Matchup system is a joke

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Ikihiki.2316


Last 2 weeks Ring Of Fire and Whiteside Ridge have fought with outnumbered “buff” nearly 24/7.

I was kinda hoping that we would go against other empty / quiet servers, so that wvw would actually be fun again. How wrong can i be?

The same matchups keeps rotating over and over again and RoF + wsr are outnumbered even at prime time on friday.

When i started GW2, i had my hopes up about Anet actually giving a kitten about wvw and balancing servers / matches.

How fun is it to try and defend our corner with opponent’s crushing 10 to 1 ratio?

Please Anet, would you look you matchups and actually try to do something about it?


Go big or go home

Im on fire in Ring of Fire

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Anet, please remove the outnumbered buff for Ring of Fire and Whiteside Ridge.

That’ll stop them complaining.

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Electra.7530


I hear you. We have same problem.


Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


I hear you. We have same problem.

lol – with those #s how did ANY “reds” in that group get downed?

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Korgov.7645


I don’t think you should blame the matchup system for the perceived imbalance. Would you rather fight T3 or higher servers?

Much of the outnumbered feeling comes from the fact the enemies avoid each other. There is very little happening on in the GH or AM borderlands. The focus is in our corner only.

Borderland focus
1 Eternal Battleground 44.0%
2 Ring of Fire – Borderlands 43.6%
3 Abaddon’s Mouth [DE] – Borderlands 6.3%
4 Gunnar’s Hold – Borderlands 6.1%

GH seems to have given up winning the matchup and only tries to secure the second place. It is the score/rewards/Glicko system to blame that this is a valid strategy.

Sulkshine – Mesmer
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


I hear you. We have same problem.

lol – with those #s how did ANY “reds” in that group get downed?

Come fight blobbadon with us. They die like instantly.

Big Babou, Ranger for life.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Electra.7530


I hear you. We have same problem.

lol – with those #s how did ANY “reds” in that group get downed?

It’s interesting you notice that. The “reds” you see dead or downed are SF. CD’s zerg is steamrolling over SF’s zerg on their way to my little group of 4 or 5.


But, we don’t care. We always manage to kill one or two before we succumb to the wizardry of Anet’s WvW mechanics.

I’d also like to point out, CD never engages us unless and until they are in their zerg. When my partner and I encounter 1-3 of them out there, we pursue, but they always run. What’s up with that? I mean, come on.

(edited by Electra.7530)

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


I hear you. We have same problem.

lol – with those #s how did ANY “reds” in that group get downed?

It’s interesting you notice that. The “reds” you see dead or downed are SF. CD’s zerg is steamrolling over SF’s zerg on their way to my little group of 4 or 5.


But, we don’t care. We always manage to kill one or two before we succumb to the wizardry of Anet’s WvW mechanics.

I’d also like to point out, CD never engages us unless and until they are in their zerg. When my partner and I encounter 1-3 of them out there, we pursue, but they always run. What’s up with that? I mean, come on.

truth be told, I edited out ‘CD’ for ‘reds’ because just couldn’t tell and thought might be a small group of 1 server trailed by a blob….

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Sylvyn.4750


I hear you. We have same problem.

lol – with those #s how did ANY “reds” in that group get downed?

It’s interesting you notice that. The “reds” you see dead or downed are SF. CD’s zerg is steamrolling over SF’s zerg on their way to my little group of 4 or 5.


But, we don’t care. We always manage to kill one or two before we succumb to the wizardry of Anet’s WvW mechanics.

I’d also like to point out, CD never engages us unless and until they are in their zerg. When my partner and I encounter 1-3 of them out there, we pursue, but they always run. What’s up with that? I mean, come on.

I’m only seeing a half dozen SF there too, so typical CD using a blob to mow down smaller roaming groups.

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I hear you. We have same problem.

lol – with those #s how did ANY “reds” in that group get downed?

It’s interesting you notice that. The “reds” you see dead or downed are SF. CD’s zerg is steamrolling over SF’s zerg on their way to my little group of 4 or 5.


But, we don’t care. We always manage to kill one or two before we succumb to the wizardry of Anet’s WvW mechanics.

I’d also like to point out, CD never engages us unless and until they are in their zerg. When my partner and I encounter 1-3 of them out there, we pursue, but they always run. What’s up with that? I mean, come on.

Not all players on CD fight only in blobs. I quite frequently will take a camp with another CD player while 1 or 2 players are trying to defend it. We don’t always run. Only time I run is when I really just don’t feel like fighting anyone.

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Reh.5986


I hear you. We have same problem.

lol – with those #s how did ANY “reds” in that group get downed?

It’s interesting you notice that. The “reds” you see dead or downed are SF. CD’s zerg is steamrolling over SF’s zerg on their way to my little group of 4 or 5.


But, we don’t care. We always manage to kill one or two before we succumb to the wizardry of Anet’s WvW mechanics.

I’d also like to point out, CD never engages us unless and until they are in their zerg. When my partner and I encounter 1-3 of them out there, we pursue, but they always run. What’s up with that? I mean, come on.

Not all players on CD fight only in blobs. I quite frequently will take a camp with another CD player while 1 or 2 players are trying to defend it. We don’t always run. Only time I run is when I really just don’t feel like fighting anyone.

Props for that. I love to roam around and do see the occasional roaming CD. Even got a nice 1v1v2 the other day. Most of the time pushing cd a bit brings the blob though and they will chase 1 or 2 across the map. I can hardly blame them as I do my best to irritate the hell out of them. They will literally bring 50 to 70 though if you kick the anthill a couple times.

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: alain.1659


Lol, RoF is currently having a slight issue with double teaming. If anyone wants proof, ask comms about footage and stuff.

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Reh.5986


Lol, RoF is currently having a slight issue with double teaming. If anyone wants proof, ask comms about footage and stuff.

Yeah been there. When one group is map blobbing the keep for 2 hours the other is capping every tower and camp for free. You’d think they would hit the other server while they’re busy blobbing but maybe they don’t want the attention.

The old mag/sbi/sos matchup was pretty screwed up too but sometimes every server would have a blob at the same time and we’d have some epic zvzvz slideshow fights over sm.

Good luck getting those fights now.

Matchup system is a joke

in WvW

Posted by: Electra.7530


I hear you. We have same problem.

lol – with those #s how did ANY “reds” in that group get downed?

It’s interesting you notice that. The “reds” you see dead or downed are SF. CD’s zerg is steamrolling over SF’s zerg on their way to my little group of 4 or 5.


But, we don’t care. We always manage to kill one or two before we succumb to the wizardry of Anet’s WvW mechanics.

I’d also like to point out, CD never engages us unless and until they are in their zerg. When my partner and I encounter 1-3 of them out there, we pursue, but they always run. What’s up with that? I mean, come on.

Not all players on CD fight only in blobs. I quite frequently will take a camp with another CD player while 1 or 2 players are trying to defend it. We don’t always run. Only time I run is when I really just don’t feel like fighting anyone.

We haven’t run into you yet unless you’re that thief that wrecks me and my partner every time. Well, almost every time. We’ve caught on to him/her and he/she makes mistakes that cost him/her dearly. And I have to laugh at this. When one thief can take us both out … it’s either laugh or nerd rage and I just laugh about it.