Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
Figured since this is the WvW forum i’d post this here for others to watch.
Nice work. You will be kicked out of the ranger club if you post positive things about your class though, it will destroy their image.
Im making a melee ranger, I hear alot of people complain about ranger this, ranger that. People must think outside the box to be competitive.
Look at the D/D Ele, yea in light armor but can solo even a guardian sometimes.
GJ, I was hoping you wouldnt share your build though tbh, I wanted to make a melee ranger to not be cookie cutter. But thanks for video anyway.
Im making a melee ranger, I hear alot of people complain about ranger this, ranger that. People must think outside the box to be competitive.
Look at the D/D Ele, yea in light armor but can solo even a guardian sometimes.
GJ, I was hoping you wouldnt share your build though tbh, I wanted to make a melee ranger to not be cookie cutter. But thanks for video anyway.
Im making a melee ranger, I hear alot of people complain about ranger this, ranger that. People must think outside the box to be competitive.
Look at the D/D Ele, yea in light armor but can solo even a guardian sometimes.
GJ, I was hoping you wouldnt share your build though tbh, I wanted to make a melee ranger to not be cookie cutter. But thanks for video anyway
lol..i doubt it’d end up cookie cutter, few people are going to reroll asura ranger just for it
though I guess that would
This kind of reminds me of bunny thumping in Gw1
Good stuff.
Im making a melee ranger, I hear alot of people complain about ranger this, ranger that. People must think outside the box to be competitive.
Look at the D/D Ele, yea in light armor but can solo even a guardian sometimes.
GJ, I was hoping you wouldnt share your build though tbh, I wanted to make a melee ranger to not be cookie cutter. But thanks for video anyway
You forget that its the only viable build right now, well u can build it glasscannon but then u will have to stick to the zerg all the time and still not do anything truly helpful.
Anet doesnt like bunkers so that only viable build is gonna be nerfed some time, better use it as long as u still can.
Nice work. You will be kicked out of the ranger club if you post positive things about your class though, it will destroy their image.
What are you talking about? This video is PROOF that Ranger is so bad.
I would have killed that Ranger on my 80 Thief, Guardian, and Warrior. I probably would have killed him on my 23 Mesmer.
While an interesting build, I won’t play my Ranger until they get some love. Playing four classes at 80, all in Exotic gear, I can tell you the Ranger is absolutely horrible, and it isn’t even funny.
Nice work. You will be kicked out of the ranger club if you post positive things about your class though, it will destroy their image.
What are you talking about? This video is PROOF that Ranger is so bad.
- He fights only near home fort, which gives him entire list of stat buffs.
- It’s mostly 1 on 1 fights. No one says Ranger can’t beat another class 1 on 1. Especially not in WvW where you can outgear others. WvW is not about 1 on 1. Not even roaming in WvW. You can’t just pick few favorite fights that worked out well and put it on YouTube. That can make for a fun video but won’t make a profession any better.
- Ranger is bad at roaming. That’s why this video is all about fighting near the home fort. Because let’s say you run into enemy group of 3, or enemy zerg. What you gonna do? Die, that’s what. You’re not a mesmer or thief with stealth, you’re not ele with super speed.
- Usefulness in WvW. Where is it? Killing few enemy players near your home fort means nothing in WvW. It’s not like these players would take Stonemist or anything. Fighting dolyaks is useful, taking camps is useful, even killing veterans or taking quaggan power nodes. Or killing enemy players who are moving to besieged tower, and thus cutting their manpower. But ranger is poor here. And that’s the problem. You can’t fight dolyaks because you have to be in the open. They just don’t pass near the home fort wall like in this video. You can’t cut enemy man supply because what if you run into 3 enemies and not 1? How you gonna escape?
1. I fought near that are cause that’s where the action was at the time.. It’s a fairly high traffic area either way (I have a second video up as well without the “buffs”)
2. I try not to include video’s where there isn’t 1 level 80 present… I’ve gotten a slew of video’s where I murder some poor low level person only to delete it because it’s fairly useless to me. I also got a slew of video’s where I absolutely get wrecked horribly by huge zergs….
3. It’s mainly because that’s a high traffic area, But yes.. If you run into 3+ people, you’re pretty much screwed on a ranger…
4. Are you suggesting I make a video of me killing Dolyaks/quaggrans/supply camps (Because I can do that…but it’d be awfully boring) Taking out Dolyaks isn’t actually that hard… I can solo Supply camps fairly easy as well.
