Mesmer portal bombing

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Mayama.1854


Mesmer blinks into an enemy zerg, uses portal, baaaam 50 invisible enemys lagging and killing the kitten out of your zerg. No way to counter it because the server needs sometimes almost a minute, no exaggeration to render the enemys which spam aoe into your zerg. The problem is not the portal or the ammount of people you can port its the abuse (and yes its an abuse) of a server problem.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: xgrogx.8154


you forgot the part also where their clones appear up on walls and cliff tops well out of aoe or attack range and kill siege equipment that someone has placed

Officer of “Defiance[RUN]”

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Hashi.7316


>.< Can we just take mezzers out of wvw!!

No?…Ah kitten

Well can we turn off portals for wvw then?


brb rerolling?

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Mayama.1854


>.< Can we just take mezzers out of wvw!!

No?…Ah kitten

Well can we turn off portals for wvw then?


brb rerolling?

My main is a mesmer I didnt post this so I can whine about mesmers, I did it because right now its almost (well no one breaks a rule) a exploit that abuses a server render problem.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Kryptorchid.7620


Mesmer blinks into an enemy zerg, uses portal, baaaam 50 invisible enemys lagging and killing the kitten out of your zerg. No way to counter it because the server needs sometimes almost a minute, no exaggeration to render the enemys which spam aoe into your zerg. The problem is not the portal or the ammount of people you can port its the abuse (and yes its an abuse) of a server problem.

Are Mesmer portals invisible? News to me. So what if the players don’t render who use the portal? You can still see the portal itself, right?

Pro-tip: If you see a Mesmer Portal, AoE the kitten out of it until it is gone.

(edited by Kryptorchid.7620)

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Kazim.2043


If it wouldn’t be about the render problem, I’d say it’s a valid and pretty good tactic, which I’d like to use also.

I think Render Problems should be fixed not this. Perhaps at least we should be able to see name tags, even the avatar is not rendered.

Izuvac.5713 “…like imagine 2 taliban server against 1 american…”

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Prime.8792


You can also kill the Mesmer that blinks in the enemy zerg. lol. Mesmers die all the time attempting this tactic, but no one remembers or talk about the unsuccessful attempts.

It’s like all the Awesome thief videos, and then they come here and complain how easy they die when they do get hit.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423


Waaaiiiittt aaa seeecconnnddd..

So, you’re telling me, the enemy zerg was more organized, and portaled into your zerg before you thought of portaling into their zerg, and you’re complaining about it? And you’re a mesmer? It’s like a mind trip trying to figure out how bad you have to be to blame others for your lack of skill and coordination.

If they can do it to you, you can do it to them, so get better.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Mayama.1854


You can also kill the Mesmer that blinks in the enemy zerg. lol. Mesmers die all the time attempting this tactic, but no one remembers or talk about the unsuccessful attempts.

It’s like all the Awesome thief videos, and then they come here and complain how easy they die when they do get hit.

Are you aware that you can go invisible, blink into the enemy zerg and place the portal?

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Is there anything you people will not cry about…you got hot dropped, deal with it.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Mayama.1854


Waaaiiiittt aaa seeecconnnddd..

So, you’re telling me, the enemy zerg was more organized, and portaled into your zerg before you thought of portaling into their zerg, and you’re complaining about it? And you’re a mesmer? It’s like a mind trip trying to figure out how bad you have to be to blame others for your lack of skill and coordination.

If they can do it to you, you can do it to them, so get better.

If you dont understand why I made this thread than dont post, especially if its only random assumptions and flames.

Is there anything you people will not cry about…you got hot dropped, deal with it.

flame flame flame not understanding the problem etc. etc. etc.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Waaaiiiittt aaa seeecconnnddd..

So, you’re telling me, the enemy zerg was more organized, and portaled into your zerg before you thought of portaling into their zerg, and you’re complaining about it? And you’re a mesmer? It’s like a mind trip trying to figure out how bad you have to be to blame others for your lack of skill and coordination.

If they can do it to you, you can do it to them, so get better.

If you dont understand why I made this thread than dont post, especially if its only random assumptions and flames.

Is there anything you people will not cry about…you got hot dropped, deal with it.

flame flame flame not understanding the problem etc. etc. etc.

