Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: Yuffi.2430


I’ll try to keep this brief: this is about the megaserver player base that many guilds recruit from and the impact on WvW play. I’m not interested in discussing the merits of the new claim system – there’s another thread for this. Also in the spirit of full disclosure I do play PvE occasionally (please finish reading before you light the flames) and it’s this dual involvement (PvX and WvW) that makes this issue clearer to me – in fact I’m surprised I couldn’t find an existing thread on it when I looked.

I know there are dedicated guilds that are WvW only. There are also many guilds with players involved in both PvX and WvW. The new guild claim bonuses will require some PvE content unless the relevant Guild Hall upgrades required for WvW claims can be achieved through the communal hall in LA. I thin it’s likely we’ll see more guilds with this dual PvX and WvW role. Not sure how this will pan out, we’ll have to wait and see.

Most PvX guilds recruit on megaserver instances (ie anywhere that is not WvW BL or EB. I’m counting EotM as megaserver because of the variety of servers involved and the way they mix up). By definition megaserver players can be from any server so for example the main guild I run with has players from many different servers. I’ve already come across guild mates on WvW on “the other side”. You can both have a laugh afterwards if you treat it right…

So what happens with guild claiming when the new WvW upgrades come in? If a guild can only claim one objective per map then Red team member claims a camp, Blue guildie then claims a tower… both doing the right thing for their server… but the guild can only have 1 claim active… You can see where this is going, and I think it will become more frequent.

ANET have suggested that guilds will be more important in WvW – which is the only true server based instancing left in GW2 – yet many of the guilds that will be able to create the new upgrades are PvX and therefore recruit from a megaserver player base. This seems a bit like the left hand not talking to the right hand, but maybe there is something planned that I don’t know about.

How do you see this working out? I’d love to see an ANET response as well as community thoughts on this…

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

My biggest concern is that this can enable free to play accounts to exploit guild calming. The current in place prevention is the guild has to have a guild hall, and the idea is that guilds would only invite players that they trusted and only full accounts can make their own guild with a guild hall. The problem comes in when the free to play account joins a guild that WvW’s on another server that has players with HoT. Now can they claim objectives in the server they are on and fill them with ‘unwanted’ upgrades and prevent activation of tactics.

Either way defiantly something that ArenaNet needs to look at a bit, hopefully before release and any possible exploits get exploited.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: Yuffi.2430


I agree about the exploit possibilities.

I’m much less certain about the idea that a guild will only invite players to join if they are trustworthy. This may be the case in WvW guilds but anyone who plays in PvE will know that guild recruitment messages are not infrequent and often not selective. How do you tell in PvE whether a player is trustworthy?! In my experience people ask if they can join the guild, someone explains any rules and lets them in (possibly with reduced privileges initially).

There is still the possibility of 2 players trying to claim opposing objectives for the same guild – a direct consequence of megaserver recruitment clashing with a server based world instance. Both players have a right to claim for their guild and if ownership keeps swapping it will likely reset the timer for any upgrades (and so be useless). I know you can talk it through like adults and maybe even agree a solution – but the players are on opposing teams and in a big guild you probably won’t see eye to eye with everyone anyway, so I don’t think it’s a proper resolution.

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


i am confused when u type pvx and wvw becoz pvx include wvw….
so when u mentioned pvx do u mean pve?

a real pvx will indicate their home server and a large guild will have a structure to keep things under control

well it is true that large guild can attempt to abuse it by multi claiming in different worlds but i wonder how much of a exploit can that be. it will take a really large guild with amazing structure to sustain multiple worlds of wvw

i think troll guild which claim for the sake of claiming is more worrisome.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

My biggest concern is that this can enable free to play accounts to exploit guild calming. The current in place prevention is the guild has to have a guild hall, and the idea is that guilds would only invite players that they trusted and only full accounts can make their own guild with a guild hall. The problem comes in when the free to play account joins a guild that WvW’s on another server that has players with HoT. Now can they claim objectives in the server they are on and fill them with ‘unwanted’ upgrades and prevent activation of tactics.

Either way defiantly something that ArenaNet needs to look at a bit, hopefully before release and any possible exploits get exploited.

This is absolutely happening. The hardcore have already gotten their spy/troll accounts to 60 and the more casual are working their way up as we speak.

