Mega Servers, and Recruiting from your Server

Mega Servers, and Recruiting from your Server

in WvW

Posted by: Mexamese.5163


Hello all!

First of all the search feature sucks so I could not see if anyone else has had this issue. I have been trying to recruit for our WvW guild, and it seems that there is no easy way of recruiting, or finding people in your server ever since the mega servers. What are something some of you have done (besides bluntly asking) to recruit people from your server for your WvW guild? I am looking for advise to pick up people from PvE like we used to do, not from EB or borderlands since on those maps we obviously know they are from our home server. Thanks in advanced! See you on the battlefield!

Mega Servers, and Recruiting from your Server

in WvW

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


Yes it has, have fun with it. Just mention your server in the message.

Tacktical Killers [TK]
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