between FA/DB/JQ. Or alternatively send some of TC’s NA guilds over to JQ to allow JQ to compete more evenly in T1.

That’ll never happen, will just kitten everyone off. All the WvW guilds on TC and JQ (post-Noodles) are very loyal to their home server, and force-moving them would be an exercise in disasterous customer relations.

Honestly I think ANet is well aware of the problem, but there’s nothing they can do that won’t be a worse solution than just leaving it alone. Merging servers will kitten people off, force-balancing WvW guilds across servers will kitten people off, manually setting the matchups and undermining their partial-RNG matchup system will kitten people off (and undermine their system).

The only thing they can really do is go back to the old system of no RNG where you’re stuck in your tier for weeks or months until you manage to scrape up enough points to move to the next (or some server ahead of you implodes). But people complained about the “staleness” of that, and to be fair the new system actually creates more accurate overall ratings anyway.

I think ANet’s best, or least bad, solution is to simply leave it alone and let the players work it out. If the problem gets bad enough, folks will take matters into their own hands and move somewhere, be it up tiers, down tiers, laterally, whatever. Still not an ideal solution, but less bad than any other candidate.

That said, Jahn’s idea of getting rid of PPT altogether and adding relics would be really interesting, though it would take a huge patch for such a big change. But it would definitely freshen WvW up and make it “new and improved”, for a bit.

(edited by kurtosis.9526)

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Mada.5319


The quickest and most probable way to bring balance to the upper tiers of NA is to make TC or JQ weaker. Moving some of JQ’s Asian guild to TC for example, would allow TC to compete better in T1, while at the same time creating a more even playing field in T2 between FA/DB/JQ. Or alternatively send some of TC’s NA guilds over to JQ to allow JQ to compete more evenly in T1.

This won’t solve anything. If the asian guilds move to TC, there’s still the problem that they lack the oceanic/euro coverage to compete with BG and SoR. Similarly, if JQ lost its asian guilds, it wouldn’t stand a chance against FA and DB.

Matchup plea

in WvW

Posted by: Caliburn.1845


Anet isn’t going to force people to move to different servers, they might incentivize moving, but never force it. BG and SoR seem stable. FA/DB can’t influence things. The folks caught in the middle are JQ and TC.

Eventually the populations are going to shift and one of those two servers will come out on top. What form will that take? Guilds getting bought by other servers, people just getting annoyed and stop playing WvW, influx of players from lower servers, some mix of all three probably.

Caliburn.1845, Monsters Inc.
Darkhaven>Dragonbrand>Blackgate>Maguuma>Yaks Bend>Stormbluff Isle>Yaks Bend