Megaserver WvW Fix?

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Daddar.5971


Suggestion: Scrap servers entirely, and randomly assign all players to one of 3 factions (red, green, blue). Then, give each player one free transfer so that guilds/friends can move to be together. After that, charge a fee (equal to the average transfer fee now) to switch factions, but double the fee if moving to a 5%+ higher population faction, and make the transfer free if moving to the least-populated faction. All new accounts would automatically begin on the lowest-population faction (with 1 free transfer).

Then, WvW can be on a megaserver with overflows (which also contribute to faction points scored). Players can taxi to a BL/overflow (as they do in PvE) to be with their friends/guildmates. Week-long faction tournaments then would become incredibly fun!
Anyone transferring in the middle of a tournament week would be DQ’d from tournament rewards for that week.

Pro: Full BL’s with good fights and finally some fun again!

Con: ‘Server loyalty’, if it ever existed for most players, gets replaced with ‘faction loyalty’ (if it loyalty develops).

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Great idea ya got there

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Its an absolutely ridiculous idea to place players on random factions so that you have to move around just to get play with your friends again, when it would be incredibly simple to just use the 3 kitten factions we are already part of.

This solution is like getting the choice of using a hammer or a rubber duck to hammer a nail and choosing the rubber duck because reasons.

(edited by Dawdler.8521)

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: briggah.7910


more like megaserver will HIDE the population problems and make it look like lots of people still play this game

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Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

They tried this already. It was called EotM and was an epic fail.

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Daddar.5971


Dawdler: No, we don’t have 3 factions. We have 24 NA factions and 27 EU factions (called servers) and they are spread way too thin. This is what makes WvW boring, and boredom is what makes players leave WvW.

briggah: At first, maybe. But then, since BL’s will be full again, WvW will be fun again. When it’s fun again, people will come back to WvW, and new players will try it, so the population will grow.

Lord Kuru: My proposal is nothing like EotM. EotM is a karma train where people avoid fights because they are better off doing that, sine there is nothing on the line. If the winners got a huge loot chest at the end of a week, the middle-rank got a small chest and the lowest-scoring side got nothing, the fights would happen.

Remove the PvE elements from WvW and make rewards dropped when opponents are stomped and objectives taken or defended. It could be like the rewards for map event participation in HoT. You only get a reward when you attack the opposing side or actively defend your own.

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: casius van.5186

casius van.5186

I’d like to chime in that scrapping servers would solve population problems only and remove the coverage wars moniker. Adding participation based rewards, like in HoT maps, would make wvw valuable to entice more players to play like you suggest. But that’s the kicker, rewards always sucked in wvw. They would have to make rewards worth it to bring in people.

I view that the distaste for the desert is people’s personal preference for the open fields to fight on. I believe it’s why folks play in ebg and eotm more than the desert bls. The complaints about “too much pve” wouldn’t be satisfied by the megaserver option though.

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: displayname.8315


Overflows are not good. Spooling up an empty instance just causes people to either log out or try to “taxi” to a populated map.

Why not just redo the transfer system so you can join any map, on any server. If the map is queued just pick something else or queue up. People who belong to that server could get priority.

So you can spend gems for affiliation or you can just merc for free.

JQ subsidiary

(edited by displayname.8315)

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


Salute to you & a fond wish to keep trying. The WvW Community is a tough crew, but we all want the WvW game mode to get better…not worse…imho.

(edited by Diku.2546)

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Dawdler: No, we don’t have 3 factions.

Yes we do.

This week I am part of the glorious red faction.

Which color faction do you belong to?

If you can answer that, then we already have factions. We just happen to be fighting a small part of them in WvW, while its all of them in EoTM.

If you cant answer that, well I dont know what to say.

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Daggos Skelito.2910

Daggos Skelito.2910

They tried this already. It was called EotM and was an epic fail.

Do me a favor, log into EoTM right after a 3 hour reset. Then when you had enough of the brutal battles, go to EB. Hopefully you can re-define “Epic Fail”.