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I’ll try to keep this brief: this is about the megaserver player base that many guilds recruit from and the impact on WvW play. I’m not interested in discussing the merits of the new claim system – there’s another thread for this. Also in the spirit of full disclosure I do play PvE occasionally (please finish reading before you light the flames) and it’s this dual involvement (PvX and WvW) that makes this issue clearer to me – in fact I’m surprised I couldn’t find an existing thread on it when I looked.

I know there are dedicated guilds that are WvW only. There are also many guilds with players involved in both PvX and WvW. The new guild claim bonuses will require some PvE content unless the relevant Guild Hall upgrades required for WvW claims can be achieved through the communal hall in LA. I thin it’s likely we’ll see more guilds with this dual PvX and WvW role. Not sure how this will pan out, we’ll have to wait and see.

Most PvX guilds recruit on megaserver instances (ie anywhere that is not WvW BL or EB. I’m counting EotM as megaserver because of the variety of servers involved and the way they mix up). By definition megaserver players can be from any server so for example the main guild I run with has players from many different servers. I’ve already come across guild mates on WvW on “the other side”. You can both have a laugh afterwards if you treat it right…

So what happens with guild claiming when the new WvW upgrades come in? If a guild can only claim one objective per map then Red team member claims a camp, Blue guildie then claims a tower… both doing the right thing for their server… but the guild can only have 1 claim active… You can see where this is going, and I think it will become more frequent.

ANET have suggested that guilds will be more important in WvW – which is the only true server based instancing left in GW2 – yet many of the guilds that will be able to create the new upgrades are PvX and therefore recruit from a megaserver player base. This seems a bit like the left hand not talking to the right hand, but maybe there is something planned that I don’t know about.

How do you see this working out? I’d love to see an ANET response as well as community thoughts on this…

I see the new system having sever issues on T7 and lower for obvious reasons.

I also don’t like limitations on small / personal guilds to be unable to put up even a +5 supply buff. This is very bad as it further negates their contributions to the server as a whole and promotes even more blobbiness.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

I also don’t like limitations on small / personal guilds to be unable to put up even a +5 supply buff. This is very bad as it further negates their contributions to the server as a whole and promotes even more blobbiness.

First off, the old buffs are going to remain in the game and will switch over to a more permanent fell rather than time based.

Second, why won’t small guild be able to contribute to the server? They can do the same that a larger guild can do (guild claiming wise).

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


I think the point is to make a claim a very dedicated action, not something you do on a whim in a random camp you walked by.

So the correct answer to OP when a huge guild starts to want to make claims all over the place… You disable your members ability to claim so that only a few peeps can do it.

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I also don’t like limitations on small / personal guilds to be unable to put up even a +5 supply buff. This is very bad as it further negates their contributions to the server as a whole and promotes even more blobbiness.

First off, the old buffs are going to remain in the game and will switch over to a more permanent fell rather than time based.

Second, why won’t small guild be able to contribute to the server? They can do the same that a larger guild can do (guild claiming wise).

that might or might not be true. as there is not enough info out yet, specifically, as to what will be required to upkeep all these buffs once unlocked, is it going to take equivalent of guild mission raids like for some of the current buffs ? if so, then yes, they will have problems as they do now but perhaps even more so.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


there exists a simple solution:

have the guild leader deny claiming rights to anyone not on his/her server of choice.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


there exists a simple solution:

have the guild leader deny claiming rights to anyone not on his/her server of choice.


I’m pretty sure there (will) exist a mechanic whereby only select guild members can claim.

Megaserver guilds and WvW claiming?!

in WvW

Posted by: Pink Ninja Man.4375

Pink Ninja Man.4375

there exists a simple solution:

have the guild leader deny claiming rights to anyone not on his/her server of choice.

Yes this works if you don’t want them to claim objectives, however the ‘exploit’ I explained you want them to be able to claim. So players that have purchased hot can make a ‘spy’ guild with their main account. Then make a free to play account on other servers that they face inWvW and invite them to the guild. Then the free to play account can claim objectives on an opposing WvW server and slot ‘bad’ upgrades.

Twitch – PinkNinjaMan [/\///\/_//\]
Main Class – Ranger [Bezerker/Trapper Hybrid]
Main Mode – WvW [Gate of Madness]