4. Are you suggesting I make a video of me killing Dolyaks/quaggrans/supply camps (Because I can do that…but it’d be awfully boring) Taking out Dolyaks isn’t actually that hard… I can solo Supply camps fairly easy as well.
That is what I am here for. I will be waiting.
4. Are you suggesting I make a video of me killing Dolyaks/quaggrans/supply camps (Because I can do that…but it’d be awfully boring) Taking out Dolyaks isn’t actually that hard… I can solo Supply camps fairly easy as well.
That is what I am here for. I will be waiting.
I’ll try and accommodate ya next video ;o)
No offense meant, I am not saying you’re a bad ranger or anything. But you ARE fighting near home keep which gives you tons of bonuses, versus mostly 1 other enemy. The context doesn’t even show why Ranger is bad for roaming (lack of escape and such).
And that was my problem with the video. Not the video itself, but a commentary from another person who got the idea that ranger is perfectly fine. It’s not.
If you are the Blackgate ranger that was hanging around the SE area of Stonemist for a bit, then I have to say that fighting you was a pleasure and one of the 2 best fights I had in EB that day. I’ve never fought a ranger that went melee and stayed melee so congrats for trying something different =).
It certainly made it so much more satisfying when I returned, saw you patrolling the same area in front of the castle and defeated you. I waited around in case you came back, but you didn’t return for a rematch.
Just curious if you could list the insignia(s) you’re using on your armour/weapons/accessories. Thanks for the fun and hope to face you again.
If you are the Blackgate ranger that was hanging around the SE area of Stonemist for a bit, then I have to say that fighting you was a pleasure and one of the 2 best fights I had in EB that day. I’ve never fought a ranger that went melee and stayed melee so congrats for trying something different =).
It certainly made it so much more satisfying when I returned, saw you patrolling the same area in front of the castle and defeated you. I waited around in case you came back, but you didn’t return for a rematch.
Just curious if you could list the insignia(s) you’re using on your armour/weapons/accessories. Thanks for the fun and hope to face you again.
Was this a one vs one? cause I don’t recall dying 1v1 against anyone this morning (or yesterday that matter)
Unless you’re the necro at the end, This is all the 1v1 videos I have from this morning..I had a second fight with that necro, and I have it recorded, but i ended up winning that fight..Just didn’t include it because it was basically the same as the first time.
(edited by Xsorus.2507)
Was this a one vs one? cause I don’t recall dying 1v1 against anyone this morning (or yesterday that matter)
SoR human mesmer wearing the CM armour with Greatsword and sword/focus. There was a scaled 80 asura rifle warrior that’d rushed you after I told him to wait, so I went into assist him. You seemed pretty convinced to destroy me first though so I ended up shattering my clones for a distortion and Moa’d you. You didn’t even try to dodge it.
If it helps, our earlier match was up at Valley, when you were just strolling around inside the ruins. I had time warp up then which doesn’t respond well to retaliation + confusion.
Was this a one vs one? cause I don’t recall dying 1v1 against anyone this morning (or yesterday that matter)
SoR human mesmer wearing the CM armour with Greatsword and sword/focus. There was a scaled 80 asura rifle warrior that’d rushed you after I told him to wait, so I went into assist him. You seemed pretty convinced to destroy me first though so I ended up shattering my clones for a distortion and Moa’d you. You didn’t even try to dodge it.
If it helps, our earlier match was up at Valley, when you were just strolling around inside the ruins. I had time warp up then which doesn’t respond well to retaliation + confusion.
Yea, that warrior Killshotted me while I was chasing you, I should of killed him first :o(
Yea I was pretty screwed at that point.. the MOA didn’t help either.
Decided to change some skills around for round 3 since I don’t like using Moa Morph. But if you’re hanging around our keep area for the next match up I’d be more than happy for a rematch 1:1.
But again, insignia(s) for weapon/armour/accessory setup as well as runes would be much appreciated since this gives a better overview of your stats.
Decided to change some skills around for round 3 since I don’t like using Moa Morph. But if you’re hanging around our keep area for the next match up I’d be more than happy for a rematch 1:1.
But again, insignia(s) for weapon/armour/accessory setup as well as runes would be much appreciated since this gives a better overview of your stats.
Axe/Torch, Sword/Dagger
Apothecary Gear (Healing Power/Toughness/Condition Damage)
Undead runes
Sigil of Geomancy/Sigil of Corruption.
Where i’ll be depends on the action, if it’s very zergy, I probably won’t go near it….That area was real nice this morning cause very little zerg fighting going on.
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