The Ktrain days of EoTM are over until they get this sorted out. Players are hungry for fights and this is the new playground.

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Conner.4702


They tried this already. It was called EotM and was an epic fail.

Do me a favor, log into EoTM right after a 3 hour reset. Then when you had enough of the brutal battles, go to EB. Hopefully you can re-define “Epic Fail”.

The Ktrain days of EoTM are over until they get this sorted out. Players are hungry for fights and this is the new playground.

Do me a favor and log in at any other point and tell me how it is NOT a failure

Megaserver WvW would be a disaster because it does not FIX anything

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Daddar.5971


It would actually fix two things for sure.

For one, it would mean that there would be 24/7 coverage in all BL’s because Euro server players would be mixed in with NA. No more ‘nightcapping’ woes.

Secondly, this system would fill all BLs. Full BL’s are fun, while the current state is not. When it becomes fun again, the number of players opting to play WvW would increase dramatically.

Of course, it won’t fix the problems with the maps or the WvW rewards, but it would re-establish WvW as a real RvR battleground instead of the deserted borefest we have now. I want my fights back, don’t you?

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Eotm is always busy…

Wvw is mostly dead except for EB

Megaserver wvw doesn’t mean megaserver eotm…

Megaserver is a player pooling system….

Seperate the two mentally…

Eotm 1 map…

Wvw 4 maps with objectives that count toward ppt numbers combined and the place where tournaments are run…

Plus… Lots of action and fights happens in eotm… Don’t hate it just because it’s more fast paced and rewarding than wvw was and is…

Wvw is slow paced and boring as all get out compared…

But hey, if you like big empty maps where some servers are completely outnumbered, then I can see why you hate eotm…

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


For one, it would mean that there would be 24/7 coverage in all BL’s because Euro server players would be mixed in with NA. No more ‘nightcapping’ woes.

What? That’s even more ridiculous!

No more nightcapping woes… No more playability either because US players would lag like crazy (if the servers are in the EU) or EU players would lag like crazy (if the servers are in the US).

This is the very reason ESO completely bombed with its WvW, they forced EU players to play on US servers which meant network lag across the board.

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Swagger.1459


The devs are going to keep the ponds seperate…

It’s all ok peeps, it’s all ok. Y’all will come to love megaserver/alliance/whatever wvw…

Let’s not over worry about this and that and the other… Devs will figure it all out, but the most important issue is having players playing and filling up these maps… You need players to have wvw in the first place and you need as equal numbers as possible to have a healthy competitive setting…

If you all can’t see that, then there is no hope…

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Daddar.5971


You’re absolutely right: they’d need to run 1 megaserver for EU and 1 for NA. Still, the 24 NA servers combined on 1 server and the 27 EU servers combined on the other would fill the maps. There should not be a coverage imbalance because the peaks and lulls should be the same for all 3 factions.

I never said I hated EotM. It’s just that I prefer actual battles to karma train zerging. They should nerf EotM rewards and strongly buff them in WvW. Or, better yet, rotate WvW maps and include EotM in the rotation as a WvW map. EotM would not be needed as a holding pen if overflows were implemented.

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

(edited by Daddar.5971)

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Daddar.5971


WvW is like a bar with no customers. When people walk in and see nothing happening, they leave to find something else to do. Most of my friends have moved down the street to a bar called Fallout 4, and they’re having a blast. Fallout 4 isn’t for me, but neither is this empty GW2 WvW dive.

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


WvW is like a bar with no customers. When people walk in and see nothing happening, they leave to find something else to do. Most of my friends have moved down the street to a bar called Fallout 4, and they’re having a blast. Fallout 4 isn’t for me, but neither is this empty GW2 WvW dive.

Thankfully WvW is populated by alcoholics ….

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Phantom.8130


WvW is like a bar with no customers. When people walk in and see nothing happening, they leave to find something else to do. Most of my friends have moved down the street to a bar called Fallout 4, and they’re having a blast. Fallout 4 isn’t for me, but neither is this empty GW2 WvW dive.

