Mesmer Is My Scissor

Mesmer Is My Scissor

in WvW

Posted by: Kencu.5846


I don’t know why are you guys saying mesmers are weak against conditions. Trait glamours, drop a null field on the capture point (sPvP), and you will be fine for 7 seconds at least. Arcane thievery can work as well against condi spammer necros/enigs etc. Just stand still in your glamorus and chaos storm, block attacks with scepter or swod and watch the enemy suicide on your torment/confusion The new healing skill works well too!

Mesmer in PvP, Guardian in GvG

Mesmer Is My Scissor

in WvW

Posted by: Sepreh.5924


I dont even play my Mesmer much anymore, Until the class gets some proper balance that make them more than a TW Veil bot in group/zerg situations it is kinda pointless as i would get messages from people just kittening and moaning saying the only reason i killed them was because i wa “Overpowered” this coming from (at the time) interrupt spamming pre-nerf Perplexity Hammer warriors and jump into stealth every 4second thieves….

I play Power necro now (NO! not the Dhuumfire one) I play my own 20/0/20/0/30 build and love it got no stealth so it cant be blamed on that if i win, no phantasms or Dhuumfire, no condition damage mine is at ZERO and i have alot of fun with it

Yes, because Necro power builds arent at all OP.

Ummm I think we must have missed the memo on that one

Legendary Sepreh, Necromancer
[SYN] Synyster Legion | Dragonbrand Server
Youtube Necromancer

Mesmer Is My Scissor

in WvW

Posted by: Sunt.6835


I don’t know why are you guys saying mesmers are weak against conditions. Trait glamours, drop a null field on the capture point (sPvP), and you will be fine for 7 seconds at least. Arcane thievery can work as well against condi spammer necros/enigs etc. Just stand still in your glamorus and chaos storm, block attacks with scepter or swod and watch the enemy suicide on your torment/confusion The new healing skill works well too!

It’s more balance in Spvp but in WvW their dmg goes up hill.


Mesmer Is My Scissor

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Mesmers and condi-bunkers are dominating skilled solo/roaming play right now. OP perhaps but not so much that good skill play cannot overcome them.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Mesmer Is My Scissor

in WvW

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Yes, because Necro power builds arent at all OP.

Not compared to some builds, they lack defense, they lack mobility they can easily be stun killed thanks to low/no access to stability unless you spend 30trait points for a measly 3 seconds every 10 seconds (7 at the cost of another trait) or go with an elite that can have it removed with ease by many classes and then again become a ping pong ball to the constant stuns, knockbacks and launches that riddle this game.

Everyone screams at Dhuumfire being over powered and it is – yet, it wasnt even wanted by players who wanted SURVIVABILITY and what do the devs give them. Can call DeathShroud overpowered, but that comes at the cost of having to trait for it ALOT, Life Blast is useless without spent 20 points (10 in 2 different trees) and the others are all pretty much to being simply unusable most of the time.

There are LOADS of different “Power” builds so to say that Necromancer Power build is “overpowered” is kinda of silly when so many necromancers run totally different “Power” builds anyway.

Mesmer Is My Scissor

in WvW

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


Moa#5 puts you on evade. You can’t be interrupted when you kick that skill off. If a mesmer is a condition then moa is not gonna kill you, plus you can just outrange all the clones. Condition PU mesmers have nonexistent chasing capability. If that mesmer is a power/interrupted build then it’s even easier to kill cuz they need control skills and that would most likely put them on 1-2 defensive skill. Most people get killed by PU mesmer cuz they ignore the condi-on-death clones, thinking that they need that 1 more hit to get the mesmer, which is precisely the core concept of the build.

There are no mesmers that can put loads of condi, interrupt, disable, stealth and wield buffed phantasms all at the same time. You’re babbling.

(edited by DavyMcB.1603)