I understand it just fine. I understand that the mesmer in question is taking advantage of culling. I also understand that if your zerg is actually getting wiped by this, it is your own fault, as there are a number of ways to deal with it that are not dependant upon players being rendered. I also understand that you probably do not understand this last point, which is why the crying.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Wolvards.6973


Waaaiiiittt aaa seeecconnnddd..

So, you’re telling me, the enemy zerg was more organized, and portaled into your zerg before you thought of portaling into their zerg, and you’re complaining about it? And you’re a mesmer? It’s like a mind trip trying to figure out how bad you have to be to blame others for your lack of skill and coordination.

If they can do it to you, you can do it to them, so get better.

It’s not a matter of “We got out smarted i’m going to go QQ!!”

It’s the fact that ANet has said, “we have a rendering problem in WvW, where it takes a while for some enemies to appear on your screen, when they could even be right next to you”. (not exact quote, but pretty much it)

So what is the problem here? You are atacking a keep, and next thing you know there is a mesmer portal… But nothing comes out of it….

Now your health is half gone and everyone is scrambling cause EVERYONE is taking massive dps…

Now everyone is dead and the first few people start “rendering” on your screen.

Zerg got wiped by a server problem.

Not a “I got outsmarted i’m going to cry on the forums” post, or “Mesmer Portals are OP and should be nerfed!” post, but rather, “Mesmer portals and zergs are able to take advantage of the server rendering problem and it is a major problem” post.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Vexus.5423


Waaaaiiiiitttt aaaa seeccoonnddd…

So you’re telling me you don’t position Thieves on the flanks of your attacks to alert you when enemy zergs are coming?

Sounds to me like it is a matter of getting out smarted and out played. Get better, get better organization, and get better understandings of all profession mechanics.

All you need is for that Thief to say ‘Enemy zerg portalling in everyone AOE the portal when it spawns!!" and you have 40 dead enemy players. We’ve countered this plenty to know it’s a learn2play thing not a ‘zomg the phasing in breaks the game’.

Edit: now with more a’s!

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Kryptorchid.7620


@ Wolvards.6973
It’s not a matter of culling though. Sure culling sucks, and when/if it gets fixed, it will make countering portals easier, but you can already counter them! If you see a portal, nuke it with as much AOE as your team’s got. The counter exists; use it.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


So what is the problem here? You are atacking a keep, and next thing you know there is a mesmer portal… But nothing comes out of it….

You’re right, there is a problem, but it isn’t what you think it is…

Not a “I got outsmarted i’m going to cry on the forums” post, or “Mesmer Portals are OP and should be nerfed!” post, but rather, “Mesmer portals and zergs are able to take advantage of the server rendering problem and it is a major problem” post.

Actually, it is. The humorous part is that you do not have a clue why. Perhaps you should stick to games with simpler concepts (though, this one is pretty simple) so you don’t have to struggle so much.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Qtin.6940


Just like Thieves can kill you while stealthed … There is nothing you can do against an enemie you can not see.

Vexus stop trolling you are clueless.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Aedgyth.4790


If you dont understand why I made this thread than dont post, especially if its only random assumptions and flames.

flame flame flame not understanding the problem etc. etc. etc.

I think we all understand the problem -

If your thread had been about rendering players, groups and clipping then people could understand. Your issue however is a really small part of that i.e. when if occurs due to Mesmers – so it comes across as a complaint about Portal and not about the games rendering issues.

With so many people calling for portal to be nerfed, then you can see why your thread is… well shall we say at best poorly titled (if your concern really is rendering as you later say).

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Mug.9403


I think it’s funny people are actually defending someone (actually a whole large group) not being rendered… lol

(and yes, his thread is about people rendering)

Hilarious tactic exploiting horrible code in the game…

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Wolvards.6973


@ Phaedryn.3698


Keep on trollin buddy, I find it hard that you don’t see what i’m saying, I don’t care that the portal was used, (heck it didn’t even happen to me) or that he got “outsmarted” (even though it wasn’t a matter of smarts) but the fact that ANet has a “culling” problem. That’s what this is about. Sure it’s a small jab at mesmers, but it’s more in line of it’s kind of crap that this can even happen, rather than it did.