Ok, let’s stick with your bar analogy for a minute here. At the grand opening, the bar was packed. The place was jumping, but after ever initial spike in customers, things eventually began returning towards a baseline. However, then the owners started handing out coupons for other bars, watering down the booze, putting cheap booze in the premium bottles and charging full price for it. They never bothered cleaning anything, not even so much as sweeping the floor. That big spike in customers that they once had, realized that this place was being hideously mismanaged, so less and less people came back each night. And what was the response to this? They put in a disco floor, and pin in the seats so everyone would have to get up and go do the hustle. Since the 70’s are loooooong over, those that couldn’t fit at the bar all decided to go to Burger King.

Now, sure, going up and down the street and grabbing people from all of the businesses there and giving them free drinks will make it look like it’s back at the Grand Opening again, but it’s an illusion. These aren’t the regulars. No one’s going to want to stick around to listen to Stayin’ Alive, while dealing with the blood coming out of the puncture wound they got when they tried to sit down. They’re all going to leave just as quickly, and will never come back. And all of the potential patrons will have been driven off.

So….. to make things crystal clear, putting in a megaserver will not help WvW, at all. People HATE the new borderlands. Removing the communities, and jamming everyone into giant anonymous blobs, and forcing them to either play on the new borderlands or leave, will just cause them to leave even faster. Megaservers will just escalate the death of WvW. There are severe core problems, and no amount of makeup will cover that black eye. Until the problems themselves are fixed, WvW will continue to bleed players. If you fix all of the bugs and exploits, and ban all of the hackers, and fix the maps, and the class balance, you’ll have a game people will actually want to play. And the maps will fill back up, because old players will come back, and new players will join. I saw plenty of that happening just before HoT came out. However, when HOT came out, those players threw up their hands in disgust when they saw the unmitigated disasters Anet calls the Desert Borderlands and Guild “Upgrades”. And they all left again, with a horrible taste in their mouths for anything Anet related.

And before anyone says “Oh, they’ll make sure everyone can still play with who they want”, just how well that lie worked out for the RP community when they put in the PvE megaservers. Instead of being on the same maps as their guild, friends, or even people in their party, they have taxi people onto the same map just to do anything together. And this is just a group of 5 people. For events, it takes an hour to get everyone onto the same map, when it used to happen automatically. Half of the community is in one instance, half of the community is in another, and it’s a crap shoot as to who will be where on any given day. It’s a horrible system, for everything, and they’ve failed miserably at the most basic levels of implementing it. Asking them to do it again, is flat out masochistic. If you don’t believe me, go back and look through this 22 page thread:

It’s just one of several threads that popped up to point out how flawed the megaservers were when they introduced them, and very little was ever done to fix any of it, and most of those same problems still exist. They’re not going to magically do a better job with a WvW megaserver system. Given their track record for WvW updates as a whole, it will be an even bigger disaster. Combined with the core problems, it will flat our murder WvW. You might as well get rid of all the servers except tier 1. It will have the exact same effect, only the few remaining people left will be tossed on random teams instead of being able to play with their friends and guilds.

It’s a BAD idea. For numerous reasons.

(edited by Phantom.8130)

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Kitiara.2706


Hell to the no. You want that, go play EotM. Dont you dare do that to WvW!!

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


WvW is slowly becoming mega-server simply because the upper tiers are quickly becoming the only ones left worth playing in. I suspect that T1 and T2 will be the only tiers viable for consistent WvW play soon enough.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Megaserver for WvW will be introduced really soon.

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Megaserver WvW Fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Alloy.2839


In my opinion, the reduction in WvW population following the release of HoT was caused by one thing. That is obviously the changes introduced by HoT. The reduction in the BL population, being more drastic than the one in EBG, is because the new BLs got the full dose, while EBG only got the new mechanics and guild grind. Attempting to counteract the effects of HoT by changing other aspects of WvW, rather than reversing the HoT changes themselves, makes little sense to me. Of course WvW had issues before HoT, and they need to be addressed. But depending on these fixes to counteract both the original issues and the HoT changes seems improbable.