And as far as playing games that are easier, i’m pretty sure I put 7 years and a couple RR7+ into a much more “difficult” game to play. The mesmer portal trick is nothing new, been used since BWE2 EXTENSIVELY in WvW, so don’t act like “i’m so much smarter cause I learned something used 6 months ago”.

But my point has nothing to do with the learn-ability or mechanics of the games classes. My point reflects entirely around the rendering problem of ANet. And that it is now being used in a way to, for lack of other words, exploited.

Now before you freak out about that word, i’m not calling a ban on the players who used it, what i’m saying is, it’s a sack of crap that ANet can’t even fix their dumb servers when I’ve ran into 150vs150vs150 in DAoC 5 years ago and didn’t have this problem.

At bare minimum we should have SOMETHING to show an enemy is there, heck give us floating names if nothing else. That way we can at least see something!

How is that so hard to understand?

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: MouthForWar.4210


Coming from a group that uses this tactic, I can say that the portals are not the bulk of our strategy. The portals are just a means of transportation.

It’s entirely possible to just watch your flanks and prioritize the biggest threats. PuGs in front of you vs. coordinated group with mez portal tactics trying to get behind you? Which threat would you rather disarm?

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Prime.8792


I’m a level 80 Mesmer, you can “target nearest enemy” players that is still in the process of rendering and hit them. You’ll get the red targeting circle on their feet. If you see effect graphics or someone stealth or blink, Spam next target and you will target them even if you can’t see them.

It’s something Anet will fix, Stop QQ over Mesmer portals and stealth and zergs. Warriors can still 100 blades everything with 0 skills. LOL

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Yorkie.8950


At bare minimum we should have SOMETHING to show an enemy is there, heck give us floating names if nothing else. That way we can at least see something!

How is that so hard to understand?

Does the portal exit no meet this criteria?

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Cyril.1486


If anyone needs lessons on how to use portals we can rent Poungie and Exmona out if ya need it has to be a big money tho !

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


Lol this thread just proves people will defend anything. Even taking advantage of culling to port 50+ invisible people on top of the enemy to slaughter them.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Prime.8792


LOL this thread just proves people will QQ over anything.

Graphics culling is a problem Anet is knows and fixing. Portals doesn’t even have much to do with this. Any group with swiftness can cause culling. Last time I checked every profession has defensive cooldowns they can use, or even AE abilities will cause damage, invisible or not.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

now peeps start to QQ on class tactics…someone smash me in the kitten -.-

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Mayama.1854


So I made a thread in which I told people that I exploited server lag to get a huge advantage in WvW zerg fights and the majority responses with: Stop crying about mesmers, you are so dump and lost to a good “tactic” etc etc.

Well I guess thats what you should expect from an internet forum, full of puperty and bitter people…

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Maharius.4651


You probably got the reaction partly because it did come across as complaining you died.

The question you need to ask yourself when calling this an intentional exploit is this: Would the tactic be used even if there were no problems with culling? And the answer is yes. Even if we appeared straight away to you after using the portal, if you havent noticed the portal and reacted then most of you are already dead.

So the only solution is to notice the portal and react. We had this done to us today, they died and we survived because we reacted to it. It didnt matter that we couldnt see them, it just takes organisation.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Thenoob.1480


I’m not even sure mesmers are the problem now. I was standing on garrison’s wall watching some sort of siege, except I saw 0 enemies, but many shots being fired. That continued for at least 10 minutes, then 2 people would pop in and out of my view on occasion.
As for us defenders, there were probably 8 of us, not exactly a stressful environment.

Fun Police – Sea of Sorrows

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


The problem here isn’t mesmers. The problem here is server rendering. Enemy zerg portals into your zerg and your zerg cant see enemy zerg for a good 7 seconds which is huge.

Tbh, keep/sm defenders also have a delayed render half the time, which is kitten annoying.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Navaris.5087


Having partaken in the festivities that is the Mesmer portal trick half the time the attacking force using it dies despite not being rendered.

Mesmer portal bombing

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


The claim that it can’t be countered is false, first people should be watching out for mesmers trying to run in. second, if the mesemr is invisible they can’t be invisible forever, you should still get a chance to see them before they do so. third, you can see the portal, aoe the hell out of it the moment you see it until it is gone.

No one said it would/should be easy. but the claim that it can’t be countered is demonstrably false.

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]